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The economically important brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a native pest of many crops in southeastern United States and insecticide applications are the prevailing method of population suppression. To elucidate biological control of E. servus populations, we investigated two egg predators' (red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and Geocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Geocoridae)) responses to both local and landscape factors that may have influenced their combined ability to cause mortality in immature E. servus. We estimated the density of fire ants and Geocoris spp. on four major crop hosts—maize, peanut, cotton, and soybean—in 16 landscapes over 3 yr in the coastal plain of Georgia, USA. Both Geocoris spp. and fire ant populations were concentrated on specific crops in this study, maize and soybean for Geocoris spp. and peanut and cotton for fire ants, but the percentage area of specific crops and woodland and pasture in the landscape and year also influenced their density in focal fields.The crop specific density of both taxa, the influence of the percentage area of specific crops and woodland in the landscape, and the variability in density over years may have been related to variable alternative resources for these omnivores in the habitats. Despite the variability over years, differential habitat use of fire ants and Georcoris spp. may have contributed to their combined ability to cause E. servus immature mortality.
Annual crops or exotic trees for cellulose extraction have replaced natural grassland areas of the Brazilian Pampa biome. These activities have been intensified in recent years and may lead to changes in the white grub complex. The objective of this study was to characterize the diversity and abundance of white grubs in cultivated and natural grassland areas of the Brazilian Pampa biome. We conducted samplings in natural grassland and cultivated areas throughout 18 locations in the Brazilian Pampa. Diversity index and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) were used to compare the Melolonthidae community within and between cultivated and natural grassland areas. Diloboderus abderus Sturm, Cyclocephala modesta Burmeister, and Plectris sp.5 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) were the most abundant taxa, accounting for 49.08% of all white grubs collected from both land use types. Abundance, diversity, and evenness indices were greater in natural grassland than in cultivated areas. The NMDS demonstrated that natural grassland and cultivated areas share similar white grub species assemblages, with 22 species collected in both land use types. Our data suggest that most of the Melolonthidae species collected in the Brazilian Pampa are capable of persisting in cultivated areas. This is the first work characterizing the Melolonthidae community throughout the Brazilian Pampa, which is vital for implementing pest management tactics and conservation of beneficial species.
Dung beetle species richness and abundance on Mt Cameroon were investigated to evaluate the effects of elevation. Surveys were done at five different elevations on the southwest facing slope from 216 to 2,102 m above sea level near the tree line at intervals of ∼500 m. In total, 27 species and 1,886 specimens were collected during the study. No linear relationship between either species richness or beetle abundance and elevation was found with an expected highest diversity and abundance at low elevation and the lowest diversity and abundance at high elevation. Instead, both the highest diversity and abundance were discovered at the middle elevation (914–1,012 m) with 22 species and 48% of the total catch. The highest diversity indices (Shannon and Simpson) were found at the second lowest elevation (522–625 m).The lowest diversity found at the highest elevation (1,974–2,101 m) included only two species and represented only 4% of the beetles sampled. Unexpected low diversity and abundance at the lowest elevation are hypothesized to be due at least in part to the effects of bushmeat hunting in the more accessible lower elevations and the concomitant effects on dung beetles that mainly utilize mammal dung. The most similar faunas based on Morisita-Horn paired comparisons were those at the two highest and the two lowest elevations while the most dissimilar were the middle compared with the highest elevation. Faunas appear to be divided into high and low elevation communities with a boundary or division at c.1,500–1,750 m elevation.
Vegetational diversity is generally thought to be associated with ecosystem stability and resilience to perturbations such as insect outbreaks. The enemies' hypothesis states that vegetational diversity contributes to greater top–down control of insect pests, by providing further resources to natural enemies than homogeneous environments. However, direct evaluation of this hypothesis is difficult because different species of natural enemies can respond to vegetational diversity in dissimilar manners and at different spatial scales depending on functional traits such as prey/host specificity and dispersal. In this study, we specifically test the enemies' hypothesis at the landscape level in a continuous forest environment. We investigated how parasitism of spruce budworm larvae by the common parasitoids Apanteles fumiferanae and Glypta fumiferanae vary with forest diversity and host larval density at different spatial scales in the province of Quebec (Canada). We found that parasitism rates of the two parasitoid species we examined respond in opposite ways to forest diversity. Parasitism by A. fumiferanae was positively related to forest diversity, whereas parasitism by G. fumiferanae was negatively related to forest diversity. In agreement with the enemies' hypothesis, we also found that spruce budworm larval density decreased with forest diversity. We discuss these results with respect to the enemies' hypothesis and the presumed host range of the parasitoids species we examined, as well as their body size. Because A. fumiferanae kills its host earlier than G. fumiferanae, we conclude that northern forest landscapes could be more affected by spruce budworm defoliation than southern forests during the present and future outbreaks.
