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7 August 2018 The Distance Between Forests and Crops Affects the Abundance of Drosophila suzukii During Fruit Ripening, But Not During Harvest
Fabian Cahenzli, Irene Bühlmann, Claudia Daniel, Johannes Fahrentrapp
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Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura; Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive pest with the ability to reproduce not only in various soft fruit crops, but also in numerous wild hosts. Forests and forest edges harbor many wild hosts, provide suitable microclimatic conditions and are therefore thought to enhance the abundance of D. suzukii. Although the comprehension of pest activity based on specific landscape elements is important to implement efficient management strategies, knowledge of how forests affect the abundance of D. suzukii in nearby crops is very limited. We conducted a monitoring study with liquid baited traps across different crops at different distance from the forests. During fruit ripening, more flies were captured in crops closer to forests (22.21 % decrease per 500 m distance), whereas there was no significant relationship during harvest. Since color can affect the efficiency of D. suzukii traps, we have used traps either with a red or black lid. Acquired data suggest that traps with black lids capture significantly more flies than traps with red lids. We provide a quantitative estimation of how and when distance from adjacent forests affects the abundance of D. suzukii in crop fields. Our results can help consultants and farmers to estimate the pest pressure of D. suzukii in crop fields near forested, noncrop areas and to implement appropriate control strategies when D. suzukii populations increase and fruit becomes susceptible to infestation.

© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Fabian Cahenzli, Irene Bühlmann, Claudia Daniel, and Johannes Fahrentrapp "The Distance Between Forests and Crops Affects the Abundance of Drosophila suzukii During Fruit Ripening, But Not During Harvest," Environmental Entomology 47(5), 1274-1279, (7 August 2018).
Received: 13 January 2018; Accepted: 18 July 2018; Published: 7 August 2018

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liquid bait; pest monitoring; soft fruit; spotted wing drosophila
trap color
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