The review process is essential to the maintenance of high scientific standards in a journal. The efforts of individual reviewers are remarkable, and we take this opportunity to acknowledge publicly those who contributed reviews during the period that Volume 129 was in preparation (reviews completed between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012). Individuals who reviewed two or more manuscripts are signified by an asterisk. We also acknowledge the hard work of the Associate Editors, listed on the inside of the front cover of The Auk, whose impartial assessments of the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments provided the basis for their recommendations to the Editor. Memorials and book reviews were solicited and managed by Alan H.Brush and R.Todd Engstrom, respectively.
Josh Adams, Elizabeth Addis, Jason Addison, Caglar Akcay, Jose Luis Alcantara, Robert Aldredge, Mathew Alldredge, Res Altwegg,* Courtney Amundson, Kurt Anderson, Michael Anteau,* Dan Ardia, Wayne Arendt, Todd Arnold,* Carter Atkinson, Lise Aubry, Gregory Avellis, Jill Awkerman, Lisa Baril, Frederick Barker, Ramiro Barrantes, Jonathan Bart, John Bates, Nicolas Bech, James Bednarz, Simon Benhamou, Douglas Bertram, Joel Bety,* Jeffrey Black, Peter Blancher, Veronika Bókony, Alexander Bond, Rebecca Boulton, Rauri Bowie, Sean Boyd, Jeff Brawn,* Jeffrey Brawn, Kathleen Brazeal, Eliot Brenowitz, André Breton, Gwenda Brewer, Eli Bridge,* Christopher Briggs, George Britton, David Brown,* Alan Brush, Richard Buchholz,* Deborah Buehler, Jeffrey Buler, Theresa Burg, Joanna Burger, Kevin Burns, Edward Burtt, Tom Cade, Carlos Daniel Cadena,* Emanuelle Cam, Michael Campbell,* Daniel Catlin, Anna Chalfoun, Richard Chandler, Karen Cheney, R Chesser, Zachary Cheviron, Johanna Choo, James Churchill, Santiago Claramunt, Christopher Clark, Sonya Clegg, Pete Coates, Andrew Cockburn, Emily Cohen, Jonathan Cohen, Gabriel Colbeck,* Bret Collier,* Mark Colwell,* John Confer, Mark Cook, Nathan Cooper, Jamie Cornelius,* Ainara Cortés-Avizanda, Daniel Coulton, Will Cresswell, Daniel Cristol, Andrés M. Cuervo, Sasha Dall, Alistair Dawson, Maria De Marsico, Nina Dehnhard, Kim Derrickson, Pierre Deviche,* Jean-Michel DeVink, Hope Draheim, Matthew Dugas, John Dumbacher,* Erica Dunn,* Camille Duval, John Eadie, Muir Eaton, Craig Ely, Andrzej Elzanowski, R. Erwin, Daniel Esler, Matthew Etterson,* Adrian Farmer, Chris Farmer, Miguel Ferrer, Curtis Flather, Tony Fox, Charles Francis,* Harry Frank, James Fraser, Peter Frederick, Nicholas Friedman,* Victoria Friesen, Karen Gaines,* Edward Garton, Sidney Gauthreaux, Elena Gomez-Diaz, Gary Graves, David Green,* Harold Greeney, Tim James Greives, Simon Griffith, Blake Grisham, Jeremy Groom, Alexandra Grutter, Joseph Grzybowski,* Christopher Guglielmo, Alex D. Gunderson, Brian Guzzetti,* Steffen Hahn, Tom Hahn, Paul Hamel, Daniel Hanley, Benjamin Hatchwell, David Hawke, Christopher Heckscher,* Anders Hedenstrom, Fabrice Helfenstein,* James Herkert, Sebastian Herzog,* Christopher Hill, Marcel Honza, Jon Horne, Richard Hutto, Kathryn Huyvaert,* Richard Inger, Martin Irestedt, Kamal Islam, Jodie Jawor, Lukas