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Thomas M. Batts, Donnie K. Miller, James L. Griffin, Arthur O. Villordon, Daniel O. Stephenson IV, Kathrine M. Jennings, Sushila Chaudhari, David C. Blouin, Josh T. Copes, Tara P. Smith
Commercialization of 2,4-D–tolerant crops is a major concern for sweetpotato producers because of potential 2,4-D drift that can cause severe crop injury and yield reduction. A field study was initiated in 2014 and repeated in 2015 to assess impacts of reduced rates of 2,4-D, glyphosate, or a combination of 2,4-D with glyphosate on sweetpotato. In one study, 2,4-D and glyphosate were applied alone and in combination at 1/10, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/750, and 1/1,000 of anticipated field use rates (1.05 kg ha–1 for 2,4-D and 1.12 kg ha–1 for glyphosate) to ‘Beauregard' sweetpotato at storage root formation (10 days after transplanting [DAP]). In a separate study, all these treatments were applied to ‘Beauregard’ sweetpotato at storage root development (30 DAP). Injury with 2,4-D alone or in combination with glyphosate was generally equal or greater than with glyphosate applied alone at equivalent herbicide rates, indicating that injury is attributable mostly to 2,4-D in the combination. There was a quadratic increase in crop injury and quadratic decrease in crop yield (with respect to most yield grades) with increased rate of 2,4-D applied alone or in combination with glyphosate applied at storage root development. However, neither the results of this relationship nor of the significance of herbicide rate were observed on crop injury or sweetpotato yield when herbicide application occurred at storage root formation, with a few exceptions. In general, crop injury and yield reduction were greatest at the highest rate (1/10×) of 2,4-D applied alone or in combination with glyphosate, although injury observed at lower rates was also a concern after initial observation by sweetpotato producers. However, in some cases, yield reduction of U.S. no.1 and marketable grades was also observed after application of 1/250×, 1/100×, or 1/10× rates of 2,4-D alone or with glyphosate when applied at storage root development.
Field trials were conducted in North Carolina in 2017 and Louisiana and Mississippi in 2018 to determine the effect of pretransplanting applications of diquat on sweetpotato crop tolerance, yield, and storage root quality. In North Carolina treatments consisted of two rates of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ai ha–1) alone or mixed with 107 g ai ha–1 flumioxazin and applied 1 d before transplanting (DBP), sequential applications of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ha–1) 1 and 17 DBP, 107 g ha–1 flumioxazin alone, and a nontreated check. In Louisiana and Mississippi treatments consisted of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ha–1) applied 1 DBP either alone or followed by (fb) rehipping rows or 107 g ha–1 flumioxazin immediately prior to transplanting. Additional treatments included 546 g ha–1 paraquat applied 1 DBP and a nontreated check. In North Carolina injury was ≤3% for all treatments through 23 d after transplanting (DAP), and no injury was observed after 23 DAP. Visual sweetpotato stunting pooled across the Mississippi and Louisiana trials ranged from 1% to 14%, 0% to 6%, and 0% to 3% at 2, 4, and 6 wk after planting (WAP), respectively, and no crop injury was observed after 6 WAP. Diquat applied 1 DBP and not fb rehipping resulted in greater crop injury (12%) than comparable treatments that were rehipped (2%). In North Carolina single and sequential diquat applications resulted in reduced No. 1 sweetpotato yield (24,230 and 24,280 kg ha–1, respectively) compared with the nontreated check, but No. 1 yield when diquat plus flumioxazin (26,330 kg ha–1) was used was similar to that of the nontreated check. No. 1 yield did not differ by treatment in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Purple nutsedge is a troublesome weed in tomato grown in plasticulture systems. Field trials were conducted in the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018 at Balm, FL, to evaluate multiple herbicide programs applied pretransplanting (pre-T), post-transplanting (post-T), and pre-T followed by (fb) post-T for purple nutsedge control in plasticulture tomato. Pre-T treatment of sulfentrazone or S-metolachlor alone were ineffective and did not decrease purple nutsedge density compared with the nontreated control. Post-T application of halosulfuron did not reduce purple nutsedge density at 12 wk after initial treatment (WAIT) in fall 2017 but reduced the purple nutsedge density at 17 WAIT in both seasons. Pre-T sulfentrazone or S-metolachlor application fb halosulfuron applied post-T were the most effective treatments and consistently reduced purple nutsedge population in both seasons. Herbicide treatments did not injure or reduce tomato height or yield. Overall, these results suggest sequential herbicide programs, including pre-T application of sulfentrazone or S-metolachlor fb post-T application of halosulfuron generally resulted in greater purple nutsedge control compared with pre-T or post-T application only. Halosulfuron applied post-T is critical to provide season-long purple nutsedge control in plasticulture tomato.
