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Corn-on-corn production systems, common in highly productive irrigated fields in South Central Nebraska, can create issues with volunteer corn management in corn fields. Enlist™ corn is a new multiple herbicide–resistance trait providing resistance to 2,4-D, glyphosate, and the aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides (FOPs), commonly integrated in glufosinate-resistant germplasm. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate ACCase-inhibiting herbicides for glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn control in Enlist corn and (2) evaluate the effect of ACCase-inhibiting herbicide application timing (early POST vs. late POST) on volunteer corn control, Enlist corn injury, and yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 at South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. Glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant corn harvested the year prior was cross-planted at 49,000 seeds ha–1 to mimic volunteer corn in this study. After 7 to 10 d had passed, Enlist corn was planted at 91,000 seeds ha–1. Application timing of FOPs (fluazifop, quizalofop, and fluazifop/fenoxaprop) had no effect on Enlist corn injury or yield, and provided 97% to 99% control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn at 28 d after treatment (DAT). Cyclohexanediones (clethodim and sethoxydim; DIMs) and phenylpyrazolin (pinoxaden; DEN) provided 84% to 98% and 65% to 71% control of volunteer corn at 28 DAT, respectively; however, the treatment resulted in 62% to 96% Enlist corn injury and 69% to 98% yield reduction. Orthogonal contrasts comparing early-POST (30-cm-tall volunteer corn) and late-POST (50-cm-tall volunteer corn) applications of FOPs were not significant for volunteer corn control, Enlist corn injury, and yield. Fluazifop, quizalofop, and fluazifop/fenoxaprop resulted in 94% to 99% control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn with no associated Enlist corn injury or yield loss; however, quizalofop is the only labeled product as of 2020 for control of volunteer corn in Enlist corn.
Nomenclature: Clethodim, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl; pinoxaden; quizalofop-p-ethyl; sethoxydim; field corn, Zea mays L
Nader Soltani, Maxwel C. Oliveira, Guilherme S. Alves, Rodrigo Werle, Jason K. Norsworthy, Christy L. Sprague, Bryan G. Young, Daniel B. Reynolds, Ashli Brown, Peter H. Sikkema
Six experiments were conducted in 2018 on field sites located in Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ontario, and Wisconsin to evaluate the off-target movement (OTM) of dicamba under field-scale conditions. The highest estimated percentages of dicamba injury in non–dicamba-resistant (DR) soybean were 55%, 44%, 39%, 67%, 15%, and 44% injury for noncovered areas and 55%, 5%, 13%, 42%, 0%, and 41% injury for covered areas during dicamba application in Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ontario, and Wisconsin, respectively. The level of injury generally decreased as the downwind distance increased under covered and noncovered areas at all sites. There was an estimated 10% injury in non-DR soybean at 113, 8, 11, 8, and 8 m; and estimated 1% injury at 293, 28, 71, 15, and 19 m from the edge of treated fields downwind when plants were not covered during dicamba application in Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, Ontario, and Wisconsin, respectively. Assessment of filter-paper collectors placed from 4 to 137 m downwind from the edge of the sprayed area suggested the dicamba deposition reduced exponentially with distance. The greatest injury to non-DR soybean from dicamba OTM occurred at Nebraska and Arkansas (as far as 250 m). Non-DR soybean injury was greatest adjacent to the dicamba sprayed area, but injury decreased with no injury beyond 20 m downwind or in any other direction from the dicamba sprayed area in Indiana, Michigan, Ontario, and Wisconsin. The presence of soybean injury under covered and noncovered areas during the spray period for primary drift suggests that secondary movement of dicamba was evident at five sites. Additional research is needed to determine the exact forms of secondary movement of dicamba under different environmental conditions.
