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The prevalence of pediatric asthma in Zhengzhou District, China, was investigated by detecting serum mite specific IgE in patients. Blood samples collected from asthmatic children and non-asthmatic controls were analyzed for serum mite (Dermatophagoides farinae, Df) specific IgE (sIgE) levels by the UniCAP system. A total of 573 asthmatic children and 300 normal controls aged from 2 months to 13 years were recruited for this experiment. The positive rates of serum Df sIgE for three age groups of ∼3, ∼7, and ∼13-years were 31.4%, 63.7%, and 85.8%, respectively, and the total positive rate averaged 61.6%. In contrast, the total positive rate in non-asthmatic children was only 13.7% (P<0.01). The positive rates and levels of mite Df sIgE increased, but the frequency of higher Df sIgE levels decreased significantly with age in asthmatic children in Zhengzhou (P<0.005).
Synthetic nonmethylated oligodeoxynucleotide containing CpG dinucleotide (CpG-ODN) has been shown to induce Th1-biasing response, which is extremely applicable in human allergic diseases. In this study, the enhancing effect of CpG-ODN on the production of Th1 associated cytokines induced by mite allergen was investigated in PBMC of the mite allergic asthmatics. PBMC from the allergic asthmatics and normal controls were isolated and cultured in vitro stimulated by CpG-ODN and Dermatophogoides farinae allergens (Df). IL-12, IFN-γ and IL-5 in the cell supernatants were detected by ELISA, whereas the cytotoxicity of CpG-ODN was detected by a tetrazolium colorimetric assay (MTT assay). Df specific IgE in sera of patients were assayed by fluorescent enzyme immunoassay. The results showed that PBMC from either the patients or normal controls stimulated with Df plus CpG-ODN led to a significantly increased levels of IFN-γ and IL-12 compared with Df plus non-CpG-ODN and Df alone, whereas IL-5 level was decreased significantly. Moreover, the levels of IFN- g and IL-12 produced by the normal controls were significantly higher than that of the patients, but IL-5 was downregulated. It was also shown that the level of IL-12 produced by PBMC of the patients stimulated with Df plus CpG-ODN was correlated positively with that of IFN-γ, and no cytotoxic effect on PBMC was demonstrated. In conclusion, CpG-ODN enhances the Th1 associated cytokines induced by Df mite allergen in both allergic and non-allergic individuals without significant cytotoxic effect, suggesting CpG-ODN as a new promising adjuvant and its potential application in the immunotherapy of allergic disorders.
To estimate the natural foci value of Lyme disease in the Donglingshan mountain area of Beijing, China, rodents and engorged ticks were collected and examined for the Lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi, by PCR. Results indicate that Ixodes persulcatus is the principal vector tick transmitting B. burgdorferi, while Apodemus agrarius and A. peninsulae may be the chief reservoirs of this disease. The natural foci value of Lyme disease in the Donglingshan area was about 0.3279 during the second season.
Population dynamics of the naturally occurring phytoseiid Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was studied in relation to Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval in five unsprayed bean plots of 250 m2 (10 by 25 m) during 1994 and 1995 in Samandag province of Hatay, Turkey. T. cinnabarinus remained active throughout winter reproducing on a range of ground-cover plants. P. persimilis was generally encountered as gravid females in a non-diapausing phase in debris during winter. Population growth had begun by April on T. cinnabarinus-infested weeds such as Malva neglecta Wallr., Solanum melongena L., and S. nigrum L. In 1994, T. cinnabarinus reached peaks with 15.20±2.40, 11.67±1.70, 22.15±4.06, 25.51±4.43 and 19.0±2.39 total stages/cm2 leaf area, from June 28 through July 21 in Fidanli 1, 2, 3, Karacay and Kusalani, respectively (Mean±SE). In the same year, the highest average densities of P. persimilis were 0.89±0.26, 1.59±0.39, 0.81±0.13, 0.43±0.16, and 0.33±0.12/cm2 leaf area on July 12 through August 4, respectively. In 1995, peaks of both prey and predator were lower than in 1994 in all plots except T. cinnabarinus in Fidanli 2. The highest average densities of T. cinnabarinus were 11.68±1.69, 14.73±1.65, 13.95±1.98, 0.97±0.25 and 11.59±1.81 total stages/cm2 leaf area in Fidanli 1, 2, 3, Karacay and Kusalani, respectively in 1995 with peaks occurring between July 6 and 27. These densities were 0.22±0.06, 0.33±0.06, 0.07±003, 0.01±0.02 and, 0.41±0.09 total stages/cm2 leaf for P. persimilis on July 6 through 27 in the above mentioned plots, respectively. Throughout the experiments moderate T. cinnabarinus damage was seen on bean leaves before P. persimilis populations peaked, then the visible damage by pest on host plant diminished due to elimination of the pest by the predator and new leaf formation in both years.
