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One new genus, one new species, one new record and one new combination of the eriophyoid mites from Thailand were described. They are Rotsukhona loureirii gen. nov., sp. nov. on Tetracera loureiri (Finet & Gagnep.) Pierre ex W. G. Craib, Vareeboona mangiferae (Keifer 1946) new record on Bouea oppositifolia (Roxb.) Adelb and Vimola artocarpae (Mohanasundaram 1981) new combination on Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamarck.
Hyalomma marginatum is a hard tick species of medical and veterinary importance that is widely distributed throughout Turkey. In this study, five novel polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and developed from partial genome information using the Hiseq Illumina paired end technology. A total of 20,943,321 reads were obtained from vegetation collected specimens, 103 primer pairs were randomly selected for the analysis and 62 of them were tested for polymorphism. Seventy five specimens from nine different localities of Turkey were genotyped. Markers for selected loci were tested using labeled primers on capillary electrophoresis. Five loci were successfully scored and used to analyze genetic diversity. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 7, with an average of 5.4 alleles per locus. The average observed and expected heterozygosity values were 0.314 and 0.468, respectively. Two loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected between loci. This study is the first attempt to generate genome sequence data and to develop SSR markers for H. marginatum. These markers will be useful to understand the taxonomic status of this vector, its population dynamics, and spatial distributions as well as mechanisms underlying Crimean Congo Heamorrhagic Fever transmission and the development and implementation of well-designed prevention strategies.
The morphological ontogeny of Caleremaeus monilipes (Michael 1882), the type species of CaleremaeusBerlese, 1910, is described and illustrated. The nymphs of this species are quadrideficient and eupheredermous, i.e. they carry the exuvial scalps of previous instars on the gastronotum, using a cornicle. The nymphs have also a posterior apophysis, with setae h1 and p1.
The genus Stigmaeus Koch (Acari: Stigmaeidae) is reported for the first time in Greece. Based on material collected from many localities, fifteen species are recorded from Greece for the first time and five species, Stigmaeus canestriniisp. nov., S. kochisp. nov., S. claviformissp. nov., S. pseudoangustussp. nov. and S. graminissp. nov. are described as new to science. Additionally, males of two known species of Stigmaeus are described for the first time. A key to species of this genus recorded in Greece is provided.
The predatory mite Amblydromalus limonicus, non-native in Europe, can be used legally in several European countries as greenhouse biocontrol agent against thrips species, although this species is also able to feed on whiteflies and gall mites. The first record of the unintended occurrence of A. limonicus in apple orchards in Europe comes from Catalonia (Spain), where A. limonicus is well established in the native predatory mite community since 2011. The dominant species in this community is Amblyseius andersoni, which has a similar life-style as A. limonicus (large, aggressive predator with broad diet range) making intraguild (IG) interactions between the two predators likely. Thus, we tested the IG aggressiveness of native and alien female predators, when provided with IG prey (larvae). Alien females of A. limonicus proved to be highly aggressive IG predators against native larvae of A. andersoni, which were attacked earlier and more frequently than alien larvae by the native predator. Nearly all attacks by the alien predator resulted in the death of native IG prey, whereas about 10% of the alien intraguild prey escaped the attacks of the native predator. Additionally, native IG prey is smaller than alien prey, which should facilitate the overwhelming by the alien predator. We argue that the strong aggressive intraguild behavior of A. limonicus is contributing to its establishment success in the native predatory mite community.
