VOL. 41 · NO. 2 | August 2013
Robert B. Suter
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 93-101, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/M13-14
KEYWORDS: Aquatic propulsion, air-water interface, hydrophobic surface, nanoscale, gait, rowing, galloping, phylogeny, performance, fishing spiders, Water striders
Carmen Fernández-Montraveta, Mariano Cuadrado
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 102-107, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/Hi12-72.1
KEYWORDS: Lycosidae, mating systems, monandry, Polygyny, sperm competition
Alberto Chiarle, Torbjörn Kronestedt, Marco Isaia
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 108-125, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/Hi12-09.1
KEYWORDS: Displays, sexual communication, visual signaling behavior, wolf spiders
Gilles Blandenier, Odile T. Bruggisser, Rudolf P. Rohr, Louis-Félix Bersier
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 126-132, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P12-48
KEYWORDS: Araneae, dispersal, habitat use, suction trap, Switzerland
Ian Engelbrecht
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 133-142, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P12-57.1
KEYWORDS: conservation, detection probability, Mygalomorphae, phenology, sampling
Ralph Platen, Gert Berger, Steffen Malt
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 143-150, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P11-10.1
KEYWORDS: Arable field, landscape ecology, landscape matrix, vegetation structure
Witold Lapinski, Marco Tschapka
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 151-159, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P11-88.1
KEYWORDS: coexistence, habitat preference, natural prey, niche, sympatry, Ctenidae, Trechaleidae
Ronei Baldissera, Everton N. L. Rodrigues, Sandra M. Hartz
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 160-167, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P12-50.1
KEYWORDS: Community composition, immigration, passive sampling, temporal variation
Reidun Pommeresche, Anne Kjersti Bakken, Audun Korsaeth
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 168-175, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P12-32.1
KEYWORDS: cereal, community structure, farming, Meadow
Richard S. Vetter, Devin P. Carroll
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 176-183, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/K13-01.1
KEYWORDS: Araneae, agriculture, international trade
Alejandro Valdez-Mondragón
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 184-196, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/K12-33.1
KEYWORDS: Cladistic analyses, morphology, species groups
José A. Ochoa, Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 197-204, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/Ha12-69.1
KEYWORDS: Amazonia, Opiliones, Peru, Protimesius, Stygninae
Héctor Montaño-Moreno, Oscar F. Francke
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 205-212, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/B12-02.1
KEYWORDS: Palpigrades, partial life history, sexual dimorphism
Luciana Baruffaldi, Carlos Perafán, Cintya Perdomo, Laura Montes de Oca, Fernando Pérez-Miles, Fernando G. Costa
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 213-214, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/Hi11-58.1
KEYWORDS: courtship, leg vibration, seismic communication
Giovanni Costa, Erminia Conti
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 215-218, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/Hi13-04.1
KEYWORDS: flooding, lichen-stone fields, Namib Desert, spider population, survival strategies
Maynard H. Schaus, Victor R. Townsend Jr., Jeffrey J. Illinik
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 219-221, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/P12-88.1
KEYWORDS: diet, feeding preference, frugivory, omnivory
Renzo S. Adilardi, Andrés A Ojanguren-Affilastro, Sergio G. Rodríguez Gil, Cristina L. Scioscia, Liliana M. Mola
The Journal of Arachnology 41 (2), 222-226, (1 August 2013) https://doi.org/10.1636/B12-77.1
KEYWORDS: cytogenetics, DAPI staining, karyotype, meiosis, Scorpion
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