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Praxelis is an annual to short-lived perennial herb in the Asteraceae family and an emerging problematic weed species in Florida nurseries. The objective of these experiments was to determine efficacy of selected PRE and POST herbicides for control of praxelis. An additional experiment was conducted to determine efficacy of the same PRE herbicides for control of bluemink, a weed similar in appearance to praxelis that is also common in Florida. The granular herbicides dimethenamid + pendimethalin, flumioxazin, oxyfluorfen + pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen + prodiamine, and trifluralin + isoxaben were evaluated, along with spray-applied formulations of dimethenamid, indaziflam, and prodiamine + isoxaben. Flumioxazin consistently provided over 90% control of praxelis at both sites. Indaziflam control was inconsistent between the two sites, providing 100% control in Apopka but only a 22% reduction in weed counts in Balm. Oxyfluorfen + pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen + prodiamine, and prodiamine + isoxaben also provided control (57% to 97% reduction in shoot weight), albeit generally to a lesser degree than was observed with flumioxazin. All PRE herbicides provided similar control of both praxelis and bluemink, with the exception of dimethenamid and dimethenamid + pendimethalin, which reduced bluemink shoot weight more than praxelis. Clopyralid, glyphosate, and triclopyr all provided effective POST control of mature and flowering praxelis through 12 wk after treatment (WAT) and resulted in greater praxelis control than glufosinate. Results suggest that many commonly used PRE and POST herbicides would provide control of praxelis, but use of PRE and POST herbicides as well as sequential applications may be needed for long-term management.
Nomenclature: Clopyralid; dimethenamid; flumioxazin; glufosinate; glyphosate; indaziflam; isoxaben; oxyfluorfen; pendimethalin; prodiamine; triclopyr; trifluralin; bluemink, Ageratum houstonianum Mill.; praxelis, Praxelis clematidea (Kuntze) R.M. King and H. Rob
Field experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 at two locations in Indiana to evaluate the influence of cover crop species, termination timing, and herbicide treatment on winter and summer annual weed suppression and corn yield. Cereal rye and canola cover crops were terminated early or late (2 wk before or after corn planting) with a glyphosate- or glufosinate-based herbicide program. Canola and cereal rye reduced total weed biomass collected at termination by up to 74% and 91%, in comparison to fallow, respectively. Canola reduced horseweed density by up to 56% at termination and 57% at POST application compared to fallow. Cereal rye reduced horseweed density by up to 59% at termination and 87% at POST application compared to fallow. Canola did not reduce giant ragweed density at termination in comparison to fallow. Cereal rye reduced giant ragweed density by up to 66% at termination and 62% at POST application. Termination timing had little to no effect on weed biomass and density reduction in comparison to the effect of cover crop species. Cereal rye reduced corn grain yield at both locations in comparison to fallow, especially for the late-termination timing. Corn grain yield reduction up to 49% (4,770 kg ha–1) was recorded for cereal rye terminated late in comparison to fallow terminated late. Canola did not reduce corn grain yield in comparison to fallow within termination timing; however, late-terminated canola reduced corn grain yield by up to 21% (2,980 kg ha–1) in comparison to early-terminated fallow. Cereal rye can suppress giant ragweed emergence, whereas canola is not as effective at suppressing large-seeded broadleaves such as giant ragweed. These results also indicate that early-terminated cover crops can often result in higher corn grain yields than late-terminated cover crops in an integrated weed management program.
