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31 March 2021 New taxonomic and faunistic data on species of the genus Toxocnema Fåhraeus (Tenebrionidae: Tenebrioninae: Ulomini) from South Africa and Mozambique
Wolfgang Schawaller
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New synonyms of the genus Toxocnema Fåhraeus, 1870 (Tenebrionidae: Tenebrioninae: Ulomini) are established: Toxocnema fungicola Koch, 1953 (Toxocnema fungicola Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.), Toxocnema quintanilhai Koch, 1953 (Toxocnema leleupi Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.), Toxocnema rufitarsis Fåhraeus, 1870 (Toxocnema neopsectropis Koch, 1953 n. syn.), and Toxocnema thornei Koch, 1953 (Toxocnema ruthmuellerae Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.). New locality data are added. The ground dwelling species of Toxocnema are elements in arboreal habitats in eastern South Africa, Swaziland, and southern Mozambique.

1 Introduction

When describing five new species of the genus Toxocnema Fåhraeus, 1870 (Schawaller 2009), some older specimens were also found in the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History in Pretoria, which the late Carl Koch already recognised and named as new. However, Schawaller (2009) assumed that these were not published before Koch‘S death in 1970. It was not unusual that Koch named and designated type specimens of different genera in the collection of the former named Transvaal Museum in Pretoria, without having published them. Only recently, I came across with a hidden paper of Koch (1953), treating some new tenebrionids from Mozambique. In contrary to the title of that paper, also some species of Toxocnema from South Africa were described therein. Therefore, some species names have to be synonymised in the present paper. New locality data are also added. Fig- ures of all six species, identification key, and map of distribution are included in Schawaller (2009).

Fåhraeus (1870) placed his monotypic genus Toxocnema in the „Misolampides“. Koch (1953) reexamined the type species rufitarsis Fåhraeus, 1870, and placed Toxocnema in Neopsectropini Kaszab, 1941. This tribe was synonymised by Bouchard et al. (2005) with Ulomini Blanchard, 1845, subfamily Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802.

The six known species of Toxocnema are obligatory inhabitants of the soil litter in forest habitats and are endemic in the eastern parts of South Africa, in Swaziland, and in southern Mozambique (compare map in Schawaller 2009). The species have partly overlapping areals, eventually even syntopic occurrence (T. minima and T. rufitarsis in the Ongoye Forest, KwaZulu-Natal). The so far known southernmost species is T. thornei (T. ruthmullerae n. syn.) in Eastern Cape, the northernmost species is T. quintanilhai (T. leleupi n. syn.) in Swaziland and southern Mozambique.

2 Material and methods

Acronyms of depositories


The Natural History Museum, London


Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart


Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa

3 Taxonomy

Toxocnema fungicola Koch, 1953

  • Toxocnema fungicola Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.

  • Examined type specimen: South Africa, Eastern Cape (labelled as central part of Southern Cape Province), Grahams-town, ♂ holotype TMSA.

  • Synonymy: The holotype of T. fungicola Koch, 1953 fully coincides with type specimens of Toxocnema fungicola Schawaller, 2009, thus the latter is considered as a junior synonym.

  • Toxocnema kochi Schawaller, 2009

  • New material: South Africa, Eastern Cape, Nquadu Forest, 16.I.2006, leg. J. Janák, 3 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Umtavuna NR, 13.I.2006, leg. J. Janák, 1 ex. SMNS.

  • Toxocnema minima Schawaller, 2009

  • New material: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ongoye Forest, 294 m, 4.–5.XII.2010, leg. R. Müller, 6 ex TMSA, 4 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ongoye Forest, 11.I.2006, leg. J. Janák, 2 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Entumeni, Nkangala Forest, 6.I.2011, leg. J. Janák, 1 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, Eastern Cape, Cata Forest, 19.I.2006, leg. J. Janák, 3 ex. SMNS.

  • Toxocnema quintanilhai Koch, 1953

  • Toxocnema leleupi Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.

  • Type locality: Mozambique (labelled as Port. East Africa), Lourenço Marques (= Maputo).

  • New material: Mozambique, Lourenço Marques (= Maputo), Villa Luisa, 5.I.1953, leg. A. Cabral, 1 ex. TMSA. – Mozambique, Pomene, 4.V.1974, leg. A. Strydom, 1 ex. SMNS.