The predatory activity of mites on immature stages of pest flies was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Two different bioassays were carried out: (1) the effect of prey location (fly eggs) on the predatory ability of Glyptholaspis confusa (Fòa) and Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Scopoli), and (2) the predation rates of G. confusa and Macrocheles robustulus Berlese on fly immature forms. In the prey location trial, M. muscaedomesticae was an effective predator of both hidden and exposed eggs of Musca domestica L, while G. confusa only showed a significant predatory effect on hidden eggs. This predatory behaviour could be effective for controlling coprophilous pest flies that oviposit underneath the dung pat, such as the horn fly. For predation rate trials, mites were exposed to eggs and larvae of horn fly, Haematobia irritans L., produced naturally. Maximum predation rates on horn fly immatures were obtained with G. confusa deutonymphs, followed by G. confusa females and M. robustulus females. G. confusa deutonymphs can destroy first instar larvae of horn flies, offering another possibility for controlling immature flies in dung. The biggest predators produced the most important impact on fly immature survival. G. confusa was an effective predator of the horn fly under laboratory conditions.
The predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was studied in the laboratory and in the field in order to evaluate its potential as a biocontrol agent against the citrus red mite Panonychus citri (McGregor), a pest of citrus in Fujian Province, China. When fed P. citrus females and eggs, A. cucumeris completed its development from the egg to adult in about a week at 24–28°C. Females fed on prey eggs more than on other stages and produced 2–3 eggs per day, with a maximum of 4. The number of P. citri females consumed by A. cucumeris females per day, and the number of eggs produced by these females increased significantly with the number of prey females per leaf. However, when there were fewer than 5 prey females per leaf, the searching efficiency of the predators was so low that most (86%) did not lay any eggs. A positive linear relationship was found between the number of prey consumed and the number of eggs produced. When a fixed number of prey (30 females) was available, the predator population increased faster and reduced prey populations faster when predator:prey ratio increased from 1:30 to 9:30. Releases of predators onto potted citrus seedlings showed that predator females released at predator:prey ratios as low as 1:54–58 provided control of the citrus mite in five weeks. Field trials showed that a single preventive release of A. cucumeris using a controlled release system provided adequate control of citrus red mite and also significantly reduced the rate of black fruits. Biological control cost 1/3 less than conventional chemical control.
The reproductive characteristics of Steneotarsonmus spinki were studied in this paper. It was discovered for the first time that S. spinki is parthenogenetic. All of the descendants of virgin females were males. But the mother female could mate with its male offspring, and then produced both female and male mites. The span of a generation was short, which was 13.6–8.5 days at 25–30°C. Female adults had relatively long longevity and oviposition period, which were 31.6–23.6 days and 25.6–17.6 days respectively. A mated female mite could produce 55.5 eggs on average in the laboratory at 24.5–35.4°C (June 18 July 11). A virgin female adult in a mite-free rice seedling could develop to an average of 79.4 mites at 24.1–35.3°C (June 22 to July 9) in 17 days. This study showed that this mite had a high potential for population growth.
The effect of relative humidities (RH) on Agistemus terminalis (Quayle) (Acari: Stigmaeidae) was studied in the laboratory in China. A range of RH values between 32.5% and 100% did not affect the duration of development, but oviposition rates, egg hatching and survival of all stages were influenced. Regression analyses were used to establish the effect of RH on parameters of mite biology.
Zetzellia mali (Ewing) is a common natural enemy of phytophagous mites, especially spider mites (Tetranychidae) and eriophyids (Eriophyidae). The biology of this mite was studied in apple orchards of Karaj, Iran, during 1999–2000. Field observations indicated that Z. mali produced three generations per year. Adult females overwintered under the bark of branches and in spurs and buds. Activity and oviposition of adults began in mid- April, and developmental stages were completed and generations overlapped during the season. The generations appeared in late April to late May, in mid-June to mid-July and in late July to September. Under laboratory conditions at 21±1°C, 65±5% RH and a 16L:8D photoperiod, a generation from the egg to adult required 20.8 days. The average preoviposition and oviposition periods were 4.6±0.1 and 11.7±2.1 days, respectively. Adult females laid one egg per day and survived without any other food on leaf discs for 10 days.
The effects of Allothrombium ovatum larvae on adult aphids (alatae) of Rhopalosiphum padi at different mite: aphid ratios were studied in the laboratory. Parasitized R. padi alatae had reduced survival time, reproductive time and number of offspring, with the maximum reduction being 44%, 70% and 72%, respectively. The results showed that more than three mites per R. padi adult caused the greatest reduction in the survival and reproductive rates of parasitized aphids.
This work reports 43 species of phytoseiids on native and exotic palm plants (Arecaceae) in areas of the States of São Paulo and Pernambuco, Brazil. The survey was done on 24 native and 14 exotic species of palm trees. Ten new species of phytoseiid mites are described: Amblyseius euterpe n. sp., Amblyseius geonomae n. sp., Amblyseius igarassuensis n. sp., Iphiseiodes setillus n. sp., Neoseiulus recifensis n. sp., Neoseiulus veigai n. sp., Paraamblyseius multicircularis n. sp., Typhlodromips ariri n. sp., Typhlodromips cananeiensis n. sp. and Typhlodromips jucara n. sp. The most frequent species in the wild belonged to Amblyseius and Typhlodromips, while the most frequent in altered areas belonged to the genera Amblyseius, Euseius and Iphiseiodes.
