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Tritonymphal stage of Stigmaeus elongatus Berlese (Stigmaeidae) has been described here. Distinguishing features among the adults and three nymphal stages of S. elongatus are presented. The presence of tritonymphal stage within the family is referred for the first time in this study. It is thought that this nymphal stage can occur optionally in response to certain circumstances. It is also given here information on intraspecific numerical variations in some body setae occurring in males and females of S. elongatus.
Graminaseius graminis (Chant) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is the only known species of Graminaseius Chant & McMurtry from Turkey, so far. However, recent surveys indicated that there are two new species present in the country. Graminaseius recebisp. nov. and Graminaseius neograminissp. nov. are described and illustrated based on the material collected from eastern Mediterranean and north-western (European part) regions of Turkey, respectively. The new species described here might get misidentified as G. graminis in some previous studies. Therefore, the latter is also re-described and illustrated to show differences between all these three species, based on the material collected from western Turkey (Aegean region).
The invasive weed cogon grass Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae) is a perennial grass not only in crops but also in natural areas, causing economic and environmental damages. In this paper, five new eriophyoid mites (subfamily Phyllocoptinae) infesting Imperata cylindrica are described from Egypt: three new species from genus Abacarus (A. imperatussp. nov., A. aegyptiacussp. nov., and A. gizaensissp. nov.) and two new species from genus Aculodes (A. tinaniensissp. nov. and A. skorackaesp. nov.). These species are vagrants in grooves between veins on the upper leaf surface; no visible damage was observed. However, A. gizaensis was found wandering mainly on upper young leaves, often near the tips causing discoloration of the leaves. Both adult sexes and immature stages are described and illustrated. The genus Aculodes is recorded from Egypt for the first time.
We found an Ornithodoros species with distinct morphological characteristics than Alveonasus genus and other O. (Pavlovskyella) species group. Tick specimens were collected from a porcupine burrow, located in Lorestan province, western Iran. Genomic DNA of tick was extracted using CTAB and then three gene fragments of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S mtDNA & 18S rDNA were amplified by PCR. Tick specimens were identified as near to O. (P.) verrucosus and O. (P.) tholozani. So the identification was confirmed by BLAST analysis of 16S mtDNA & 18S rDNA and COI gene fragments. A taxonomic key to the native adult subfamily Ornithodorinae species of Iran are provided to facilitate their identification.
Two new species belonging to the Eriophyidae were found on Tilia begoniifolia Steven in Golestan province of Iran, and are described and illustrated herein. Eriophyes begoniifoliaesp. nov. was associated to round galls protruded on both surfaces of the leaves. Aculus namdarisp. nov. was vagrant on the leaf undersurface and no damage was observed on the infested plants.
A survey of odonate fauna in Zambia (Central Province, Luano District) resulted in discovery of ectoparasitic larvae of Leptus (L.) chingombensis sp. nov. (Trombidiformes: Parasitengona, Erythraeidae) on four species of dragonflies (Odonata) representing four different families assigned to Zygoptera and Anisoptera. The morphological characteristics of the new species is supported with DNA barcode sequence. Despite some intragroup variation related to relatively large sample, the morphological and genetic consistence confirm the common specific identity of the material. A brief comparison of Leptus spp. hitherto known from the Afrotropic as larvae is given. Supplementary data to the descriptions of Leptus (L.) bicristatusFain et Elsen, 1987, Leptus (L.) aldonaeHaitlinger, 1987 and Leptus (L.) soddagusHaitlinger, 1990, based on examination of type material, are provided.
In the case of L. (L.) chingombensis sp. nov., the parasite load reached high, previously not recorded for Odonata–terrestrial Parasitengona association values, attaining at 44 and 49 larvae. Clear topic preferences towards the ventral side of the host's body were recorded, with an additional tendency to distal parts of synthorax and the ventral depression of the abdomen.