Many studies have investigated species diversity patterns across space and time, but few have explored patterns of coexistence of tightly interacting species. We documented species diversity patterns in a host–parasitoid system across broad geographic location and seasons. We calculated species diversity (H and eH′) and compared the relationship between community similarity and geographic distances of frugivorous Drosophila host (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and Leptopilina parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) communities across Eastern North America, from New Hampshire to Florida, at two time points during the breeding season. We also analyzed the influence of environmental factors on species assemblages via constrained correspondence analysis and lastly calculated cluster dendrograms to identify potential host–parasitoid interactions. We found that the composition of Drosophila–Leptopilina communities varied significantly with latitude. Interestingly, diversity increased with increasing latitude, a trend counter to latitudinal patterns of diversity observed in many other taxa. We also found seasonal effects of monthly temperature range and precipitation on host biodiversity patterns across geographic locations. Cluster dendrograms nominated potential parasitoid–hosts and competitive interactions to be validated in the future studies. The present study fills an important gap of knowledge in North American Drosophila–Leptopilina species diversity patterns and lays the groundwork for future ecological and evolutionary studies in this system.
Termites and their nests are potential resources for a wide assemblage of taxa including nematodes. During dispersal flight events from termite colonies, co-occurring nematodes in the nest may have phoretic opportunities to use termite alates as transportation hosts. The two subterranean termite species Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) and Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki are both invasive and established in south Florida. Alates of both species (n = 245) were collected during dispersal flight events in 2015–2016 from six locations, of which 30 (12.2%) were associated with one or more species of nematodes. Species of Bunonema Jägerskiöld (Rhabditida: Bunonematidae), Halicephalobus Timm (Rhabditda: Panagrolaimidae), and Poikilolaimus regenfussi (Sudhaus) Sudhaus and Koch (Rhabditida: Rhabditidae) were isolated from 5.3, 4.9, and 0.4% of termite alates, respectively, and Bunonema and Halicephalobus were concomitant in 1.6% of alates. Additional C. formosanus alates were field-collected to establish laboratory colonies in sterilized rearing containers (SRC) to determine if alate-associated nematodes would colonize the newly established nest and/or brood. Among 1-yr-old termite colonies reared in SRCs, 26.9% of the colonies were positive for nematodes confirming that within-colony transmission of nematodes occurred. All three isolated nematode genera are free-living bacterivores capable of asexual reproduction. This suggests that these common co-occurring, termite-associated nematodes are opportunistic and facultative symbionts that receive increased opportunities of geographical dispersion through phoresy during termite dispersal flight events.
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an invasive agricultural pest in the United States with the potential to become a serious economic threat to Michigan agriculture. As a novel pest in Michigan's agroecosystems, the potential for a biological control program that utilizes existing natural enemies for H. halys is currently unknown. The present study identified potential H. halys egg predators and determined their effectiveness as biological control agents through functional response testing. Four generalist predators were selected based on video surveillance of sentinel egg masses in the field and through preliminary experiments. The predators were Acheta domesticus (L.) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), Melanoplus femurrubrum (DeGeer) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), Orius insidiosus (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), and Conocephalus fasciatus (DeGeer) (Orthoptera:Tettigoniidae), and each was tested against four densities of H. halys eggs: 26, 52, 78, and 104 eggs. A. domesticus was the only predator tested that exhibited a Type II functional response with non-negative estimates of handling time and attack rate, suggesting the potential to be a density-dependent mortality factor when H. halys egg densities are low. The theoretical maximum predation rates for female A. domesticus were 189 eggs (±95), or roughly seven egg masses. For males, the theoretical maximum was 116 eggs (±35), or 4.5 egg masses. The remaining predators tested exhibited a Type I functional response and are unlikely to be a stabilizing force in H. halys population dynamics.
In response to growing concerns surrounding pollinator health, there have been increased efforts to incorporate wildflower habitat into land management programs, particularly in agricultural systems dependent on beemediated pollination. While recommended plant lists abound, there is limited research on which plant species support the greatest bee abundance and diversity. In many farm settings, drought-tolerant plant species adapted to well-drained sandy soils are needed, since wildflower plantings are typically not irrigated. We used a common garden experimental design to evaluate 51 drought-tolerant native perennial plant species, and 2 non-native plant species in three regions of Michigan for their ability to support honey bees (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)) and wild bees. 1,996 honey bees and 2,496 wild bees were recorded visiting study plants. The wild bee community visiting plant species was dominated by Bombus spp. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (25%), Halictus spp. (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) (23%), and Lasioglossum spp. (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) (16%). The number of honey bees and wild bees visiting study plants varied considerably, suggesting that bee groups have distinct preferences for plant species. Of the plant species assessed, Asclepias syriaca L. (Gentianales: Apocynaceae) (early season), Monarda fistulosa L. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae) (middle season), and Solidago speciosa Nutt. (Asterales: Asteraceae) (late season) were the three most attractive plant species to the entire bee community. Many other plants consistently attracted a high abundance of wild bees, honey bees, or both. Our results inform plant selection to support managed and wild bees as part of pollinator conservation programs in the Great Lakes region of the United States.
