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VOL. 29 · NO. 1 | December 2018
Population Modeling
Ian W. Hatter, Garth Mowat, Bruce N. McLellan
Ursus 29 (1), 1-12, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: age-at-kill, British Columbia, grizzly bear, hunting, PopRecon, population trend, statistical population reconstruction, survival, Ursus arctos
Habitat Use and Distribution
Mehdi Ansari H., Arash Ghoddousi
Ursus 29 (1), 13-24, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: brown bear, human–wildlife conflict, Iran, MaxEnt, Pistacia atlantica, species distribution models, Ursus arctos, Zagros Mountains
Toryn L.J. Schafer, Stewart W. Breck, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, David L. Lewis, Kenneth R. Wilson, Julie S. Mao, Thomas L. Day
Ursus 29 (1), 25-31, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: black bear, Colorado, denning, den site selection, human–wildlife interaction, logistic regression, resource selection, Ursus americanus
Human Dimensions
Hung-Ling (Stella) Liu, Ryan L. Sharp
Ursus 29 (1), 32-42, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: American black bear, attitudes toward black bear, attitudes toward wildlife, human–bear interactions, lethal management, non-lethal management, southeastern United States, Ursus americanus
Short Communications
Darío F. Cueva, Bernardo Gutierrez, Gabriela Bruque, Santiago Molina, M. Lourdes Torres
Ursus 29 (1), 43-50, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: Andean bear, D-loop, Ecuador, haplotype diversity, mtDNA, nucleotide diversity, Quito Metropolitan District, Tremarctos ornatus
Kerry A. Gunther, Amanda M. Bramblett, Robert J. Weselmann
Ursus 29 (1), 51-57, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: bear food habits, Chironomidae, climate change, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, grizzly bear, midges, Ursus arctos, Yellowstone National Park
Jack D. Kleiner, Russell C. Van Horn, Jon E. Swenson, Sam M.J.G. Steyaert
Ursus 29 (1), 58-66, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: Andean bear, conservation, marking, olfactory communication, Peru, rub-trees, Tremarctos ornatus, tropical dry forest ecosystem
Prachi Thatte, Kaushal Patel, Uma Ramakrishnan
Ursus 29 (1), 67-70, (1 December 2018)
KEYWORDS: Melursus ursinus, mitochondrial DNA, multiplex PCR, non-invasive DNA, oligonucleotides, sloth bear, species identification, species-specific primer
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