Two new species of phytoseid mites collected from trees in woody areas are described as new to science. The species are: Proprioseius retroacuminatus sp. n. and Galendromimus paulista sp. n.. The second species does not fit any of the subgenera of Galendromimus defined by Chant and McMurtry (1994).
Amblyseius deleoni Muma & Denmark is recorded for the first time from the leaf of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in Samoa. Its morphology is compared with that of A. largoensis (Muma) from New Zealand.
A new genus Amarucoptes, and a new species Amarucoptes busannae, found in Peru on undetermined Passalidae is described. For the first time this heterocoptid mite was recorded from the Neotropical region and for the first time heterocoptids were obtained from passalid beetles.
Two new species of the genus Diptilomiopus from southern China, viz. Diptilomiopus illiciisp. nov. and Diptilomiopus combretisp. nov., are described and illustrated.
Eriophyoid mites occur on many plant parts such as leaf, bud, stem and fruit. They cause direct damages including galls, erineum, blisters, deformation and discolouration to host plants, as well as indirect damage by spreading viruses. The majority of the known species are also host specialists. The relationship between eriophyoids and their host plants was reviewed for Chinese Eriophyoidea. The Chinese eriophyoid mites exhibit great specificity on their hosts and most of them feed on a single host plant, fewer on two or several hosts in the same host genus, and even fewer on two or several genera of hosts. The three families of Eriophyoidea differ from each other in occurring on different major taxa of host plants and on different parts on the hosts: the Phytoptidae is better represented on conifers than Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae. The Eriophyidae includes many genera of leaf vagrants and all the gall and erineum-inducing mites in China. All the Chinese diptilomiopid mites are vagrants on host plants and are primarily on dicots. The coevolution between eriophyoid mites and host plants is discussed, and problems in coevolution research are also raised.
The genus Neophyllobius Berlese is formally recorded from China for the first time. In this paper three species (N. foliosetosussp. nov., ex bark of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.), N. ferrugineussp. nov., ex bark of Casuarina equisetifolia and Grevillea sp., and N. punctulatussp. nov., ex bark of Pterocarva stenoptera Dc., Pinus massoniana Lamb., Casuarina equisetifolia Forst) are described from Fujian Province of China. A key to these species is provided.
Two new species of the genus Neocunaxoides and one new species of the genus Scutascirus are described and illustrated. Neocunaxoides boltoidessp. nov. was found on the bark of tree Myrica rubra in Jianou, while Neocunaxoides fanisp. nov. was collected in samples of mosses in Wuyi Mountain of Fujian. Scutascirus triangulumsp. nov. was collected in samples of mosses, also in Fujian. Types were deposited in the collection of Plant Protection Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China.
Leptus kamaliisp. nov. (Acari: Erythraeidae) is described and illustrated from a larva parasitic on an adult of Dociostaurus hauensteini Bolivar (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Varamin, Iran.
The larva, deutonymph and adult of Balaustium zhangisp. nov. (Acari: Erythraeidae) are described from Nowshahr, Iran. This is the fourth species of Balaustium that is described from both larval and post-larval stases. A key to the larvae of Balaustium of the world is presented.
Trombella ahmadiisp. nov. (Acari: Trombellidae) is described and illustrated from a larva ectoparasitic on Gryllus domesticus Linnaeus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Ahwaz, Iran. This is the second Asian larval species of Trombella. The family Trombellidae is new to the fauna of Iran. A key to the larvae of Trombella of the world is presented.
Two new species of the sand-mite genus Leptotrombidium collected in China are described:. L. (Monosigmum) zhongisg. & sp. nov. from Medog in Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet), and L. (L.) shenzhensesp. nov. from Shenzhen in Guangdong Province. Leptotrombidium (M.) zhongi is characterized by one σ1 or one galeala on leg I (σ1 or g1 = 1) only and has a ‘genuotibial solenidial frame' 1111, a pattern that differs from that seen in the other three subgenera of Leptotrombidium (s.l.), all of which have the frame of 2111. L. (L.) shenzhense is characterized by a combination of small body, short and slender legs, sparse body setae and a shallow protruded scutum.
A new sand-mite Whartonia furcappa Wen & Zhou, sp. nov. is described from a bat in Dechang County, Sichuan Province, China. This new species is characterized by a forked microseta k on both genua and tibia (microgenuala and microtibiala) of leg I. Otherwise, this species accords with the giganism seen in the genus Whartonia, including very long legs, IP=2607.
The sand-mite, Walchia shanniui (Hsu et Chen), is redescribed here. The mite has a horse-face-shaped scutum with its posterior angle nipple-shaped, and two pairs of usual eyes. Other features of taxonomic importance, particularly the leg pilosity, are also described in detail.
Neothrombium mojdehiisp. nov. (Acari: Neothrombiidae) is described and illustrated from a larva ectoparasitic on adults of Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) from Kazerun, Iran. A key to species (larva) of Neothrombium of the world is presented.
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