Nomenclature: Dicamba; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr
An experiment was conducted in 2017 and 2018 to determine the sensitivity of driftable rates of 2,4-D and dicamba with or without glyphosate on common ornamental, fruit, and nut species. Three driftable rates corresponding to ½, 1/20th, and 1/200th of the manufacturer's labeled rate (1 × rate) of 2,4-D (1.09 kg ae ha–1), 2,4-D plus glyphosate (1.09 kg ae ha–1 plus 1.10 kg ae ha–1), dicamba (0.56 kg ae ha–1), and dicamba plus glyphosate (0.56 kg ae ha–1 plus 1.10 kg ae ha–1) were applied to apple, crabapple, dogwood, American elderberry, American elm, grapevine, hydrangea, red maple, pin oak, peach, pecan, eastern redbud, rose, red raspberry, strawberry, sweetgum, nannyberry viburnum, and black walnut plants. Visible estimates of injury were recorded 28 and 56 days after treatment (DAT). Plant measurements included leaf malformation, tree trunk growth, and shoot length. Across all species, the ½ × rate of 2,4-D plus glyphosate resulted in 61% injury 28 DAT, whereas the ½ × rate of dicamba plus glyphosate resulted in 51% injury. Across plant species and herbicides, ½ ×, 1/20 ×, and 1/200 × rates caused injury ranging from 3% to 100%, 0% to 66%, and 0% to 19%, respectively. Hydrangea was the least sensitive species; grapevine was most sensitive. Changes in plant measurements were dependent on the species and herbicide applied. Treatments at the ½ × or 1/20 × rate resulted in shoot length, leaf malformation, and trunk tree diameter differences for 11, 10, and 7 species, respectively, compared with nontreated plants. Collectively, the measurements and visual injury assessments indicated apple, red maple, peach, and pin oak were more sensitive to treatments containing dicamba, whereas black walnut, grapevine, and American elm were more sensitive to 2,4-D. Although the 1/200 × rates of 2,4-D and dicamba did not result in changes to plant measurements, obvious injury symptoms were observed, which could render these plants unsalable.
Nomenclature: 2,4-D; dicamba; glyphosate; apple, Malus domestica; crabapple, Malus sargentii; dogwood, Cornus florida; American elderberry, Sambucus canadesis; American elm, Ulmus americana; grapevine, Vitis aestivalis; hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla; red maple, Acer rubrum; pin oak, Quercus palustris; peach, Prunus persica; pecan, Carya illinoinensis; eastern redbud, Cercis canadensis; rose, Rosa sp.; red raspberry, Rubus idaeus; strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa; sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua; nannyberry viburnum, Viburnum lentago; black walnut, Juglans nigra
Increasing weed control costs and limited herbicide options threaten vegetable crop profitability. Traditional interrow mechanical cultivation is very effective at removing weeds between crop rows. However, weed control within the crop rows is necessary to establish the crop and prevent yield loss. Currently, many vegetable crops require hand weeding to remove weeds within the row that remain after traditional cultivation and herbicide use. Intelligent cultivators have come into commercial use to remove intrarow weeds and reduce cost of hand weeding. Intelligent cultivators currently on the market such as the Robovator, use pattern recognition to detect the crop row. These cultivators do not differentiate crops and weeds and do not work well among high weed populations. One approach to differentiate weeds is to place a machine-detectable mark or signal on the crop (i.e., the crop has the mark and the weed does not), thereby facilitating weed/crop differentiation. Lettuce and tomato plants were marked with labels and topical markers, then cultivated with an intelligent cultivator programmed to identify the markers. Results from field trials in marked tomato and lettuce found that the intelligent cultivator removed 90% more weeds from tomato and 66% more weeds from lettuce than standard cultivators without reducing yields. Accurate crop and weed differentiation described here resulted in a 45% to 48% reduction in hand-weeding time per hectare.
Nomenclature: lettuce, Lactuca sativa L.; tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L
Identification of common weeds is fundamental in determining adequate recommendations for management practices. The aim of this study was to identify the patterns of weed management adopted by rice farmers and the perspectives of consultants who work in flooded rice areas in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State, Brazil. Fifty-three public and 50 private consultants who worked with rice in RS in 2017 and 2018 were interviewed. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Both weedy rice and Echinochloa sp. occurred and escaped more often from chemical control because they remained in the field until harvest in 59% of the area. According to consultants, the main reasons for reduced weed control were related to herbicide resistance and late herbicide application. Fifty-six percent of farmers used imidazolinone herbicides at rates that were greater than those indicated on the label for POST application. The consultants' main challenges were weed escapes, resistance management, and guidelines on herbicide rates. Survey results show that the use of herbicide rates above label recommendations and consultants' work on control of weed escapes are directly related to the high occurrence of herbicide resistance.
