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VOL. 129 · NO. 4 | October 2012
The Auk 129 (4), (1 October 2012) Open Access
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The Auk 129 (4), (1 October 2012) Open Access
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The Auk 129 (4), (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Perspectives in Ornithology
Anna D. Chalfoun, Kenneth A. Schmidt
The Auk 129 (4), 589-599, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Research Articles
Jonathan B. Dinkins, Michael R. Conover, Christopher P. Kirol, Jeffrey L. Beck
The Auk 129 (4), 600-610, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: avian predator, brood-site selection, Centrocercus urophasianus, greater sage-grouse, nest-site selection, predation risk, predator avoidance, SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION
Meggie Desnoyers, Gilles Gauthier, Josée Lefebvre
The Auk 129 (4), 611-622, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: breeding site fidelity, capture—recapture, Chen caerulescens atlantica, greater snow goose, group living, migration, stable associations
James W. Rivers, Sarah Young, Elena G. Gonzalez, Brent Horton, Justin Lock, Robert C. Fleischer
The Auk 129 (4), 623-631, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: brown-headed cowbird, generalist brood parasite, kinship, laying pattern, Molothrus ater, nestmate relatedness
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas, Dariusz Jakubas
The Auk 129 (4), 632-637, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: Alle alle, auks, biparental care, female desertion, parental strategy, uniparental care
Michael W. Eichholz, John A. Dassow, Joshua D. Stafford, Patrick J. Weatherhead
The Auk 129 (4), 638-644, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: fitness, habitat selection, nest, predator detection, risk assessment, ultraviolet, urine, waterfowl
James E. Lyons, J. Andrew Royle, Susan M. Thomas, Elise Elliott-Smith, Joseph R. Evenson, Elizabeth G. Kelly, Ruth L. Milner, David R. Nysewander, Brad A. Andres
The Auk 129 (4), 645-652, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: Bayesian analysis, Black Oystercatcher, detection probability, Haematopus bachmani, Hierarchical model, monitoring, sampling frame, survey
Sievert Rohwer, Kristin Broms
The Auk 129 (4), 653-659, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: eccentric molt, feather loss intervals, isotope sampling, molt duration, molt methods, primary molt
Tobias Roth, Philipp Sprau, Marc Naguib, Valentin Amrhein
The Auk 129 (4), 660-669, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: female arrival, Luscinia megarhynchos, model-based approach, Nightingale, piecewise regression, state-space models, switch-point analyses
Nathan R. Senner
The Auk 129 (4), 670-682, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: climate change, Hudsonian Godwit, intraspecific differences, Limosa haemastica, local adaptation, migration, phenology
Jason M. Townsend, Christopher C. Rimmer, Kent P. Mcfarland, James E. Goetz
The Auk 129 (4), 683-690, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: arthropod abundance, Bicknell's Thrush, body condition, Catharus bicknelli, frugivory, migratory birds, neotropical, non-breeding habitat
Josh Van Buskirk
The Auk 129 (4), 691-698, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: annual cycle, climate change, hawk watch data, migration, phenology, raptors
Zihui Zhang, Yunping Huang, Helen F. James, Lianhai Hou
The Auk 129 (4), 699-706, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: biogeography, Jinniushan site, Leptoptilos lüi sp. nov., Middle Pleistocene, northeastern China
Valerie A. O'Brien, Charles R. Brown
The Auk 129 (4), 707-715, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: Buggy Creek virus, fledging success, house sparrow, invasive species, virus ecology, wildlife disease
Rachel Vallender, Roger D. Bull, Laurel L. Moulton, Raleigh J. Robertson
The Auk 129 (4), 716-724, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: avian malaria, conservation, Golden-winged Warbler, hybridization, Vermivora chrysoptera
Amy C. Schwarzer, Jaime A. Collazo, Lawrence J. Niles, Janell M. Brush, Nancy J. Douglass, H. Franklin Percival
The Auk 129 (4), 725-733, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: Barker model, Calidris canutus, Florida, Red knot, survival, site fidelity
Joseph A. Lamanna, T. Luke George, James F. Saracco, M. Philip Nott, David F. DeSante
The Auk 129 (4), 734-743, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: Catharus ustulatus, Cormack-Jolly-Seber, MAPS program, migration, Precipitation, residency, survival, Swainson's Thrush
Sarah M. Rockwell, Carol I. Bocetti, Peter P. Marra
The Auk 129 (4), 744-752, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: arrival dates, climate change, Kirtland's Warbler, migratory birds, reproductive success, Setophaga kirtlandii, winter rainfall
Aggeliki Doxa, Alexandre Robert, Alain Crivelli, Giorgos Catsadorakis, Theodoros Naziridis, Harris Nikolaou, Frederic Jiguet, Konstantinos Theodorou
The Auk 129 (4), 753-762, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: climate change, laying dates, long-lived species, Pelecanus crispus, P. onocrotalus, subcolony
Edward J. Raynor, Aaron R. Pierce, Cecilia M. Leumas, Frank C. Rohwer
The Auk 129 (4), 763-772, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: barrier islands, coastal restoration, ground-nesting waterbirds, Gulf of Mexico, habitat requirements, nest-site selection, Thalasseus.
Ákos Pogány, René E. Van Dijk, Péter Horváth, Tamás Székely
The Auk 129 (4), 773-781, (1 October 2012)
KEYWORDS: breeding system, Eurasian Penduline Tit, Parental care, Remiz pendulinus, sex role, sexual conflict
Jim Belthoff
The Auk 129 (4), 782-784, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Thomas E. Lovejoy
The Auk 129 (4), 785-786, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Jerome A. Jackson
The Auk 129 (4), 787-788, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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The Auk 129 (4), 789, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Storrs L. Olson
The Auk 129 (4), 790-791, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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R. Todd Engstrom, William E. Davis
The Auk 129 (4), 792-793, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Jan Ekman
The Auk 129 (4), 793-794, (1 October 2012) Open Access
No abstract available
Patricia Adair Gowaty
The Auk 129 (4), 794-795, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Fred C. Schaffner
The Auk 129 (4), 795-796, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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Kimberly G. Smith
The Auk 129 (4), 797-798, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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The Auk 129 (4), 799-800, (1 October 2012) Open Access
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