Amin Sadeghi, Els J.M. Van Damme, Katrien Michiels, Anita Kabera, Guy Smagghe
The Canadian Entomologist 141 (1), 95-101, (1 January 2009)
In view of the increasing use of plant proteins as valuable alternatives to chemical insecticides, the susceptibility of pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), to three purified mannose-binding plant lectins was determined in an artificial-diet bioassay. The insecticidal activities of a new lectin, APA (Allium porrum L. (Liliaceae) agglutinin) from garden leek, were compared with those of GNA (Galanthus nivalis L. (Liliaceae) agglutinin) from snowdrop and ASA (Allium sativum L. agglutinin) from cultivated garlic. GNA and ASA showed acute toxicity to first-instar nymphs; LC50 values for GNA and ASA were 350 and 700 µg/mL, respectively. With APA, mortality was scored only at high doses. In chronic experiments, however, lower doses significantly reduced survival and fecundity of adults (P < 0.05). Aphids fed a diet containing APA at 100, 500, and 750 µg/mL showed a significant delay in reaching adulthood and no aphids survived beyond 19 days of development. The data support the potential application of APA in the integrated management of insect pests.