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A synopsis of the phylogeny and systematics of subfamily Betoideae of the Chenopodiaceae is provided and a modified subfamilial classification proposed. Betoideae contain five or six genera, i.e. Beta, Patellifolia, Aphanisma, Oreobliton and Hablitzia. The inclusion of Acroglochin in Betoideae is not clearly resolved by molecular evidence. The five genera (excl. Acroglochin) fall into two clades. These are Beteae with Beta only, and Hablitzieae with the remaining four genera. Of these four genera, Patellifolia formerly has been regarded as a section of Beta (B. sect. Procumbentes). The closer relationship of Patellifolia to Hablitzieae rather than to Beta is supported not only by molecular but also by flower morphological characters. Molecular evidence, in part newly generated, suggests that Beta can be divided into two well-supported groups. These are B. sect. Corollinae and B. sect. Beta. The often recognized unispecific B. sect. Nanae should be included in B. sect. Corollinae. In B. sect. Beta, probably only two species, B. macrocarpa and B. vulgaris, should be recognized.
The nomenclatural history of the three common and often confused species Suaeda crassifolia, S. salsa and S. prostrata, distributed from Europe to S Siberia and Middle Asia, is outlined, their identity is critically discussed and the three names are typified. The differential characters of the three species are presented in a table.
The pollen of thirteen species of Rindera, ten of Solenanthus and eight of Paracaryum was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Two main pollen types are recognised, one typical of most Rindera species (Rindera tetraspis type) and one occurring in all but one species examined of Paracaryum and Solenanthus (Cynoglossum officinale type). Deviations from the Rindera tetraspis type in Rindera were observed in R. tianschanica, which is characterised by the Cynoglossum officinale pollen type, and R. gymnandra, which shows the Pardoglossum atlanticum type as already published. Within Paracaryum and Solenanthus the only remarkable deviation from the Cynoglossum officinale type was found in Solenanthus hupehensis from China. In the constricted shape and the lack of an ectocingulus, the pollen of this species approaches the Myosotis arvensis type, which is rarely found in the tribe Cynoglosseae. Combined with other morphological peculiarities, pollen characters support the placement of S. hupehensis in a subgenus of its own, S. subg. Silvestria, named after the discoverer of this species.
A comprehensive treatment of the small western Mediterranean genus Plagius, including morphological, anatomical and cytological details and distribution maps, is presented and the results of a phylogenetic analysis based on nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variation discussed. The three species of Plagius are found to form a monophyletic group with 88 % bootstrap support within the Leucanthemum group of genera, which is characterised by a specialised achene anatomy. The chromosome numbers of P. maghrebinus (2n = 18) and P. grandis (2n = 36) are reported for the first time. The basionym of P. grandis is lectotypified.
On the basis of extended DNA sequences (nrITS, cptrnL-F) and other new evidence present knowledge on the differentiation of the northern hemisphere Compositae-Anthemideae genus Achillea in time and space is surveyed. Evidence is presented for a wide circumscription of the genus with 110–140 species. This includes the former unispecific genera Otanthus and Leucocyclus, which have originated from ancestors of the basalmost clade of Achillea, the xerophytic A. sect. Babounya s.l. (incl. sect. Arthrolepis and Santolinoideae). Maps show the predominantly SW Asian distribution of the section and its derivative, A. (sect. Otanthus) maritima, a psammophyte of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Through taxa from the Caucasus differentiation has proceeded from A. sect. Babounya-like ancestors to the Eurasian and more meso- and hygrophytic 2x members of A. sect. Ptarmica s.s. They are linked with 2x A. asiatica (A. millefolium agg.) by the hybrid 4x A. alpina agg., which has expanded across northern North America. A. sect. Anthemoideae s.l. consists of several distinct clades distributed in the mountain systems of NW Anatolia, the Balkans, Carpathians, Alps, Apennines and E Pyrenees. This section was formerly combined with A. sect. Ptarmica but is closer to the following section and may be polyphyletic. A. sect. Achillea includes closely related taxa with white and yellow(ish) ligulate flowers (the latter formerly separated as A. sect. Filipendulinae). Members of the section have differentiated from a centre of diversity in dry habitats of SE Europe, partly into uniform 2x species, partly into polymorphic and polyploid species groups. “Crown group” of the genus and section is A. millefolium agg., a strongly diversified polyploid complex. Its basal 2x species exhibit a vicarious and sometimes relic differentiation pattern. They are connected in a complex way to several parallel and reticulate lines of 4x, 6x and 8x taxa, which are partly very expansive. From 4x A. asiatica-like ancestors in E Siberia the 4x and 6x A. borealis has successfully radiated into many ecological niches in North America and 6x A. millefolium s.s. has become a cosmopolitan weed.
