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VOL. 30 · NO. 1 | March 2007
Stephen J. Maxson, John R. Fieberg, Michael R. Riggs
Waterbirds 30 (1), 1-9, (1 March 2007)[0001:BTNHSA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Black Tern, Chlidonias niger, habitat selection, Minnesota, nest success
Terri J. Maness, Mark A. Westbrock, David J. Anderson
Waterbirds 30 (1), 10-16, (1 March 2007)[0010:OSRVIN]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Nazca Booby, Sula granti, fledgling survival, operational sex ratio, population sex ratio, sex allocation, sex-specific mortality
Michael W. Parker, Stephen W. Kress, Richard T. Golightly, Harry R. Carter, Elizabeth B. Parsons, Susan E. Schubel, Jennifer A. Boyce, Gerard J. McChesney, Samantha M. Wisely
Waterbirds 30 (1), 17-28, (1 March 2007)[0017:AOSATU]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Common Murre, social attraction, restoration, seabird, Devil’s Slide Rock, California, alcid, Uria aalge
Christina E. Donehower, David M. Bird, C. Scott Hall, Stephen W. Kress
Waterbirds 30 (1), 29-39, (1 March 2007)[0029:EOGPAP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Arctic Tern, Common Tern, Great Black-backed Gull, Gulf of Maine, gull control, gull predation, Herring Gull, Laughing Gull, Roseate Tern
Patrick G. R. Jodice, Thomas M. Murphy, Felicia J. Sanders, Lisa M. Ferguson
Waterbirds 30 (1), 40-51, (1 March 2007)[0040:LTINCO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Brown Pelican, Royal Tern, Sandwich Tern, South Carolina, population trends, Pelecanus occidentalis, Sterna maxima, Sterna sandvicensis
Michael J. Knoche, Abby N. Powell, Lori T. Quakenbush, Matthew J. Wooller, Laura M. Phillips
Waterbirds 30 (1), 52-57, (1 March 2007)[0052:FEFSFT]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: carbon-13, deuterium, feather, molt, nitrogen-15, satellite telemetry, Somateria spectabilis, stable isotope, site fidelity
David Monticelli, Jaime A. Ramos
Waterbirds 30 (1), 58-63, (1 March 2007)[0058:PCARRO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: plumage, return rate, immature, Indian Ocean, Roseate Tern, Sterna dougallii
John Nicholas Mager III, Charles Walcott, David Evers
Waterbirds 30 (1), 64-72, (1 March 2007)[0064:MVITBS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: common loon, Gavia immer, vocalization, yodel, geographic variability
Monica González, Horacio De La Cueva
Waterbirds 30 (1), 73-79, (1 March 2007)[0073:ASOAMF]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Apparent survival rate, emigration, demography, Magnificent Frigatebird, mark-resighting methods, seabirds
Rong Yang, Heqi Wu, Xiaojun Yang, Wanggao Jiang, Lin Zuo, Zhirong Xiang
Waterbirds 30 (1), 80-85, (1 March 2007)[0080:DTBOTB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Black-necked Crane, Grus nigricollis, Breeding season, behavior, daytime, time budget, rhythm of behavior
Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jen-Jiun Perng, Jiang-Ping Wang, Jug-Hsuan Weng, Ping-Chun Lucy Hou
Waterbirds 30 (1), 86-91, (1 March 2007)[0086:DOTBSW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Platalea minor, Black-faced Spoonbill, diet, otolith, mullet, Taiwan
Dariusz Jakubas, Katarzyna Wojczulanis
Waterbirds 30 (1), 92-96, (1 March 2007)[0092:PTSODB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Dovekie, Alle alle, sex determination, discriminant function, genetic analysis, sexual dimorphism
Walter S. Svagelj, Flavio Quintana
Waterbirds 30 (1), 97-102, (1 March 2007)[0097:SSDASD]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: discriminant analysis, Imperial Shags, Phalacrocoracidae, Phalacrocorax atriceps, sexual size dimorphism
Vasilios Liordos, Vassilis Goutner
Waterbirds 30 (1), 103-111, (1 March 2007)[0103:SPOWDO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Great Cormorant, winter diet variability, commercial value of prey, Greece, Phalacrocorax carbo
Joseph R. Jehl Jr.
Waterbirds 30 (1), 112-115, (1 March 2007)[0112:WDEGLH]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Eared Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis, Mono Lake, California, Great Salt Lake, Utah, foraging, prey, migration
Nicholas D. P. Robar, Diana J. Hamilton
Waterbirds 30 (1), 116-123, (1 March 2007)[0116:AMFEHU]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla, habitat use, foraging, Bay of Fundy, Corophium volutator
Ketan S. Tatu, James T. Anderson, Larry J. Hindman, George Seidel
Waterbirds 30 (1), 121-128, (1 March 2007)[0121:DFAOMS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Chesapeake Bay, Cygnus olor, exotic species, feeding, focal sample, Mute Swans, SAV, time-activity budget
Kim Jungsoo, Koo Tae-Hoe
Waterbirds 30 (1), 129-132, (1 March 2007)[0129:CSRSAG]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Black-crowned Night Heron, clutch size, hatching and fledging success, growth rate
Farrah Samraoui, Boudjema Samraoui
Waterbirds 30 (1), 133-139, (1 March 2007)[0133:TREOTC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: waterbirds, Fulica atra, Common Coot, breeding, ecology, rallidae, conspecific brood parasitism, NORTH AFRICA
André Konter
Waterbirds 30 (1), 140-143, (1 March 2007)[0140:ROGCGP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Great Crested Grebe, Storm, egg loss, egg recuperation
Wlodzimierz Meissner
Waterbirds 30 (1), 144-149, (1 March 2007)[0144:DIPMAB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: molt, autumn migration, Baltic, Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus
Garth Herring, Dale E. Gawlik
Waterbirds 30 (1), 150-151, (1 March 2007)[0150:MNBIAA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: breeding, Eudocimus albus, Everglades, Florida, nest-attendance, nest behavior, White Ibis
Vassilis Goutner, Efstathios P. Tsachalidis
Waterbirds 30 (1), 152-157, (1 March 2007)[0152:BSOTWS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: white stork, Ciconia ciconia, brood size, habitat, Greece
Wlodzimierz Meissner, Robert Krupa
Waterbirds 30 (1), 158-163, (1 March 2007)[0158:BAPMOC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: molt, Biometry, Baltic, autumn migration, Common Tern, Sandwich Tern
Waterbirds 30 (1), 164, (1 March 2007)[0164:E]2.0.CO;2
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