Nectar larcenists extract nectar from flowers without pollinating them. A reasonable expectation is that any form of nectar larceny should have a detrimental effect on the plant's reproductive success. However, studies reveal an entire range of effects, from highly negative to highly positive. This variation in effect may be partly explained by additional, unmeasured, effects of nectar larcenists on plants. In a study system where two ant species Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabr.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerd.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) act as nectar larcenists, we examined the effect of larceny on the female reproductive success of Clerodendrum infortunatum Gaertn. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae) in rain forest fragments of the Western Ghats, India. This was done through a combination of field observations and a series of field experiments looking at the effects of excluding ants from inflorescences. We found that T. destructor reduces fruit set considerably. Rather than this being a consequence of nectar larceny, however, our experiments show that the negative effect arises instead from the herbivorous behavior of the ant. At a population level, both ant species prefer edges over interiors of forest patches, spatially concentrating the interaction zone to forest edges. Simultaneously considering multiple ecological interactions and disentangling their relative contributions might explain the large variation across species in the observed effect of larceny. The overall population effect of nectar larceny and herbivory is likely to depend on the spatial structuring of plants and ants.
Oak wilt is a lethal disease caused by the invasive fungus Bretziella fagacearum, which is transmitted belowground via root grafts and aboveground by sap beetles (Nitidulidae). Attempts to limit spread and impact of B. fagacearum emphasize limiting harvesting and pruning to periods of vector inactivity. However, there is limited information on sap beetle activity periods, responses to temperature, and phoresy frequencies of fungi. We sampled two major vectors in Wisconsin, Colopterus truncatus and Carpophilus sayi, for 2 yr to quantify their seasonal and geographic abundances. Trapping was performed in 12 oak stands, and beetles were assayed for B. fagacearum. C. truncatus was captured from March until November, peaking during April and May. C. sayi was captured from April until November, peaking in May and July. Relative abundances (N = 15,980) were 59.3% C. truncatus and 40.7% C. sayi. C. sayi was more abundant in southern Wisconsin, whereas C. truncatus was more evenly distributed. Both species were present at asymptomatic sites. All sites with oak wilt centers yielded beetles with viable fungal propagules, with the frequency of association ranging from 1 to 50%. Sites asymptomatic for oak wilt contained both beetle species, but no vector-borne viable pathogen. Degree-day models were constructed to improve the generality of these results and estimate cumulative emergences across a latitudinal range over the previous 10-yr means and extremes. Because activity by C. truncatus and C. sayi spans the seasonal activities of oak wilt vectors, these results can help guide oak management practices.
Sit-and-wait predators use different strategies to encounter potential prey. Rhinoleucophenga myrmecophaga Vidal et (Vidal et Vilela; Diptera: Drosophilidae) larvae build sticky shelters on top of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) of Qualea grandiflora Mart (Vochysiaceae), a common plant in the Brazilian cerrado savanna. Although larval shelters block the EFNs, nectar production is not obstructed and is used by the larvae to attract and trap nectar-gathering ants that are eventually eaten by the dipteran. Here we describe the natural history of R. myrmecophaga, its infestation pattern in Q. grandiflora, the ant assemblage at EFNs, and the insects used as prey. We use stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N) of R. myrmecophaga and potential food sources to infer its diet, and perform chemical analyses of the droplets found at shelter openings to determine whether nectar is used as a prey attractant. We found that Rhinoleucophenga larvae occur on the majority of Qualea plants and occupy active EFNs mainly in the rainy season. The two most frequent visiting species were also the most common insects found trapped at larval shelters. The stable isotope analyses confirmed that ants are the main food sources of R. myrmecophaga. Chemical analyses and field observations revealed that Rhinoleucophenga larvae use extrafloral nectar to attract prey to their shelters by pushing this liquid to the shelter opening where it forms a droplet. This is a rare case of sit-and-wait predator exploiting an ant-plant mutualism through the use of the very food reward produced by the plant to attract and capture potential ant mutualists.
The glassy-winged sharpshooter is an invasive insect capable of transmitting the bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Pre-oviposition periods of laboratory-reared glassy-winged sharpshooters are variable. Here, two questions were addressed: does nymphal diet affect pre-oviposition period and how do allocation patterns of resources differ for females that produce eggs versus females that do not? Nymphs were reared on one of three host plant species: cowpea, sunflower, or sorghum. Half of the females were sacrificed at emergence. The remaining adult females were held on cowpea, a host plant species known to support egg maturation via adult feeding. Females were sacrificed on the day of first oviposition or after 9 wk if no eggs were deposited. Females reared as nymphs on sorghum had longer development times and were smaller (head capsule width and hind tibia length) than females reared as nymphs on cowpea and sunflower. However, nymphal diet did not affect percentage of dry weight that was lipid at emergence. Further, nymphal diet did not affect time to deposition of the first egg mass or total number of eggs matured at the time of first oviposition. Egg production reduced the allocation of resources to insect bodies, with body lipid content decreasing with increasing egg production. In general, females increased wet weight 1.4-fold during the first week after adult emergence, with wet weights plateauing over the remaining 9 wk that adults were monitored. Thus, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that resources required for egg production were acquired via adult feeding during the first week after adult emergence.
The potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera:Triozidae), had been known for nearly a century to cause psyllid yellows of solanaceous crops. However, it has only been a decade since the insect was discovered to transmit the bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso), which putatively causes potato zebra chip disease. This project was initiated to quantify temporal incidences of haplotypes of the psyllid (Central, Southwestern, and Western) and Lso (A, B) in potato fields and in native vegetation. Psyllids were collected from native vegetation in Texas (2011–2014), and from potato fields in Texas and New Mexico (2014–2017). Psyllids were tested for Lso and haplotypes of both psyllid and Lso. In Texas, the Central psyllid haplotype was overwhelmingly dominant both in potato fields and in native vegetation regardless of location and time of collection. However, in New Mexico potato fields, although the Southwestern haplotype was overall dominant, the ratios of individual haplotypes varied among years and within a season. The Southwestern psyllid haplotype was greater in incidence than the Central early but declined later in the season in each of the 4 yr, while the Central haplotype was low in incidence early but increased over time. Lso was detected in all three psyllid haplotypes representing the first report in Southwestern psyllid haplotype. InTexas, Lso haplotype A was more frequently detected than B, but in New Mexico the incidence of positive psyllids was not high enough to make definitive conclusions regarding predominant Lso haplotype.
Cosmopolitan pests can consist of geographic populations that differ in their current host ranges or in their ability to colonize a novel host. We compared the responses of cowpea-adapted, seed-beetle populations (Callosobruchus maculatus [F.] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae)) from Africa, North America, and South America to four novel legumes: chickpea, lentil, mung bean, and pea. We also qualitatively compared these results to those obtained earlier for an Asian population. For each host, we measured larval survival to adult emergence and used both no-choice and choice tests to estimate host acceptance. The pattern of larval survival was similar among populations: high or moderately high survival on cowpea, mung bean, and chickpea, intermediate survival on pea, and very low survival on lentil. One exception was unusually high survival of African larvae on pea, and there was modest variation among populations for survival on lentil. The African population was also an outlier with respect to host acceptance; under no-choice conditions, African females showed a much greater propensity to accept the two least preferred hosts, chickpea and lentil. However, greater acceptance of these hosts by African females was not evident in choice tests. Inferences about population differences in host acceptance can thus strongly depend on experimental protocol. Future selection experiments can be used to determine whether the observed population differences in initial performance will affect the probability of producing self-sustaining populations on a marginal crop host.
Lagerstroemia is a genus of plants comprised of deciduous shrubs or small trees native to China southward into Southeast Asia. There is a wide range among cultivars of tolerance to key pests and diseases, such as powdery mildew, Erysiphe australiana (McAlpine), flea beetle, Altica spp., crape myrtle aphid, Tinocallis kahawaluokalani Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). We found variation in bee visitation to 40 cultivars evaluated in a 2-yr study in north Georgia. The cultivars ‘Seminole’ and ‘Victor’ were the two most often visited by all bees, including honey bees, carpenter bees, and several small bee species. ‘Apalachee’, however, was the cultivar most frequently visited by bumblebees. Plant height and flower color also influenced frequency of bee visitation. Dark pink, dark purple, and white were the flower colors most frequently visited among the nine color categories evaluated. Pollinator visitation should be a consideration in cultivar choice along with pest susceptibility and horticultural attributes.
The mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) has recently been detected in vineyards in southern Brazil. The ant Linepithema micans (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is the most abundant and frequent species in these vineyards, acting mainly as a disperser of the native soil scale, the ground pearl Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Wille) (Hemiptera: Margarodidae). This study evaluated the interactions (dispersal and predation) of L. micans with P. ficus. The first experiment evaluated the interaction between L. micans and P. ficus in a greenhouse, using Paulsen 1103 rootstock (Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris) planted in pots. Plants were infested by 1) adult females of P. ficus, and 2) adult females of P. ficus and L. micans, and all mealybugs remaining after the experimental period were counted. To evaluate P. ficus predation by L. micans, two laboratory experiments were conducted (25°C, 80% relative humidity). In the first experiment, sprouted potatoes were infested with ovisacs, first-instar nymphs and adult females of P. ficus and evaluated in three treatments: 1) L. micans fed with carbohydrate and protein, 2) L. micans without food, and 3) without ants present. In the second, potatoes were infested only with first-instar nymphs of P. ficus and were exposed in two treatments: 1) L. micans without food, and 2) without ants present. The results were evaluated by counting the remaining mealybugs, with and without ants. The results showed that L. micans does not transport P. ficus, and predates on first-instar nymphs of the mealybug.