The phylogenetic relationships within Orchidaceae subtribe Maxillariinae s.str. were investigated by Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of nuclear ribosomal ITS1 and ITS2 DNA sequences in 27 species. While the monophyly of Maxillariinae is supported, Maxillaria in its current, narrower circumscription is clearly paraphyletic, since all presently accepted genera examined (Chrysocycnis, Cryptocentrum, Mormolyca, Trigonidium) and the former segregates Camaridium, Heterotaxis, Marsupiaria, Neourbania, Ornithidium and Pseudomaxillaria are nested within it. Camaridium, Heterotaxis and Ornithidium are, moreover, polyphyletic. The resulting molecular trees show six more or less well supported clades but are not very well resolved in their basal parts. To study character evolution, the molecular data were compared with pollinarium morphology, using scanning electron microscopy in 22 taxa, and further morphological data. The comparison indicates that most features have evolved several times independently. In growth habit a trend from caespitose to rhizomatous is found. Palynologically three morphological lines are indicated: (1) from four greater pollinia in two pairs to four smaller, equal, separate pollinia; (2) from spherical to clavate pollinia; (3) from pollinia with rugulate (sometimes gemmate, granulate, fossulate, microfoveolate) to psilate surface. A more extensive taxon sampling is needed to decide if and how Maxillaria s.l. has to be divided in smaller monophyletic genera.
In the absence of original herbarium specimens, illustrations are selected as lectotype for two names in the Bolboschoenus maritimus group, Scirpus compactus and Scirpus maritimus var. cymosus. To the ambiguous lectotype for Scirpus compactus an epitype is added, which fixes the name as a synonym of Bolboschoenus maritimus. The lectotype for Scirpus maritimus var. cymosus belongs to Bolboschoenus laticarpus. The holotype of Scirpus macrostachys is ambiguous and an epitype is chosen which supports its synonymy with Bolboschoenus glaucus. The taxonomic significance of the macrostachyate morphotype is discussed.
In the botanical gardens and arboreta of Berlin many vascular plant taxa have been cultivated since 1573. The influence on the composition of the flora of Berlin by the dispersal of plants escaping from its botanical gardens is assessed. Some spectacular examples are known: Galinsoga parviflora, Matricaria discoidea, Parietaria pensylvanica, but no systematic survey exists. Arboreta are of importance for some trees and shrubs because of a deliberate release in great quantities.
Anthos is the name of a database and search system for quality-controlled chorological and taxonomic information on the vascular plants of Spain. It provides a trustworthy solution for the handling of accepted names and their synonyms, based on an analysis of nomenclatural relations. It is based on the MS SQL-Server relational database system. Information can be found on any plant, using its accepted name or synonyms or vernacular names. The geographical search options include lists of all plants of a given territory, a province, a region or an area delimited by its UTM coordinates. Additional information is available in the form of photographs or drawings, chromosome numbers, vernacular names and synonyms.
Cynoglossum baeticum from Sierra de Segura and neighbouring mountain ranges of SE Spain is described as a species new to science, illustrated and compared with its closest relative C. dioscoridis. Three further names, C. valentinum, C. loreyi and C. elongatum are discussed and considered synonymous with C. dioscoridis or dubious, respectively.
Limonium greuteri is described as a species new to science so far known only from the peninsula La Revellata in NW Corsica. It is well characterized by its habit with its long, densely spirally leafy caudices, fleshy leaves and the short, densely warty, flexuous, articulate stems and reflexed branches. According to its morphology and chromosome number (2n = 27) it is a member of the L. articulatum aggregate and seems to be related to L. florentinum and L. corsicum.