Provisia™ rice was developed recently by the BASF Corporation for control of grass weeds and is complementary to existing Clearfield® technology. Our previous research showed that resistance of Provisia™ rice to the acetyl coenzyme-A carboxylase herbicide quizalofop-p-ethyl (QPE) in laboratory and greenhouse environments is governed by a single dominant Mendelian gene. However, these results may not be consistent in different populations or field environments. Therefore, the first objective of the current research is to determine the inheritance of resistance to QPE in rice using different segregating populations evaluated under U.S. field environments. The second objective is to evaluate the response of QPE-resistant breeding lines to various herbicide concentrations at two U.S. locations. Chi-square tests of 12 F2 populations evaluated in Louisiana during 2014 and 2015 indicated that QPE seedling resistance at 240 g ai ha–1 was governed by a single dominant Mendelian gene with no observable maternal effects. Similar results were obtained in five F3 populations derived from the aforementioned F2 populations. Allele-specific SNP markers for QPE resistance also followed Mendelian segregation in the five F2 populations. For the second objective, six QPE-resistant inbred lines showed transient leaf injury at 1× (120 g ai ha–1) or 2× (240 g ai ha–1) field rates 7 and 21 d after treatment (DAT). However, a trend of reduced injury (recovery) from 7 through 33 DAT was observed for all breeding material. No differences in grain yield were found between untreated QPE-resistant lines and those treated with 1× or 2× QPE field rate. Single gene inheritance and good levels of QPE herbicide field resistance in different genetic populations suggest feasibility for rapid and effective development of new QPE-resistant varieties and effective stewardship of the Provisia™ technology.
Nomenclature: Quizalofop-p-ethyl; rice, Oryza sativa L.
Giant miscanthus has the potential to move beyond cultivated fields and invade noncrop areas, but this can be overshadowed by aesthetic appeal and monetary value as a biofuel crop. Most research on giant miscanthus has focused on herbicide tolerance for establishment and production rather than terminating an existing stand. This study was conducted to evaluate herbicide options for control or terminating a stand of giant miscanthus. In 2013 and 2014, field experiments were conducted on established stands of the giant miscanthus cultivars ‘Nagara' and ‘Freedom.’ Herbicides evaluated in both years included glyphosate, hexazinone, imazapic, imazapyr, clethodim, fluazifop, and glyphosate plus fluazifop. All treatments were applied in summer (June or July) and September. For both years, biomass reduction ranged from 85% to 100% when glyphosate was applied in June or July at 4.5 or 7.3 kg ae ha–1. No other treatment applied at this timing provided more than 50% giant miscanthus biomass reduction 1 yr after application. September applications of glyphosate were not consistent: treatments in 2013 reduced biomass by 40% or less, whereas in 2014, at all rates provided at least 78% biomass reduction. Glyphosate applied in June or July was the only treatment that provided effective and consistent control of giant miscanthus 1 yr after treatment.
Winter cover crops (CCs) provide soil conservation benefits for strip-tillage tobacco producers, but soil-residual herbicides may interfere with their establishment and growth. Tobacco is planted later than many agronomic crops, but growers often terminate CCs early to minimize CC residue at planting, and this may reduce weed suppression potential. We examined residual herbicide effects on CCs across two seasons and the potential for CC-based weed suppression within strip-tilled tobacco. Mixtures of wheat plus crimson clover and cereal rye plus crimson clover were examined, with a no-CC control. Herbicides included two rates of PRE sulfentrazone (177 or 354 g ai ha–1) plus carfentrazone (20 or 40 g ai ha–1); the higher rate was also followed by POST clomazone (840 g ai ha–1) or mixed with PRE pendimethalin (1,400 g ai ha–1). Controls with no weed management and hand weeding were also included. CC density and biomass were not reduced by weed management (WM) treatments with residual herbicides. However, CCs did not reduce density of annual grasses, small-seeded broadleaves, or perennials in the tilled in-row or untilled between-row zones. Cereal rye plus crimson clover resulted in lower weed biomass at tobacco harvest in the untilled between-row zone in 2017. WM effects were variable between the years, weed groups, and zones. Adding clomazone or pendimethalin was more consistent for reducing weed density and biomass compared to the low rate of sulfentrazone plus carfentrazone. Tobacco yield was unaffected by CCs in 2017 but lower in some WM treatments in 2018. In this study, tobacco herbicides did not interfere with wheat, cereal rye, or crimson clover establishment, but additional research should determine if these results apply to other environments and soil types. However, when these CC species were terminated 5 to 6 wk before transplanting, they did not consistently contribute to weed control.
