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Northern highbush blueberry is an important fresh market product in New Jersey where the plant was first domesticated in the early 20th century. Because of the short period for safely and timely applying postemergence (POST) herbicides, reliance on residual herbicides that provide season-long control of weeds is essential for blueberry growers to minimize the detrimental effect of weed competition on berry yield and quality and bush growth. Field studies were conducted from 2018 to 2020 in Chatsworth, New Jersey, on ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Duke’, and ‘Elliott’ blueberry cultivars growing on sandy acidic soil to evaluate weed control and crop tolerance in response to repeated annual applications of indaziflam at 73 or 146 g ai ha–1 applied in fall or spring. The efficacy of indaziflam treatments were compared to those of fall-applied dichlobenil at 3,300 g ai ha–1 or a spring-applied mix of diuron at 1,800 g ai ha–1, oryzalin at 3,360 g ai ha–1, and mesotrione at 210 g ai ha–1. Indaziflam at the currently labeled rate of 73 g ai ha–1 provided ≥85% and season-long control of horseweed, Canadian toadflax, and large crabgrass with fall applications on dormant blueberry, whereas spring applications were less effective. Whereas minor (≤8%) and transient leaf crinkling was noted in response to spring-applied indaziflam at 146 g ai ha–1, a fall application never caused leaf crinkling greater than that observed in the nontreated weedy and weed-free controls, regardless of rate. No negative effects on plant growth or fruit production were observed from indaziflam applied at 73 or 146 g ai ha–1 in fall or spring. Findings of this study suggest that indaziflam applied at 73 (1× commercial use rate) and 146 g ai ha–1 is safe to use on blueberry grown on New Jersey sandy acidic soils despite restrictions for using this herbicide on such soils.
Nomenclature: Dichlobenil; diuron; indaziflam; mesotrione; oryzalin; American burnweed Erechtites hieraciifolius (L.) Raf. ex DC.; carpetweed, Mollugo verticillata (L.); horseweed, Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist; large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.; narrowleaf goldentop, Euthamia caroliniana (L.) Green ex Porter & Britton; Canada toadflax, Nuttallanthus canadensis (L.) D.A. Sutton; Pine Barren flatsedge, Cyperus retrorsus Chapm; northern highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum L.
The recent decline in pollinator abundance is a cause of concern for sustaining global food production. Several common weeds of managed turfgrass systems attract honeybees and other wild pollinators. As turfgrass often requires treatment with insecticides that harm bees, best practices are needed to prevent bees from visiting weed-infested turf areas that will be treated for insect pests. Weed control tactics can protect pollinator exposure to insecticides by reducing the floral resources afforded to bees from turfgrass weeds. Three field studies were conducted in 2021 and 2022 to evaluate the effect of various herbicides and herbicide formulation constituents on pollinator foraging and white clover floral morphology in managed tall fescue turfgrass. Treatments included a nontreated control; MCPP; 2,4-D; dicamba; Trimec Classic™ (2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba); Speedzone™ (carfentrazone, 2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba); and an herbicide-formulation constituent (inert ingredients of Speedzone™). All response variables were evaluated for 8 d, starting from one day before treatment and ending 6 d after treatment (DAT). The herbicide formulation constituent did not alter white clover flower density, floral discoloration, floral quality, or insect visitation compared to nontreated plots. Herbicides reduced flower density and floral quality to the same extent, but MCPP discolored white clover floral tissue 16% per day and less than all other herbicides except dicamba. Floral quality completely declined in approximately 5 d following any herbicide treatment. Bee visitation to white clover–infested turf increased by 3 bees min–1 for every 100 white clover blooms m–2. Honeybees and other insects vacated herbicide-treated areas in less than 2 d, despite minimal effects on floral quality and density at that time. The data suggest that practitioners could apply insecticides 2 d after auxin herbicide treatment and avoid harm to pollinators, but additional work is needed to directly measure pollinator exposure following such treatments.
Nomenclature: Carfentrazone; dicamba; MCPP; 2,4-D; white clover, Trifolium repens L.; tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea; honeybee, Apis mellifera L.