After a brief review of the floristic exploration of the Apuan Alps, the authors report on the most significant cytotaxonomic and systematic research and population analyses on endemic or phytogeographically interesting plant taxa of that area, contributed by Pisa botanists in the last 35 years.
Within the Astragalus genargenteus complex three morphologically, ecologically and chorologically well differentiated taxa are distinguished: A. genargenteus from siliceous substrate in the Gennargentu massif (central Sardinia) and two species described as new to science, A. gennarii from limestone on Monte Albo (NE Sardinia) and A. greuteri, widespread on siliceous substrate in the Corsican mountains. The relationship of these species with the allied, spine cushion-like A. sirinicus and A. angustifolius is examined. A key to the species and illustrations are given.
The rare Ptilostemon greuteri from NE Sicily is described as a species new to science and illustrated. It belongs to P. sect. Ptilostemon due to its non-spiny leaves and the corymbose synflorescence. From the two other species of this section, P. chamaepeuce and P. gnaphaloides, it differs strikingly by the larger size of the whole plant, the flat, lanceolate leaves and the absence of peripheral male flowers. The species, of which about 250 individuals are known, is restricted to a single locality and must be classified as endangered.
Cardamine pancicii is shown to be an independent species, endemic of Mt Kopaonik in Serbia. A lectotype is selected, its morphological and molecular variation and its differentiation from related species on the Balkan and the Apennine peninsula are discussed on the basis of multivariate morphometrics and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) studies.
The leaf and silicule trichomes of 18 species of Alysseae were studied by scanning electron and light microscopy. Four trichome types are distinguished: (1) simple, (2) stalked 2- to 5-armed, (3) stellate and (4) dendritic trichomes. (1) Simple trichomes cover the leaves of Lunaria rediviva and, mixed with stalked 2- to 3-armed ones, compose the leaf indumentum of Camelina sativa. The simple trichomes on the silicules of Clypeola jonthlaspi subsp. microcarpa are columnar with transverse furrows. (2) Stalked 2-5-armed trichomes are present on the leaves of Draba korabensis, D. muralis, D. siliquosa and Erophila verna subsp. spathulata. Peculiar stalked trichomes with swollen globular base occur on the lower leaf surface of D. muralis. (3) Stellate trichomes cover the leaves of Alyssoides utriculata subsp. bulgarica, Aurinia saxatilis subsp. orientalis, A. uechtritziana and Clypeola jonthlaspi and the leaves and silicules of Alyssum cuneifolium s. str., A. orbelicum, A. pirinicum and Fibigia clypeata. (4) Dendritic trichomes co-occur with stellate ones on the silicules (but rarely on the leaves) of Berteroa species and Fibigia clypeata. The trichomes may be smooth (some stellate trichomes), minutely warty (simple and dendritic trichomes) or tuberculate (most of the stellate trichomes). The trichomes of the morphologically related species Alyssum pirinicum, a new combination validated here, and A. cuneifolium provide additional reliable features to distinguish them.
Chromosome numbers are given for 35 species of angiosperms from Bulgaria, nine of which are the first reports on Bulgarian material; for Geum bulgaricum a new ploidy level is reported. The karyotypes are presented for several species of mainly Achillea and Ranunculus. Taxonomic and phytogeographical aspects are discussed.
Fritillaria messanensis, in its wide circumscription, is studied karyosystematically across its entire geographical range, including Italy, Serbia-Montenegro, N Albania and Greece. Variation in morphological features, karyotype and ecological preferences are evaluated and its taxonomy is revised. Three subspecies are recognized and a key and descriptions presented. F. sphaciotica, a taxon previously considered synonymous with F. messanensis, is recognized at subspecific rank and the new combination F. messanensis subsp. sphaciotica validated. The occurrence of subsp. gracilis in Greece (Ionian Islands and W Sterea Ellas) is confirmed. The relationships of F. messanensis with taxa occurring in the Mediterranean region are discussed.
For twenty coastal dune sites in Epirus, Sterea Ellada, Peloponnesos and the Ionian islands Paxi, Antipaxi, Kerkyra, Zakynthos and Lefkada, a flora list of 182 taxa, including two Greek endemics is presented. Characteristics and conservational aspects of the vegetation are discussed.