Management of volunteer glyphosate-resistant (GR) corn may be problematic in soybean resistant to glyphosate and 2,4-D or dicamba, as auxinic herbicides often antagonize graminicide efficacy. Field and greenhouse trials were conducted using mixtures of 2,4-D or dicamba in combination with glyphosate and clethodim-A (formulated without an adjuvant) or clethodim-SM (adjuvant-inclusive formulation) to determine the effect on volunteer GR corn control. Neither auxinic herbicide reduced clethodim efficacy, regardless of clethodim rate or formulation in field trials. However, the addition of glyphosate to these mixtures at the 35 g ai ha–1 clethodim dose reduced control from clethodim-A and clethodim-SM by 62% to 75% and 27% to 47%, respectively. Increasing the clethodim dose to 105 g ha–1 or greater in combination with glyphosate and either auxinic herbicide generally restored clethodim efficacy (74% to 98% control); in one site-year, the addition of glyphosate plus dicamba to clethodim-A at 140 g ha–1 still reduced control by 34%. In greenhouse experiments, clethodim-A efficacy was reduced by 17% and 28% when applied with glyphosate plus 420 and 1,680 g ae ha–1 2,4-D, respectively, in the absence of crop oil concentrate (COC). Increasing the dose of dicamba in a similar mixture had a negligible effect. Irrespective of auxinic herbicide dose, the inclusion of COC to clethodim-A mixtures with glyphosate plus 2,4-D or dicamba resulted in ≥ 90% control. These results specify an enhanced risk of reduced clethodim efficacy on volunteer GR corn when glyphosate is added to mixtures containing 2,4-D or dicamba. To optimize control from these mixtures, clethodim should be applied at ≥ 105 g ha–1 and should include an activator adjuvant in the form of COC and/or an adjuvant-inclusive clethodim formulation. This recommendation contrasts with several labels of clethodim that do not require COC when applied with adjuvant-loaded glyphosate products.
Nomenclature: 2,4-D; clethodim; dicamba; glyphosate; corn, Zea mays L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr
The pyridine carboxylic acid (PCA) herbicide family can exhibit differential activity within and among plant species, despite molecular resemblances. Aminocyclopyrachlor (AMCP), a pyrimidine carboxylic acid, is a recently discovered compound with similar use patterns to those of the PCA family; however, relative activity among PCAs and AMCP is not well understood. Therefore, the objective of this study was to quantify relative activity among aminopyralid, picloram, clopyralid, triclopyr, and AMCP in canola, squash, and okra using dose-response whole-plant bioassays. Clopyralid was less active than all other herbicides in all species and did not fit dose-response models. Aminopyralid and picloram performed similarly in squash (ED50 = 21.1 and 23.3 g ae ha–1, respectively). Aminopyralid was 3.8 times and 1.7 times more active than picloram in canola (ED50 = 60.3 and 227.7 g ha–1, respectively) and okra (ED50 = 10.3 and 17.3 g ha–1, respectively). Triclopyr (ED50 = 37.3 g ha–1) was more active than AMCP (ED50 = 112.9 g ha–1) and picloram in canola. Aminocyclopyrachlor (ED50 = 6.6 g ha–1) and triclopyr (ED50 = 7.8 g ha–1) were more active in squash than aminopyralid and picloram. In okra, AMCP (ED50 = 14.6 g ha–1) and aminopyralid (ED50 = 10.3 g ha–1) performed similarly but were more active than triclopyr (ED50 = 88.2 g ha–1). Herbicidal activity among AMCP and PCAs was vastly different despite molecular similarities that could be due to variable target-site sensitivity among species.
