VOL. 68 · NO. 3 | April 2017
F. A. J. Harris, H. A. Eagles, J. M. Virgona, P. J. Martin, J. R. Condon, J. F. Angus
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 195-201, (30 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16420
KEYWORDS: crop adaptation, Epistasis, physiological breeding, Ppd-B1, vernalisation
Agustin F. Arata, Silvia E. Lerner, Gabriela E. Tranquilli, Adriana C. Arrigoni, Deborah P. Rondanini
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 202-212, (27 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16330
KEYWORDS: Fertiliser, genetic variability, nutrient uptake
Fakiha Afzal, Bharath Reddy, Alvina Gul, Maria Khalid, Abid Subhani, Kanwal Shazadi, Umar Masood Quraishi, Amir M. H. Ibrahim, Awais Rasheed
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 213-224, (17 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16367
Miao Zhang, Yanping Wang, Zhongfang Tan, Zongwei Li, Ya Li, Haoxin Lv, Bei Zhang, Qingsheng Jin
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 225-233, (22 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16324
KEYWORDS: cornstalk, ensilage, moisture, pathogen, ruminal fermentation
A. E. Mohammed, M. P. You, M. J. Barbetti
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 234-242, (29 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16363
KEYWORDS: disease screening, disease management, host resistance, oilseed rape
Michele Faralli, Ivan G. Grove, Martin C. Hare, Peter S. Kettlewell
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 243-253, (6 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16427
KEYWORDS: crop management, grain yield, oilseed rape, stomatal conductance, water stress
Jana Mazáková, Jan Urban, Miloslav Zouhar, Pavel Ryšánek
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 254-264, (6 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16308
KEYWORDS: blackleg disease, colonization of stems, PCR-based diagnostics, Phoma lingam, sibling species
Maria J. Poblaciones, Zed Rengel
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 265-271, (27 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17082
KEYWORDS: agronomic biofortification, foliar fertilisation, sodium selenate, zinc fertilisers, phytate
Leonardo A. Monteiro, Paulo C. Sentelhas
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 272-284, (4 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16334
KEYWORDS: crop modelling, Ethanol production, risks mitigation, sugar, water stress
Duncan Fraser, Peter Sharp, Nabil Ahmad, Brett Morris, Richard Trethowan
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 285-296, (29 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15380
KEYWORDS: genotype diversity, kikuyu grass, salt and drought tolerance, untapped breeding potential
Adrián A. Correndo, Fernando Salvagiotti, Fernando O. García, Flavio H. Gutiérrez-Boem
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (3), 297-304, (21 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP16444
KEYWORDS: bivariate model, correlation, standardised major axis regression
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