Populations of Cladium mariscus have been observed in twenty-nine localities, mainly in western Greece, fourteen of which are new records. The species grows in a broad spectrum of habitats (lakes, lagoons, shallow marshes, humid grasslands), depending on the presence of fresh water. Correspondence factor analysis of phytosociological relevés identified seven different vegetation types with C. mariscus in Greece, which are discussed in short.
The local endemic element in the flora of the W Aegean island of Evvia comprises 39 taxa (2.1 % of an estimated total of 1833 taxa). The three centres of endemism on the island are the ophiolitic areas of N Evvia, Mt Dirphis in central Evvia and Mt Ochi and the Cape Kafireas area in S Evvia. The majority of the endemic taxa inhabit limestone and ophiolitic habitats. Schizoendemics (80.8 %) form the largest category, followed by apoendemics (11.5 %) and palaeoendemics (7.7 %). Taxonomical comments on selected taxa are provided. The chromosome number of ten taxa is given for the first time.
Based on a floristic survey in SE Peloponnisos, focusing on Mt Parnonas and its southeastern environment, new localities and annotations are presented for 14 endemic or otherwise noteworthy taxa. Seven taxa, Asperula lutea subsp. rigidula, Centaurea pseudocadmea, C. subsericans, Cephalaria setulifera, Convolvulus boissieri subsp. parnassicus, Klasea cretica, Scutellaria rupestris subsp. cytherea, are reported for the first time from mainland Peloponnisos. The taxonomic status of Minuartia favargeri is reconsidered and its inclusion into M. pichleri confirmed by the study of several new populations.
Resulting from field work in all seasons 120 taxa are newly recorded for the island of Antikythera, among them 13 local or Aegean endemics. The total number of native plant taxa on the island is raised to 336. From the nearby islets Thimonies and Prassou, thus far unexplored botanically, 8 and 98 taxa, respectively, are recorded. Chorological and biological spectra of the total flora of the islands are given and discussed. A description of the vegetation of the area is added, including a vegetation map. The need for intensive exploration of the Greek island flora during all seasons is emphasized.
Three Linnaean plant names are lectotypified: Campanula saxatilis (Campanulaceae), Phyteuma pinnatum (now Petromarula pinnata, Campanulaceae) and Verbascum arcturus (Scrophulariaceae). The latter two species are endemic to the S Aegean island of Crete (Kriti), whereas C. saxatilis is endemic to Crete (subsp. saxatilis) and the islands of Kithira and Antikithira to the northwest (subsp. cytherea).
The angiosperm family Staphyleaceae, represented in the Flora Hellenica area by just one genus and species, Staphylea pinnata, was not known to occur in Greece until recently. Alas, its single known Greek population is definitely destroyed. As a consequence, the status of extinction in Greece has to be attributed to the family, genus and species as long as a reconfirming collection is wanting.
Field work during twenty years in the mountains of Crete has disclosed that the endemic deciduous tree Zelkova abelicea is more abundant than hitherto reported. The number of mature and old trees is estimated to reach several hundreds, while Z. abelicea scrub browsed by sheep and goats comprises thousands of individuals. The species is extremely resistant to browsing and regenerates by suckers after forest fires. Z. abelicea suckers freely and suckering is an efficient way of propagation in the wild, while natural regeneration by seed was very rarely seen. Root cuttings from all four mountain ranges of Crete were taken to Denmark and 50% successfully rooted. Best results were obtained with root cuttings taken in late autumn. Branch cuttings of newly matured shoots from young plants were rooted with good results when taken after midsummer. Z. abelicea has been grown outdoors in milder areas of Scandinavia during five years with only insignificant frost damage after cold winters. Currently it is not threatened with extinction but remains vulnerable.
Acanthus greuterianus from the Greek provinces of Kozanis, Florinis, Grevenon and Pellis is described as a species new to science, illustrated and compared with other members of the genus in Greece and SW Asia.
Sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region were analysed for 116 representative species of 59 genera of Compositae-Anthemideae to ascertain the taxonomic position of Matricaria macrotis, a rare and enigmatic species from the E Aegean. The phylogenetic reconstruction indicates that M. macrotis is nested within the genus Anthemis s.str. next to members of A. sect. Maruta. This result is supported by morphological features. The previous inclusion of this species in the genus Matricaria was mainly based on the absence of receptacular scales (pales), whereas several characters of indumentum, achene morphology and achene anatomy support its transfer to Anthemis. The new combination Anthemis macrotis is validated and a lectotype for the basionym designated.
Anthemis scopulorum, which belongs to the A. tomentosa group, is one of the species exclusively inhabiting small, low islets and restricted in its distribution to the Aegean. Diagnostic characters and intraspecific variation are treated and illustrated, chromosome number (2n = 18) and karyotype, and, based on recent field studies, new data on its distribution, ecology and phytosociology are given.
Hieracium greuteri, only known from the northern Peloponnese, is described as a species new to science and illustrated. Scanning electron microscopical analysis of the surface structures of leaves and involucral bracts indicates a relationship to the H. olympicum group.
A new species of the recently established genus Acis, A. ionica, is described from the Ionian Islands and W Sterea Ellas in Greece and a restricted area of Albania, close to the city of Vlore. The morphological differences from its relatives are discussed and phytogeographical and karyological aspects of the group outlined. The chromosome number of the new species, 2n = 16, and its karyotype are shared with its closest relative, A. valentina from the Iberian Peninsula.
Allium apolloniensis is described as a species new to science, illustrated and compared with related species of A. sect. Codonoprasum. It is apparently restricted to the Cyclades in the central Aegean and of particular interest for the phylogeny of the genus because it is tetraploid (2n = 4x = 32).
Achnatherum fallacinum is described as a new species from Greece related to A. bromoides, from which it differs in shorter glumes, lemmas and awns, in the indumentum of the lemma and, most importantly, in the presence of intravaginal innovations, lacking extravaginal branching. The new species, centred in the Aegean region, settles in more open habitats with bare soil and is only occasionally sympatric with its relative.
The phytogeographical affinities of Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, the Maltese and the Balearic Islands are analysed on the basis of the chorological information in the Atlas Florae Europaeae 1–13. Data for 1109 indigenous phanerogam species were used for the production of a similarity matrix and taxon richness maps for each island, showing the representation of its flora in Europe. Jaccard's similarity index values of each island and related mainland areas show a strong floristic similarity between the large W Mediterranean islands Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily, and parts of their adjacent mainland, which reflects a common geological history. The maps show that the Balearic Islands have many species in common with Malta, which depends on the prevailing pan-Mediterranean element. Many Sicilian taxa show up in the Balkans, while many species of (the mountains of) Corsica, Sicily and to a lesser extent of Sardinia appear in Central Europe. Such an element is absent in Crete, Malta and the Balearic Islands. Crete deviates widely from the other investigated areas as it has many species in common with the Cyclades and mainland Greece, but less so with the Balkans.
The numerous Minoan wall paintings known from excavations in Crete and on Thera, Greece, display a remarkable freshness of approach in their detailed naturalistic portraying of plants. Among the most spectacular is the fresco displaying lily-like flowers in the excavated Room of the Ladies at Akrotiri on Thera (Santorini island), which can be identified as sea daffodils (Pancratium maritimum, Amaryllidaceae). However, the large, crescent-shaped anthers of the flower are represented as standing on the teeth of the corona instead of on slender filaments between the teeth. Seemingly the Aegean artist strived by this arrangement to achieve a better harmony of design, but he thus came to show seven anthers instead of six. The magic attached in the number seven may have played a part. In contrast, in a motive of the sea daffodil on a bronze Mycenaean sword, the number of anthers is six.
A numerical analysis is presented of the species composition of 20 assumed natural areas of N Morocco, using a similarity matrix of the distribution of 3113 taxa and a k-means partitive cluster analysis. The results largely support the phytogeographical divisions of N Morocco proposed by Sauvage & Vindt and by Dobignard.
Globularia greuteri is described as a species new to science and illustrated. It is endemic to the Talassemtane National Park in the Western Rif Mts in N Morocco. The morphological differences between the new species and its closest relative, G. liouvillei from the Moroccan High Atlas, are pointed out.