Most living organisms developed the innate clock system to anticipate daily environmental changes and to enhance their chances of survival. timeless (tim) is a canonical clock gene. It has been extensively studied in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae) as a key component of the endogenous circadian clock, but its role is largely unknown in some agriculture pests. Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), an important rice pest, exhibits a robust locomotor rhythm. In the present study, we cloned tim gene (ls-tim) from L. striatellus and investigated its function in the regulation of behavioral rhythms. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed a circadian expression pattern of ls-tim under different light conditions with a trough in the photophase and a peak in the late scotophase. After the knockdown of ls-tim via RNA interference (RNAi), the adults showed an earlier onset of locomotor activity under light/dark cycles and became arrhythmic in constant darkness. ls-tim RNAi also abolished the timing of adult emergence that normally occurs in the early photophase. These results suggest that ls-tim is essential for the light-entrained circadian rhythms in L. striatellus and provide more insights into the endogenous clock network underlying the behavioral and physiological rhythms of this insect.
Host mortality and progeny production by the ectoparasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on diapausing and nondiapausing larvae of Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were investigated in response to peanut depths and free space at standard environmental conditions. The free space was created by having four different quantities of peanuts in glass containers of fixed volume or same quantity of peanut in containers of different sizes. Host mortality caused by the parasitoids was significantly higher for diapausing larvae compared with nondiapausing larvae at corresponding peanut depth. Differences in peanut depth affected mortality of nondiapausing larvae exposed to parasitoids but diapausing larvae experienced the same level of mortality. Regardless of container sizes, host mortality was higher than 90.0% for both types of larvae. When equivalent peanut depths were compared, more F1 parasitoids were produced on diapausing larvae than on nondiapausing larvae. Reduced peanut depth affected the sex ratio of parasitoid progeny reared on nondiapausing larvae but not those reared on diapausing larvae. Parasitoid progeny resulting from reduced peanut depth was male-biased and this was more evident with parasitoids that emerged from diapausing host larvae than nondiapausing larvae. Progeny production by H. hebetor was not influenced by container size. This study underscores the fact that host mortality caused by H. hebetor at different peanut depths was significantly different for nondiapausing host larvae, but was not so for diapausing larvae. The container sizes did not affect the performance of H. hebetor in killing P. interpunctella. The entire study emphasizes the potential of diapausing larvae for the rearing of H. hebetor.
The effects of mating status, sex, beetle age, host quality, temperature, and wind speed on the propensity of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) to take flight were evaluated using a free flight test in the laboratory.Time to initiate flight, the angle of flight, and flight capability (when beetles were enticed to take flight) were also evaluated. Host quality, mating status, beetle age, sex, temperature, and the interactions between one or more of these were all found to be significant predictors of flight in A. glabripennis in one or more of the experiments. Female flight propensity peaked at sexual maturity and declined thereafter. Both sexes had a higher propensity to take flight from a stem section of dry host material than from a fresh one. Most (78%) males flew at least once during the four mating status/ages tested from a fresh host stem section, while only 43% of the females flew at least once after chewing an oviposition pit. Flight propensity and distance flown increased with temperature and there was no voluntary flight at 15°C. Flight propensity did not increase with wind speeds 0.0–1.0 m/s, but no ascending flight was observed at 0.5 or 1.0 m/s. Time to flight initiation did not vary with the factors evaluated. Implications these results could have on the success of eradication programs are discussed. Specifically, what factors increase the propensity of mated females to disperse, effectively expanding the infestation zone.
Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae) has become a serious pest in soft-skin fruits and berries, infesting both ripe and ripening fruits. Crop damage in highbush blueberry has been particularly severe. During blueberry fruit development, fruits of various degrees of ripeness are present simultaneously. In addition, foliage color changes as the season progresses. We investigated the influence of blueberry fruit and leaf color on host-finding behavior in D. suzukii. Opposing shifts between reflectance spectra of ripening fruits and senescing leaves increased contrast between ripe fruit and senesced foliage. Developmental changes in contrast between fruit color and leaf color may act as a visual contextual cue in finding suitable host fruits. Opposing shifts in reflectance spectra of ripening fruits and senescing leaves increased the contrast between ripe fruit and senesced foliage.These opposing changes in color may contribute to the attractiveness of blueberry fruit as a late season host for D. suzukii.