During the 2015, 2016, and 2017 growing seasons, a survey of 63 pastures in Missouri was conducted to determine the effects of selected soil and forage parameters on the density of common annual, biennial, and perennial weed species. Permanent sampling areas were established in each pasture at a frequency of one representative 20-m2 area per 4 ha of pasture, and weed species and density in each area were determined at 14-d intervals for a period from mid-April until late September. The parameters evaluated included soil pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu) concentrations, as well as tall fescue density, forage groundcover density, and stocking rate. An increase of 1 unit in soil pH was associated with 146 fewer weeds per hectare, the largest reduction in weed density in response to any soil parameter. Increased soil pH was associated with the greatest reduction in perennial grass weed density, along with an average reduction of 1,410 brush weeds per hectare for each 1-unit increase in soil pH. Common ragweed, a widespread weed of pastures, could be reduced by 3,056 weeds ha–1 when soil pH was 1 unit greater. A 1-ppm increase in soil P was correlated with a decrease of 206 biennial broadleaf weeds per hectare. Perennial broadleaf weed density was reduced in soils with greater concentrations of P, K, and Ca. Additionally, for every 1% increase of tall fescue and forage groundcover, there was a decrease of 18 and 38 perennial broadleaf weeds per hectare. The results from this research indicate that the density of many common weed species can be reduced with higher soil pH and adjustments to soil macro- and micronutrient concentrations, especially P.
Lucas X. Franca, Darrin M. Dodds, Thomas R. Butts, Greg R. Kruger, Daniel B. Reynolds, J. Anthony Mills, Jason A. Bond, Angus L. Catchot, Daniel G. Peterson
Herbicide applications performed with pulse width modulation (PWM) sprayers to deliver specific spray droplet sizes could maintain product efficacy, minimize potential off-target movement, and increase flexibility in field operations. Given the continuous expansion of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth populations across the southern and midwestern United States, efficacious and cost-effective means of application are needed to maximize Palmer amaranth control. Experiments were conducted in two locations in Mississippi (2016, 2017, and 2018) and one location in Nebraska (2016 and 2017) for a total of 7 site-years. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of a range of spray droplet sizes [150 (Fine) to 900 µm (Ultra Coarse)] on lactofen and acifluorfen efficacy for Palmer amaranth control. The results of this research indicated that spray droplet size did not influence lactofen efficacy on Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth control and percent dry-biomass reduction remained consistent with lactofen applied within the aforementioned droplet size range. Therefore, larger spray droplets should be used as part of a drift mitigation approach. In contrast, acifluorfen application with 300-µm (Medium) spray droplets provided the greatest Palmer amaranth control. Although percent biomass reduction was numerically greater with 300-µm (Medium) droplets, results did not differ with respect to spray droplet size, possibly as a result of initial plant injury, causing weight loss, followed by regrowth. Overall, 900-µm (Ultra Coarse) droplets could be used effectively without compromising lactofen efficacy on Palmer amaranth, and 300-µm (Medium) droplets should be used to achieve maximum Palmer amaranth control with acifluorfen.
Nomenclature: Acifluorfen; lactofen; Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA
Herbicide-resistant weeds pose a severe threat to sustainable vegetation management in various production systems worldwide. The majority of the herbicide resistance cases reported thus far originate from agronomic production systems where herbicide use is intensive, especially in industrialized countries. Another notable sector with heavy reliance on herbicides for weed control is managed turfgrass systems, particularly golf courses and athletic fields. Intensive use of herbicides, coupled with a lack of tillage and other mechanical tools that are options in agronomic systems, increases the risk of herbicide-resistant weeds evolving in managed turfgrass systems. Among the notable weed species at high risk for evolving resistance under managed turf systems in the United States are annual bluegrass, goosegrass, and crabgrasses. The evolution and spread of multiple herbicide resistance, an emerging threat facing the turfgrass industry, should be addressed with the use of diversified management tools. Target-site resistance has been reported commonly as a mechanism of resistance for many herbicide groups, though non–target site resistance is an emerging concern. Despite the anecdotal evidence of the mounting weed resistance issues in managed turf systems, the lack of systematic and periodic surveys at regional and national scales means that confirmed reports are very limited and sparse. Furthermore, currently available information is widely scattered in the literature. This review provides a concise summary of the current status of herbicide-resistant weeds in managed turfgrass systems in the United States and highlights key emerging threats.
