VOL. 52 · NO. 1 | January 2025
Research Paper
Daniel G. Smuskowitz, Emilie J. Ens, Bridget Campbell, Bobby M. Wunuŋmurra, Bandipandi Wunuŋmurra, Luḻparr George Waṉambi, Brendan Banygada Wunuŋmurra, Butjiaŋanybuy Thomas Marrkula, Darren G. Waṉambi, The Yirralka Rangers
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (13 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24022
KEYWORDS: biocultural credits, biocultural indicators, community-led conservation, conservation finance mechanisms, cross-cultural ecology, cultural ecosystem services, ecosystem accounting, Indigenous-led conservation
J. L. Read, R. West, Grant Nyaningu and Warru Rangers, Oska Mills, B. L. Phillips
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (3 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24050
KEYWORDS: Anangu, dingoes, feral cats, First Nations, monitoring, population modelling, predator baiting, rock-wallaby, scat counts
Doc Reynolds, Liz Cameron
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (13 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24104
KEYWORDS: biodiversity, caring for Country, culture, INDIGENOUS, Yarning
Research Paper
Yuan Wang, Peng Yuan, Chao Liu, Ying Yang, Wenbin Yang, Dazhi Zhang, Guijun Yang
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (17 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24116
KEYWORDS: DNA metabarcoding, Feeding habits, goitered gazelle, habitat selection, MaxEnt, small scale, TrnL, ungulates
Rachel T. Mason, Anthony R. Rendall, Robin D. Sinclair, Euan G. Ritchie
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (17 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24117
KEYWORDS: dingo, European red fox, Fire management, Invasive species control, integrated ecosystem management, lethal predator control, non-target impacts, pyrodiversity, sodium fluoroacetate (1080)
Ina L. Smith, Nina Huang, Megan Pavy, Alexander Gofton, Omid Fahri, Egi Kardia, Roslyn Mourant, Sammi Chong, Maria Jenckel, Robyn N. Hall, Tanja Strive
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (14 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24122
KEYWORDS: Hares, hepatobiliary organoids, lagomorphs, predators, rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2, rabbits, RHDV2, scavengers
Vikram Vakil, Jonathan Cramb, Gilbert Price, Julien Louys, John Stanisic, Gregory E. Webb
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (16 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24149
KEYWORDS: conservation palaeontology, limestone caves, natural baselines, northern Australia, palaeoenvironment, severe losses, small mammals, subfossils
Miguel A. Bedoya-Pérez, Michael J. Lawes, Brett Ottley, Stuart Barker, Esther Tarszisz, Clive R. McMahon
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (14 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24170
KEYWORDS: agile wallaby, capture stress, drop-net capture method, live-capture, macropods, medium-sized macropod, muscle relaxant, myopathy
Heather E. Gaya, Gino J. D’Angelo, Mark Vukovich, Jordan L. Youngmann, Stacey L. Lance, John C. Kilgo
Wildlife Research 52 (1), (17 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1071/WR24175
KEYWORDS: abundance, Canis latrans, coyote, feral hog, invasive wild pig, Savannah River Site, supplemental forage, Sus scrofa
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