VOL. 21 · NO. 11 | November 2016
Qing-Hai Fan, Eddie A. Ueckermann
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1447-1449, (17 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.1
No abstract available
Robert W. Husband, Kazuyoshi Kurosa, Owen D. Seeman
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1450-1462, (17 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.2 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Insect parasites, Chrysomelobia, key, Acari, Japan, Podapolipidae
İsmail Döker, Cengiz Kazak, Kamil Karut
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1463-1472, (17 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.3
KEYWORDS: Phytoseiidae, biological control, relative humidity, food consumption, reproduction
Masoumeh Khanjani, Mohammad Khanjani, Owen D. Seeman
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1473-1495, (19 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.4
KEYWORDS: Wild garlic, spider mite, Petrobiini, barley, wheat
Sergey G. Ermilov
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1496-1505, (19 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.5
KEYWORDS: mites, Galumna, new species, morphology, systematics, Antigua, Aruba, Neotropical Region
Yong You, Tao Lin, Hui Wei, Zhaohua Zeng, Jianwei Fu, Xiaofei Liu, Ronghua Lin, Yanxuan Zhang
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1506-1514, (24 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.6
KEYWORDS: Neoseiulus cucumeris, chlorantraniliprole, flubendiamide, spirotetramat, metaflumizone, sublethal effect
José M. Rezende, Rodrigo L. C. Verona, Antonio C. Lofego
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1515-1524, (24 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.7
KEYWORDS: Agroecology, biodiesel production, Tarsonemidae, Tetranychidae
Xiao Han, Xiao-Yue Hong, Zhi-Qiang Zhang
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1525-1533, (3 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.8 Open Access
KEYWORDS: eriophyoid mites, taxonomy, identification, morphology, host plants, Aceria genistae
Maciej Skoracki, Barry M. Oconnor, Steven M. Goodman, Natalia Marciniak, Bozena Sikora
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1534-1546, (3 October 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.9
KEYWORDS: Acari, birds, ectoparasites, Madagascar, new species, Syringophilidae, systematics
Philipp E. Chetverikov, Radmila U. Petanović
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1547-1563, (4 November 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.10
KEYWORDS: endoparasite, feeding behavior, Phytoptidae, longest mite, confocal microscopy
Joseph L. Corn, Roberta A. Duhaime, Jeffery T. Alfred, James W. Mertins, Bruce R. Leland, Richard L. Sramek, Jonathan D. Moczygemba, David W. Shaw
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1564-1570, (4 November 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.11 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Amblyomma mixtum, Amblyomma tenellum, Dermacentor halli, Dermacentor variabilis, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, cattle fever tick
Stanisław seniczak, Anna Seniczak
Systematic and Applied Acarology 21 (11), 1571-1590, (4 November 2016) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.21.11.12
KEYWORDS: soil mites, juveniles, leg setation, cuticle ornamentation, stage structure
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