Cereal rye cover crop (cereal rye) and preemergence (PRE) herbicides are becoming common practices for managing herbicide-resistant weeds in soybean production. Adopting these two practices in combination raises concerns regarding herbicide fate in soil, given that the cereal rye biomass can intercept the herbicide spray solution, preventing it from reaching the soil. Delaying cereal rye termination until soybean planting (planting green) optimizes biomass accumulation but might also increase PRE interception. To better understand the dynamics between cereal rye and PRE herbicides, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate two soil management practices (tillage and no-till) and two cereal rye termination practices in the planting-green system (glyphosate [1,260 g ae ha–1] and roller-crimper) on the spray deposition and fate of PRE herbicides and soybean yield. The spray deposition was assessed by placing water-sensitive paper cards on the soil surface before spraying the PRE herbicides (sulfentrazone [153 g ai ha–1] + S-metolachlor [1,379 g ai ha–1]). Herbicide concentration in soil (0 to 7.6 cm) was quantified 25 d after treatment (DAT). The presence of no-till stubble and cereal rye biomass reduced the spray coverage compared to tillage at PRE application, which reflected in a reduction in the concentration of both herbicides in soil 25 DAT. Soybean yield was reduced in all three years when the cereal rye was terminated with a roller-crimper but only reduced in one year when terminated with glyphosate. Our findings indicate that mainly cereal rye biomass reduced the concentration of PRE herbicides in the soil due to the interception of the spray solution during application. Although higher cereal rye biomass accumulation can provide better weed suppression according to the literature, farmers should be aware that the biomass can lower the concentration of PRE herbicides reaching the soil, thus intensifying field scouting to ensure that weed control is not being negatively affected.
Bispyribac-sodium, a herbicide that inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS), is frequently used in rice fields in India to control weeds, including the most common noxious weed, barnyardgrass. However, rice growers have recently reported reduced control of barnyardgrass with bispyribac-sodium. Hence, a large-scale survey was carried out to assess bispyribac-sodium resistance in Chhattisgarh and Kerala, two rice-growing states. Open-field pot experiments were conducted for 2 yr to confirm resistance to bispyribac-sodium. Of the 37 biotypes tested, 30% (11) survived the recommended label rate of bispyribac-sodium (25 g ai ha–1). The effective rate of bispyribac-sodium required to achieve 50% control (ED50) of putative resistant biotypes ranged from 18 to 41 g ha–1, whereas it was about 10 g ha–1 for susceptible biotypes. This suggests that putative biotypes were two to four times more resistant to bispyribac-sodium. At 6 d after herbicide application, an in vitro enzyme assay demonstrated higher ALS enzyme activity in putative resistant biotypes (66% to 75%) compared with susceptible biotypes (48% to 52%). This indicates the presence of an insensitive ALS enzyme in those biotypes and a target site mutation as a possible mechanism for resistance. Whole-plant bioassays also suggested that the resistance problem is more widespread in Chhattisgarh than in Kerala. This study confirmed the first case of evolved resistance in barnyardgrass to bispyribac-sodium in rice fields of India.
Nomenclature: Bispyribac-sodium; barnyardgrass; Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.; rice; Oryza sativa L.
Invasive emergent and floating macrophytes can have detrimental impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Management of these aquatic weeds frequently relies upon foliar application of aquatic herbicides. However, there is inherent variability of overspray (herbicide loss) for foliar applications into waters within and adjacent to the targeted treatment area. The spray retention (tracer dye captured) of four invasive broadleaf emergent species (water hyacinth, alligatorweed, creeping water primrose, and parrotfeather) and two emergent grass-like weeds (cattail and torpedograss) were evaluated. For all species, spray retention was simulated using foliar applications of rhodamine WT (RWT) dye as a herbicide surrogate under controlled mesocosm conditions. Spray retention of the broadleaf species was first evaluated using a CO2-pressurized spray chamber overtop dense vegetation growth or no plants (positive control) at a greenhouse (GH) scale. Broadleaf species and grass-like species were then evaluated in larger outdoor mesocosms (OM). These applications were made using a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer. Evaluation metrics included species-wise canopy cover and height influence on in-water RWT concentration using image analysis and modeling techniques. Results indicated spray retention was greatest for water hyacinth (GH, 64.7 ± 7.4; OM, 76.1 ± 3.8). Spray retention values were similar among the three sprawling marginal species alligatorweed (GH, 37.5 ± 4.5; OM, 42 ± 5.7), creeping water primrose (GH, 54.9 ± 7.2; OM, 52.7 ± 5.7), and parrotfeather (GH, 48.2 ± 2.3; OM, 47.2 ± 3.5). Canopy cover and height were strongly correlated with spray retention for broadleaf species and less strongly correlated for grass-like species. Although torpedograss and cattail were similar in percent foliar coverage, they differed in percent spray retention (OM, 8.5± 2.3 and 28.9 ±4.1, respectively). The upright leaf architecture of the grass-like species likely influenced the lower spray retention values in comparison to the broadleaf species.
