VOL. 140 · NO. 2 | March 2008
The Canadian Entomologist
Systematics and morphology / Systématique et morphologie
Bernard Landry, Cees Gielis
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 143-148, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-026
No abstract available
Physiology, biochemistry, development, and genetics / Physiologie, biochimie, développement et génétique
Christine M. Thorne, David B. Levin, Imre S. Otvos, Nicholas Conder
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 158-167, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-053
No abstract available
Behaviour and ecology / Comportement et écologie
Stephen Takács, Karl Hardin, Gerhard Gries, Ward Strong, Robb Bennett
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 174-183, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-029
No abstract available
David R. Horton, Christelle Guédot, Peter J. Landolt
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 184-191, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n08-001
No abstract available
Joshua J. Hannam, James K. Liebherr, Ann E. Hajek
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 203-207, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-056
No abstract available
Biodiversity and evolution / Biodiversité et évolution
Marc Rhainds, Jacques Brodeur, Daniel Borcard, Pierre Legendre
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 219-234, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-021
No abstract available
Cory S. Sheffield, Peter G. Kevan, Sue M. Westby, Robert F. Smith
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 235-249, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-058
No abstract available
Christopher J. Borkent, Evert I. Schlinger
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 250-256, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-060
No abstract available
Christopher J. Borkent, Evert I. Schlinger
The Canadian Entomologist 140 (2), 257-264, (1 March 2008) https://doi.org/10.4039/n07-061
No abstract available
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