Foliar herbicide applications to waterhemp can result in inadequate control, leading to subsequent regrowth that often necessitates a second herbicide application to prevent crop interference and seed production. The most effective herbicides and application timings are unknown in situations where waterhemp has regrown from previous injury, such as failed applications of glufosinate or fomesafen. The objective of this research was to determine the optimum combination of herbicide and time from the first failed herbicide application to a sequential herbicide application for control of waterhemp regrowth. Reduced rates of either glufosinate or fomesafen were applied to 30-cm waterhemp plants to mimic failure of the initial herbicide application in separate bare-ground experiments. Respray treatments of glufosinate, fomesafen, lactofen, 2,4-D, or dicamba were applied 3, 7, or 11 d after the initial application. Glufosinate and fomesafen as respray treatments resulted in 90% to 100% control of waterhemp regardless of application timing following a failed glufosinate application. After a failed application of fomesafen, applying glufosinate or 2,4-D resulted in 87% to 99% control of waterhemp. Waterhemp control with fomesafen and lactofen was 13% to 21% greater, respectively, when those treatments followed glufosinate compared with fomesafen as the initial herbicides. On the basis of these results, glufosinate and fomesafen should be used for respray situations after inadequate control from glufosinate; and 2,4-D or glufosinate should be used for respray situations following inadequate control from fomesafen where crop tolerance and herbicide product labels allow. Although glufosinate followed by glufosinate was very effective for controlling waterhemp regrowth, caution should be exercised to avoid sequential application of herbicide with the same site of action.
Metam potassium (metam-K) is a soil fumigant used commonly in Florida at the end of the tomato and pepper production season. The fumigant essentially cleans a field by killing the established weeds and crops after harvest. The goal of this project was to determine the optimal rate of metam-K for the effective termination of tomato, pepper, and established weeds such as purple nutsedge, goosegrass, and dogfennel. Tomato, pepper, and purple nutsedge at bed center were effectively terminated with the metam-K rate of 65 kg ha–1. Optimal rates required for the termination of goosegrass and dogfennel were 91 and 156 kg ha–1, respectively. In contrast, metam-K at 500 to 680 kg ha–1 was required to terminate purple nutsedge on bed edges. The reduced efficacy of metam-K at bed edge might be related to the limited movement of metam-K in soil.
Off-target paraquat movement to rice has become a major problem in recent years for rice producers in the midsouthern United States. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is applied to rice in greater quantity and frequency than all other nutrients to optimize rice yield. Two separate field studies were conducted from 2015 to 2018 in Stoneville, MS, to assess whether starter N fertilizer can aid rice recovery from exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat and to evaluate rice response to different N fertilizer management strategies following exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat. In both studies, paraquat treatments consisted of paraquat at 0 and 84 g ai ha–1 applied to rice in the two- to three-leaf (EPOST) growth stage. In the starter fertilizer study, N fertilizer at 24 kg ha–1 as ammonium sulfate (AMS) was applied to rice at spiking- to one-leaf (VEPOST), two- to three-leaf (EPOST), or three- to four-leaf (MPOST) growth stages before and after paraquat treatment. In the N fertilizer timing study, N fertilizer at 168 kg N ha–1 was applied in a single four-leaf to one-tiller (LPOST) application or two-, three-, and two four-way split applications. Despite starter N fertilizer applications, paraquat injured rice ≥41%, reduced height 57%, reduced dry weight prior to flooding 77%, delayed maturity 10 d, reduced dry weight at maturity 33%, and reduced rough rice yield 35% in the starter fertilizer study. Similarly, in the N fertilizer timing study, paraquat injured rice ≥45%, reduced height 14%, delayed maturity 10 d, reduced dry weight at maturity 44%, and reduced rough rice yield 50% for all N fertilizer management strategies. Both studies indicate that severe complications in growth and development can occur from rice exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat. In both studies, manipulation of N fertilizer management did not facilitate rice recovery from early-season exposure to paraquat.
Florpyrauxifen-benzyl and quizalofop were available for POST applications in 2018; however, little is known about the response of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase)–resistant rice cultivars and advanced lines to POST herbicides. A field study was conducted in 2017 and 2018 at Stoneville, MS, to characterize the response of ACCase-resistant rice cultivars and advanced lines to POST applications of florpyrauxifen-benzyl. The imidazolinone-resistant (IR) rice cultivars ‘CL163’ and ‘CLXL 745', and ACCase-resistant rice cultivars ‘PVL01', ‘PVL013', ‘PVL024-B', ‘PVL038', ‘PVL080’, and ‘PVL081'were treated with florpyrauxifen-benzyl at 0 (nontreated control for each cultivar) and 58 g ai ha–1 at the four-leaf to one-tiller (LPOST) growth stage. At 14 d after treatment (DAT), PVL01 was injured 5% to 6% greater than CLXL 745, PVL013, and PVL081; however, injury was ≤10% at that evaluation for all cultivars. Similarly, injury was ≤13% for all cultivars 28 DAT. Mature heights were reduced for all cultivars except PVL013 and PVL081. Rough rice yield was ≥100% of the control for all cultivars except PVL081, PVL013, and CL163. Results suggest that florpyrauxifen-benzyl can safely be applied POST to rice cultivars grown in Mississippi as well as ACCase-resistant cultivars that are currently under development.