Waterhemp has evolved resistance to seven herbicide modes of action in the United States and to five in Canada, which limits weed control options for producers. The objective of this research was to quantify the level and duration of residual control of multiple herbicide-resistant (MHR) waterhemp with five Group 15 herbicides (acetochlor, dimethenamid-p, flufenacet, pyroxasulfone, and S-metolachlor) applied preemergence in a non-crop area. Four field trials were conducted over a 2-yr period (2021, 2022) in southwestern Ontario, Canada. By 4 wk after application (WAA) 91% of waterhemp had emerged in the nontreated control area. The numerical control of waterhemp with all Group 15 herbicides, with the exception of pyroxasulfone, was greatest at 4 WAA, then control declined. Flufenacet provided the lowest waterhemp control; dimethenamid-p and S-metolachlor provided intermediate control, and acetochlor and pyroxasulfone provided the highest control. Waterhemp control with pyroxasulfone peaked at 6 WAA with 99% and declined to 77% at 12 WAA. Flufenacet (low and high rates) was predicted to reduce waterhemp emergence by 50% for 42 to 44 d after application (DAA). Dimethenamid-p, S-metolachlor, and acetochlor (both formulations and three rates) were predicted to reduce waterhemp emergence by 80% for 36, 43, and 33 to 51 DAA, respectively; in contrast, pyroxasulfone was predicted to reduce waterhemp emergence by 80% for 82 DAA. This study concludes that of the Group 15 herbicides evaluated, flufenacet provides the lowest and shortest residual control of waterhemp, and pyroxasulfone provides the highest and longest residual control of waterhemp.
Weed management in cantaloupe and other melon crops is important to maximize fruit yield; however, there are few registered herbicides available in California. Several independent herbicide trials were conducted at University of California field stations in Davis (Yolo County), Five Points (Fresno County), and Holtville (Imperial County) from 2013 to 2019 to evaluate both registered and unregistered herbicides and incorporation methods (sprinklers, cultivation, or none) for crop safety and weed control in melons. Although specific treatments varied among locations depending on local practice and research objectives, ethalfluralin and halosulfuron were used in all experiments, and bensulide and S-metolachlor were evaluated in 4 of 6 site-years. Additional herbicides included clethodim, clomazone, DCPA, napropamide, pendimethalin, sethoxydim, and sulfentrazone. Among registered herbicides, halosulfuron, halosulfuron + ethalfluralin, and ethalfluralin + bensulide combinations provided consistently beneficial weed control across all site-years compared to the nontreated control. S-metolachlor performed as well as the best of the registered herbicides tested at each site-year; although moderate injury was noted at the Davis location, this did not reduce melon yield. The method used to incorporate preplant herbicides had a significant impact on weed control efficacy but varied by location. Mechanical incorporation of preplant herbicides resulted in improved weed control and yield compared to sprinklers. Early-season weed control, whether by herbicides or hand weeding, resulted in significant yield increase in most site-years.
Winter annual weeds begin to germinate as zoysiagrass enters winter dormancy in autumn. These weeds can suppress zoysiagrass shoot development the following spring through competition for sunlight, moisture, and nutrients. Previous research involving winter annual weed control in dormant turfgrass has been conducted primarily on bermudagrass, but less is known about how various herbicides used for this purpose will influence zoysiagrass after dormancy transition. Two field studies were conducted over 7 site-years between 2016 and 2020 to evaluate 17 herbicide treatments that are typically marketed for broadleaf weed control in spring and 18 herbicide treatments that are typically marketed for annual bluegrass control during winter for their effects on a variety of weeds and semidormant ‘Meyer’ and dormant ‘Zeon’ zoysiagrass, respectively. Glufosinate, glyphosate + simazine, and indaziflam + simazine controlled Persian speedwell by more than 90% and control was significantly greater with auxin-type and other herbicide combinations. Dandelion and Persian speedwell were better controlled with a combination of simazine and glyphosate than when glyphosate was applied alone. Glufosinate controlled dandelion, hairy bittercress, and Persian speedwell more effectively than glyphosate. In Meyer zoysiagrass, glyphosate and glufosinate controlled annual bluegrass equivalently, whereas in Zeon zoysiagrass, glyphosate controlled annual bluegrass better than glufosinate did. Foramsulfuron or treatments that contained simazine resulted in >90% control of annual bluegrass. A flumioxazin admixture with diquat, glufosinate, or glyphosate improved annual bluegrass control. Herbicide treatments that contain diquat, glufosinate, glyphosate, and metsulfuron alone or in a tank-mix should not be applied to Meyer zoysiagrass with 5% visual green turf cover due to high injury potential. In both studies, glufosinate was more injurious to Meyer and Zeon zoysiagrass than glyphosate. Overall, several herbicides that control annual bluegrass or broadleaf weeds can be safely applied to Zeon zoysiagrass during dormancy or Meyer zoysiagrass during post-dormancy transition.