The genus Ptilostemon is represented in Morocco by four geographically and edaphically vicariant species. This contribution summarizes and expands the knowledge of distribution, ecology and phytosociology for P. leptophyllus. The species is endemic to the Central and Eastern Rif Mts, with an outpost in the Tazzeka Mts of the N Middle Atlas. It is strictly acidophilous and colonizes fissures of schist bedrock and moderately moving micaschists, mostly in the meso-Mediterranean bioclimate at 1000–1300m altitude. P. leptophyllus occurs in three different communities: (1) P. leptophyllus-Antirrhinum tortuosum community in the semi-arid, winter-cold Eastern Rif Mts around Tizi Ouzli; (2) Echium canum-Rumex thyrsoides community in the semi-arid, winter-mild lowlands of the Oued Rhis; (3) Convolvulus dryadum-Silene martyi community in the subhumid, meso-Mediterranean bioclimate. In all three communities caespitose hemicryptophytes are the predominant life form and Rif endemics such as P. leptophyllus, Convolvulus dryadum, Silene martyi and S. ibosii are a prominent chorotype. The pioneer character of other Ptilostemon species and the role of the rock environment as an evolutionary trap are discussed.
Two new species of Centaurea collected by R. Ulrich in southern Anatolia are described, mapped and illustrated. C. ulrichiorum is apparently very isolated and cannot be assigned to any of the known sections; molecular data place it in a clade comprising, e.g., the sections Jacea and Acrolophus. C. werneri is a member of C. sect. Acrolophus with affinities to species of the Balkans.
Poa greuteri, a small, tufted high mountain perennial, is described as a species new to science and illustrated. It is known only from a single population in the central Armenian Gegham Mts, where it grows on volcanic screes above Lake Aknalicz, at 3300 m altitude.
A dwarf pulvinate succulent perennial of the group of single-spined species of Euphorbia sect. Euphorbia from the foothills of the volcanic Jabal Urays massif, on the coast of the Gulf of Aden, is described as a species new to science and illustrated. It was formerly identified with E. triaculeata from the coastal plains of the Red Sea, but differs even habitually by medusoid growth similar to E. actinoclada. The species is named in honour of Prof. Werner Greuter.
Ethnobotanical data collected among the Eipo people in the Central Highlands of West New Guinea are compared with the theoretical model of ethnotaxonomic systems developed by Berlin and co-workers based on ethnobotanical studies in Central and South America. The Eipo plant nomenclature appears to fit well in Berlin's general principles and corroborates the existence of universals in folk classification systems.
In the Greater Antilles the family Ochnaceae is represented by the genera Sauvagesia and Ouratea. The genus Sauvagesia is represented by S. tenella in Cuba and Hispaniola, S. erecta subsp. erecta in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico and S. erecta subsp. brownei in Cuba and Jamaica. The genus Ouratea comprises: O. agrophylla, O. revoluta, O. elliptica. O. schizostyla, O. xolismifolia, O. ×acunae and O. ×savannarum, all endemic to Cuba; O. striata from Cuba and Puerto Rico; O. nitida from Cuba and Jamaica; O. litoralis, endemic to Puerto Rico; O. ilicifolia, endemic to Hispaniola; and O. laurifolia, O. jamaicensis and O. elegans, all endemic to Jamaica. Identification keys to the genera and species are presented.
The new genus Ignurbia of the Asteraceae tribe Senecioneae is described from the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Its only species, I. constanzae, first described by Ignatz Urban under Senecio, is illustrated. The new genus is characterized by its herbaceous, suffruticose habit, dissected leaves with a herbaceous texture, orange or dirty yellow discoid capitula and styles with continuous stigmatic areas lacking distinct sweeping-hairs. Possibly related genera are Odontocline (Jamaica), Jessea (Costa Rica, Panama) and Talamancalia (Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru).
A new species, Odontosoria reyesii, known from a single locality in the province of Guantanamo, eastern Cuba, is described. A brief characterization of the other four species of the genus known from Cuba, an identification key and data on their distribution are added.
Three Cuban species of the genus Buxus, endemic to the Sierra de Moa-Baracoa mountain system, are described as new to science. Besides morphological descriptions, the results of a character analysis including pollen morphology, leaf venation and leaf anatomy are presented, which contribute to the delimitation of the species and the clarification of their relationships.