Nomenclature: Florpyrauxifen-benzyl; quizalofop; rice; Oryza sativa L.
Pinoxaden is a POST acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor in the phenylpyrazolin chemical family and is labelled for turfgrass use at broadcast rates of 35.5 to 71 g ai ha–1 and spot spray rates of 156 to 310 g ai ha–1. A greenhouse rate-response study was conducted to characterize the efficacy of pinoxaden against common grassy weeds. Weed species examined in this study were yellow foxtail, southern sandbur, annual bluegrass, roughstalk bluegrass, large crabgrass, dallisgrass, bahiagrass, goosegrass, and perennial ryegrass. Nonlinear regressions were modelled to determine visible injury rates (the application rate at which 50% of the weed species were injured and the 90% [I90] rate) and weight reduction rates (the application rate at which there was a 50% reduction in fresh weight and 90% reduction [WR90]) for each weed species. Only annual bluegrass, bahiagrass, and goosegrass had visible injury I90 values greater than the maximum labelled spot spray rate of 310 g ai ha–1. Annual bluegrass, bahiagrass, southern sandbur, and goosegrass all had WR90 values greater than the maximum labelled spot spray rate of 310 g ai ha–1. Results from this study indicate that the evaluated weed species can be ranked, according to visible injury I90 values, from most to least susceptible: perennial ryegrass > yellow foxtail > dallisgrass > large crabgrass > southern sandbur > roughstalk bluegrass > bahiagrass > goosegrass > annual bluegrass.
Giant reed recently was promoted as a biofuel crop in Oregon. Because giant reed is a highly invasive plant in North American rivers, the planting of this species in Oregon is a cause for concern to scientists and local land managers. However, some growers in the area were interested in producing giant reed as a rotational crop. To find potential herbicides to control the giant reed or to control it as a volunteer, 13 foliar and 13 cut-and-spray herbicide treatments were preevaluated in greenhouse studies. We chose 10% and 85% reduction in aboveground biomass for either crop safety or control, respectively. When applied at the standard rates, acetochlor and dimethenamid-p reduced aboveground dry biomass of the crop by 10% or less. Acetochlor+atrazine, atrazine, flufenacet, and mesotrione reduced aboveground biomass of the crop by at least 85%, indicating that these compounds have the potential to serve as controls against giant reed.
Growers desire more techniques to control weeds in horticultural crops that are grown organically and consumed directly, such as red raspberry. Abrasive grit emited via high air pressure is a new method for controlling weeds. Grit derived from corn cobs was examined for its efficacy during the year of raspberry establishment for 2 to 3 years at three sites (seven site-years) and compared with efficacy of hand-weeding as well as no weed control. Grit was applied once or twice weekly after raspberry transplantation in spring until weed emergence ceased in mid to late July. Weeds and raspberry growth were assessed in August. Grit was effective in controlling broadleaf weeds, averaging 94% control across site-years, but control of grass weeds was less than 10%. Total weed (broadleaf plus grass) control across site-years ranged from 51% to 96% and averaged 78%. Raspberry cane growth was affected by weeds, and grit-weeding at least partially alleviated these effects. Thus, abrasive grit allows growers to manage broadleaf weeds effectively without herbicides or soil tillage. However, additional research is needed to determine the correct amounts and timing of grit applications, as well as more efficacious types of grit, to control grass weeds.
