VOL. 68 · NO. 2 | June 2014
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a11 Open Access
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The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a12 Open Access
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The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a13 Open Access
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Roger W. Carpenter
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 73-79, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: melanin, papiliochrome, temperature-sensitive phenotypic variation, wing pattern development, climate change
Eric H. Metzler
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 80-84, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a2 Open Access
KEYWORDS: biological diversity, Endemism
Donald J. Wright, Richard L. Brown
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 85-100, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a3 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Olethreutinae, Eucosmini, Coastal sand dunes, inland riverine dunes, prairie remnants
David Adamski, Jean-François Landry, Vazrick Nazari, Ronald J. Priest
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 101-123, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a4 Open Access
KEYWORDS: chaetotaxy, DNA barcode, Gelechiidae, leaf-miners, taxonomy
Paul W. Schaefer
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 124-129, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a5 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Noctuoidea, proteinase K digestion, female nocturnal flight, dispersal, flight activity, reproduction, Japanese gypsy moth, Asian pink moth
Maminirina Randrianandrasana, Herisolo A. Razafindraleva, May R. Berenbaum
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 130-140, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a6 Open Access
KEYWORDS: silkworm, food plants, deforestation, conservation
Luísa Lima E Mota, André Tacioli, Sebastian Felipe Sendoya
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 141-142, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a7 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Acari, ecosystem engineering, Cerrado, Mimallonidae
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André Victor Lucci Freitas, Lucas Augusto Kaminski
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 143-144, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a8 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Enemy-free space, Heliconiinae, Ithomiini, Passifloraceae, Solanaceae
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Solange Maria Kerpel, Aurino Ferreira Junior, André Victor Lucci Freitas
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 145-146, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a9 Open Access
KEYWORDS: conservation, dry forest, endangered species, Paraíba
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The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 68 (2), 147, (1 June 2014) https://doi.org/10.18473/lepi.v68i2.a10 Open Access
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