Safeners have been widely used to reduce phytotoxicity to crops, thus serving as an alternative weed control strategy. Benoxacor and fenclorim safeners have the potential to protect plants from herbicide phytotoxicity by increasing glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity within the plant. The study aimed to evaluate the safening effect of benoxacor and fenclorim on tomato against selected herbicides applied POST. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a completely randomized designed with four replications in a 9 × 3 factorial scheme, where Factor A consisted of eight herbicides including a nontreated control, and Factor B consisted of two safeners including a nontreated control. The herbicide treatments were sulfentrazone (0.220 kg ai ha–1), fomesafen (0.280 kg ai ha–1), flumioxazin (0.070 kg ai ha–1), linuron (1.200 kg ai ha–1), metribuzin (0.840 kg ai ha–1), pyroxasulfone (0.220 kg ai ha–1), and bicyclopyrone (0.040 kg ai ha–1). Safener treatments consisted of benoxacor (0.67 g L–1) and fenclorim (10 µM). Tomato seeds were immersed in safener solution before sowing and herbicides were applied when tomato plants were at the 3-leaf stage, or 25 days after sowing. Visible injury was scored at 3, 7, 14, and 21 d after application (DAA), and shoot biomass was recorded 21 DAA. Seed treatment with fenclorim reduced injury caused by imazamox and bicyclopyrone by 5.5 and 1.3 times, respectively, whereas benoxacor reduced the injury from bicyclopyrone 1.3 times. In addition, tomato plants pretreated with fenclorim showed a lesser reduction in biomass after application of imazamox, fomesafen, and metribuzin, whereas plants pretreated with benoxacor showed lesser biomass reduction after metribuzin application. Thus, the use of safeners promotes greater crop selectivity, allowing the application of herbicides with different mechanisms of action on the crop.
Field surveys were conducted across the Blacklands region of Texas during 2016 and 2017 to document the distribution of herbicide-resistant Lolium spp. infesting winter wheat production fields in the region. A total of 68 populations (64 Italian ryegrass, four perennial ryegrass) were evaluated in a greenhouse for sensitivity to herbicides of three different modes of action: an acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor (mesosulfuron-methyl), two acetyl-coenzyme-A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors (diclofop-methyl and pinoxaden), and a 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) inhibitor (glyphosate). Herbicides were applied at twice the label-recommended rates for mesosulfuron-methyl (29 g ai ha–1), diclofop-methyl (750 g ai ha–1), and pinoxaden (118 g ai ha–1); and at the recommended rate for glyphosate (868 g ae ha–1). The herbicide screenings were followed by dose-response assays of the most-resistant ryegrass population for each herbicide at eight rates (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64×), compared with a susceptible population at six rates (0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2×). The initial screening and dose-response experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications and two experimental runs. Survivors (<80% injury) were characterized as highly resistant (0% to 20% injury) or moderately resistant (21% to 79%). Results showed that 97%, 92%, 39%, and 3% of the Italian ryegrass populations had survivors to diclofop-methyl, mesosulfuron-methyl, pinoxaden, and glyphosate treatments, respectively. Of the four perennial ryegrass populations, three were resistant to diclofop-methyl and mesosulfuron-methyl, and one was resistant to pinoxaden as well. Perennial ryegrass populations did not exhibit any resistance to glyphosate. Dose-response assays revealed 37-, 196-, and 23-fold resistance in Italian ryegrass to mesosulfuron-methyl, diclofop-methyl, and pinoxaden, respectively, compared with a susceptible standard. One Italian ryegrass population exhibited three-way multiple resistance to ACCase-, ALS-, and EPSPS-inhibitors. The proliferation of multiple herbicide–resistant ryegrass is a challenge to sustainable wheat production in Texas Blacklands and warrants diversified management strategies.