Weed control in tree nut orchards is a year-round challenge for growers that is particularly intense during winter through summer as a result of competition and interference with management and harvest operations. A common weed control program consists of an application of a winter PRE and POST herbicide mixture, followed by a desiccation treatment in early spring and before harvest. Because most spring and summer treatments depend on a limited number of foliar-applied herbicides, summer-germinating species and/or herbicide-resistant biotypes become troublesome. Previous research has established effective PRE herbicide programs targeting winter glyphosate-resistant weeds. However, more recently, growers have reported difficulties in controlling several summer-germinating grass weeds with documented or suspected resistance to the spring and summer POST herbicide programs. In this context, research was conducted to evaluate a sequential PRE approach to control winter- and summer-germinating orchard weeds. Eight field experiments were conducted in tree nut orchards to evaluate the efficacy of common winter herbicide programs and a sequential herbicide program for control of a key summer grass weed species. In the sequential-application strategy, three foundational herbicide programs applied in the winter were either mixed with pendimethalin, followed with pendimethalin in March, or applied as a split application of pendimethalin in both winter and spring. Results indicate that the addition of pendimethalin enhanced summer grass weed control throughout the crop growing season by up to 31%. Applying all or part of the pendimethalin in the spring improved control of the summer grass weed junglerice by up to 49%. The lower rate of pendimethalin applied in the spring performed as well as the high rate in the winter, suggesting opportunities for reducing herbicide inputs. Tailoring sequential herbicide programs to address specific weed challenges can be a viable strategy for improving orchard weed control without increasing herbicide use in some situations.
Nomenclature: Pendimethalin; junglerice, Echinochloa colona (L.) Link
Currently, there are seven herbicides labeled for U.S. tobacco production; however, additional modes of action are greatly needed in order to reduce the risk of herbicide resistance. Field experiments were conducted at five locations during the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons to evaluate flue-cured tobacco tolerance to S-metolachlor applied pretransplanting incorporated (PTI) and pretransplanting (PRETR) at 1.07 (1×) and 2.14 (2×) kg ai ha–1. Severe injury was observed 6 wk after transplanting at the Whiteville environment in 2017 when S-metolachlor was applied PTI. End-of-season plant heights from PTI treatments at Whiteville were likewise reduced by 9% to 29% compared with nontreated controls, although cured leaf yield and value were reduced only when S-metolachlor was applied PTI at the 2× rate. Severe growth reduction was also observed at the Kinston location in 2018 where S-metolachlor was applied at the 2× rate. End-of-season plant heights were reduced 11% (PTI, 2×) and 20% (PRETR, 2×) compared with nontreated control plants. Cured leaf yield was reduced in Kinston when S-metolachlor was applied PRETR at the 2× rate; however, treatments did not impact cured leaf quality or value. Visual injury and reductions in stalk height, yield, quality, and value were not observed at the other three locations. Ultimately, it appears that injury potential from S-metolachlor is promoted by coarse soil texture and high early-season precipitation close to transplanting, both of which were documented at the Whiteville and Kinston locations. To reduce plant injury and the negative impacts to leaf yield and value, application rates lower than 1.07 kg ha–1 may be required in these scenarios.
Nomenclature:S-metolachlor; tobacco; Nicotiana tabacum L. NITA
Residual herbicides remain the primary tool for efficient weed control in cucurbit crops because of the lack of crop tolerance to many POST herbicide options. Field experiments were conducted in New Jersey in 2018 and 2019 to determine weed control efficacy and tolerance of direct-seeded cucumber ‘Python' and summer squash ‘Gold Prize’ to S-metolachlor applied at 0.7 or 1.4 kg ai ha–1 at planting (PRE) or when crops reached the second- to third-leaf stage (EPOST). Regardless of applied rate, S-metolachlor PRE or EPOST provided 96% to 100% control 3 wk after planting (WAP) of smooth pigweed, large crabgrass, and giant foxtail. S-metolachlor PRE significantly improved American black nightshade and carpetweed control 3 WAP with respect to bensulide, and smooth pigweed with respect to clomazone + ethalfluralin. Summer squash showed excellent tolerance, regardless of S-metolachlor rate or timing of application, with stunting not exceeding 17% 4 WAP and 3% 7 WAP at the 1.4 kg ha–1 rate. Marketable yield decreased by 15% with S-metolachlor PRE or POST at 1.4 kg ha–1 with respect to clomazone + ethalfluralin, a reduction not noted when comparing with bensulide or the handweeded control. Marketable fruit number plant–1 and individual fruit weight were not affected by S-metolachlor applications. Conversely, cucumber was more sensitive to S-metolachlor than summer squash was with 30% seedling emergence reduction and 36% to 43% stunting 4 WAP when S-metolachlor was applied PRE at 1.4 kg ha–1. EPOST application resulted in 15% to 26% cucumber injury 1 wk after treatment. Marketable yield declined by 21% and 39% with the 0.7 and 1.4 kg ha–1 rates of S-metolachlor, respectively, compared with clomazone + ethalfluralin. Therefore, S-metolachlor may be a novel alternative to already labeled residual herbicides for summer squash, but unacceptable injury and yield reduction do not support its registration on cucumber.