  • Synonymy: The holotype was deposited in the Centro de Investigação Cientifica Algodoeira at Maputo and could not be exmined, but the examined above listed non-type specimen from the type locality Maputo of T. quintanilahai Koch, 1953 fully coincide with type specimens of T. leleupi Schawaller, 2009 from Swaziland, thus the latter is considered as a junior synonym.

  • Toxocnema rufitarsis Fåhraeus, 1870

  • Toxocnema neopsectropis Koch, 1953 n. syn.

  • Examined type specimens: South Africa, Eastern Cape (labelled as Natal), mouth of Umkomaas River, IX.1897, leg. G. A. K. Marshall, ♂ holotype, 1 ♀ paratype of T. neopsectropis BMNH. –

  • Type locality: South Africa, Eastern Cape, Durban.

  • New material: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ngome Forest, 26.II.1997, leg. S. Endrödy-Younga, 2 ex. TMSA, 2 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ngome Forest, 27.I.2008, leg. P. Schüle, 1 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ngome Forest, 24.–27.XI.2006, leg. J. Janák, 2 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Ongoye Forest, 294 m, 4.–5.XII.2010, leg. R. Müller, 4 ex TMSA, 3 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, Ongoye Forest, 11.I.2006, leg. J. Janák, 1 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Vryheid NR, 1280 m, 20.I.2010, leg. J. Janák, 4 ex. SMNS. – South Africa, Eastern Cape, Mkambathi Reserve, 25.I.2018, leg. R. Müller, 1 ex. TMSA.

  • Synonymy: Koch (1953) separated T. neopsectropis from T. rufitarsis by the shape of the pseudopleural crest, by the shape of the pronotum, and by the shape of the anterior tibia in males, not by the shape of the aedeagus. The newly collected specimens show a certain variability in these characters, eventually depending from sex, and a distinct separation by these characters seems not possible. Therefore, T. neopsectropis Koch, 1953 is considered as a new synonym of T. rufitarsis Fåhraeus, 1870.

  • Toxocnema thornei Koch, 1953

  • Toxocnema ruthmuellerae Schawaller, 2009 n. syn.

  • Examined type specimens: South Africa, Western Cape (labelled as central part of Southern Cape Province), George Distr., 2 paratypes TMSA.

  • Synonymy: Both examined paratypes of T. thornei Koch, 1953 fully coincide with type specimens of T. ruthmuellerae Schawaller, 2009, thus the latter is considered as a junior synonym.

  • Acknowledgements

    For the loan of specimens from collections under their care I cordially thank Max Barclay (London), and Ruth Müller (Pretoria).

    4 References


    Bouchard, P., Lawrence, J. F., Davies, A. & Newton, A. F. (2005): Synoptic classification of the World Tenebrionidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) with a review of family-group names. – Annales Zoologici 55: 499–530. Google Scholar


    Fåhraeus, O. I. (1870): Coleoptera Caffrariae a J. A. Wahlberg collecta. Heteromera descripsit. – Acta Regia Academiae scientarum holmiensis. Öfversigtt af Kongliga Vetenskaps Akademien Förhandlingar 4: 243–317. Google Scholar


    Koch, C. (1953): The Tenebrionidae of Southern Africa. – XXIV. New Portuguese East African species, collected by Dr. A. J. Barbosa. – Revista da Faculdade de Ciéncias Lisboa (ser. 2a) 3: 239–310, 1 plate. Google Scholar


    Schawaller, W. (2009): Five new epigean species of Toxocnema Fåhraeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from arboreal habitats in South Africa and Swaziland. – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A (NS) 2: 363–370. Google Scholar


    [1] 1 Contributions to Tenebrionidae, no. 163. – For no. 162 see: Integrative Systematics 2, 2019.

    Wolfgang Schawaller "New taxonomic and faunistic data on species of the genus Toxocnema Fåhraeus (Tenebrionidae: Tenebrioninae: Ulomini) from South Africa and Mozambique," Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 2(1), 83-84, (31 March 2021).
    Published: 31 March 2021
    new synonyms
    South Africa
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