Herbicide resistance has for decades been an increasing problem of agronomic crops such as corn and soybean. Several weed species have evolved herbicide resistance in turfgrass systems such as golf courses, sports fields, and sod production—particularly biotypes of annual bluegrass and goosegrass. Consequences of herbicide resistance in agronomic cropping systems indicate what could happen in turfgrass if herbicide resistance becomes broader in terms of species, distribution, and mechanisms of action. The turfgrass industry must take action to develop effective resistance management programs while this problem is still relatively small in scope. We propose that lessons learned from a series of national listening sessions conducted by the Herbicide Resistance Education Committee of the Weed Science Society of America to better understand the human dimensions affecting herbicide resistance in crop production provide tremendous insight into what themes to address when developing effective resistance management programs for the turfgrass industry.
Nomenclature: Annual bluegrass, Poa annua L.; goosegrass, Eleusine indica L. Gaertn; corn, Zea mays L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr
Weed management is an important issue for nursery crop and Christmas tree producers, as well as for those maintaining turfgrass or ornamental species in landscape plantings. PRE and POST herbicides are important weed management tools for these industries. Reports of herbicide-resistant weeds increased from fewer than 100 cases in 1985 to nearly 500 cases globally in 2019, including ones found in turfgrass or ornamental systems. The evolution, persistence, and management of herbicide-resistant weeds are an ongoing educational process. We must keep our stakeholders aware of improved weed control technology and provide them information on resistant weeds. A symposium at the 2019 Weed Science Society of America meeting was conducted with presentations and discussions by invited speakers in relation to current research and potential management strategies for resistant weeds in turfgrass, landscape ornamental, and nursery crops. To prepare for the symposium, a survey was prepared for nursery producers and landscapers on the issues of herbicide-resistant weeds and offsite movement of herbicides used to control herbicide-resistant weeds. Overall, most respondents felt herbicide-resistant weeds are a serious problem and most had personally observed herbicide resistance on properties they maintain. Resistance to glyphosate was the herbicide cited by most respondents, followed by resistance to triazine herbicides. Most felt their weed-control costs had increased because of resistant weeds. Approximately 20% of respondents had their operation affected by drift of herbicides from nearby farm fields, with most reporting no damage from spray or vapor drift, but a few reported greater than 50% of the crop damaged.
The evolution of resistance to multiple herbicides in Palmer amaranth is a major challenge for its management. In this study, a Palmer amaranth population from Hutchinson, Kansas (HMR), was characterized for resistance to inhibitors of photosystem II (PSII) (e.g., atrazine), acetolactate synthase (ALS) (e.g., chlorsulfuron), and EPSP synthase (EPSPS) (e.g., glyphosate), and this resistance was investigated. About 100 HMR plants were treated with field-recommended doses (1×) of atrazine, chlorsulfuron, and glyphosate, separately along with Hutchinson multiple-herbicide (atrazine, chlorsulfuron, and glyphosate)–susceptible (HMS) Palmer amaranth as control. The mechanism of resistance to these herbicides was investigated by sequencing or amplifying the psbA, ALS, and EPSPS genes, the molecular targets of atrazine, chlorsulfuron, and glyphosate, respectively. Fifty-two percent of plants survived a 1× (2,240 g ai ha–1) atrazine application with no known psbA gene mutation, indicating the predominance of a non–target site resistance mechanism to this herbicide. Forty-two percent of plants survived a 1× (18 g ai ha–1) dose of chlorsulfuron with proline197serine, proline197threonine, proline197alanine, and proline197asparagine, or tryptophan574leucine mutations in the ALS gene. About 40% of the plants survived a 1× (840 g ae ha–1) dose of glyphosate with no known mutations in the EPSPS gene. Quantitative PCR results revealed increased EPSPS copy number (50 to 140) as the mechanism of glyphosate resistance in the survivors. The most important finding of this study was the evolution of resistance to at least two sites of action (SOAs) (∼50% of plants) and to all three herbicides due to target site as well as non–target site mechanisms. The high incidence of individual plants with resistance to multiple SOAs poses a challenge for effective management of this weed.