Bearded sprangletop is a problematic weed in California rice production and few herbicides provide effective control. As control of bearded sprangletop has declined, grower suspicion of resistance to clomazone has increased, because of the continuous rice cropping system and herbicide dependence in the region. The objectives of this research were to confirm clomazone resistance in bearded sprangletop populations and determine the level of resistance. Seed from 21 suspected clomazone-resistant populations was collected from the California rice growing region. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine population sensitivity to clomazone. Clomazone was applied into the water to emerging seedlings. Plant ht and control of bearded sprangletop were recorded weekly for 3 wk, plants were then harvested, and dry weight was measured. Of the populations tested, 17 were susceptible and four (5%) were resistant to clomazone. A dose-response assay was conducted using eight doses ranging from an eighth of the full rate to 12 times the full rate. The three most resistant populations had resistant-to susceptible ratios of 1.25×, 2×, and 5× the labeled rate of clomazone. The use of clomazone in California rice production is beneficial; however, it should be used at the appropriate timing and as part of an herbicide program to prevent further development of clomazone resistance.
Nomenclature: Clomazone; bearded sprangletop, Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth ssp. fascicularis (Lam.) N. Snow; rice, Oryza sativa L.
Weedy rice is an emerging problem of cultivated rice in California. Infestations of weedy rice in cultivated rice result in yield loss and reduced grain quality. In this study, we aimed to evaluate growth and yield components of a widely grown cultivated rice variety in California in response to weedy rice competition. Greenhouse competition experiments in an additive design were conducted in 2017 and 2018 to determine the growth and yield components of ‘M-206’ rice and five weedy rice biotypes found in California at varying weed densities. M-206 rice initially grew at a faster relative growth rate of 0.53 cm–1 wk–1 under competitive conditions compared with 0.47 cm–1 wk–1 in the absence of weedy rice, but absolute and relative growth rates declined more rapidly under competitive conditions as plants approached maturity. At harvest, M-206 plant height was reduced 13% under competitive conditions, and M-206 tiller number was reduced 23% to 49%, depending on the weedy rice biotype it was competing with. Except for 100-grain weight, the growth traits and grain yield components of M-206 rice were reduced with increasing density of weedy rice. At the highest weed density measured, 40 plants m–2, M-206 rice had yield losses of 69% grain yield plant–1, 69% panicle weight, 59% fresh and dry biomass, 55% grain yield panicle–1, and 54% panicle number. The five evaluated weedy rice biotypes varied widely in early growth rates, height, biomass production, and grain yield, indicating differing competitive strategies. Most weedy rice biotypes produce plants with greater plant height, tiller number, panicle number, and above- and below-ground biomass compared with cultivated rice. Weedy rice biotypes produced 45% to 57% higher grain yield per plant than M-206 rice under competitive conditions.
In glyphosate-resistant (GR) cropping systems, paraquat applied in mixtures with residual herbicides prior to crop emergence offers an alternative herbicide mode of action (MOA) to aid in GR weed management. Rice is sensitive to off-target herbicide movement; however, severity of injury can vary with herbicide, rate, and formulation. Therefore, research was conducted from 2015 to 2017 in Stoneville, MS, to characterize rice response to a sublethal concentration of paraquat applied at 84 g ai ha–1 in combination with common residual herbicides. Paraquat plus metribuzin injured rice 68% to 69% 14 and 28 d after treatment (DAT), which was 10% to 13% greater than injury following paraquat alone or paraquat plus fomesafen. Pooled across metribuzin and fomesafen treatments, paraquat reduced rough rice yields 23%. Paraquat plus 10 different residual herbicides injured rice ≥51% 28 DAT and reduced rough rice yields ≥21%. These studies indicate a severe negative impact on rice growth and development following exposure to a sublethal concentration of paraquat alone or in mixture with common residual herbicides. Therefore, applications of paraquat plus residual herbicides to fields in proximity to rice should be avoided if conditions are conducive for off-target movement.
Glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth continues to be challenging to control across the U.S. cotton belt. Timely application of POST herbicides and herbicides applied at planting or during the season with residual activity are utilized routinely to control this weed. Although glyphosate controls large Palmer amaranth that is not GR, herbicides such as glufosinate used in resistance management programs for GR Palmer amaranth must be applied when weeds are small. Dicamba can complement both glyphosate and glufosinate in controlling GR and glyphosate-susceptible (GS) biotypes in resistant cultivars. Two studies were conducted to determine Palmer amaranth control, weed biomass, and cotton yield, as well as to estimate economic net return when herbicides were applied 2, 3, 4, and 5 wk after planting (WAP). In one experiment POST-only applications were made. In the second experiment PRE herbicides were included. In general, Palmer amaranth was controlled at least 98% by herbicides applied at least three times regardless of timing of application or herbicide sequence. Glyphosate plus dicamba applied at 4 and 5 WAP controlled Palmer amaranth similarly compared to three applications by 8 WAP; however, yield was reduced 23% because of early-season interference. The inclusion of PRE herbicides benefited treatments that did not include herbicides applied 2 or 3 WAP. Glyphosate plus dicamba applied as the only herbicides 5 WAP provided 69% control of Palmer amaranth. PRE herbicides increased control to 96% for this POST treatment. Economic returns were similar when three or more POST applications were applied, with or without PRE herbicides.
Research using the critical period for weed control (CPWC) has shown that high-yielding cotton crops are very sensitive to competition from grasses and large broadleaf weeds, but the CPWC has not been defined for smaller broadleaf weeds in Australian cotton. Field studies were conducted over five seasons from 2003 to 2015 to determine the CPWC for smaller broadleaf weeds, using mungbean as a mimic weed. Mungbean was planted at densities of 1, 3, 6, 15, 30, and 60 plants m–2 with or after cotton emergence and added and removed at approximately 0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750, and 900 degree days of crop growth (GDD). Mungbean competed strongly with cotton, with season-long interference; 60 mungbean plants m–2 resulted in an 84% reduction in cotton yield. A dynamic CPWC function was developed for densities of 1 to 60 mungbean plants m–2 using extended Gompertz and exponential curves including weed density as a covariate. Using a 1% yield-loss threshold, the CPWC defined by these curves extended for the full growing season of the crop at all weed densities. The minimum yield loss from a single weed control input was 35% at the highest weed density of 60 mungbean plants m–2. The relationship for the critical time of weed removal was further improved by substituting weed biomass for weed density in the relationship.
Nomenclature: Mungbean; Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek ‘Berken'; cotton; Gossypium hirsutum L. GOSHI
Atrazine offers growers a reliable option to control a broad spectrum of weeds in grain sorghum production systems when applied PRE or POST. However, because of the extensive use of atrazine in grain sorghum and corn, it has been found in groundwater in the United States. Given this issue, field experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in Fayetteville and Marianna, Arkansas, to explore the tolerance of grain sorghum to applications of assorted photosystem II (PSII)-inhibiting herbicides in combination with S-metolachlor (PRE and POST) or mesotrione (POST only) as atrazine replacements. All experiments were designed as a factorial, randomized complete block; the two factors were (1) PSII herbicide and (2) the herbicide added to create the mixture. The PSII herbicides were prometryn, ametryn, simazine, fluometuron, metribuzin, linuron, diuron, atrazine, and propazine. The second factor consisted of either no additional herbicide, S-metolachlor, or mesotrione; however, mesotrione was excluded in the PRE experiments. Crop injury estimates, height, and yield data were collected or calculated in both studies. In the PRE study, injury was less than 10% for all treatments except those containing simazine, which caused 11% injury 28 d after application (DAA). Averaged over PSII herbicide, S-metolachlor–containing treatments caused 7% injury at 14 and 28 DAA. Grain sorghum in atrazine-containing treatments yielded 97% of the nontreated. Grain sorghum receiving other herbicide treatments had significant yield loss due to crop injury, compared with atrazine-containing treatments. In the POST study, ametryn- and prometryn-containing treatments were more injurious than all other treatments 14 DAA. Grain sorghum yield in all POST treatments was comparable to atrazine, except prometryn plus mesotrione, which was 65% of the nontreated. More herbicides should be evaluated to find a comparable fit to atrazine when applied PRE in grain sorghum. However, when applied POST, diuron, fluometuron, linuron, metribuzin, propazine, and simazine have some potential to replace atrazine in terms of crop tolerance and should be further tested as part of a weed control program across a greater range of environments.
