VOL. 28 · NO. 1 | December 2021
Gideon F. Smith, Ronen Shtein, David-Paul Klein, Bharti Parihar, Ana Almeida, Seraina Rodewald, Gudrun Kadereit
Haseltonia 28 (1), 2-20, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0101
KEYWORDS: flori-bulbiliferous, invasions biology, reproductive success, modes of reproduction, phyllo-bulbiliferous, Vegetative propagation
Gideon F Smith
Haseltonia 28 (1), 21-24, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0102
KEYWORDS: Aloe arborescens Mill., Aloe ×thammii Gideon F.Sm., Aloe thraskii Baker, Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae, Eastern Cape Province, natural hybrid, Nothospecies, South Africa
David Brailovsky Signoret, Héctor M. Hernández
Haseltonia 28 (1), 25-38, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0103
KEYWORDS: Cactaceae, biodiversity, biogeography, Endemism, environmental relations, natural protected areas, Rarity, Zacatecas
Peter V. Bruyns, Cornelia Klak
Haseltonia 28 (1), 39-41, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0104
KEYWORDS: Sedoideae, Umbilicus botryoides, Chela Mountains, Huila Plateau
Diego E. Gurvich, Pablo Demaio, A.M. Cingolani, Melisa A Giorgis
Haseltonia 28 (1), 42-47, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0105
KEYWORDS: Córdoba Mountains, local richness, Environmental heterogeneity, Gymnocalycium, Parodia, Echinopsis
Taly Dawn Drezner, Norman PA Hüner
Haseltonia 28 (1), 48-58, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0106
KEYWORDS: cactus, Fv/Fm, photoinhibition, photosynthesis, quantum yield, QY
Steven Molteno
Haseltonia 28 (1), 59-88, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0107
KEYWORDS: Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae, phyllotaxis, divergence angle
Alain Rzepecky, Ulrich Meve
Haseltonia 28 (1), 89-92, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0108
KEYWORDS: Asclepiadoideae, Asclepiadeae-Cynanchinae, Cynanchum olimpanjehy, new species, Old World, smooth stems, taxonomy
Kevin B. Clark, Annika Nabors, Drew Stokes, Adam Taylor, Lea Squires, Jose B. Hurtado, Stephanie Root, Sula Vanderplank, Keith Lombardo, Michael Wall
Haseltonia 28 (1), 93-105, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0109
KEYWORDS: agave, pollination, bats, birds, orioles, herbivory, rodents, germination, conservation
Gideon F. Smith, Ronen Shtein
Haseltonia 28 (1), 106-119, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0110
KEYWORDS: horticultural potential, Kalanchoe
Sally M. Chambers, Shawn C. McCourt
Haseltonia 28 (1), 120-129, (23 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.028.0111
KEYWORDS: phenology, endangered species, Florida, Sea level rise, Hurricane
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