The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), is a major pest of facilities where grain is processed because of its ability to find and colonize food resource patches. Traps baited with pheromone and kairomone lures are commonly used to monitor for the presence of insects in warehouses or flour mills, for example. However, two nonmutually exclusive components, environment and genetics, could influence insect responsiveness to volatiles, impacting the efficacy of monitoring. Intraspecific variation in attraction behavior to food and mates is largely unexplored in stored-product insects, but tapping into natural genetic variation could provide a baseline for identifying genetic mechanisms associated with finding resources. Here, we assess eight strains of T. castaneum for variation in response to kairomone- and pheromone-based lures using three behavioral assays: paired choice with no forced air flow, upwind attraction with forced air flow, and movement pattern in an arena with a single odor source. We find strain-specific responses to kairomones and pheromones and evidence for heritability in behavioral responses. However, environmental coefficients for behavioral responses to both lures are high, suggesting that environment, and its potential interaction with genotype, strongly influences behavioral outcomes in these assays. Furthermore, despite the different environmental conditions among the different behavioral assays, we find a correlation for volatile preference among the assays. Our results provide a baseline assessment of natural variation for preference to kairomone and pheromone lures and suggest that careful consideration of behavioral assay is key to understanding the mechanisms of attraction in these stored-product pests.
Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), is a serious agricultural pest, which lays eggs in ripe and ripening fruits of several cultivated and wild host plants. Here we explore several factors that may be critical to winter survival and improve D. suzukii's ability to successfully overwinter in northern climates and reestablish populations in the spring. Cold acclimation improved mobility in low-temperature laboratory mobility assays and improved survivorship in two wintertime field studies. Acclimation improved survivorship in experiments where overwintering habitats were above ground level and where habitats were at soil level by 1.9- and 13.7-fold, respectively. Soil acts to buffer changes in temperature, and the groundcovers investigated here provided microclimates that were 1–2°C warmer than bare soil during chilling events, and roughly 5°C cooler than bare soil during warm spells. Acclimated flies preferred overwintering substrates with a food source (dropped apple) over any other substrate (leaf litter, barky sticks, or bare soil). Pigeon (Columba livia L.) droppings and mushrooms (Peziza sp.) were identified as potential overwintering protein sources in laboratory feeding studies. Laboratory-simulated winter stress negatively influenced return of female reproduction, so future assays should consider biologically relevant subjects.
Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura; Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive pest with the ability to reproduce not only in various soft fruit crops, but also in numerous wild hosts. Forests and forest edges harbor many wild hosts, provide suitable microclimatic conditions and are therefore thought to enhance the abundance of D. suzukii. Although the comprehension of pest activity based on specific landscape elements is important to implement efficient management strategies, knowledge of how forests affect the abundance of D. suzukii in nearby crops is very limited. We conducted a monitoring study with liquid baited traps across different crops at different distance from the forests. During fruit ripening, more flies were captured in crops closer to forests (22.21 % decrease per 500 m distance), whereas there was no significant relationship during harvest. Since color can affect the efficiency of D. suzukii traps, we have used traps either with a red or black lid. Acquired data suggest that traps with black lids capture significantly more flies than traps with red lids. We provide a quantitative estimation of how and when distance from adjacent forests affects the abundance of D. suzukii in crop fields. Our results can help consultants and farmers to estimate the pest pressure of D. suzukii in crop fields near forested, noncrop areas and to implement appropriate control strategies when D. suzukii populations increase and fruit becomes susceptible to infestation.
Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) is a major agricultural pest on leguminous plants and tree fruit in South Korea and Japan. Only anecdotal information is currently available about its overwintering behavior and ecology. Therefore, we conducted laboratory experiments and field sampling to characterize overwintering structures and landscapes that R. pedestris use and prefer in South Korea. Under laboratory conditions, we identified the overwintering structure preference of R. pedestris adults and analyzed their spatial distributions. Among tested structures including pile of rocks, rotten wood, and leaf litter, R. pedestris was almost exclusively found in leaf litter. Spatial analysis using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) indicated that most overwintering R. pedestris showed no spatial-aggregation behavior in the test arena. Field surveys were also conducted to characterize overwintering landscapes during the two winter seasons between 2014 and 2016. We selected two distinct landscapes: mountain areas and agricultural areas. Mountain areas were high-elevation mountains remote from agricultural practice, whereas agricultural areas were low-elevation forested landscapes adjacent to agricultural fields, including soybeans. From the 2-yr field survey, 92% (11 out of 12 individuals) of overwintering R. pedestris were found in the agricultural area without a significant aggregation pattern.
