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31 March 2021 Checklist for the Darkling Beetles of Borneo (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae s.str.)
Roland Grimm, Wolfgang Schawaller
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A checklist for the Tenebrionidae (sensu stricto) (Coleoptera) of Borneo with corresponding references is compiled, based on the literature and unpublished records from different collections. Tenebrionidae are considered herein in a historical (typological) sense, excluding the subfamily Alleculinae and those tribes of Lagriinae previously classified in the family Lagriidae. Although the present list contains a total of 999 species from Borneo, it is far from completeness. Distributional patterns within Borneo itself are widely unknown.

1 Introduction

Tenebrionidae are one of the largest Coleoptera families occurring in all terrestrial habitats from the sea shore up to dry desert and steppe habitats in all altitudinal belts, and in all types of forests. Since Gebien (1914), no further attempt has been made to list the tenebrionid species from Borneo. Newly collected specimens induced us to fill up this gap.

Borneo is treated herein as a name in a geographical sense for the complete island, including the political sections Brunei, the five provinces of Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) and the Malaysian provinces Sarawak and Sabah. A few records from the small adjacent island Banguey (Pulau Banggi, Malaysia) are also included.

The checklist contains only species which are recorded from Borneo in the catalogue of Gebien (19391944) and in subsequent publications. Species said to occur in the “Sunda Islands”, in the “Indomalayan region” or “widespread in the Oriental region” are not considered when not unequivocallaly recorded from Borneo. To avoid repetitions, the list of references does not contain the older references cited by Gebien. All unpublished records from Borneo seen in different collections are added.

For a synoptic classification of the Tenebrionidae see Bouchard et al. (2005). However, for this checklist the family is considerd in a narrower traditional sense excluding the Lagriini and Alleculinae. Although this list contains 999 species, it is far from completeness. Several taxonomic problems still exist. Some assignments to tribes are insecure, a lot of genera have to be revised, many new species wait for descriptions, status of subspecis is doubtful, and synonymies and new combinations might be expected. Synapomorphic characters for most of the genera are still missing. Synanthropic species with a world wide distribution have also to be added.

Many tenebrionid species are restricted to primary forests, thus they are extremely threatened by the continous cutting and burning down of all forest types, in particular in all provinces of Borneo. Probably, many species become extinct already before somebody could have discovered them.

2 Material and methods

Abbreviations of collections


The Natural History Museum, London


Collection Dr. Kiyoshi Ando, Osaka


Collection Dr. Roland Grimm, Neuenbürg


Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest


Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel


National Museum (Entomology), Prague


Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford


Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto


Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart


Zoologische Staatssammlung, München

3 Checklist for Tenebrionidae of Borneo

Lagriinae Latreille, 1825
Laenini Seidlitz, 1896

  • Borneolaena riedeli Schawaller, 1998: Schawaller 1998b; BMNH, SMNS det. Schawaller.

Pycnocerini Lacordaire, 1859

Lupropini Ardoin, 1958

Goniaderini Lacordaire, 1859

  • Anaedus forticornis (Fairmaire, 1883): Gebien 1914, 1941 (also under rufipes); CRG det. Grimm & Schawaller; HNHM det. Merkl; MHNG, NMP, SMNS, ZSM det. Schawaller.

  • Anaedus inaequalis (Pic, 1917): CRG det. Grimm; HNHM det. Kaszab; MHNG, SMNS det. Schawaller; ZSM det Bremer.

  • Anaedus marginicollis (Fairmaire, 1896): CRG det. Grimm, MHNG, SMNS det. Schawaller, ZSM det. Bremer & Grimm.

  • Anaedus robusticollis (Pic, 1921): CRG det. Grimm; HNHM det. Kaszab; BMNH, MHNG, SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Pseudolyprops beloni Fairmaire, 1888: CRG det. Grimm; SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Pseudolyprops borneensis Pic, 1917: Gebien 1941.

  • Pseudolyprops dilaticollis Fairmaire, 1882: CRG det Grimm; SMNS det. Schawaller; ZSM det. Bremer & Grimm.

  • Pseudolyprops pinguis Gebien, 1927: CRG det. Grimm; SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Pseudolyprops testaceipes Pic, 1917: CRG det. Grimm; SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Spinanaedus serrimargo (Gebien, 1914): Gebien 1914, 1941 (both under Luprops, syn. singularis Pic, 1921); Schawaller 2003; CRG det. Grimm.