Nomenclature: Bensulide; clomazone; ethalfluralin; S-metolachlor; American black nightshade, Solanum americanum Mill.; carpetweed, Mollugo verticillata L.; giant foxtail, Setaria faberi Herrm.; large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.; smooth pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus L.; cucumber, Cucumis sativus L.; summer squash, Cucurbita pepo L.
Rush skeletonweed is an aggressive perennial weed that establishes itself on land in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and persists during cropping following contract expiration. It depletes critical soil moisture required for yield potential of winter wheat. In a winter wheat/fallow cropping system, weed control is maintained with glyphosate and tillage during conventional fallow, and with herbicides only in no-till fallow. Research was conducted for control of rush skeletonweed at two sites in eastern Washington, Lacrosse and Hay, to compare the effectiveness of a weed-sensing sprayer and broadcast applications of four herbicides (aminopyralid, chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron, clopyralid, and glyphosate). Experimental design was a split-plot with herbicide and application type as main and subplot factors, respectively. Herbicides were applied in the fall at either broadcast or spot-spraying rates depending on sprayer type. Rush skeletonweed density in May was reduced with use of aminopyralid (1.1 plants m–2), glyphosate (1.4 plants m–2), clopyralid (1.7 plants m–2), and chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron (1.8 plants m–2) compared with the nontreated check (2.6 plants m–2). No treatment differences were observed after May 2019. There was no interaction between herbicide and application system. Area covered using the weed-sensing sprayer was, on average, 52% (P < 0.001) less than the broadcast application at the Lacrosse location but only 20% (P = 0.01) at the Hay location. Spray reduction is dependent on foliar cover in relation to weed density and size. At Lacrosse, the weed-sensing sprayer reduced costs for all herbicide treatments except aminopyralid, with savings up to US$6.80 per hectare. At Hay, the weed-sensing sprayer resulted in economic loss for all products because of higher rush skeletonweed density. The weed-sensing sprayer is a viable fallow weed control tool when weed densities are low or patchy.
Hazelnut naturally grows as a multi-stemmed tree. The basal sprouts, known as suckers, grow throughout the season. Suckers are removed to promote a single trunk that facilitates production mechanization and increased yield. In western Oregon, herbicides are the most common method of sucker control, and at least four applications per season are performed in the spring and summer seasons. This study evaluated the efficacy of foliar-applied herbicides currently registered for sucker control in hazelnuts. Season-long and short-term field studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of herbicides to control hazelnut suckers. In the season-long studies, four consecutive applications of treatments that contained 2,4-D, glufosinate, or paraquat provided 50% to 80% control, maintained sucker height at 50 cm or less as compared to 155 cm for the nontreated control, and reduced sucker biomass by 87% as compared to the nontreated control. The short-term study results confirmed the efficacy of 2,4-D, glufosinate, and paraquat for sucker control, and in this study, carfentrazone and saflufenacil reduced sucker biomass to a level comparable to 2,4-D or glufosinate treatment. These results confirm that 2,4-D, glufosinate, paraquat, carfentrazone, and saflufenacil can be used for sucker control in hazelnut and emphasize the necessity of multiple applications during the growing season to control suckers in hazelnut. Proper herbicide selection is important to control suckers with success.
