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A new species of Meliosma (Sabiaceae), M. longepedicellata, from southeastern Ecuador, in the Amotape-Huancabamba zone, is described and illustrated. The new species mainly differs from the Venezuelan M. tachirensis in having inflorescences with longer pedicels (3.0–6.0 vs. 0.5–3.0 mm), flower buds globose before anthesis (vs. flower buds oblong), shorter outer petals (2.0–2.5 vs. 3.0–3.5 mm), and staminodes of subsquare shape (vs. staminodes lanceolate). Relationships with other morphologically related species are also discussed.
During the preparation of a taxonomic revision of Neomarica, it was found that seven species required new combinations. Based on studies of morphological features from protologues, type specimens, additional herbarium specimens, and observations in the field and of cultivated plants, these seven new combinations are here presented.
Symplocos atlantica (Symplocaceae), a new species from the Atlantic Rain Forest of Brazil, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Symplocos glandulosomarginata and S. glaziovii, from which it can be distinguished by young leaves with an eglandular margin or rarely with 1–3 early caducous glands per cm, a pilose and dome-like to short-cylindrical disc in flower, and fertile ovules 0.2–0.5(-0.6) mm long.
The Economic Botany Collection at Harvard University contains economically and culturally important plants from around the world and is one of the largest collections of its kind. The collection houses a unique set of twenty-five pineapple fabrics (Ananas comosus) that reveal the historical and contemporary uses of this important fiber plant. An inventory of the raw and processed pineapple fibers was taken and each specimen was examined with regard to its corresponding collection data.
Continuing studies of Neotropical Goodyerinae have revealed that the descriptions of 15 new taxa are required in the genera Aspidogyne (2) and Microchilus (12 species, 1 subspecies). Microchilus peytonorum (including ssp. juxtasilvae), M. rojasii, Physurus peterianus, and P. roseus var. angustifolius, are respectively considered to be new synonyms of Microchilus ovatus, M. pedrojuanensis, Ligeophila clavigera var. rhodostachys, and L. rosea. The synonymies of Aspidogyne foliosa and Ligeophila rosea are elaborated upon. Aspidogyne fimbrillaris is neotypified.
Two annonaceous tree species, Xylopia kuchingensis and X. orestera, are described from Borneo. Xylopia kuchingensis occurs in low-elevation swamp forest in the vicinity of Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia, and resembles X. coriifolia in its thick leaves and swamp-forest habitat. It may be distinguished from X. malayana, which it resembles in its acuminate leaves, short flower pedicels, long petals, and broad monocarps, by the larger and thicker leaves that are glaucous beneath. Xylopia orestera was collected in central Sarawak, where it occurs in montane forest at 980–1200 m. This species has long flower pedicels, spreading sepals, and moniliform monocarps similar to those of both X. ferruginea and X. coriifolia, but with much smaller leaves, shorter petals, and fewer seeds per monocarp. It also resembles X. pulchella of Borneo, but has longer flower pedicels and linear moniliform monocarps rather than the short oblong monocarps of that species.
Rhodamnia kamialiensis and Xanthomyrtus splendens are described from ultrabasic substrates in the Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. The new species are known only from their type gatherings and are preliminarily assigned the IUCN status of “critically endangered.” Rhodamnia kamialiensis has much larger leaves and more abruptly prolonged leaf apices than other species in its genus. The glossy upper leaf surface with flat or impressed midrib separates Xanthomyrtus splendens from its congeners.
Nine species of the neotropical genus Licaria from South America, Panama, and Costa Rica are described and illustrated. The new species are Licaria agglomerata, L. clarensis, L. cogolloi, L. colombiana, L. comata, L. deltoidea, L. nitida, L. sclerophylla, and L. terminalis. Their relationships within the genus are discussed.
Two new species of treelets/shrubs of the family Rutaceae, known only from the remnant wet forests of Province Los Ríos in western Ecuador, are described and illustrated. Amyris centinelensis is characterized by the unifoliolate large leaves, long petioles, and large fruits, the largest among the South American unifoliolate species. Zanthoxylum bonifaziae is distinguished by the large paripinnate leaves, absence of spines, and mainly by the distinctive short, cauline inflorescences. Their relationships with closely related species are discussed.
Ardisia hymenandroides (Myrsinaceae) is described from the Foja Mountains of Papua Province. The new species is distinguished by its resemblance to Hymenandra, monoaxial habit, apiculate anthers, and long-peduncled racemes.
Ardisia lammersiana (Myrsinaceae) and Psychotria leptothyrsa var. defretesiana (Rubiaceae) are described from the Conservation International Mamberamo River Expedition. The new plants are locally common understory shrubs from tributaries of the lower drainage, occurring primarily in seasonally flooded forest. Among the New Guinea species in subgen. Akosmos, Ardisia lammersiana is easily identified by its long peduncles (7.0–10.5 cm), long pedicels (13–20 mm), and white flowers. The second novelty (Psychotria leptothyrsa var. defretesiana) is distinguished by its architectural form, obtuse leaf-blades, erect panicles, and 3–4-ridged pyrenes.
Elatostema tenuinerve, a new species from Guangxi province China is described and illustrated. Elatostema tenuinerve most closely resembles E. pseudobrachyodontum, but differs in the following characters: margin of the leaves crenate, teeth obtuse; cystoliths 0.15 mm long or less; stipules 1.5–long, subulate, glabrous; pistillate receptacle with cystoliths, bracts in 2 whorls, ca. 13, 0.2–0.5 mm long, apex shortly acuminate, not corniculate; achenes with 7 longitudinal ridges. In the Flora of China, E. tenuinerve would be placed in sect. Elatostema ser. Nanchuanensia.
Notes on the lecotypification of Nectandra sanguinea, the type of Nectandra, are presented, complementing the prior one proposed by Luciano Bernardi. This is necessary in order to clarify the confusion that arose after his analysis whereby the sheet designated by him as “holotypus” was subsequently altered, and because he mixed elements of two different sheets in the photographic plate indicated as being a single sheet of the “holotypus.” Corrections of authorship and the place and date of publication of the species name are also discussed, having been overlooked by most authors who were seemingly unaware of the existence of the original dissertation published by Rottbøll in 1776.
Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum, a new species of Malpighiaceae, is described from Espírito Santo, Brazil. It is distinctive in its abaxially sericeous, lanceolate laminas borne on relatively short petioles. The limb of the posterior petal bears a pair of basal, stout, gland-tipped fimbriae. The stamens are heteromorphic. All styles bear apical folioles. A brief discussion of Stigmaphyllon in Espirito Santo accompanies a key to the thirteen species recorded (and one expected) from that state.
A new species of Ornithocephalus (Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae) from southern Venezuela is described and illustrated. It is similar to Ornithocephalus gladiatus from which it can be distinguished by the shape of the lip and the lip callus.
A new species of Habenaria from southern Venezuela, H. lisenarum, is described and illustrated. Four additional species, also found in Venezuela, H. amambayensis, H. huberi, H. nabucoi, and H. schwackei, are discussed and/or illustrated. These four species do not appear in the iconography of Venezuelan orchids either as botanical line drawings or as color photographs, or were not correctly identified. In each of the four cases we present types, synonymy, and the citation of specimens collected in Venezuela.
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