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The morphological ontogeny of Lopheremaeus mirabilis (Csiszár 1962), the type species of LopheremaeusPaschoal, 1988 (Plateremaeidae) is described and illustrated. The adult of this species has six pairs of notogastral setae (lp, h1, h2 and p-series), epimeral and anogenital hypertrichy, and 4–5 pairs of anal setae. The cuticle of juveniles is plicate, the larva lacks the gastronotal setae c3, la, lm and h3, the nymphs are multideficient (they lack also setae of d-series) and eupheredermous, i.e. they carry the exuvial scalps of previous instars on the gastronotum. In the adult, dorsal and ventral crests are present on all femora and trochanter III, and dorsal crest is present on trochanter IV, the nymphs have also dorsal and ventral crests on genua, whereas the larva has no crests. In all instars, seta d on all genua and tibiae is present, and all tarsi have basal bulb (containing muscles) and uniformly narrow distal stalk (with only tendons) at about mid-length. This species was reported only from Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and North Macedonia, Romania and Georgia.
Between 2013 and 2015, 163 resident endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus) and four migratory Eastern Grasshopper Sparrows (A. savannarum pratensis) were examined for the presence of ticks in peninsular Florida. Thirteen Amblyomma maculatum and seven Haemaphysalis chordeilis ticks were removed from 13 Florida Grasshopper Sparrows. Two A. maculatum were discovered on two Eastern Grasshopper Sparrows. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of resultant amplicons of some of the tick specimens were performed to determine if ticks were infected with pathogenic bacteria. Salivary gland and midgut contents of five of six (83%) of the H. chordeilis tested positive for a novel Rickettsia closely related to, but distinct from, Rickettsia aeschlimannii (causative agent of Mediterranean spotted fever-like illness), an infectious zoonotic bacterium that has not been previously reported in the United States. Four of 14 (29%) of the A. maculatum tested positive for an agent most closely related to an uncultured Ehrlichia previously isolated from Oriental house rats (Rattus tanezumi; 97.5% identity to GenBank KM817187), which is genetically similar to Ehrlichia chaffeensis (causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis), another infectious zoonotic bacterium. Blood from 16 Florida Grasshopper Sparrows and one Eastern Grasshopper Sparrow tested negative for spotted fever group rickettsiae, Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia spp. We recommend that additional collections and screening of ticks and blood from Florida Grasshopper Sparrows be undertaken to determine the rates of infection with rickettsiae and ehrlichiae in these imperiled songbirds.
Seven soil samples have been collected on four islands of the Azores, in which 14 species of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) were found. One new species Phthiracarus andreasi Niedbała sp. nov. from Faial Island is described. Four species have been recorded for the first time from the Azores. Molecular analysis showed that the differences in the sculpture patterns in Euphthiracarus excultusPérez-Iñigo, 1987 represent within-species variability. However, the length of body setae can separate two different species: Phthiracarus atlanticusPérez-Iñigo, 1987 sensu stricto and Phthiracarus falciformisMorell & Subías, 1991, despite the absence of any other morphological differences. On the basis of our morphological and molecular data, a key to species from the Azores is provided.
During field surveys of eriophyid mites associated with autochthonous plants species in semi-arid and arid environments in East Iran (Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran, summer 2016 and 2017), seven new eriophyid mite species (Acari: Eriophyidae) were discovered. They are Aceria astratoraesp. nov. on Astragalus pinetorum Boiss. (Leguminosae), Aceria astracanthaesp. nov. on Astracantha echidna (Bunge) Podlech (Leguminosae), Aceria furgaesp. nov. on Ephedra major Host (Ephedraceae), Aceria runicaesp. nov. on Rubia caramanica Bornm. (Rubiaceae), Aculus birsutumsp. nov. on Epilobium hirsutum L. (Onagraceae), Phyllocoptes birreaesp. nov. on Centaurea virgata Lam. (Compositae), and Neophytoptus semenovissp. nov. on Semenovia suffruticosa (Freyn & Bornm.) Manden (Apiaceae), which are illustrated and described herein. All seven new species appear to be vagrants on green parts of their host plants with no particular symptom.
