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VOL. 44 · NO. 4 | December 2021
Waterbirds 44 (4), i-ii, (1 December 2021)
No abstract available
Himadri Sekhar Mondal, Gopinathan Maheswaran
Waterbirds 44 (4), 389-396, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Ardea insignis, Arunachal Pradesh, capture efficiency, capture rate, critically endangered, foraging behavior, foraging ecology, river, White-bellied Heron
Keenan Yakola, Adrian Jordaan, Stephen Kress, Paula Shannon, Michelle D. Staudinger
Waterbirds 44 (4), 397-414, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Arctic Tern, climate change, Common Tern, Gulf of Maine, hake, herring, Least Tern, long-term diet, Roseate Tern, sand lance
Prashant Ghimire, Nabin Pandey, Yajna Prasad Timilsina, Bhuwan Singh Bist, K. S. Gopi Sundar
Waterbirds 44 (4), 415-424, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: activity budget, Ciconia episcopus, distance to wetlands, foraging, human presence, recursive partitioning, vigilance, Woolly-necked Stork
Eben H. Paxton, Kevin Brinck, Adonia Henry, Afsheen Siddiqi, Rachel Rounds, Jennifer Chutz
Waterbirds 44 (4), 425-437, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Anas wyvilliana, endemic Hawaiian waterbird, Fulica alai, Gallinula galeata sandvicensis, Himantopus mexicanus knudseni, population trends, Wetlands
Alice D. Domalik, Mark Maftei, Kenneth G. Wright, Sarah A. Hudson (Trefry), J. Mark Hipfner
Waterbirds 44 (4), 438-448, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Glaucous-winged Gull, habitat use, Larus glaucescens, migration, PTT, satellite tracking
Nick Vitale, Janell Brush, Abby Powell
Waterbirds 44 (4), 449-462, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: breeding success, brood survival, disturbance, nest survival, Overwash, predation, spoil islands
Paige A. Byerly, Susan Zaluski, Daniel Nellis, Paul L. Leberg
Waterbirds 44 (4), 463-471, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: defensive behavior, colony disturbance, nest success, predation, Roseate Tern, seabird, Sterna dougallii
André F. Raine, Scott Driskill, Jennifer Rothe, Megan Vynne
Waterbirds 44 (4), 472-482, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Hawaiian Petrel, microhabitat, nest, Newell's Shearwater, seabird, characteristics
Susan A. Heath, Jennifer K. Wilson, Joseph Smith, Nathan W. Cooper
Waterbirds 44 (4), 483-491, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: breeding, geolocator, migratory connectivity, nonbreeding, Texas, Tringa semipalmata, western Gulf, Willet
Mariana Scain Mazzochi, Josh Nightingale, Maria João Ramos Pereira
Waterbirds 44 (4), 492-498, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: feeding areas, foraging behavior, resource partitioning, Scolopacidae, trophic ecology, trophic niche
Ana Millones, Annick Morgenthaler, Patricia Gandini, Esteban Frere
Waterbirds 44 (4), 499-508, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Argentina, colony size, Magellanic Penguin, Patagonia, population change, population monitoring, Spheniscus magellanicus
Maureen M. Durkin, Jonathan B. Cohen
Waterbirds 44 (4), 509-525, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: barrier islands, Beaches, buffer distance, Charadrius nivosus, flight initiation distance, Florida, human disturbance, Shorebirds, Snowy Plover
Paul W. Senner, Jeb A. Barzen, Janet Silbernagel, Bjorn Larsen, Hoa Nguyen-Phuc
Waterbirds 44 (4), 526-538, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: avian communities, community change, ecological restoration, flood pulse, grassland birds, Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam, Wetlands
Auriel M.V. Fournier
Waterbirds 44 (4), 539-543, (1 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: migration, museum specimen, natural history collections, Porzana carolina, Sora, vagrancy
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