VOL. 123 · NO. 1-2 | May 2020

Articles (29)
Donald W. Kaufman, Glennis A. Kaufman, Aaron W. Reed, Dawn M. Kaufman, Ryan L. Rehmeier
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 1-29, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0101
KEYWORDS: Blarina hylophaga, burned prairie, Microtus ochrogaster, Neotoma floridana, Peromyscus leucopus, Peromyscus maniculatus, prairie fires, Reithrodontomys megalotis, Reithrodontomys montanus, rodents, shrews, Sigmodon hispidus, unburned prairie, woody encroachment
Donald W. Kaufman, Glennis A. Kaufman, Dawn M. Kaufman, Aaron W. Reed, Ryan L. Rehmeier
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 31-49, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0103
KEYWORDS: community abundance, community evenness, community similarity, community structure, Konza Prairie, rodents, shrews, Species composition, species diversity, species richness
James S. Aber, William E. Jensen, Alivia J. Allison, Christopher M. Pettit, Susan E.W. Aber
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 51-71, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0105
KEYWORDS: archaeology, climate change, human management, kite, legacy plant, NAIP imagery, prescribed burning, Small-format aerial photography, UAS, wildfire
Erika C. Martin
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 72, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0106
Thomas A. Rumney
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 73-101, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0107
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 102, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0108
Claudia Aguirre-Mendez, Megan Hayes Mahoney
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 103-120, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0109
KEYWORDS: service learning, First-year undergraduate, public understanding, problem-based learning, high-impact practice
James E. Whitney, Ryan Waters, Joshua A. Holloway
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 121-136, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0110
KEYWORDS: streams, conservation, mound-building spawners, threatened, Fish
Allison Hullinger, Zackary Cordes, Daren Riedle, William Stark
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 137-150, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0111
KEYWORDS: Broad-headed Skink, Plestiodon laticeps, Critical habitat, herpetofauna, squamate
Madison S. Pittenger, Keri L. Maricle, Sara G. Baer, Loretta C. Johnson, Brian R. Maricle
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 151-164, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0112
KEYWORDS: Andropogon gerardii, Big bluestem, ecotype, grasshopper, herbivore, Resource Availability Hypothesis, tannins
Keri L. Maricle, Eric T. Gillock
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 165-177, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0113
KEYWORDS: Dahlia, DMV-D10, Dahlia common mosaic virus, Asteraceae, viral transmission, Coevolution
Helen M. Alexander, Courtney Barnes, Robert M. Timm, Benjamin A. Sikes
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 179-190, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0115
KEYWORDS: Community composition, grasslands, inorganic nitrogen, rodents, tallgrass prairie
Michael J. Everhart, Rebecca A. Hawkins
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 191-202, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0116
KEYWORDS: Agriotheriinae, Ursidae, Hemphillian Land Mammal Age, carnivore
Laura E. Tibbs Cortes, Bienvenido W. Cortes, William R. Miller
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 203-212, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0117
KEYWORDS: tardigrades, Iowa, diversity, distribution
Paul Stockebrand, Ben C. Neely
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 213-221, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0118
KEYWORDS: fishery, monitoring, migratory, Native species, overexploitation, planktivorous, Polyodon spathula
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 222-224, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0119
J. Daren Riedle, George R. Pisani
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 225-233, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0120
KEYWORDS: collections, Milk Snake, pet trade, Prairie Kingsnake, reptiles, survivorship, Viability
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 234, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0121
William R. Miller, Penny J. McCowan, Emma S. Perry, Steven L. Schulze, Robynn K. Shannon, Charmaine B.S. Henry
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 235-241, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0122
KEYWORDS: Echiniscus, Viridiscus, Antigua, distribution, feeding
Jason D. Schooley, Adam Geik, Willis Sontheimer, Dennis L. Scarnecchia
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 243-250, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0124
KEYWORDS: paddlefish, phototaxis, ecology, recruitment, life history
Alan D. Maccarone, Abigail C. Harper
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 251-258, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0125
KEYWORDS: breeding, Egretta caerulea, human disturbance, Little Blue Herons, urban wildlife
Bryan J. Sowards, Scott Waters, Ryan Pinkall, Ernesto Flores
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 259-264, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0126
KEYWORDS: Brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus, Ottawa State Fishing Lake, Farlington, Ottawa County, Linn County, Cherokee County, Crawford County, Miami County, Morris County
Alisha Dupree, Landen O'quinn, Gabrielle Kadlubar, Justin D. Hoffman
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 265-268, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0127
KEYWORDS: Louisiana, Peromyscus gossypinus, Peromyscus leucopus, reproduction
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 123 (1-2), 271-284, (23 May 2020) https://doi.org/10.1660/062.123.0129
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