A preliminary evaluation of the conservation status of 54 Cuban endemic species of Polypodiopsida is presented; 14 are Critically Endangered (CR), 12 Endangered (EN), 9 Vulnerable (VU), 3 Near Threatened (NT) and 16 are Least Concerned (LC). The most common threat is the loss or degradation of the habitat because of agriculture, mining, deforestation and infrastructure development. Distribution and habitat are depicted.
A brief, updated account on the taxonomic history of Cuban palms is provided, together with a key for the field identification of the 14 currently recognized native genera. Four of the most interesting genera of Cuban native palms (Thrinax, Coccothrinax, Copernicia and Roystonea) are commented. The name Coccothrinax crinita is lectotypified.
As the result of a collecting trip to the peninsula of Chalkidiki in NE Greece in autumn 2002, 169 bryophyte taxa were recognized. Three of these, Ephemerum serratum, Riccia beyrichiana and Thuidium delicatulum, are new records for Greece, six are new records for mainland Greece, 23 for NE Greece and 19 for Chalkidiki. The high percentage of new records (31 %) demonstrates the poor state of the bryological exploration of Greece. An annotated catalogue of the collected taxa is presented, including notes on substrates and associated bryophytes.
Lectotypes are selected and illustrated for seven names of diatom species described by Ehrenberg in 1840 from Greece: Amphitetras antediluviana, Epithemia hellenica (Eunotia hellenica), Lyrella praetexta (Navicula praetexta), Rhopalodia graeca (Cocconema graecum), Stictodiscus parallelus (Amphitetras? parallela), Triceratium favus and T. pileus. This includes the type of the genera Amphitetras and Triceratium. New combinations are validated for Epithemia hellenica and Rhopalodia graeca.
A revised lichen checklist for Egypt, the first to be published since 1901, is presented. It is based on a detailed literature survey supported by a limited study of herbarium material. The list includes 163 taxa of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi, six of which are newly recorded for the country. Synonymic interpretation, a short historical background and a comprehensive bibliography are also provided. The total lichen flora of Egypt is estimated to comprise no more than 250 species with a remarkably poor representation of many common groups, such as Parmeliaceae.
A brief account of the life of Franz Stephani, 1898–1925, together with an assessment of the scientific significance of his major publication, Species Hepaticarum, a worldwide treatment of the species of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, are presented.
Short biographies are presented of three Bavarian plant collectors in Greece. Franz Xaver Berger (1806–1834), a catholic priest, and Franz Zuccarini (1799?–1833), the brother of the Munich Professor Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini, came to Greece with King Otho in 1833. Both died in Nauplia. The third, Carl Nikolaus Fraas (1810–1875), came to Athens in 1835, evolved in Greece from a pure plant systematist to an economic botanist, and returned to Munich in 1841, where he became later Director of the Royal Central School of Veterinary Medicine and Professor at the University.
An itinerary is presented of the 1841–42 expedition to southern Iran by the Silesian botanist Theodor Kotschy (1813–66), together with a short biography, a discussion of specimen numbering and a gazetteer containing variant spellings of places visited, with their geographical coordinates.
The enigmatic secondary or actual author, depending on the nomenclatural view taken, of Sitodium altile (Moraceae) and Aniotum fagiferum (Fabaceae), hitherto only known by his initial “Z” is identified as Friedrich August Zorn von Plobsheim (1711–89), an elusive naturalist from Danzig (Gdánsk), whose biography is briefly outlined.
The collections from the Royal Spanish Expeditions to Latin America conserved in the Institut Botànic de Barcelona, comprising 695 specimens, illustrate the changing fortunes in the study of the flora of tropical America by Spanish botanists and their herbarium material. We present data on the collectors, the collection localities and the expeditions, and as electronic supplement, a list of all specimens with collecting data and the determinations on the sheets.
The Humboldt & Bonpland type collection of the name Phaedranassa multiflora (now Rauhia multiflora) from Peru, located only in the general herbarium at Berlin-Dahlem, is notable for the presence of two field labels and various annotations. New insight in its history of identification and publication is provided by comparison with Bonpland's field book entry and Kunth's protologue. Further notes on the genus Rauhia are presented.
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