We hypothesize that the infestation did not take place synchronously at dragonflies emergence, but consisted in repeated infestation events during the recurrent appearance of dragonflies in the contact microhabitat occupied by Leptus.
The very local character of the finding along with the regular appearance of larvae parasitizing dragonflies, obviously favoured by specific habitat conditions, no doubts confirms the non-accidental nature of the phenomenon.
The whitefly, Aleuroclava jasmini (Takahashi) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is an important pest on paper mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. (Moraceae) plants in green spaces of Tehran, Iran. The predator mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot is one of the most common species found in paper mulberry landscape and it is a major biological control agent of this pest. Knowledge of the impact of insecticides on predatory mites is crucial for integrated management programs of this whitefly. This study assessed, under laboratory conditions, the sublethal effect of acetamiprid on the life table parameters of A. swirskii fed on A. jasmini. The sublethal concentrations LC10, LC20 and LC30 were obtained based on a dose-effect test. Exposure to the sublethal concentrations of acetamiprid had significant effects on the total immature periods of both males and females. The total fecundity and oviposition period decreased with an increase in concentration. The estimated life table parameters indicated that sublethal concentrations of acetamiprid caused greater reduction in r, λ and R0 of A. swirskii compared to the control. Therefore, the use of acetamiprid to control of A. jasmini may have serious implications for integrated pest management programs that aimed at exploiting A. swirskii biological control in paper mulberry landscape.
New phytoseiid mites from Mauritius Islands are being reported, including the description of two new species, Transeius pungi sp. nov. and Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) recurvitremussp. nov., the description of the male of Phytoseius haroldi Ueckermann & Kreiter, and the redescriptions of two Amblyseius species only known from the type specimens, A. neoankaratrae Ueckermann & Loots and A. passiflorae Blommers. Furthermore, additional and complementary morphological information is provided for other eight species. This work brings the new total number of phytoseiid mites in Mauritius to seventeen species in nine genera.
Development, survival and reproduction of Proprioseiopsis lenis (Corpuz and Rimando) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), a predatory mite distributed in parts of Southeast Asia, were assessed on different foods. These included four pollens (Typha latifolia, Luffa aegyptiaca, Zea mays, Ricinus communis), the natural prey Tetranychus urticae (mixed stages) and Frankliniella occidentalis (first-second instars), and the storage mite Carpoglyphus lactis (mixed stages) as a factitious prey. The total immature developmental time of females fed at 27 °C on T. latifolia pollen (4.1 days) or C. lactis (4.0 days) was significantly shorter than that of those offered Z. mays pollen (5.3 days), R. communis pollen (6.7 days) or T. urticae (4.3 days). Nearly 60% of the predators fed on R. communis pollen died in the immature stages and adult females failed to produce eggs. The daily oviposition rate of P. lenis reared on C. lactis (2.9 eggs/female/day), T. latifolia pollen (2.7 eggs/female/day) and F. occidentalis (2.6 eggs/female/day) was significantly higher than that of females maintained on the other diets. Total fecundity of females offered C. lactis (37.3 eggs/female) was highest, followed by F. occidentalis (26.5 eggs/female), T. urticae, L. aegyptiaca pollen, and T. latifolia pollen and was lowest on Z. mays pollen (7.4 eggs/female). The intrinsic rates of increase (rm) were highest on C. lactis (0.293), T. latifolia pollen (0.285) and T. urticae (0.283), followed by F. occidentalis (0.260) and L. aegyptiaca pollen (0.233) and were lowest on Z. mays pollen (0.115). Our findings suggest that P. lenis may have potential as a natural enemy to be used in augmentative biological control of spider mites and thrips in Southeast Asian greenhouse or field crops. The predator can be reared on the storage mite C. lactis and can also survive on several pollens in case prey is scarce or absent in the crop.