Jenni,* Susanne Jenni-Eiermann,* Frederic Jiguet, Douglas Johnson,* Erik Johnson, Knud Jonsson, Leo Joseph, Roger Jovani, Romain Julliard, Sara Kaiser, Nina Karnovsky, Todd Katzner, Jeffrey Kelly, Kevin Kerr,* Marc Kery, Dylan Kesler,* Becky Kilner, Daniel Kim,* Rolf Koford,* Nicky Koper, Karl Kosciuch, Daniel Ksepka, V. Kumar, David Lahti, Richard Lanctot, Tom Langen, Quresh Latif, Nicolas Lecomte,* Esa Lehikoinen, Paula Lehtonen,* Daniel Linden, William Link, Irene Liu, Bette Loiselle, Antoine Louchart, Stefan Lüpold,* Sharon Lynn, Scott Macdougall-Shackleton, Bettina Mahler,* Joshua Malt, Raivo Mand, Joe Manthey, Peter Marra, James Martin, Jean-Louis Martin, Kathy Martin,* Lynn Martin, Thomas Martin,* John Marzluff, Heather Mathewson, Brady Mattsson, Gerald Mayr, Brett McClintock,* Mark McConnell, John McCormack, Kevin McCracken, Liam McGuire, Bailey McKay, Scott McWilliams, Tim Meehan, Daniel Mennill,* Borja Mila, Greg Mitchell,* Chitoshi Mizota, Borge Moe, Anders Møoller,* Frank Moore, Ignacio Moore, Levi Moore, Eugene Morton,* Robert Moyle,* Ronald Mumme, Ruedi Nager, Douglas Nelson, Zoltan Nemeth,* Christopher Nicolai, Ian Nisbet, Joseph Nocera, Jorge Noriega, Nadav Nur,* Diane O'Brien, Dawn O'Neal,* Erin O'Brien, Paul Oliver, Storrs Olson, Kathleen O'Reilly, Jean-François Ouellet, Noah Owen-Ashley, Joseph Oyugi, Sarah Pabian, Rosana Paredes, Patricia Parker, Juan Parra, Kristina Paxton, Noah Perlut, Townsend Peterson, Anna Pidgeon, Barbara Pierce, Theunis Piersma, Maud Poisbleau, Abby Powell, Jouke Prop, Shane Pruett,* Francisco Pulido, Peter Pyle,* Marilyn Ramenofsky,* S. Rani, Wendy Reed, Jennifer Reidy, William Reisen, Rosalind Renfrew, Carla Restrepo, S. James Reynolds, Christine Ribic, Jason Riddle, Chadwick Rittenhouse, Gillian Robb, Gregory Robertson, Jeanne Robertson,* Scott K. Robinson,* Erin Roche, Robert Rockwell,* Christopher Rogers, Gary Roloff, Robert Ronconi, Tom Rooney, James Roper, Kenneth Rosenberg, Stephen Rothstein, Christopher Roy, Scott Rush,* Janet Ruth, Mark Ryan,* Nicola Saino, Sarah Saunders, Michael Schaub, Scott Schlossberg, Joshua Schmidt, Tim Schmoll, Joel Schmutz, Tom Schulenberg,* Matthew Schuler, Paul Scofield, James Sedinger, Lorenzo Serra, Christopher Sharp, T. Sillett, Humphrey Sitters, Gary Slater, Brian Smith, Jill Soha, Marjorie Sorenson, David Spector, Garth Spellman, Cynthia Staicer, Karen Steenhof,* Ian Stewart, Cassie Stoddard, Kirk Stodola, Bård G. Stokke, Diana Stralberg, Bill Strausberger,* Henry Streby, Colin Studds,* Bridget Stutchbury,* Walter Svagelj, David Swanson,* Sandra Talbot, Corey Tarwater,* Chris Templeteon, Marc Thery, Frank Thompson,* Rose Thorogood, Bret Tobalske, Marie Tremblay, Jacintha van Dijk,* Marcel van Tuinen, Thor Veen, Richard Veit, Pablo Vergara, Marc-André Villard, Andrew Vitz,* Johann Walker, Eric Walters, Michael Ward, Ian Warkentin, Nils Warnock, Bryan Watts, Karel Weidinger, Andreanna Welch, Jennifer White,* Karen Wiebe, Ernest Willoughby, Herb Wilson, Robert Wilson, Scott Wilson, Virginia Winder, Kevin Winker, Maiken Winter,* Christopher Witt, Stefan Woltmann, Petra Wood, Trevor Worthy, Joseph Wunderle, Nikita Zelenkov, and Robert Zink.*