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VOL. 16 · NO. 1 | March 2010
Review article
Robert Moss, Ilse Storch, Martin Müller
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 1-11, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: grouse, grouse conservation, research trends, Tetraonidae
Original articles
Olivier Devineau, Matthieu Guillemain, Alan R. Johnson, Jean-Dominique Lebreton
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 12-24, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anas crecca carolinenis, Anas crecca crecca, capture-mark-recapture, Eurasian teal, green-winged teal, harvest, population dynamics, recoveries, waterfowl
Rubén Moreno-Opo, Antoni Margalida, Ángel Arredondo, Francisco Guil, Manuel Martín, Rafael Higuero, Carlos Soria, José Guzmán
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 25-34, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Aegypius monachus, carrion, Cinereous Vulture, feeding sites, food preferences
Jonas Sahlsten, Frederik Wickström, Jacob Höglund
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 35-46, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bonasa bonasia, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis, fragmentation, hazel grouse, incidence function model, landscape, patch occupancy model, perimeter-area ratio
Anthony J. Gaston, Gregory J. Robertson
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 47-55, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Brünnich's guillemot, eastern Canada, Uria lomvia, age, harvest regulations, sea ice, NAO
Felix Knauer, Helmut Küchenhoff, Stefan Pilz
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 56-65, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: agricultural changes, population dynamics, predator-prey, small game conservation, time-series analysis
David S. Jachowski, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Dean E. Biggins, Travis M. Livieri, Marc R. Matchett
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 66-76, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: black-footed ferret, black-tailed prairie dog, Conata Basin, home range, Mustela nigripes, space use, volume of intersection, utilization distribution
Mathieu Garel, Christophe Bonenfant, Jean-Luc Hamann, François Klein, Jean-Michel Gaillard
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 77-84, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: abundance index, capture-mark-recapture, census method, Cervus elaphus, Count data, indicators of ecological change, red deer
Jonas Sahlsten, Nils Bunnefeld, Johan Månsson, Göran Ericsson, Roger Bergström, Holger Dettki
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 85-92, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alces alces, forage, GPS-collars, habitat improvement, management tool, migration, moose, pellet counts, ungulates
Short communications
Cy L. Mott, Scott E. Albert, Michael A. Steffen, John M. Uzzardo
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 93-100, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: calipers, camera, image analyses, Image J, morphometry
Michael S. Mitchell, Justin A. Gude, David E. Ausband, Carolyn A. Sime, Edward E. Bangs, Michael D. Jimenez, Curt M. Mack, Thomas J. Meier, M. Steven Nadeau, Douglas W. Smith
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 101-106, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: estimator, gray wolf, Idaho, northern Rocky Mountains, Montana, successful breeding pair, temporal validation, Wyoming
Vidar Selås, Børge Steinmo Johnsen, Nina E. Eide
Wildlife Biology 16 (1), 107-112, (1 March 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Arctic fox, competition, disturbance, ecosystem change, infrastructure, red fox, Vulpes lagopus, Vulpes vulpes
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