  • Spinolyprops lateralis Pic, 1917: Schawaller 2012a.

Phrenapatinae Solier, 1834
Phrenapatini Solier, 1834

Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802
Palorini Matthews, 2003

Toxicini Lacordaire, 1859

  • Borneosynopticus tubericollis Grimm, 2015: Grimm 2015b.

  • Cryphaeus curvicornis Chevrolat, 1849: HNHM det. Kaszab.

  • Cryphaeus fairmairei Gebien, 1911: CRG; HNHM det. Grimm.

  • Cryphaeus gazella Fabricius, 1798: Gebien 1914 (under sumatrensis), CRG det. Grimm; HNHM det. Kaszab; NMP, OUMNH det. Schawaller.

  • Cryphaeus wallacei Ando, 2018: Ando & al. 2017 (under homonym irregularis); Ando 2018.

  • Taiwanocryphaeus erberi Schawaller, 2005: Grimm 2010, 2011a.

  • Toxicum goliath Fairmaire, 1898: Gebien 1914, 1941.

  • Toxicum grande Pascoe, 1871: Gebien 1914, 1941; BMNH det. Grimm.

  • Toxicum heros Frivaldszky, 1882: Gebien 1914, 1941; Grimm 2010 (under syn. moultoni), 2013.

  • Toxicum quadricorne Fabricius, 1801: Gebien 1914; CRG, ZSM det. Grimm; HNHM det. Kaszab & Merkl; MHNG, NMP, OUMNH, SMNS det. Schawaller.

Bolitophagini Kirby, 1837

Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917

  • Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer, 1797): Darya & al. 2016; MHNG, SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Alphitobius inopinatus Grimm, 2015: Grimm 2015b.

  • Alphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius, 1781): CRG det. Grimm; SMNS det. Schawaller.

  • Curtopeltoides rufonotatus Pic, 1916: CRG det. Grimm & Schawaller.

  • Diaclina quadrimaculata Gebien, 1913: CKAO, SMNS det. Schawaller; CRG, NHMB det. Grimm.

  • Diaclina rufotincta Fairmaire, 1893: BMNH, CKAO det. Schawaller.

  • Guanobius antricola (Blair, 1936): Gebien 1940 (under Tenebrio); Grimm 2008a (under G. borneensis), 2010.

Triboliini Mulsant, 1854

Ulomini Blanchard, 1845

Helopini Latreille, 1802

  • Erulipothydemus longipennis Pic, 1918: Gebien 1943.

  • Periphanodes orichalceus Fairmaire, 1882: HNHM det. Kaszab.

Amarygmini Gistel, 1856

Rhysopaussini Wasmann, 1896

Pedinini Eschscholtz, 1829

Opatrini Brullé

Diaperinae Latreille, 1802
Diaperini Latreille, 1802

Unknown tribe

Crypticini Brullé, 1832

  • Ellipsodes (Anthrenopsis) scriptus (Lewis, 1894): SMNS det. Schawaller.

Hypophlaeini Billberg, 1820

Scaphidemini Reitter, 1922

Leiochrinini Lewis, 1894

Stenochiinae Kirby, 1837
Cnodalonini Gistel, 1856

Stenochiini Kirby, 1873


Max Barclay (London), Dr. Ivan Löbl (Geneva) and Dr. OttÓ Merkl (Budapest) helped with generous hospitality during several visits of the second author in the corresponding collections, loaned numerous specimens of Bornean tenebrio-nids and allowed to keep duplicates for the Stuttgart museum. Additional material was loaned to us by Drs. Kiyoshi Ando (Osaka), Michael Balke (Munich), Hans J. Bremer (Osna-brück), Chris Dartling (Toronto), JiřÍ HÁjek (Prague), James Hogan (Oxford), and Eva Sprecher (Basel). Max Barclay (London) and Dr. OttÓ Merkl (Budapest) improved the manuscript by their valuable comments, Dr. O. Merkl as referee and by inserting additional records from the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum.

4 References


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[1] 1 Contributions to Tenebrionidae, no. 162 – For no. 161 see: Zootaxa 4861, 2020.

Roland Grimm and Wolfgang Schawaller "Checklist for the Darkling Beetles of Borneo (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae s.str.)," Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 2(1), 61-82, (31 March 2021).
Published: 31 March 2021
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