Hamid Ullah, Jenő Kontschán, Nóra Takács, Michiel Wijnveld, Anna-Margarita Schötta, Sándor A. Boldogh, Attila D. Sándor, Sándor Szekeres, Tamás Görföl, Syed Basit Rasheed, Arshad Javid, Sándor Hornok
Bats are well adapted to inhabit human settlements and are suitable reservoirs of a high number of vector-borne pathogens with veterinary-medical importance. Owing to these eco-epidemiological traits, the importance of studying bat ectoparasites is increasingly recognized. However, relevant molecular-phylogenetic data are missing from several countries of southern Asia, including Pakistan. In this study 11 ectoparasites, collected from bats in northern Pakistan, were analyzed morphologically and/or molecularly, phylogenetically from a taxonomic point of view. In addition, soft ticks were screened for pathogen DNA. Three mesostigmatid mite species were identified: Steatonyssus occidentalis evansiMicherdziński, 1980 and Ancystropus taprobanius Turk, 1950 from Rousettus leschenaultii (Desmarest 1820) and two specimens of Spinturnix americanus (Banks 1902) from Pipistrellus cf. javanicus (Gray 1838). Six soft tick (Carios vespertilionis Latreille, 1802) larvae were also removed from Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821. Morphometric comparison revealed minor differences in comparison with C. vespertilionis larvae from Europe (i.e., narrower scutum and longer 4th posterolateral setae, while scutal length and shape index were not significantly different in this context). When molecularly analyzed, C. vespertilionis larvae from Pakistan showed the highest, 94.1% cox1 sequence identity with a sample from Kenya, while in their 16S rRNA gene these had the highest, 96.2–96.4% identity with samples from Europe and central Asia (northwestern China). These findings were confirmed in phylogenetic analyses. A further soft tick larva, collected from R. leschenaultii and therefore provisionally called Argas sp. “rousetti”, yielded sequences with only 86.2% and 91% similarities in its cox1 and 16S rRNA genes, respectively, to the genetically closest species, A. boueti. Both Argas species belonged to the phylogenetic group of the subgenus Chiropterargas. Molecular screening of two C. vespertilionis larvae for a broad range of tick-borne pathogens yielded negative results. However, the larva of Argas sp. “rousetti” showed the presence of a spotted fever group (SFG) Rickettsia sp., which (based on four genetic markers) was closely related to two Rickettsia species reported from southeastern Asia (i.e., R. honei and Rickettsia sp. IG-1), but differed more significantly from other rickettsiae. In conclusion, the three mite species identified here are new records for their host species and for Pakistan. The present findings support that despite the observed genetic differences, C. vespertilionis in southern Asia (Pakistan) and Europe belong to the same species and share common ancestry with C. vespertilionis in east Africa (Kenya). The soft tick species, Argas sp. “rousetti” is most likely a not yet described species within the subgenus ChiropterargasHoogstraal, 1955, because it was clearly separated from A. boueti Roubaud & Colas-Belcour, 1933 and A. confususHoogstraal, 1955 in the phylogenetic analysis (also taking into account that other known species of the subgenus are unlikely to occur in Pakistan). The novel Rickettsia genotype from Argas sp. “rousetti”, represents the first molecular identification of a Rickettsia sp. phylogenetically close to R. honei, and the first Rickettsia sp. from any bat-associated soft tick species in southern Asia.
The genus Leonseius Chant & McMurtry (Phytoseiidae: Typhlodrominae) was proposed to accommodate Typhloseiopsis regularisDe Leon, 1965, a species with a troubled taxonomic history that was previously classified in the genera Typhlodromus Scheuten, Diadromus Athias-Henriot and Chanteius Wainstein. Due to its Amblyseius-like appearance (long s4, Z4 and Z5, most other setae minute; atypical for a typhlodromine), the poor descriptions of reproductive structures (spermatheca, spermatodactyl), and probably also because at the time it was a monotypic genus, researchers over the years have based the species-level identification of Leonseius regularis mainly on dorsal and ventral idiosomal chaetotaxy and setal length. In a survey of phytoseiid mites conducted in cacao plantations (Theobroma cacao L.: Malvaceae) of the municipality of Ilhéus, Bahia, northeastern Brazil, we identified two distinct morphotypes among specimens initially identified as L. regularis. Herein we provide new morphological data for L. regularis to complement the original description and previous redescriptions, and then describe Leonseius elbanhawyi Carvalho, Ferragut & Oliveira sp. nov., from cacao, distinguishing it from L. regularis by its spermatheca and spermatodactyl. Also, the diagnosis of Leonseius is amended.
