Riccardia pusilla (Steph.) E.A.Br., was treated as a synonym of Riccardia crassa by Söderström et al. (2016) overlooking that Brown and Braggins (1989) accepted the species. The name is illegitimate being a later homonym of Riccardia pusilla Grolle, and a new name is needed in Riccardia.
Riccardia browniae A.Hagborg et L. Söderstr. nom. nov.
≡Aneura pusilla Steph., J. & Proc. R. Soc. New South Wales 48(1/2): 96, 1914 (Stephani and Watts 1914). Lectotype (Brown and Braggins 1989: 82): New South Wales, Black-heath, Watts 1051, Stephani herb. no. 11049 (G barcode G00113162).
≡Riccardia pusilla (Steph.) E.A.Br., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 669: 82 (Brown and Braggins 1989), nom. illeg. (ICN Art. 53.1, hom. illeg.).
Blocking name: Riccardia pusilla Grolle, J. Jap. Bot. 41(8): 231 (Grolle 1966).
The epithet honours our late friend and colleague Elizabeth Brown who was an expert on the genus Riccardia in Australasia.