Michael J. Walsh, Caleb C. Squires, Guy R. Y. Coleman, Michael J. Widderick, Adam B. McKiernan, Bhagirath S. Chauhan, Carlo Peressini, Andrew L. Guzzomi
Australian conservation cropping systems are practiced on very large farms (approximately 3,000 ha) where herbicides are relied on for effective and timely weed control. In many fields, though, there are low weed densities (e.g., <1.0 plant 10 m–2) and whole-field herbicide treatments are wasteful. For fallow weed control, commercially available weed detection systems provide the opportunity for site-specific herbicide treatments, removing the need for whole-field treatment of fallow fields with low weed densities. Concern about the sustainability of herbicide-reliant weed management systems remain and there has not been interest in the use of weed detection systems for alternative weed control technologies, such as targeted tillage. In this paper, we discuss the use of a targeted tillage technique for site-specific weed control in large-scale crop production systems. Three small-scale prototypes were used for engineering and weed control efficacy testing across a range of species and growth stages. With confidence established in the design approach and a demonstrated 100% weed-control potential, a 6-m wide pre-commercial prototype, the “Weed Chipper,” was built incorporating commercially available weed-detection cameras for practical field-scale evaluation. This testing confirmed very high (90%) weed control efficacies and associated low levels (1.8%) of soil disturbance where the weed density was fewer than 1.0 plant 10 m–2 in a commercial fallow. These data established the suitability of this mechanical approach to weed control for conservation cropping systems. The development of targeted tillage for fallow weed control represents the introduction of site-specific, nonchemical weed control for conservation cropping systems.
Rapid crop canopy formation is important to reduce weed emergence and selection for herbicide resistance. Field experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in Fayetteville, AR, to evaluate the impacts of PRE applications of flumioxazin on soybean injury, soybean density, canopy formation, and incidence of soil-borne pathogens. Flumioxazin was applied at 0, 70, and 105 g ai ha–1 to predetermined flumioxazin-tolerant and -sensitive soybean varieties. Flumioxazin at 70 g ha–1 injured the tolerant and sensitive varieties from 0% to 4% and 14% to 15%, respectively. When averaged over flumioxazin rates, density of the sensitive variety was only reduced in 2017 when activation of flumioxazin was delayed 7 d. Compared to the tolerant soybean variety, flumioxazin at 70 g ha–1 delayed the sensitive variety from reaching 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% groundcover by 15, 16, 11, and 5 d, respectively. No delay in canopy closure (95% groundcover) was observed with either variety. Consequently, no yield loss occurred for either variety following a flumioxazin application. Flumioxazin did not impact root colonization of Didymella, Fusarium, Macrophomina, or Rhizoctonia. Pythium colonization of the soybean stem was increased by flumioxazin in 2017, but not in 2018. Increased injury, delays in percent groundcover, and an increase in Pythium colonization of soybean following a flumioxazin application may warrant the need for other soil-applied herbicides at soybean planting. Alternatively, soybean injury and delays in percent groundcover following flumioxazin applications can be mitigated through appropriate variety selection; however, comprehensive screening is needed to determine which varieties are most tolerant to flumioxazin.