In this study, population density and yield loss caused by two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) on eight lines of pinto bean were studied under field conditions during two successive years (2009-2010). The experiment was arranged in completely randomized block design with subdivided plots and four replications in Lordegan fields, Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province, Iran. The main plots and sub-plots consisted of bean lines and acaricides application, respectively. Population density of TSSM was recorded at weekly intervals, beginning from the seedling stage and continued to harvesting time on different lines. Yield loss caused by the mite on each line, was calculated by subtracting the average yields in sprayed subplots versus unsprayed subplots. For this purpose, 10 plants from each subplot were selected randomly and the yield and yield components including; the number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod and weight of 100 seeds were recorded. Moreover, the grain yield (kg. ha-1) was determined by harvesting the central area (10 m2) in each subplot. Our results indicated significant differences in TSSM population (eggs, juveniles and adults) among the studied lines. In 2009, the highest number of mite was recorded on line ‘L29' (120.20 ± 18.79) whereas, the lowest on line ‘L1' (22.51 ± 4.96 mites/2 cm2 of the abaxial leaf surface). Moreover, during 2010, the highest and the lowest population density of the mite were supported by line ‘D3' (55.53 ± 5.68) and line ‘L1' (9.33 ± 0.79 mites/2 cm2 of the abaxial leaf surface), respectively. Mean yield loss of pinto bean lines due to the mite attack calculated 1460.6 kg. ha-1 (64.1 ± 10.2%) and 1278.7 kg. ha-1 (61.4 ± 8.6%) in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The highest grain yield loss presented by line ‘L1' (91.1 ± 12.1% and 86.4 ± 8.9%) followed by lines ‘L29'and ‘L30’, whereas, the lowest observed in lines ‘J29' (41.5 ± 7.7% and 37.5 ± 7.6%) and ‘L19’ (50.7 ± 6.6% and 47.4 ± 5.4% in 2009 and 2010, respectively).
Two new species of Cunaxidae from Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome are described. Lupaeus stolli Wurlitzer & Ferla sp. nov. was collected from Varronia curassavica Jacq. (Boraginaceae), in Santa Catarina state, and Rubroscirus grilloi Wurlitzer & Ferla sp. nov. from Vernonanthura tweediana (Baker) H. Rob., soil and leaf litter, in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil.
The oribatid mite genus Crassoribatula is recorded in the Neotropical region for the first time. One new arboreal species—Crassoribatula biobioensissp. nov.—is described from twigs of olivillo tree in Chile; it differs from the type species—Crassoribatula maculosa—by the length of exobothridial and notogastral setae. The tritonymphal instar of the new species is described (the first data on juveniles in this genus). The systematic placement of Crassoribatula is discussed, resulting in transfer from Oribatulidae (Oripodoidea) to Maudheimiidae (Ceratozetoidea). A revised generic diagnosis for Crassoribatula is presented.
To date, some species in the genus Thyreophagus, such as Th. entomophagus and Th. cracentiseta, have been shown to be useful factitious prey for mass-rearing of predacious phytoseiid mites, one of the most common groups of mites used for biological control. Here, we describe a new species, Thyreophagus plocepasseri sp. n. from Kenya that can serve as a factitious prey as well. In addition, the new species is asexual, a trait that can be advantageous for its mass-rearing in industrial settings. In the description, we use high-resolution light microscope imaging and extensive comparison with a similar species, Thyreophagus athiasae, for which the type was studied. We review the literature on asexual acarid mites and point to a lack of data on the presence of sex-manipulating bacteria (Wolbachia, Cardinium) in these asexual mite lineages. Based on the literature, these bacteria are known to induce parthenogenesis in several haplodiploid mites, but they have not been linked so far to parthenogenesis inducement in diplodiploid acarid mites.