This study encompasses an updated species list of ticks (Ixodoidea superfam.) in Iran and knowledge on their distribution and host animals are provided. The present list is based on previous literatures as well as observations by the authors on the ticks of Iran. In total, 46 species of ticks occur in Iran (10 Argasidae and 36 Ixodidae) from 10 genera.
Two new species of feather mites from the superfamily Analgoidea are described from the grey-headed woodpecker, Picus canus, in Korea: Neopteronyssus koreanussp. nov. (Pteronyssidae) and Proterothrix picinussp. nov. (Proctophyllodidae: Pterodectinae). Feather mites of the genera NeopteronyssusMironov, 2002 and ProterothrixGaud, 1968 are described for the first time in Korea. Morphological descriptions of both new species are complemented with partial sequences of their mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene as DNA barcodes.
Brevipalpus contains about 290 species, some of which are considered of economic importance. In spite of their agricultural importance, the species diversity is scarcely known in several regions around the world, notably on wild plants. In this work a new species collected on an endemic ivy of the Azores Archipelago, Hedera azorica Carrière (Araliaceae), is described based on an integrative approach using morphological traits of the adults, obtained through electron and light microscopy, and molecular characters based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in order to produce reliable phylogenetic placement of the new species, which is tentatively classified in the B. portalis species group. Morphological similarities between the new species and B. cuneatus Canestrini and Fanzago point out to some inconsistencies in the current morphological classification of Brevipalpus species, especially in the definition of the B. cuneatus group, herein discussed.
Citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (McGregor) is an important pest of citrus. In order to assess the effect of different fertilizers applying in citrus on this mite, the biological characteristics on the young citrus trees treated with 3 kinds of fertilizer, organic, chemical and compound (mix of organic and chemical fertilizer) were monitored in a thermostatic room. The immature durations were not affected by different fertilizer treatments. However, the survival rates of the immature stages were significantly higher on compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer than on chemical fertilizer. The fecundity of female mites reared on compound fertilizer citrus was also significantly higher than chemical fertilizer. The pre-oviposition period of females reared on compound fertilizer treated citrus was significantly shorter, and the longevity of males was significantly longer than organic fertilizer. Overall, the mites reared on compound fertilizer treated citrus had the highest net reproduction rate (Ro), index of population trend (I), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rates of increase (λ ) and shortest mean generation time (T) comparing with other treatments. The results of nutrient composition determination of citrus leaves treated with three fertilizer treatments showed that the leaves of compound fertilizers contained the highest N, P content and N/K. As P has no positive or direct influence on most phytophagous insects and Acaridae mites in previous studies, the compound fertilizer is beneficial to the optimum population growth of citrus red mite may be closely related to the two indexes, N content and N/K.
This paper deals with two species of Scutascirus. Scutascirus hechiensis Chen & Jin sp. nov. is distinguished from the close species, S. pentascutellusCorpuz-Raros & Garcia, 1996 by the follows: basifemur IV with 2 sts; telofemora III with 4 sts and IV with 3 sts; genu IV with 6 sts; tibia I with 2 bsl and III with 1 bsl; tarsus I with 3 bsl. The male of Scutascirus triangulumLin, Zhang & Ji, 2001 is described for the first time.
A new species of the genus Tycherobius Boland, 1886 viz. T. banehiensis sp. nov. was collected from soil under oak trees in the vicinity of Baneh city, Kurdistan Province, Iran and was described and illustrated based on female. A key to the all known species of the world is provided.
