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VOL. 38 · NO. 1 | March 2015
Waterbirds 38 (1), (1 March 2015)
No abstract available
Ralf H. E. Mullers, Arjun Amar
Waterbirds 38 (1), 1-9, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Balaeniceps rex, breeding success, cameras, chick growth, nest attendance, prey provisioning, Shoebill
Ariam Jiménez, Ianela García-Lau, Alieny Gonzalez, Martín Acosta, Lourdes Mugica
Waterbirds 38 (1), 10-18, (1 March 2015) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Calidris mauri, Calidris minutilla, Cuba, discriminant analysis, Least Sandpiper, Morphometrics, sexual size dimorphism, Western Sandpiper
Zhang Guo-gang, Liu Dong-ping, Jiang Hong-xing, Zhang Ke-jia, Zhao Huai-dong, Kang Ai-li, Liang Hai-tang, Qian Fa-wen
Waterbirds 38 (1), 19-29, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Anser indicus, Bar-headed Goose, Black-necked Crane, Changtang of Tibet, distribution, Grus nigricollis, high altitude lakes
Garth Herring, Heidi K. Herring, Dale E. Gawlik
Waterbirds 38 (1), 30-39, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Everglades, foraging site selection, Mycteria americana, Wood Stork
Blake A. Barbaree, Matthew E. Reiter, Catherine M. Hickey, Gary W. Page
Waterbirds 38 (1), 40-46, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Calidris alpina, diel shift, Dunlin, flooded rice fields, habitat association, night, radio telemetry, wintering shorebirds
Nickson Erick Otieno, Alex S. Mutati, Cynthia Akoth, Daniel Ogwanjg, Timothy Mwinami, Philip Alaro, Jeremy Njoka
Waterbirds 38 (1), 47-57, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: abundance, Kenya, prey abundance, rice fields, waterbirds
Kristen S. Ellis, John F. Cavitt, Randy T. Larsen
Waterbirds 38 (1), 58-67, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Charadrius nivosus, Great Salt Lake, nest predation, nest survival, shorebird, Snowy Plover
Natalia S. Martínez-Curci, Juan P. Isacch, Adrián B. Azpiroz
Waterbirds 38 (1), 68-76, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: —Argentina, habitat-use, migration, Samborombón Bay, Shorebirds, South America
Shawn R. Craik, Alan R. Hanson, Rodger D. Titman, Matthew L. Mahoney, Éric Tremblay
Waterbirds 38 (1), 77-85, (1 March 2015) Open Access
KEYWORDS: barrier islands, Mergus serrator, nests, Northumberland Strait, Red-breasted Merganser, sea-level rise, Storm surge
Ignacio Roesler, Santiago Imberti
Waterbirds 38 (1), 86-91, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: abundance, Baird's Sandpiper, Calidris bairdii, Calidris fuscicollis, habitat use, highland plateaus, Nearctic shorebirds, Patagonia, Phalaropus tricolor, White-rumped Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope
Walter S. Svagelj, Nora Lisnizer, Pablo García Borboroglu, Pablo Yorio
Waterbirds 38 (1), 92-98, (1 March 2015) Open Access
KEYWORDS: egg laying order, egg mass, egg variation, food availability, intra-clutch variation, Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus
Kristofer M. Robison, Daniel W. Anderson, Renèe E. Robison
Waterbirds 38 (1), 99-105, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: Aechmophorus clarkii, Aechmophorus occidentalis, brood size, Clark's Grebe, disturbance, nest initiation, nesting phenology, productivity, Western Grebe
Vincent J. Fasanello, Elizabeth D. Carlton, Maddie Pott, Nicole M. Marchetto, Emily Vaughn, Kevin J. McGraw, Robert A. Mauck, Mark F. Haussmann
Waterbirds 38 (1), 106-110, (1 March 2015)
KEYWORDS: assortative mating, Black Guillemot, carotenoids, Cepphus grylle, color, oxidative stress, visual signals
Waterbirds 38 (1), 111-116, (1 March 2015)
No abstract available
Waterbirds 38 (1), 117, (1 March 2015)
No abstract available
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