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VOL. 97 · NO. 1 | November 2024

Articles (20)
K.E. Doherty, J. Maestas, T. Remington, D.E. Naugle, C. Boyd, L. Wiechman, G. Bedrosian, M. Cahill, P. Coates, M. Crist, M.C. Holdrege, A.V. Kumar, T. Mozelewski, R.C. O'Connor, E.M. Olimpi, A. Olsen, B.G. Prochazka, J.R. Reinhardt, J.T. Smith, W.D. Sparklin, D.M. Theobald, K. Wollstein
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 1-11, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: conservation planning, Conifer encroachment, defend the core, invasive annual grass, Sagebrush conservation design, Sagebrush ecological integrity
Tina G. Mozelewski, Patrick T. Freeman, Alexander V. Kumar, David E. Naugle, Elissa M. Olimpi, Scott L. Morford, Michelle I. Jeffries, David S. Pilliod, Caitlin E. Littlefield, Sarah E. McCord, Lief A. Wiechman, Emily J. Kachergis, Kevin E. Doherty
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 12-24, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Conservation investment, Ecosystem loss, restoration planning, sagebrush biome, Spatial targeting
Martin C. Holdrege, Kyle A. Palmquist, Daniel R. Schlaepfer, William K. Lauenroth, Chad S. Boyd, Megan K. Creutzburg, Michele R. Crist, Kevin E. Doherty, Thomas E. Remington, John C. Tull, Lief A. Wiechman, John B. Bradford
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 25-40, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Artemisia tridentata, global warming, invasive annuals, sagebrush, wildfire
David M. Theobald, Alexander V. Kumar, Kevin Doherty, Katherine A. Zeller, Todd B. Cross
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 41-50, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: conservation planning, conservation prioritization, Landscape dynamics, sagebrush ecosystem, Structural connectivity
Jason R. Reinhardt, Jeremy D. Maestas, David E. Naugle, Geoffrey Bedrosian, Kevin E. Doherty, Alexander V. Kumar
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 51-60, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: conifer, conservation, juniper, pinyon pine, prioritization, sagebrush
Chad S. Boyd, Megan K. Creutzburg, Alexander V. Kumar, Joseph T. Smith, Kevin E. Doherty, Brian A. Mealor, John B. Bradford, Matthew Cahill, Stella M. Copeland, Cameron A. Duquette, Lindy Garner, Martin C. Holdrege, Bill Sparklin, Todd B. Cross
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 61-72, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: prevention, restoration, Strategic management
Geoffrey Bedrosian, Kevin E. Doherty, Brian H. Martin, David M. Theobald, Scott L. Morford, Joseph T. Smith, Alexander V. Kumar, Jeffrey S. Evans, Matthew M. Heller, John Patrick Donnelly, John Guinotte, David E. Naugle
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 73-83, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: conservation easements, cropland conversion, prioritization, risk model, sagebrush
Michele R. Crist, Karen C. Short, Todd B. Cross, Kevin E. Doherty, Julia H. Olszewski
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 84-93, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Burn probability, ecological integrity, resilience, resistance
Bill D. Sparklin, Kevin E. Doherty, Thomas J. Rodhouse, Jeffrey J. Lonneker, Jordan Spaak, Todd B. Cross, Jeffrey M. Warren
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 94-106, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Conifer encroachment, invasive annual grass, National Wildlife Refuges, sagebrush, Sagebrush conservation design
Elissa M. Olimpi, Tina Mozelewski, Josh Gage, Alexander V. Kumar, Caitlin Littlefield, Kevin Doherty
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 107-114, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: conservation prioritization, geospatial analysis, habitat loss, Landscape initiative, sagebrush biome
David E. Naugle, Jeremy D. Maestas, Scott L. Morford, Joseph T. Smith, Kristopher R. Mueller, Timothy Griffiths, Thad Heater
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 115-122, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Annual invasive grasses, conifer removal, Easements, private lands, sage grouse, Initiative, Sagebrush conservation design, voluntary conservation
Joseph T. Smith, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink, Jeremy D. Maestas, Scott L. Morford, David E. Naugle, Connor D. White
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 123-134, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum, Juniperus spp., restoration, sagebrush, tree removal, woody encroachment
Peter S. Coates, Brian G. Prochazka, Sarah C. Webster, Cali L. Weise, Cameron L. Aldridge, Michael S. O'Donnell, Lief Wiechman, Kevin E. Doherty, John C. Tull
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 135-145, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, conservation assessment, greater sage-grouse, monitoring, population ecology, state-space models
Brian G. Prochazka, Carl G. Lundblad, Kevin E. Doherty, Shawn T. O'Neil, John C. Tull, Steve C. Abele, Cameron L. Aldridge, Peter S. Coates
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 146-159, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, core areas, ecosystem integrity, greater sage-grouse, Rate of population change
Alexander V. Kumar, Jason D. Tack, Kevin E. Doherty, Joseph T. Smith, Beth E. Ross, Geoffrey Bedrosian
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 160-168, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Breeding Bird Survey, Brewer's Sparrow, Conifer encroachment, invasive annual grass, sagebrush sparrow, sage thrasher
Rory C. O'Connor, Chad S. Boyd, David E. Naugle, Joseph T. Smith
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 169-177, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: annual grass invasion, Carbon maintenance, carbon management, conifer expansion
Andrew Olsen, Megan Creutzburg, Mariah McIntosh, Dylan O'Leary, Katherine Wollstein, Jeremy D. Maestas, Lindy Garner, Brian Mealor
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 178-186, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: extension, rangelands, sagebrush, Science integration, Technical transfer
Katherine Wollstein, Dustin Johnson, Chad Boyd
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 187-199, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: Adaptive decision-making, complex problems, conservation planning, governance, Strategic conservation
Thomas E. Remington, Kenneth E. Mayer, San J. Stiver
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 200-208, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: sagebrush conservation, sage-grouse conservation
Matthew Cahill
Rangeland Ecology and Management 97 (1), 209-214, (28 October 2024)
KEYWORDS: climate change, Ecosystem disruption, invasive species, Management frameworks, restoration
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