Palmer amaranth is one of the most troublesome weeds of soybean in the United States. To effectively control this weed it is necessary to optimize timing of PRE residual herbicides to mitigate Palmer amaranth emergence. Field studies were conducted in 5 site-years to assess the effect of application timing 12 to 16 d prior to planting (preplant) and at planting (PRE) on soybean injury and longevity of Palmer amaranth control using five residual herbicide treatments. A reduction in longevity of Palmer amaranth control was observed when S-metolachlor + metribuzin and flumioxazin + chlorimuron-ethyl were applied preplant vs. PRE in 2 of the 5 site years. Sulfentrazone, sulfentrazone + cloransulam-methyl, and saflufenacil + dimethenamid-P + pyroxasulfone + metribuzin did not reduce longevity of Palmer amaranth control when applied preplant vs. PRE in all 5 site-years. Visible estimates of soybean injury were lower at 21 d after planting when herbicides were applied 12 to 16 d preplant vs. PRE. These findings suggest that preplant applications can be used to reduce the potential for crop injury and may not result in reduced longevity of control when herbicides with a prolonged residual activity are used. Preplant herbicides increase the likelihood of the residuals being activated prior to subsequent weed emergence as opposed to PRE herbicides applied at soybean planting.
Field studies were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in Arkansas to evaluate the injury caused by herbicides on soybean canopy formation and yield. Fomesafen, acifluorfen, S-metolachlor + fomesafen, and S-metolachlor + fomesafen + chlorimuron alone and in combination with glufosinate were applied to glufosinate-resistant soybean at the V2 growth stage. Soybean injury resulting from these labeled herbicide treatments ranged from 9% to 25% at 2 wk after application. This level of injury resulted in a 4-, 5-, 6-, and 6-d delay in soybean reaching 80% groundcover following fomesafen, acifluorfen, S-metolachlor + fomesafen, and S-metolachlor + fomesafen + chlorimuron, respectively. There was a 2-d delay in soybean reaching a canopy volume of 15,000 cm3 following each of the four herbicide treatments. The addition of glufosinate to the herbicide applications resulted in longer delays in canopy formation with every herbicide treatment except glufosinate + fomesafen. Fomesafen, acifluorfen, S-metolachlor + fomesafen, and S-metolachlor + fomesafen + chlorimuron, each applied with glufosinate, delayed soybean from reaching 80% groundcover by 2, 7, 8, and 9 d, respectively, and delayed the number of days for soybean to reach a canopy volume of 15,000 cm3 by 2, 3, 2, and 2 d, respectively. No yield loss occurred with any herbicide application. A delay in percent groundcover in soybean allows sunlight to reach the soil surface for longer periods throughout the growing season, possibly promoting late-season weed germination and the need for an additional POST herbicide application.
Weed competition severely constrains cassava root yield in sub-Saharan Africa; thus, good weed control measures, including the use of herbicides, are increasingly important. Herbicide trials were conducted at five locations across eastern, western, and north-central Nigeria over two cropping seasons (2014 and 2015). Nineteen premixed PRE herbicides applied at different rates were evaluated for efficacy on weeds and selectivity on cassava. Manual hoe-weeding at 4, 8, and 12 wk after planting (WAP) and two S-metolachlor + atrazine treatments commonly used by cassava growers were included for comparison. Six of the 19 PRE herbicide treatments (indaziflam + isoxaflutole, indaziflam + metribuzin, flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone, isoxaflutole, acetochlor + atrazine + terbuthylazine, and terbuthylazine + S-metolachlor) consistently provided 80% to 98% broadleaf and grass weed control up to 8 wk after treatment. Overall, PRE herbicide treatments and cassava yield were significantly positively correlated. Herbicide treatments terbuthylazine + S-metolachlor, flumioxazin + pyroxasulfone, diflufenican + flufenacet + flurtamone (respectively, 60 + 60 + 60, 120 + 120 + 120, 90 + 360 + 120, and 135 + 360 + 180 g ha–1), acetochlor + atrazine + terbuthylazine (875 + 875 + 875 g ha–1), S-metolachlor + atrazine (870 + 1,110 g ha–1), oxyfluorfen (240 g ha–1), indaziflam + isoxaflutole (75 + 225 g ha–1), indaziflam + metribuzin (75 + 960 g ha–1), and aclonifen + isoxaflutole (500 + 75 g ha–1) contributed to yields exceeding twice the Nigerian national average of 8.76 tonnes ha–1. These treatments had root yields of 1.4 to 2 times higher than plots that had been hoe-weeded three times. There were some adverse herbicide treatment effects such as delayed cassava sprouting and temporary leaf bleaching observed in indaziflam and diflufenican + flufenacet + flurtamone treatments, whereas sulfentrazone caused prolonged leaf crinkling. The PRE applications alone at rates safe for cassava did not provide adequate season-long weed control; supplemental POST weed control is needed about 10 WAP for satisfactory season-long control.