Small cage and wind tunnel bioassays were used to understand the role of volatile chemicals found in ginger root oil and other essential oils in the attraction of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Small cage bioassays found that both a 10 component blend (geraniol, linalool, β-myrcene, limonene, α-pinene, β-pinene, β-caryophyllene, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, and α-humulene) and a 4 component subset of that blend (geraniol, linalool, β-myrcene and limonene) were more attractive than paired mineral oil controls. Both blends were equally attractive as ginger root oil and each other. Deletion studies, which tested all 3 component blends, found decreased attraction when linalool was deleted from the 4 component blend. Linalool alone attracted an equal percentage of flies as the 4 component blend, confirming that this chemical was responsible primarily for attraction to ginger root oil. Wind tunnel bioassays confirmed previous studies that panel traps baited with ginger root oil captured more flies than traps baited with manuka oil. Addition of linalool to manuka oil resulted in capture equal to ginger root oil, and addition of linalool to ginger root oil resulted in capture of more flies than ginger root alone. The results of this study will allow a better understanding of the role of individual plant-based chemicals in the attraction of male C. capitata.
Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) uses pheromone blends containing aggregative components (frontalin, verbenene, 1-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-ol [MCOL], and seudenol) and an anti-aggregative component (3-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one [MCH]) to coordinate attacks against host trees, but little is known about the influence of external stimuli on pheromone production. We conducted feeding experiments followed by pheromone extractions to determine if feeding duration and mate presence affected pheromone production in D. rufipennis. Unfed beetles of both sexes produced very little of any pheromone component. Females fed for 48 h produced significantly more MCH and MCOL compared to those which fed for 24 h. Males fed for 48 h produced significantly less seudenol than those which fed for 24 h. Male presence did not significantly affect female pheromone production. We propose that the pheromone blend produced by beetles transitions from aggregative to anti-aggregative shortly after colonizing a host, regardless of mate presence.
In field trials testing attraction of cerambycid beetles to a blend of known pheromone components plus host plant volatiles, several species in the subfamily Spondylidinae were attracted to baited traps, suggesting that one or more components of the blend might constitute their pheromones. Here, we describe laboratory and field experiments aimed at identifying the actual pheromone components produced by these species. Analysis of headspace odors collected from male Tetropium abietis (Fall) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) contained (S)-fuscumol as a single component, whereas Asemum nitidum (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) males produced both (S)-fuscumol and geranylacetone, and Asemum caseyi (Linsley) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) produced only geranylacetone. In field trials testing fuscumol, fuscumol acetate, and geranylacetone as individual components or in blends, in combination with host plant volatiles, A. nitidum were attracted to blends of fuscumol and geranylacetone, T. abietis were attracted to fuscumol alone, and A. caseyi were attracted to geranylacetone alone. Fuscumol acetate did not appear to be either attractive or inhibitory. These results, along with previous catches of spondylidine species in traps baited with fuscumol, provide evidence that fuscumol and geranylacetone are likely to be relatively common pheromone structures for species in the subfamily Spondylidinae.
Coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a serious pest of coffee in most coffee-growing areas of the world. This beetle was first detected in Big Island of Hawaii in 2010 and has since spread to other islands. Being an invasive pest that causes serious economic damage, efforts are in progress in Hawaii to develop an integrated approach to manage this pest. In this study, we sampled commercial coffee orchards from representative coffee-growing regions in the Big Island, Hawaii, to understand dispersion of the pest in the field and develop a reliable sampling plan based on the dispersion characteristics. Analysis of data collected from 12 commercial fields over three growing seasons suggests an aggregated pattern of dispersion of the pest in the field. Two fixed-precision sequential sampling plans based on berry cluster and branch as sample units were modeled and validated using Resampling for Validation of Sampling Plans software. The models suggest that infestation density can be estimated reliably for integrated pest management (IPM) practices with minimal sampling effort by sampling berry clusters or branches using sequential sampling plans. Sequential sampling plan based on berry cluster requires detection of fewer infested berries compared to branch sampling for a reliable estimation of mean density of infested berries and IPM decision making.
Scrobipalpa ocellatella (Boyd) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is one of the most important pests of sugar beet that causes quantitative and qualitative yield loss in the late summer. To locate the position for diapause induction, combinations of constant temperatures at 15, 18, 20, and 25°C and day lengths of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 24 h were studied from egg to adult emergence. The incidence of diapause peaked at 15 and 18°C, with the day lengths of 12 and 11 h, whereas low temperatures did not improve the effects of short photoperiods (day lengths of 8 and 10 h) in diapause induction. The results showed that the critical day length for diapause induction was 12.8 h at overall 15 and 18°C. It was observed that the third instar larvae were the most sensitive stage to the inductive photoperiod (12:12 [L:D] h). The non-24-h light-dark experiment showed that the nigh length is more important than the day lengths measurement. In a set of 24-h light-dark cycles at 2:12 (L:D) h, a 1-h light pulse declined diapause induction markedly 1 h after scotophase. Field monitoring of the S. ocellatella for 2 yr (2015 and 2016) showed that the 50% of larvae enter winter pupal diapause in early September and this proportion increases in response to a decrease in the day lengths and temperature. From this study, it was concluded that low temperature acts in conjunction with short-day photoperiod in diapause induction of S. ocellatella.