Intraguild predation (IGP) consists of interacting individuals with context dependent roles that compete for food. Information about the predator trophic interactions i.e. cannibalism or feeding on heterospecific juveniles, is a key to understand the real impact of their combinations when introduced in biological control systems. The hypothesis here, assumed that the pairwise introduction of the female predatory mites, N. californicus (predator) + P. persimilis (heterospecific prey) and vice versa, A. swirskii (predator) + P. persimilis (heterospecific prey) and vice versa could exist in the Tetranychus urticae (main prey) scarcity. Three diets consisted of either conspecific or heterospecific six eggs, four eggs + four larvae and four protonymphs were introduced to the guilds. The predation and oviposition rates and the longevity of each female intraguild predator on detached bean leaf disc was recorded every three hours for 12 consecutive days. Neoseiulus californicus predation rate was estimated to be highest on conspecific eggs + larvae (11.35 ± 1.12) and so was on those of P. persimilis (55.7 ± 3.42). No significant difference was observed in N. californicus oviposition rate on three conspecific diets (P > 0.05), while its oviposition rate was highest on P. persimilis eggs + larvae (7.15 ± 0.80). Phytoseiulus persimilis predation rate was estimated to be highest on eggs + larvae both on N. californicus and P. persimilis as prey. Its oviposition rate was estimated to be highest when feeding on conspecific eggs (2.25 ± 0.19) and N. californicus eggs + larvae. Amblyseius swirskii fed on 45 ± 2.79 P. persimilis and 12.90 ± 1.51 A. swirskii eggs + larvae, which was significantly higher than predation rates on other stages (P < 0.01). Amblyseius swirskii oviposition rate was not significantly different on each of the three diets or on A. swirskii or P. persimilis as prey (P > 0.05). The oviposition rate of P. persimilis was the highest on A. swirskii eggs + larvae (1.45 ± 0.19). When N. californicus fed on each of the three diet types, no significant difference was observed in its longevity. The greatest longevity of P. persimilis was recorded when feeding on N. californicus/P. persimilis eggs. Longevity of A. swirskii was the greatest on P. persimilis eggs and protonymphs. Similarly, P. persimilis had the greatest longevity feeding on A. swirskii eggs. We concluded that the predator species were capable of surviving under conditions of scarce prey when heterospecific species are present.
As an independent species of chigger mites, Leptotrombidium deliense (Walch 1922) is the most important and powerful vector of scrub typhus (tsutsugamushi disease) in the south of China. Located in the southwest of China, Yunnan province, especially southern Yunnan, is an important focus of scrub typhus. A localized area, Jingha village in southern Yunnan, was chosen as the target site and a field investigation at the village was carried out for 12 consecutive months from April 2016 to March 2017. The investigation is an attempt to illustrate the small mammals host selection and seasonal fluctuation of L. deliense at a fixed geographical site within the focus of scrub typhus, and the selected localized area makes this possible. A total of 2,434 hosts were captured and examined, including rodents and some other “rodent-like” small mammals. Of the identified 15 host species, L. deliense was found on 73.33% of them (11 species of hosts), but 88.61% of the mites were from the Southeast Asian house rats, Rattus brunneusculus. Of 10 genera, 5 families and 4 orders of identified hosts, more than 80.00% of them were infested with L. deliense with a prominent cross infestation among different taxonomic categories of hosts, but the majority of the mites (96.60%) were collected from rodents (the order Rodentia), especially the rats in the genus Rattus (92.95%). It suggests that L. deliense prefers rodents (especially the Rattus rats) to some other small mammals although it has a low host specificity. Rattus brunneusculus is the major host of the mite in the investigated site. The female R. brunneusculus rats harbored more L. deliense mites than the male rats (P<0.01). The spatial distribution pattern of L. deliense on the hosts was determined as aggregated distribution. L. deliense mites were collected every month with two peaks (in July and October), belonging to the summer-autumn type. The first peak in July was much higher than the second peak in October. The monthly fluctuation of L. deliense was highly in accordance with that of the rainfall, which suggests the summer season with plentiful rainfall benefits the occurrence of this powerful vector of scrub typhus, L. deliense.
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