Putative glyphosate-resistant sourgrass was collected to determine its resistance level and to evaluate its metabolic profile after resistance. Although accumulation of shikimic acid is known to occur in glyphosate-susceptible populations, differences in the ability of resistant (R) and susceptible (S) biotypes to accumulate quinic acid, salicylic acid, and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) have been studied to a lesser extent. Our objective was to confirm glyphosate resistance in sourgrass and to understand the metabolic profile of these plants in response to the herbicide. Greenhouse experiments were carried out from January 2016 to June 2018. There were no significant differences in glyphosate translocation in the plants. No metabolism of glyphosate to AMPA was observed; therefore, metabolism of glyphosate to AMPA is not a mechanism in R biotypes. S biotypes showed higher concentrations of shikimic acid and quinic acid before glyphosate and accumulated less of both secondary acids in treated leaves 72 h after glyphosate application. Resistant biotypes showed higher concentrations of salicylic acid before glyphosate application.
Palmer amaranth, an annual weed, and Verticillium dahliae, a fungal pathogen, can substantially reduce chile pepper yield. On the basis of the results of this study, we clarified implementation strategies for a potential management tactic for Palmer amaranth and V. dahliae in chile pepper: mustard seed meal (MSM). The objectives were to (1) determine MSM effects on Palmer amaranth seedbanks under different moisture levels, (2) measure glucosinolate degradation in soil hydrated to saturation and field capacity, and (3) determine the effects of decreasing moisture availability on MSM control of Palmer amaranth and V. dahliae. To address objective 1, seedbanks with and without MSM were hydrated to levels expected to both inhibit and promote germination (flooded, saturated, –0.03, –0.6 MPa, respectively). For objective 2, soil columns with MSM were held at different moisture levels and sampled over time. For objective 3, Palmer amaranth seeds were incubated with and without MSM, and with polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions comprising a range of water potentials (0, –0.03, –0.6, –1.0, and –2.0 MPa). These PEG solutions were also used to hydrate MSM in agar plates with plugs of V. dahliae. All experiments were performed in growth chambers with temperatures and light conditions conducive to Palmer amaranth germination and V. dahliae mycelial growth. MSM-induced mortality in Palmer amaranth seedbanks was greater in soil at field capacity than in saturated soil and flooded soil; however, rates of glucosinolate degradation were greatest in saturated soil. Decreasing water availability progressively decreased the efficacy of MSM on Palmer amaranth because MSM was ineffective on nongerminated seeds. When incubated with PEG solutions with water potentials of 0, –0.03, and –0.6 MPa, MSM stopped growth of V. dahliae; however, MSM-induced control of V. dahliae was reduced by water potentials of –1.0 and –2.0 MPa. The results of this study indicate soils hydrated to field capacity maximize MSM-induced control of Palmer amaranth and V. dahliae.