Implementing a predator-mediated pathogen dissemination system can meet the goal of simultaneous biocontrol of harmful mites and other pests. But for the system to be effective, it must satisfy the requirement of high lethality of the pathogen to the target pest(s) with low lethality to predatory mites in a suitable environment. Prior testing showed that the fungal entomopathogen Isaria fumosorosea (Wize) Brown & Smith exhibited high toxicity to aphids yet low toxicity to the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans). In practical application, the humidity conditions of conidia carried by predatory mites to plants are not necessarily constant. Therefore, we set two different humidity conditions to observe the changes of spore attachment quantity and the differences of germination and infection between predatory mites and aphids after their bodies were stained with spores. Under 50±1% relative humidity (RH), predatory mites cleaned most spores in a short time; 24 hours after dusting, the number of spores (mean ± SD) on body was (0.64±0.10)×103, just (4.43±0.35)% of that at 0h, but spores on aphids were kept (16.58±1.48)% ((6.46±0.91)×103 spores) of that at beginning. There was a significant difference in the percentage of spores retained on aphids and predatory mites (p=0.000<0.01). Humidity could affect the cleaning behavior; under 95± 1% RH (the suitable humidity for conidia germination), more spores persisted than that under the 50 ± 1% RH condition; at 24h, the numbers of spores on each predatory mite and aphid were (1.00±0.10)×103 and (10.02±2.87)×103. Here, under a scanning electron microscope, we found that spores on the aphid's body germinated 36 hours after dusting under 95± 1% RH, and the I. fumosorosea mycelium had spread after 48 hours; many new mycelium and spores were produced after 72 hours. In stark contrast, few spores germinated on the mite's body, thus leading to very little damage to its surface. Different cleaning behavior and different morphological structure of body wall can both affect the attachment and infection of I. fumosorosea to aphids and predatory mites. In the future, chemical substance, enzyme and other factors should also be researched to explain the difference of infection of entomopathogenic fungi to different species.
Neoseiulus bicaudus (Wainstein) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is a native predatory mite species in Xinjiang, China, and a biological control agent for some small pests, such as Tetranychus turkestani (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in greenhouse. However, little is known whether N. bicaudus could be an effective natural enemy of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). A series of laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of N. bicaudus on B. tabaci. The present data showed that each stage of N. bicaudus demonstrated type II functional response when fed on B. tabaci. The adult females showed the highest consumption rate and attack rate, and the shortest handling times were obtained when they preyed on eggs and 1st instar nymphs. The 1st instar of B. tabaci was preferred for the feeding of N. bicaudus adult females than eggs, followed by 2nd instar nymphs of B. tabaci. Under greenhouse conditions, this predator effectively suppressed the population growth of B. tabaci throughout the experimental period. Accordingly, N. bicaudus could be an efficient predator for B. tabaci.
To identify the searching ability of avermectin-resistant and susceptible strains of Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans), the responses of the two strains to stimuli from Tetranychus urticae Koch on sweet potato leaves were examined in the laboratory. The results showed that avermectin-resistant and susceptible adult N. cucumeris females responded to different stages and intact webs (spider mite, egg, feces, and leaf damage) of T. urticae, but not to the destroyed webs and feces of and feeding damage by T. urticae. Moreover, no significant differences were observed in the responses of the avermectin-resistant and susceptible strains of N. cucumeris. Both strains of N. cucumeris were often observed inside the intact webs of T. urticae. These results show that the avermectin-resistant and susceptible strains of N. cucumeris have the ability to search actively for T. urticae on sweet potato leaves. This behavior clearly increases the searching efficiency of N. cucumeris and may help its use in the biocontrol of T. urticae.
In this study, larva of Abrolophus bochkovisp. nov. collected from Qazvin province is described and illustrated. A key to larval species of Abrolophus of the world with a comb-like seta on the palpal tarsus is presented. Moreover, A. karamani Haitlinger & Šundić, is considered as a junior synonym of A. aitapensis (Southcott 1948).
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