The study presented in this research paper is the first taxonomic investigation focusing on Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata) mites with a brief discussion of the genetic differences of two very closely related species from the genus OodinychusBerlese, 1917, i.e. O. ovalis (C.L. Koch, 1839) and O. karawaiewi (Berlese, 1903). These two morphologically similar species are quite common and they have a wide range of occurrence in Europe. They also live in almost the same types of habitat. However, O. ovalis usually exhibits higher abundance and frequency of occurrence. The major aim of the study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the systematic position, morphological and biological differences, as well as habitat preferences and distribution of O. ovalis and O. karawaiewi. The next aim was to ascertain whether the differences in number and frequency of these species may stem from the genetic differences at the molecular level (16S rDNA and COI). The study shows that O. ovalis, which is a more abundant species than O. karawaiewi, turned out to be genetically more polymorphic.
We describe two new species and report new occurrences for six species of eriophyid mites (Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) in Crimea: Abacarus denticulifern. sp. from Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (Poaceae), Aceria aculiformisSukhareva 1986 from Melica ciliata L. (Poaceae), Aceria peucedani (Canestrini 1891) from Seseli tortuosum L. (Apiaceae), Anthocoptes recki (Bagdasarian 1972) n. comb. (from Tegonotus) from Pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) (Anacardiaceae), Epitrimerus inulaeFarkas 1963 from Inula germanica L. (Asteraceae), Phyllocoptes sanctusn. sp. from Potentilla recta subsp. obscura (Willd.) (Rosaceae), Phyllocoptes bilobospinosus Chetverikov 2019 (in Chetverikov et al. 2019) from Tamarix spp. (Tamaricaceae), Tegoprionus dentatus (Nalepa 1891) from Galium verum L. (Rubiaceae). For an Indian phyllocoptine mite species associated with Apluda mutica L. (Poaceae), a new combination was proposed: Abacarus muticus (Sur & Chakrabarti 2017) n. comb. (from Mesalox). Mitochondrial COI and D2 28S rDNA sequences of three phyllocoptine species from Crimea were obtained: A. denticulifern. sp. (GenBank accession numbers MK415989 and MK408623), P. bilobospinosus (MK408624), and P. sanctusn. sp. (MK415988 and MK408622). Comparison of all COI and D2 28S sequences of Eriophyoidea from GenBank showed that sequences JF920111 and JF920110 Aceria tulipae are identical to JF920101 Aceria tosichella, and D2 28S sequence KP297379 Tegolophus sp. is identical to KM111079 Shevtchenkella sp., which indicates either one or more misidentifications or sample contamination. Molecular phylogenetic analyses (a) confirmed the morphology-based assignment of A. denticulifern. sp. to the Abacarus hystrix s.l. species complex, (b) supported the monophyly of Abacarus hystrix s.l., (c) revealed that the genera Phyllocoptes, Epitrimerus, and Calepitrimerus are paraphyletic, and (d) indicated that Phyllocoptini (including P. sanctusn. sp.), which are associated with Rosaceae and Caprifoliaceae, are monophyletic. The position of P. bilobospinosus was uncertain in all analyses. Based on the results of our study, it is recommended that descriptions of new species in large, putatively paraphyletic genera of Eriophyoidea include comparisons with mite species associated with the same plant family. Our work also provides new evidence that a species in a large complex of cryptic species could have evolved a distinct morphology if it is associated with an endemic plant host restricted to a geographically isolated area.
The present study is based on oribatid mite material (Acari, Oribatida) collected from the Gambela region in Ethiopia. Two new species of the subgenus Galumna (Galumna) (Galumnidae) are described. Galumna anuakensis Ermilov sp. nov. differs from G. calcicola (Aoki & Hu, 1993), G. lanceosensilla Ermilov, Sidorchuk & Rybalov, 2011, G. paracalcicola Ermilov & Anichkin, 2014 and G. paramastigophoraErmilov, 2015 by the presence of clavate bothridial setae and foveolate anogenital region. Galumna gambelaensis Ermilov sp. nov. differs from G. wojciechniedbalaiErmilov, 2012 by the presence of very long, flagellate interlamellar setae and comparatively large dorsosejugal porose areas. A list with new records for Ethiopian fauna, including 13 species, is provided; of these, Gymnodamaeus neonominatus (Subías, 2004) is recorded for the first time in the Ethiopian region, other species and the genera Gymnodamaeus Kulczynski, 1902 and Stachyoppia Balogh, 1961 are recorded for the first time in Ethiopia.
