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22 November 2024 Response of corn to reduced rates of tiafenacil applied at vegetative growth stages
Donnie K. Miller, Tom L. Barber, Jason A. Bond, Lawrence E. Steckel, Daniel O. Stephenson, Matthew R. Foster, Thomas R. Butts, Koffi Badou-Jeremie Kouame
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Tiafenacil is a new nonselective protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO)–inhibiting herbicide with both grass and broadleaf activity labeled for preplant application to corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat. Early-season corn emergence and growth often coincides in the mid-South with preplant herbicide application in cotton and soybean, thereby increasing opportunity for off-target herbicide movement from adjacent fields. Field studies were conducted in 2022 to identify the impacts of reduced rates of tiafenacil (12.5% to 0.4% of the lowest labeled application rate of 24.64 g ai ha–1) applied to two- or four-leaf corn. Corn injury 1 wk after treatment (WAT) for the two- and four-leaf growth stages ranged from 31% to 6% and 37% to 9%, respectively, whereas at 2 WAT these respective ranges were 21.7% to 4% and 22.5% to 7.2%. By 4 WAT, visible injury following the two- and four-leaf exposure timing was no greater than 8% in all instances except the highest tiafenacil rate applied at the four-leaf growth stage (13%). Tiafenacil had no negative season-long impact, as the early-season injury observed was not manifested in a reduction in corn height 2 WAT or yield. Application of tiafenacil directly adjacent to corn in early vegetative stages of growth should be avoided. In cases where off-target movement does occur, however, affected corn should be expected to fully recover with no impact on growth and yield, assuming adequate growing conditions and agronomic/pest management practices are provided.

Nomenclature: Tiafenacil; corn, Zea mays L.; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.; wheat, Triticum aestivum L.

Donnie K. Miller, Tom L. Barber, Jason A. Bond, Lawrence E. Steckel, Daniel O. Stephenson, Matthew R. Foster, Thomas R. Butts, and Koffi Badou-Jeremie Kouame "Response of corn to reduced rates of tiafenacil applied at vegetative growth stages," Weed Technology 38(1), 1-6, (22 November 2024).
Received: 27 May 2024; Accepted: 9 July 2024; Published: 22 November 2024
herbicide injury
Off-target movement
reduced rate
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