Unoccupied aerial application systems (UAAS) are gaining popularity for weed management to increase applicator safety and to deliver herbicide treatments where treatment sites limit ground-based spray equipment. Several studies have documented UAAS application strategies and procedures for weed control in terrestrial settings, yet literature describing remote spray technology for use in aquatics remains limited. Currently, applicators seek guidance for UAAS deployment for aquatic weed management to overcome site access restrictions, deal with environmental limitations, and improve ground-based applicator safety in hazardous treatment scenarios. In the present case studies, we evaluate a consumer-available UAAS to deliver the herbicide, florpyrauxifen-benzyl, as both foliar and directed in-water spray applications. The first case study showed that the invasive floating-leaved plant, yellow floating heart, was controlled 80% to 99% by 6 wk after treatment (WAT) following UAAS foliar herbicide treatments. The second case study demonstrated that UAAS directed in-water herbicide application reduced variable-leaf watermilfoil visible plant material by 94% at 5 WAT. Likewise, directed in-water applications from UAAS eliminated the need to deploy watercraft, which improved overall operational efficiency. Data from both case studies indicate that UAAS can provide an effective and efficient treatment strategy for floating-leaved and submersed plant control among common herbicide treatment scenarios. Future integration of UAAS in aquatic weed control programs is encouraged, especially among smaller treatment sites (≤4 ha) or where access limits traditional spray operations.
Atrazine and S-metolachlor are the herbicides most relied on by growers to control weeds in sweet corn crops grown in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) in southern Florida. Alternative weed management programs are needed. Field experiments were conducted in 2021 and 2022 to evaluate the efficacy of 1) pyroxasulfone (183 and 237 g ha–1) alone or as a premix with carfentrazone-ethyl (13 and 17 g ha–1) or fluthiacet-methyl (6 and 7 g ha–1), S-metolachlor (1,790 g ha–1) alone or in combination with atrazine (3,360 g ha–1) applied preemergence(PRE); 2) mesotrione (105 g ha–1), topramezone (25 g ha–1), and tembotrione (92 g ha–1) applied postemergence alone or in combination with atrazine (560 and 2,240 g ha–1) or bentazon (1,120 g ha–1); and 3) mechanical cultivation alone at the fourth and the fourth followed by the sixth leaf stages of sweet corn. PRE-applied herbicides did not provide acceptable control of fall panicum, common lambsquarters, or common purslane probably due to a lack of incorporation into the soil because of limited rainfall. POST-applied topramezone alone or in combination with atrazine or bentazon resulted in effective fall panicum control (>91%). Topramezone alone provided 83% and 88% control of common lambsquarters and common purslane, respectively, whereas atrazine added to topramezone resulted in >94% control of both weed species. Mesotrione and tembotrione plus atrazine provided excellent control (>93%) of both broadleaf weed species but poor fall panicum control (<72%). Mechanical cultivation alone did not effectively control any weeds. Overall, treatments that contained topramezone resulted in greater sweet corn yield. These results show that a combination of topramezone, mesotrione, and tembotrione with atrazine resulted in improved broadleaf weed control. Fall panicum control was improved only with the combination of topramezone with atrazine, showing that atrazine is an important mixture component of these herbicides to provide effective POST weed control in sweet corn on organic soils of the EAA.