Pintoi peanut is a warm-season perennial legume that shows promise as a forage crop for the southeastern United States, however, little is known about the proper methods of weed management during establishment for this species. The objective of this study was to determine the ability of pintoi peanut to tolerate applications of PRE and POST herbicides during the year of and year after planting. The effects of herbicide treatments on percentage of visual estimates of injury and stand counts of pintoi peanut were investigated at Ona and Marianna, FL, in 2015 and 2016. All PRE herbicides did not result in significant injury or stand reduction. Pintoi peanut's tolerance to POST herbicides was higher when plants were emerged for at least 2 wk prior to herbicide application. Stands of pintoi peanut that were planted the previous year appear to tolerate all herbicides examined in this work, except sulfosulfuron. Results of this study indicate that at the year of planting pintoi peanut is tolerant to PRE applications of pendimethalin, imazethapyr, and imazapic. Pintoi peanut appears to tolerate applications of 2,4-D, carfentrazone, imazapic and imazethapyr the year after planting at the rates utilized in this study. Future research should evaluate the effects of multiple herbicide applications and tank-mixes to obtain satisfactory weed control and selectivity in pintoi peanut swards.
Weed management in carrot is challenging, given slow and inconsistent crop emergence and early-season growth and the lack of practical season-long management tools such as herbicides. We investigated holistic carrot production systems with a focus on minimizing inputs while optimizing resource use. In an overall sense, results of this work were consistent between years, and stark. The choice of carrot variety had a moderate influence on carrot foliar canopy development and, subsequently, weed density. For example, ‘Cupar' carrot formed a complete crop canopy sooner than the other dicer-type ‘Canada' variety. Likely as a result, density of weed species such as spotted ladysthumb and common lambsquarters was less where ‘Cupar' was grown compared with where ‘Canada’ was grown. Gibberellic acid as a foliar application was not successful in these studies and, in a few cases, may have even increased weed-seed germination and establishment. Adding two carrot rows to the current regional industry-standard three-row bed system not only enhanced competitiveness with weeds but also improved carrot yield without additional fertilizer, water, or pest management inputs. By far, though, the most successful strategy to reduce weed density while maintaining or improving carrot yield was to delay seeding by 17 to 19 d. We anticipate more holistic production system research that integrates low-input alternatives in other crops as herbicide-resistant weeds proliferate while few new herbicides are developed. As was demonstrated in this research, such novel approaches can be successful without adding significant economic burden to the farmer or increasing risk of crop failure.
Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters; Chenopodium album L.; spotted ladysthumb; Polygonum persicaria L.; carrot; Daucus carota L.
This study consisting of six field experiments was conducted in 2018 and 2019 to evaluate the tolerance of four corn hybrids (P9998AM, P9840AM, DKC42-60RIB, and DKC43-47RIB) to the tank mix of tolpyralate + atrazine with a commercial glyphosate formulation. At 1 wk after application (WAA), two corn hybrids (P9998AM and P9840AM) exhibited more injury from tolpyralate + atrazine (2× rate) applied alone and in combination with glyphosate than DKC42-60RIB and DKC43-47RIB; however, all corn hybrids responded similarly with respect to visible injury 2, 4, and 8 WAA, stand loss, and yield. Application of tolpyralate + atrazine or glyphosate + tolpyralate + atrazine at the 2× rate caused greater corn injury (up to 27%) than tolpyralate + atrazine or glyphosate + tolpyralate + atrazine at the 1× rate (up to 8%) at 1 WAA. The addition of commercial glyphosate with tolpyralate + atrazine did not enhance injury symptoms. Results of this study show that there is a wide margin of corn safety with tolpyralate + atrazine applied alone and in combination with a commercial formulation of glyphosate.