For investigating the physiological responses of herbivores to the heavy metal–stressed woody host plants, the activities of antioxidant, detoxifying, and digestive enzymes in the gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar, that were fed with different heavy metal–stressed poplar seedling (Populus alba berolinensis) leaves were studied. The heavy metal treatments included Cd-treated pot soil (1.5 mg/kg), Zn-treated pot soil (500 mg/kg), and Pb-treated pot soil (500 mg/kg), plus an untreated pot soil as the control. Our results showed that compared with the untreated control, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities in Cd or Zn treatment group were gradually suppressed with the increases of larval ages, but Pb treatment had no significant effects on SOD activities and significantly increased the CAT activities in both fourth and fifth instar larvae; acid phosphatase (ACP) activities were gradually activated and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activities were gradually inhibited with the increases of larval ages in Cd or Pb treatment group, but Zn treatment significantly increased the activities of ACP and AKP both in fourth and in fifth instar larvae. All three heavy metals tested did not show any significant effects on the amylase and protease activity in the fourth instar larvae but increased their activities in fifth instar larvae. These results suggest that antioxidant, detoxifying, and digestive enzymes constituted the basic defense system for gypsy moth larvae to resist the toxicity originated from the accumulated Cd, Zn, or Pb in poplar leaves, but their defense level varied with metals investigated and larval developmental stages.
Heavy metal contaminations have attracted increasing concern worldwide due to their potential damages to the whole ecosystem. This study investigated the heavy metal–accumulation and excretion in, and food utilization of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae that were fed with leaves plucked from poplar seedlings (Populus alba berolinensis) grown in either noncontaminated soil (control), Zn-contaminated soil (500 mg/kg), or Pb-contaminated soil (500 mg/kg). Our results showed that excretion of heavy metals via insect feces and exuvia is an effective approach to reduce the internal Zn and Pb concentrations, and result in the decrease of Zn and Pb concentrations in the gypsy moth larvae with the increased larval age. In addition, the gypsy moth larvae seemed to have a strong homeostatic adjustment mechanism [between approximate digestibility (AD) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD)] that maintains a stable level of “efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI)” regardless of heavy metal (Zn or Pb) contaminations or not, except the fifth instar larvae in which the increase in AD was insufficient to compensate for the decrease of ECD. These results suggest that heavy metal excretions could help the gypsy moth larvae cope with Zn or Pb stress, and the increased digestion of food could meet their energy requirements for both detoxification and growth. However, further increase in Zn or Pb exposure time seemed to inhibit the larval food utilization.
The Palearctic lady beetle species, Hippodamia variegata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), first collected in 1984 near Montreal, Quebec, Canada, is expanding its distribution into northeastern and north central portions of North America. Examination of responses to abiotic factors that influence the seasonal biology of H. variegata may provide insights into its potential range expansion in North America. The induction and duration of adult hibernal diapause in three North American populations of H. variegata, collected between 40°N and 44°N latitude, was determined at four constant photoperiods (L:D 16:8, 14:10, 12:12, and 10:14) at 22°C. Thirteen to twenty-one percent of females reared at L:D 16:8 entered diapause, whereas shorter photoperiods (L:D 12:12 and 10:14) induced diapause in 100% of females. Variation in the response to L:D 14:10 was observed among the three populations, 27–100% of females exhibited reproductive diapause. Pupae and young adults were sensitive to changes in constant photoperiods (L:D 16:8 10:14). Individuals reared at L:D 10:14 that were moved to L:D 16:8 on the day of pupation or the day of adult eclosion produced ovipositing females. Individuals reared at L:D 16:8 and transferred to L:D 10:14 on the day of pupation or the day of adult eclosion produced females that did not oviposit within 30 d of eclosion.
Ultraviolet patterns in butterflies have been recognized and studied for many years. They are frequently involved in both intraspecific and interspecific interactions. Only a handful of studies, however, have investigated possible links between ultraviolet (UV) reflectance and ecological properties in some genera of the Lepidoptera as a whole. This study examines the impact of habitat and distribution on UV reflectance patterns on the wings of 106 species and subspecies of Colias butterflies. Based on standardized digital photographs, we performed a multivariate analysis of relations between UV reflectance, preferred habitat (alpine, arctic, dry grasslands, humid, forest, and ubiquitous), and distribution area (Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical, European, Caucaso–Anatolian, boreal Eurasian, Central Asian mountains, northern China and Japan, and northern Oriental region). UV patterns occur more frequently in the male (60 taxa) than in female (25 taxa) Coliads. This difference in presence of UV patterns is used for differentiating between the males and females of a given species or subspecies. Further possible explanations of this phenomenon are also discussed. This study also shows that particular configurations of UV patterns are significantly associated with particular distribution areas. This relation is relatively strong but overall trends remain unclear. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there exists a significant difference in the configuration of UV reflectance between the sexes, and that the configuration of UV reflectance significantly interacts with the geographical distribution of Colias species and subspecies.
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