Knowledge about phytoseiid species associated with vines is a preliminary step in the development and implementation of integrated management strategies against phytophagous mites such as Panonychus ulmi. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative survey of phytoseiids present in abandoned, organically managed, and conventionally managed vineyards, as well as to compare ecological indices in these production systems. Samplings were conducted between July and September 2017 in vineyards situated in the Subregions of Lima and Cávado, the Vinho Verde region. A total of 50 leaves/vineyard were collected from 12 vineyards, kept in containers at low temperature and taken to Escola Superior Agrária-Instituto Politécnico Viana do Castelo to be screened under a stereoscope microscope. A total of 3.153 phytoseiid mites were sampled, belonging to eight species distributed across the vineyards analyzed. The most common species were Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus. pyri (45.7%), Kampimodromus aberrans (39%), and Phytoseius macropilis (8.7%). Higher richness occurred in abandoned vineyards, with seven species, and the most abundant were K. aberrans (46.5%) and T. (T.. pyri (28.9%). Only two predatory species were present (in similar proportions) in organically managed vineyards, T. (T.. pyri and K. aberrans, while T. (T.. pyri predominated in conventionally managed vineyards (93.8%). Kampimodromus aberrans. P. macropilis, and T. (T.. pyri were eudominant in abandoned vineyards while K. aberrans and T. (T.. pyri were eudominant in organic vineyards. Typhlodromus (T.. pyri was eudominant and T. (T.. exhilaratus was dominant in conventionally managed vineyards. Therefore, we might conclude that phytoseiid abundance significantly differs among vineyard management types, with higher ecological indices in abandoned vineyards, and lower indices in conventional managed vineyards in the northern region of Portugal.
Description of a new species of Uroseius Berlese based on deutonymph and female specimens from northern Spain is presented. Observations of some cuticular organs on idiosoma and legs are described for the first time for the genus. An attempt to notate idiosomal setae as in Gamasina mesostigmatid mites is made based on complete dorsal chaetome of larval and pronymphal instars of Uroseius and Apionoseius Berlese species. Uroseius acuminatus (C.L. Koch) is a new record for the Iberian Peninsula. General morphological and biological aspects of Uroseius are presented. A tentative key, provided for separation of the 15 deutonymphs and nine adult females of the world species of Uroseius, is given.
Five oribatid mite species (Oribatida), phoretic on beetles, Aceraius grandis (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Vietnam, are identified: two new species, belonging to the subgenera Graptoppia (Stenoppia) (Oppiidae) and Perscheloribates (Perscheloribates) (Scheloribatidae), are described; and three known species are Mesoplophora (Parplophora) flavida, M. (P.) polita and Ramusella (Sabahoppia) blattarum. Graptoppia (Stenoppia) luisisp. nov. differs from all species of the subgenus by the presence of tridentate rostrum. Perscheloribates kontumensissp. nov. differs from Perscheloribates curiosusErmilov, 2016, Perscheloribates hanoiensisErmilov & Starý, 2018 and Perscheloribates surigaoensisCorpuz-Raros, 1980 by the presence of body sculpturing, distinct setiform apex in bothridial setae and flexible notogastral setae. Species M. (P.) flavida. M. (P.) polita and R. blattarum, the subgenera Mesoplophora (Parplophora) and Ramusella (Sabahoppia), and the genera Mesoplophora and Graptoppia are recorded in Vietnam for the first time; the subgenus Graptoppia (Stenoppia) is recorded in the Oriental region for the first time. An identification key to known species of Graptoppia (Stenoppia) is given.
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