Nomenclature: Atrazine; glyphosate; tolpyralate; corn; Zea mays L
Glyphosate is an important component of herbicide programs in orchard crops in California. It can be applied alone or in tank-mix combinations under the crop rows or to the entire field and often is used multiple times each year. There has been speculation about the potential impacts of repeated use of glyphosate in perennial crop systems, because of uptake from shallow root systems or indirectly because of effects on nutrient availability in soil. To address these concerns, research was conducted from 2013 to 2020 on key orchard crops to evaluate tree response to glyphosate regimens. Almond, cherry, and prune were evaluated in separate experiments. In each crop, the experimental design was a factorial arrangement of two soil types, four glyphosate rates (0, 1.1, 2.2, and 4.4 kg ae ha–1, applied three times annually), and two post-glyphosate application irrigation treatments. In the first 2 yr of the study, there was no clear impact of the glyphosate regimens on shikimate accumulation or leaf chlorophyll content, which suggested no direct effect on the crop. In the seventh year of the study, after six consecutive years of glyphosate application to the orchard floors, there were no negative impacts of glyphosate application on leaf nutrient concentration or on cumulative trunk growth in any of the three orchard crops. Lack of a negative growth impact even at the highest treatment rate, which included 18 applications of glyphosate totaling nearly 80 kg ae ha–1 glyphosate over the course of the experiment suggest there is not likely a significant risk to tree health of judicious use of the herbicide in these production systems. Given the economic importance of orchard crops in California, and grower and industry concerns about pesticides generally and specifically about glyphosate, these findings are timely contributions to weed management concerns in perennial specialty crops.
The effect of plant phenology and canopy structure of four crops and four weed species on reflectance spectra were evaluated in 2016 and 2017 using in situ spectroscopy. Leaf-level and canopy-level reflectance were collected at multiple phenologic time points in each growing season. Reflectance values at 2 wk after planting (WAP) in both years indicated strong spectral differences between species across the visible (VIS; 350–700 nm), near-infrared (NIR; 701–1,300 nm), shortwave-infrared I (SWIR1; 1,301–1,900 nm), and shortwave-infrared II (SWIR2; 1,901–2,500 nm) regions. Results from this study indicate that plant spectral reflectance changes with plant phenology and is influenced by plant biophysical characteristics. Canopy-level differences were detected in both years across all dates except for 1 WAP in 2017. Species with similar canopy types (e.g., broadleaf prostrate, broadleaf erect, or grass/sedge) were more readily discriminated from species with different canopy types. Asynchronous phenology between species also resulted in spectral differences between species. SWIR1 and SWIR2 wavelengths are often not included in multispectral sensors but should be considered for species differentiation. Results from this research indicate that wavelengths in SWIR1 and SWIR2 in conjunction with VIS and NIR reflectance can provide differentiation across plant phenologies and, therefore should be considered for use in future sensor technologies for species differentiation.
Knowledge of weed control practices and farmers' awareness of herbicide resistance could be a basis for improving weed management programs with respect to herbicide resistance, but research on this topic is limited. This study reports current weed control practices and levels of awareness of herbicide resistance among cereal farmers of northern Greece. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 250 cereal farmers of Evros district, based on a structured questionnaire. Most farmers (82.8%) used herbicides in cereal production, with one application per growing season. Farmers appeared divided with respect to using the same herbicide each year; the majority of the farmers (90.8%) applied crop rotation. Almost half of the farmers (47.2%) did not know what herbicide resistance is, but most farmers (75.1%) felt herbicide resistance would be a problem for them. According to their answers on nine knowledge questions about herbicide resistance, 66.8% of the farmers had good knowledge, and 33.2% had poor knowledge. Almost seven in 10 farmers (69.8%) did not consider herbicide resistance when purchasing an herbicide for use, and only 40.4% were willing to change common weed control practices to prevent herbicide resistance. Awareness of herbicide resistance did not differ by sex; poor awareness levels increased with advanced age, low education levels, and small farm size. Farmers who used chemical weed control had higher awareness levels of herbicide resistance than farmers who never used herbicides. Farmers who were keeping records of herbicide applications, those who observed low efficacy of herbicides in their field, and those who applied crop rotation had high awareness levels of herbicide resistance, whereas farmers who used the same herbicide each year had poor awareness. Findings shed light on interrelationships between farmers' awareness of herbicide resistance and current weed control practices that could be useful for targeted extension education.
But your snobbiness, unless you persistently root it out like the bindweed it is, sticks by you till your grave. – George Orwell
The real danger in a garden came from the bindweed. That moved underground, then surfaced and took hold. Strangling plant after healthy plant. Killing them all, slowly. And for no apparent reason, except that it was nature. – Louise Penny
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