VOL. 34 · NO. 1 | January–February 2020
Derek M. Whalen, Mandy D. Bish, Bryan G. Young, Shawn P. Conley, Daniel B. Reynolds, Jason K. Norsworthy, Kevin W. Bradley
Weed Technology 34 (1), 1-10, (9 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.73
KEYWORDS: Preplant control, Burndown
Pratap Devkota, William G. Johnson
Weed Technology 34 (1), 101-106, (11 May 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.110
KEYWORDS: Spray water pH, spray-water hardness, water hardness minerals
Geoffrey P. Schortgen, Aaron J. Patton
Weed Technology 34 (1), 107-116, (14 November 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.117
KEYWORDS: 2,4-D amine, Ammonium sulfate, antagonism, calcium, hard water, residence time, water quality, weak acid
Derek M. Whalen, Lovreet S. Shergill, Lyle P. Kinne, Mandy D. Bish, Kevin W. Bradley
Weed Technology 34 (1), 11-18, (11 May 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.111
KEYWORDS: Cover crop burndown, Residue
Scott R. Bales, Christy L. Sprague
Weed Technology 34 (1), 117-124, (12 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.127
KEYWORDS: black bean, navy bean, Off-target movement, spray tank contamination
Nicholas L. Hurdle, Timothy L. Grey, Patrick E. McCullough, Donn Shilling, Jason Belcher
Weed Technology 34 (1), 125-128, (11 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.76
KEYWORDS: hay production, residual
Vijay Singh, Russ Garetson, Josh McGinty, Peter Dotray, Gaylon Morgan, Scott Nolte, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan
Weed Technology 34 (1), 129-139, (26 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.78
KEYWORDS: Dose response, Multiple herbicide resistance, recurrent selection, resistance survey, site of action
Kathryn J. Lillie, Darci A. Giacomini, Patrick J. Tranel
Weed Technology 34 (1), 140-146, (23 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.84
KEYWORDS: Herbicide resistance, Dose response, postemergence, preemergence
Erin R. Haramoto, Austin D. Sherman, Jonathan D. Green
Weed Technology 34 (1), 147-152, (23 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.82
KEYWORDS: integrated weed management, weed emergence, weed biology, application technology
Guy R. Y. Coleman, Amanda Stead, Marc P. Rigter, Zhe Xu, David Johnson, Graham M. Brooker, Salah Sukkarieh, Michael J. Walsh
Weed Technology 34 (1), 153-154, (13 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.131 Open Access
David J. Brunton, Peter Boutsalis, Gurjeet Gill, Christopher Preston
Weed Technology 34 (1), 19-24, (10 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.72
KEYWORDS: thiocarbamates, Herbicide resistance, preplant incorporated, weed seed set control, weed control
Lucas S. Rector, Kara B. Pittman, Shawn C. Beam, Kevin W. Bamber, Charles W. Cahoon, William H. Frame, Michael L. Flessner
Weed Technology 34 (1), 25-34, (22 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.79
KEYWORDS: residual herbicides, conservation agriculture, cover crop injury
Aaron P Brooker, Christy L Sprague, Karen A Renner
Weed Technology 34 (1), 35-41, (24 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.90
KEYWORDS: cover crops, residual herbicides
Kurt M. Vollmer, Thierry E. Besançon, Baylee L. Carr, Mark J. VanGessel, Barbara A. Scott
Weed Technology 34 (1), 42-47, (10 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.102
KEYWORDS: cover crops, integrated weed management, plastic mulch, plasticulture
Kara B. Pittman, Charles W. Cahoon, Kevin W. Bamber, Lucas S. Rector, Michael L. Flessner
Weed Technology 34 (1), 48-54, (18 November 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.107
KEYWORDS: Mixes, cereal rye, cereal grains, annual ryegrass
Vinay Bhaskar, Robin R. Bellinder, Stephen Reiners, Antonio DiTommaso
Weed Technology 34 (1), 55-63, (27 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.81
KEYWORDS: cropping diversity, herbicide combinations, intercropping, resource use efficiency, Soil cover, soil erosion control, sustainable vegetable production, sustainable weed management
Austin D. Sherman, Erin R. Haramoto, J. D. Green
Weed Technology 34 (1), 64-72, (18 November 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.116
KEYWORDS: integrated weed management
Gurbir Singh, Gurpreet Kaur, Karl W. Williard, Kelly A. Nelson, Jon E. Schoonover
Weed Technology 34 (1), 73-81, (23 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.83
KEYWORDS: shoulder, backslope, footslope, landscape position, C:N ratio
Misha R. Manuchehri, Peter A. Dotray, J. Wayne Keeling, Gaylon D. Morgan, Seth A. Byrd
Weed Technology 34 (1), 82-88, (28 August 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.85
KEYWORDS: Off-target movement, simulated drift, synthetic auxin, fiber quality, yield
Scott R. Bales, Christy L. Sprague
Weed Technology 34 (1), 89-95, (24 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.92
KEYWORDS: 2,4-D-resistant soybean, black bean, dicamba-resistant soybean, spray tank-contamination
Katilyn Price, Xiao Li, Ramon G. Leon, Andrew Price
Weed Technology 34 (1), 96-100, (10 September 2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2019.98
KEYWORDS: stunting, stand reduction, plant height, yield loss
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