Pigeonpea has great potential as a profitable summer legume rotational crop in cereal farming systems of subtropical Australia. Pigeonpea requires season-long weed control, but options for controlling broadleaf weeds in pigeonpea with POST herbicides are limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of different herbicides (PRE: pendimethalin; POST: acifluorfen, bentazon, and imazapic) applied singly or in sequence for horse purslane control in pigeonpea and their impact on pigeonpea yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 at Gatton, Australia. Pendimethalin applied PRE at 1.14 kg ai ha–1 reduced horse purslane biomass by 87% and 92% and produced 32% and 105% higher grain yield compared with the nontreated control in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Imazapic applied POST at 0.10 kg ai ha–1 reduced horse purslane biomass by 79% and 82% and increased grain yield by 60% and 88% compared with the nontreated control in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Acifluorfen applied POST (0.34 and 0.42 kg ai ha–1) caused 16% to 48% injury to pigeonpea at 45 d after treatment. Control of horse purslane ranged from 87% to 92% (biomass reduction) with pendimethalin applied PRE at 1.14 kg ai ha–1 and was comparable with pendimethalin applied PRE at 0.91 kg ai ha–1 in the sequential application, and imazapic at 0.08 kg ai ha–1 or bentazon at 0.96 kg ai ha–1. The study findings suggest if farmers miss the PRE application of pendimethalin or are unable to achieve season-long weed control, POST application of imazapic is an alternate. This research provided herbicide options for control of horse purslane in pigeonpea that could be used in rotations for reducing the selection pressure of weeds.
Palmer amaranth is one of the most difficult-to-control weeds in row crop systems and has evolved resistance to several herbicide sites of action (SOAs). A late-season weed-escape survey had been conducted earlier to determine the distribution of protoporphyrinogen oxidase–inhibitor resistant Palmer Amaranth in Arkansas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of Arkansas Palmer amaranth accessions to commonly used herbicide SOAs. The SOAs evaluated were group 2 + 9, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, and 27, and the representative herbicide from each group was imazethapyr + glyphosate (79 + 860 g ha–1), trifluralin (1,120 g ha–1), dicamba (280 and 560 g ha–1), atrazine (560 g ha–1), glufosinate (594 g ha–1), fomesafen (395 g ha–1), S-metolachlor (1,064 g ha–1), and tembotrione (92 g ha–1), respectively. Palmer amaranth mortality varied among accessions across SOAs. Averaged across accessions, the mortality rates, by treatment in order from lowest to highest, were as follows: glyphosate + imazethapyr (16%), tembotrione (51%), dicamba at 280 g ha–1 (51%), fomesafen (76%), dicamba at 560 g ha–1 (82%), atrazine (85%), trifluralin (87%), S-metolachlor (96%), and glufosinate (99.5%). This study provides evidence that Palmer amaranth accessions with low susceptibility to glyphosate + imazethapyr, fomesafen, and tembotrione are widespread throughout Arkansas. Of the remaining SOAs, most Palmer amaranth accessions were sensitive; however, within each herbicide SOA, except glufosinate, control of some accessions was less than expected and resistance is suspected.
Japanese stiltgrass is regarded as one of the most troublesome invasive species in the United States. It is commonly found invading forested areas; however, more recently it has been noted to be invading golf course roughs and out-of-play areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate POST herbicide control of Japanese stiltgrass in golf course and highly maintained turfgrass facilities. None of the treatments provided >80% Japanese stiltgrass control 2 wk after treatment (WAT). At 4 WAT >80% Japanese stiltgrass control was observed with MSMA, MSMA + metribuzin, amicarbazone, and sethoxydim, whereas metsulfuron, pinoxaden, and imazapic provided minimum control. By 8 WAT, MSMA, MSMA + metribuzin, amicarbazone, and sethoxydim provided >98% control, whereas quinclorac, metsulfuron, pinoxaden, and imazapic provided no visible control. Thiencarbazone-methyl + foramsulfuron + halosulfuron-methyl, and sulfentrazone provided limited (≤60%) control. This study indicates that POST control of Japanese stiltgrass can be achieved with MSMA, MSMA + metribuzin, amicarbazone, and sethoxydim. Future research should include long-term control over multiple growing seasons, repeat applications of herbicides, and evaluation of herbicides in combination for increased and longer-term Japanese stiltgrass control.
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