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VOL. 75 · NO. 8 | November 2011
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1677, (1 November 2011)
No abstract available
Eric P. B. Jepsen, John J. Keane, Holly B. Ernest
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1678-1687, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: geographic distribution, great gray owl, habitat, habitat conservation, MaxEnt, predictive modeling, Sierra Nevada, Strix nebulosa.
Kyle Hamish Elliott, John E. Elliott, Laurie K. Wilson, Iain Jones, Ken Stenerson
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1688-1699, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: Bald Eagle, British Columbia, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, population trends, salmon stocks, top-down population regulation
Kenneth R. Duren, Jeffrey J. Buler, William Jones, Christopher K. Williams
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1700-1709, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: Colinus virginianus, landscape, multi-scale analysis, northern bobwhite, occupancy modeling
Ray T. Alisauskas, Guthrie S. Zimmerman
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1710-1715, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: arctic geese, band recovery, band retention, harvest, waterfowl
Aaron T. Pearse, Ray T. Alisauskas, Gary L. Krapu, Robert R. Cox
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1716-1723, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: agriculture, Anser albifrons, lipids, nutrient storage, Protein, Rainwater Basin, Saskatchewan
Mark Hebblewhite
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1724-1730, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: bias, cattle, grizzly bear, human-wildlife conflict, livestock depredation, STUDY DESIGN, wolf
Kevin S. White, Grey W. Pendleton, David Crowley, Herman J. Griese, Kris J. Hundertmark, Thomas McDonough, Lyman Nichols, Matt Robus, Christian A. Smith, John W. Schoen
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1731-1744, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: Alaska, Climate, growing degree days, mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus, snow, Summer, survival, winter
Jason L. Kindall, Lisa I. Muller, Joseph D. Clark, Jason L. Lupardus, Jennifer L. Murrow
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1745-1752, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cervus elaphus manitobensis, elk, POPULATION GROWTH, population viability, reintroduction, Tennessee
Maya L. Cahn, Mary M. Conner, Oswald J. Schmitz, Thomas R. Stephenson, John D. Wehausen, Heather E. Johnson
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1753-1766, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: California, disease, domestic sheep, endangered species management, Ovis canadensis sierrae, recovery plan, Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, Sierra Nevada mountains, stochastic population projection model
John R. Skalski, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Michael V. Clawson, Jerrold L. Belant, Dwayne R. Etter, Brian J. Frawley, Paul D. Friedrich
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1767-1773, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: age-at-harvest, Martes americana, population reconstruction
Katie M. Moriarty, William J. Zielinski, Eric D. Forsman
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1774-1787, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: American Marten, California, fragmentation, habitat loss, Martes americana, Sagehen Experimental Forest
Tyler Wagner, Duane R. Diefenbach, Sonja A. Christensen, Andrew S. Norton
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1788-1796, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cervus nippon, heirarchical models, logistic regression, multilevel modeling, Odocoileus virginianus, resource selection function
Chad J. Bishop, Charles R. Anderson, Daniel P. Walsh, Eric J. Bergman, Peter Kuechle, John Roth
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1797-1806, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: birth site, capture, Colorado, fawn, fetus, mule deer, neonate, Odocoileus hemionus, parturition, vaginal implant transmitter (VIT)
Matthew J. Butler, Bret A. Collier, R. Douglas Holt, Warren B. Ballard, Markus J. Peterson, Nova J. Silvy, Mark C. Wallace
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1807-1811, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: aluminum, banding, butt-end band, Kansas, leg band, Meleagris gallopavo, retention, ringing, Texas, wild turkey
Mark P. Miller, Susan M. Haig, David B. Ledig, Madeleine F. Vander Heyden, Gregory Bennett
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1812-1818, (1 November 2011)
KEYWORDS: eradication, genetic analyses, island, Microtus longicaudus, Oceanodroma leucorhoa, Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, pest species, Saddle Rock
Emily K. Sands, Kevin Sands
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1819, (1 November 2011)
No abstract available
Carla G. Heister
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (8), 1820-1822, (1 November 2011)
No abstract available
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