Nomenclature: Atrazine; chlorsulfuron; glyphosate; Palmer amaranth; Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats
Weed seeds with mechanical damage are more susceptible to mortality in soil than nondamaged seeds. In this study we introduce a colorimetric assay to distinguish mechanically damaged weed seeds from nondamaged weed seeds. Our objectives were to 1) compare steepates from mechanically damaged seeds against steepates from nondamaged seeds for their capacities to reduce resazurin—a nontoxic, water-soluble dye that changes color and light absorbance properties in response to pH; and 2) use light absorbance data from steepate-resazurin solutions to create classification trees for distinguishing damaged from nondamaged weed seeds. Species in this study included barnyardgrass, curly dock, junglerice, kochia, oakleaf datura, Palmer amaranth, spurred anoda, stinkgrass, tall morningglory, and yellow foxtail. Seeds of each species were subjected to mechanical damage treatments that collectively represented a range of damage severities. Damaged and nondamaged seeds were individually soaked in water to produce steepates that were combined with resazurin. Light absorbance properties of steepate-resazurin solutions indicated that for all species except kochia, damaged seeds reduced resazurin to greater extents than nondamaged seeds. Prediction accuracy rates for classification trees that used absorbance values as predictor variables were conditioned by species and damage type. Prediction accuracy rates were relatively low (66% to 86% accurate) for lightly damaged seeds, especially grass weed seeds. Prediction accuracy rates were high (91% to 99% accurate) for severely damaged seeds of specific broadleaf and grass weeds. Steepate-resazurin solutions that successfully separated seeds took no more than 32 h to produce. The results of this study indicate that the resazurin assay is a method for quickly distinguishing damaged from nondamaged weed seeds. Because rapid assessments of seed intactness may accelerate the development of tactics for reducing the number of weed seeds in soil, we advocate further development of resazurin assays by laboratories studying methods for weed seedbank depletion.
Nomenclature: barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. ECHCG; curly dock, Rumex crispus L. RUMCR; junglerice, Echinochloa colona (L.) Link ECHCO; kochia, Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott KCHSC; oakleaf datura, Datura quercifolia Kunth DATFE; Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson AMAPA; spurred anoda, Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. ANVCR; stinkgrass, Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch ERAME; tall morningglory, Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth PHBPU; yellow foxtail, Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. SETPU
This report updates the incidence of herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds across western Canada from the last report covering 2007 to 2011. This third round of preharvest surveys was conducted in Saskatchewan in 2014 and 2015, Manitoba in 2016, and Alberta in 2017, totaling 798 randomly selected cropped fields across 28 million ha. In addition, we screened 1,108 weed seed samples submitted by prairie growers or industry between 2012 and 2016. Of 578 fields where wild oat seed was collected, 398 (69%) had an HR biotype: 62% acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor (WSSA Group 1) resistant, 34% acetolactate synthase inhibitor (Group 2) resistant, and 27% Group 1+2 resistant (vs. 41%, 12%, and 8%, respectively, in the previous second-round surveys from 2007 to 2009). The sharp increase in Group 2 resistance is the result of reliance on this site of action to manage Group 1 resistance and the resultant increased selection pressure. There are no POST options to control Group 1+2–HR wild oat in wheat or barley. The rise of Group 2 resistance in green foxtail (11% of sampled fields) and yellow foxtail (17% of Manitoba fields), which was not detected in the previous survey round, parallels the results for wild oat resistance. Various Group 2–HR populations of broadleaf weeds were confirmed, with cleavers and field pennycress being most abundant. Results of submission-sample testing reflected survey results. Although not included in this study, a postharvest survey in Alberta in 2017 indicated widespread Groups 2, 4 (dicamba), and 9 (glyphosate) resistance in kochia and Group 2 resistance in Russian thistle. These surveys bring greater awareness of HR weeds to growers and land managers at local and regional levels, and highlight the urgency to preserve herbicide susceptibility in our key economic weed species.
Nomenclature: Acetolactate synthase inhibitor; acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor; dicamba; glyphosate; Cleavers, Galium spp.; field pennycress, Thlaspi arvense L.; green foxtail, Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.; kochia, Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott; Russian thistle, Salsola tragus L.; wild oat, Avena fatua L.; yellow foxtail, Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult
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