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Access leading research from 200+ full text journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

Radiation Research
Radiation Research, published by the Radiation Research Society, publishes work dealing broadly with radiation effects and related subjects in the areas of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, including epidemiology and translational research.

Rangeland Ecology and Management
Rangeland Ecology & Management publishes content on all topics - including ecology, management, socioeconomic and policy - pertaining to global rangelands, in order to promote sound rangeland stewardship.

Rangelands features scientific and historical articles related to rangeland science, and covers topics such as rangeland management, technology, policy issues, economics, and education.

RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment
RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment contains biological information gathered on RAP expeditions to provide conservation professionals with the data they need to catalyze action and improve biodiversity protection.

Revue suisse de Zoologie
The Revue suisse de Zoologie is a biannual journal published by the Geneva Museum and the Swiss Zoological Society. The Revue suisse de Zoologie publishes zoological research, particularly in systematics and related fields.

Rhodora, which began publication in 1899, publishes work relating to the botany of North America and covers topics such as systematics, floristics, ecology, evolution, biogeography, and population genetics.