Nomenclature: Atrazine; bentazon; mesotrione; pyroxasulfone; S-metolachlor; tembotrione; topramezone; common lambsquarters; Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; common purslane; Portulaca oleracea L. POROL; fall panicum; Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. PANDI; sweet corn; Zea mays spp. saccharata
Rush skeletonweed is an invasive weed in the winter wheat–fallow production regions of the inland Pacific Northwest. The objectives of this study were to determine the dose response of rush skeletonweed to picloram applied in the fall or spring of the fallow year with either a broadcast or weed-sensing sprayer, and to evaluate injury and grain yield in the subsequent winter wheat crop from these fallow treatments. Field studies were conducted between 2019 and 2022. Fall treatments were applied at one site in 2019, and one site in 2020. Spring treatments were applied at two sites in 2021. Four picloram herbicide rates (0, 140, 280, and 560 g ae ha–1), were applied with either a weed-sensing precision applicator or with a standard broadcast spray applicator. Rush skeletonweed densities in the wheat crop following fall-applied treatments declined with increasing picloram rates at both sites. Treatments applied with the weed-sensing sprayer achieved similar efficacy to broadcast treatments with an average of 37% and 26% of the broadcast rate applied. Spring-applied broadcast treatments resulted in reduced rush skeletonweed densities in wheat with increasing picloram rates. Picloram rate had no apparent effect on rush skeletonweed density when applied in the spring with a weed-sensing sprayer; however, the weed-sensing sprayer applied just 16% and 9% of the broadcast rate. Winter wheat grain yields were not reduced by fall picloram applications. Grain yields were not reduced by spring applications of picloram with the weed-sensing sprayer; however, grain yields were reduced by spring broadcast applications of picloram at both locations, and grain yields declined as the picloram rate increased. Applying picloram in the fall of the fallow phase with a weed-sensing sprayer provides effective and economical control of rush skeletonweed with a low risk for crop injury and yield loss in the following winter wheat crop.
Indaziflam and oxadiazon are efficacious preemergence herbicides used in warm-season turfgrass because of their persistence and residual activity. It is beneficial to quantify effective concentrations for preemergence control of summer annual weeds and determine whether these concentrations are maintained throughout weed emergence periods. Therefore, greenhouse bioassays were conducted with barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, doveweed, large crabgrass, and purple nutsedge. Treatments included indaziflam at 0, 4, 8, 12, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, and 37 g ai ha-1 or oxadiazon at 0, 420, 841, 1,260, 1,681, 2,102, 2,354, 2,942, 3,363, and 3,783 g ha-1. Although preemergence herbicides are not used to control perennial weeds, purple nutsedge was included to investigate the effect of selected herbicides on its growth. Herbicide EC50, EC80, and EC90 for seedling emergence inhibition and shoot and root mass reduction were quantified from log-logistic dose–response curves. Herbicide concentration that remains from a preemergence application during the regional species-specific periodicity of emergence was predicted using first-order kinetics equations. Indaziflam and oxadiazon controlled seedling emergence 14 d after treatment (DAT) in the evaluated annual weeds and shoot and root mass in all species 84 DAT. Indaziflam applied in mid-March at 33 g ha-1 may provide up to 90% seedling emergence inhibition in large crabgrass and signalgrass; up to 80% in barnyardgrass; and up to 50% in doveweed. Oxadiazon applied in mid-March at 3,363 g ha-1 may provide up to 80% seedling emergence inhibition in all species. Indaziflam and oxadiazon may control up to 80% shoot mass and up to 50% root mass, respectively, in purple nutsedge and 80% to 90% shoot or root mass in other species. Such information is useful in evaluating adequacy of herbicide management practices for season-long weed control, and it aids turfgrass managers in applying preemergence herbicides at optimal timing based on target weed species.
Old man's beard is a woody liana that has become an invasive weed in many areas of its introduction, through its vigorous spread and negative impacts on the tree hosts it climbs. Control techniques that improve precision and reduce non-target damage are increasingly preferred for weed control yet have not been compared in published research for use against old man's beard. Field experiments in New Zealand were conducted to: (i) assess targeted herbicide techniques for control of this weed's climbing stems when growing among trees and (ii) assess foliar herbicides for control of creeping stems in ruderal sites. For climbing stems, triclopyr in oil was applied around the circumference of woody stems near their base, which was compared with cutting the stems and applying concentrated glyphosate gel (45% ai) to each cut end. Herbicides were applied in autumn directly to individual stem bases of the weed, thereby protecting tree hosts and other non-target vegetation. The basal application of triclopyr to intact stems was highly effective (>95% mortality) with no damage to nearby trees noted. The glyphosate gel applications to cut stems were less effective (56% mortality by 2 yr after treatment). For creeping stems in grass-dominated ruderal sites, selective foliar herbicide sprays had not been previously juxtaposed to compare control of old man's beard. Three selective sprays that do not damage existing grass cover were applied in autumn at their recommended rates: (i) metsulfuron; (ii) triclopyr; and (iii) a mixture of triclopyr, picloram, and aminopyralid. All herbicide treatments provided effective control, although metsulfuron had a negative effect on grass vigor, which might allow new establishment of old man's beard seedlings by competitive release. These results provide effective options that reduce non-target damage for control of both climbing and creeping old man's beard stems.
Nomenclature: Aminopyralid; glyphosate; metsulfuron-methyl; picloram; triclopyr butoxyethyl ester; old man's beard, Clematis vitalba L.
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