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VOL. 16 · NO. 3 | September 2010

Review article
Cornelia Ebert, Felix Knauer, Ilse Storch, Ulf Hohmann
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 225-240, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Canis latrans, Canis lupus, capture-recapture, faeces, genotyping, hair sampling, individual heterogeneity, Meles meles, population estimate, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Sus scrofa, Ursus americanus, Ursus arctos, wildlife management
Original articles
Henrik Brøseth, Hans Chr. Pedersen
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 241-248, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: disturbance, habitat use, hunting, Lagopus lagopus, movements, Norway, willow ptarmigan
Natalina Signorell, Sven Wirthner, Patrick Patthey, Rebekka Schranz, Luca Rotelli, Raphaël Arlettaz
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 249-257, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alpine timberline ecosystems, arthropod phenology, black grouse, breeding habitat selection, food abundance, habitat management, species conservation, Tetrao tetrix
Andreas König, Thomas Romig
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 258-266, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Human-wildlife conflict management, urban wildlife, Vulpes vulpes, wildlife diseases, zoonosis
Ivan Jarić, Torbjörn Ebenhard
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 267-275, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: black-footed ferret, extinction probability, modelling, Mustela nigripes
Pablo García, Valentín Arévalo, Miguel Lizana
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 276-282, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: alien species, American mink, habitat association, mustelid, Neovison vison, niche segregation, Population biology, spatial ecology
Daniele Iannuzzo, Stefano Focardi, Elisabetta Raganella-Pelliccioni, Silvano Toso
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 283-291, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Apennines, calibration model, Capreolus capreolus, local density, population estimate, roe deer
Ole-G. Støen, Wiebke Neumann, Göran Ericsson, Jon E. Swenson, Holger Dettki, Jonas Kindberg, Christian Nellemann
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 292-300, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: aircraft, Alces alces, brown bears, disturbance, GPS, moose, overflight, Sweden, Ursus arctos
Nathan R. De Jager, John Pastor
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 301-307, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alces alces, bite mass, Forage biomass, herbivory, moose, plant morphology, rowan, Sorbus aucuparia
Marilyn E. Dahlheim, Paula A. White
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 308-322, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: area usage, kill rates, marine predator, prey handling, prey selection, southeastern Alaska, transient killer whales
André Ganswindt, Stefanie Münscher, Michelle Henley, Rupert Palme, Peter Thompson, Henk Bertschinger
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 323-332, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: African elephant, Cortisol, enzyme immunoassay, injury, Kruger National Park, Loxodonta africana, non-invasive, stress
Short communication
Jennifer D. Jones, John J. Treanor, Rick L. Wallen, Patrick J. White
Wildlife Biology 16 (3), 333-339, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: birth, bison, brucellosis, cattle, disease, transmission, Yellowstone
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