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A new generic diagnosis for Unguizetes (Oribatida, Mochlozetidae) is proposed. The taxonomic status of the mochlozetid genus Calugarella is discussed, resulting in the following taxonomic proposal: UnguizetesSellnick, 1925 is a senior subjective synonym of Calugarella J. Balogh & P. Balogh, 1992(syn. nov.). The initial placement of Unguizetes sabahnusMahunka, 1987 in Unguizetes is supported. Supplementary descriptions of Unguizetes similisMahunka, 1998 and U. atypicus (Mahunka, 1982) are presented, based on material from Ecuador and Ethiopia, respectively. The tritonymph of U. atypicus is described; it is the first investigation of juveniles for any member of Unguizetes. The morphological differences among known tritonymphs of Mochlozetidae are given. An identification key to all known species of Unguizetes is provided.
The recent invasion of the hard tick Ixodes affinis, a sylvatic vector of Borrelia burgdorferi, into the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States has prompted questions as to the origin of these ticks, and the possibility of connectivity with presumed ancestral populations in Central and South America. To assess connectivity and ancestry of I. affinis throughout its range, a fragment of the 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene was sequenced from seven adult I. affinis ticks collected in Colon, Panama, and compared to 19 previously published 16S haplotypes in two clades from the US, seven previously published haplotypes from Belize, and one previously published haplotype from Colombia. This study did not find any overlapping haplotypes between the US, Panama, Belize, and Colombia, showing no evidence for connectivity between North, Central, and South American populations of I. affinis. Two new I. affinis clades associated with ticks from Panama and Belize were also identified. The node that gave rise to the Panama clade of I. affinis was more basal than the nodes leading to the clades containing the majority of ticks from Belize and the United States, and ticks from Belize were more closely related to US ticks than Panama ticks. Several possible competing migration pathways were identified, where ticks may have been introduced to the northern US from Belize, or to the southern US from Panama. Star clusters present in each clade suggest rapid mutation rates after arrival in new areas, and may be associated with the success of I. affinis in invading northern climates. This study provides preliminary evidence for the spread of I. affinis from Central America into the US, and serves as a first step in investigating the possibility of connectivity between Central and North America tick populations.
The morphological ontogeny of Ceratozetes helenaePavlichenko, 1993 and Ceratozetoides cisalpinus (Berlese, 1908) is compared. The adults of both species have 10 pairs of short or minute notogastral setae, including c2, but the former species is smaller than the latter and also differs by the location of some notogastral setae, shape of porose areas and setae on the legs and absence of seta l” on tarsus II; in Cer. cisalpinus this seta is present. The juveniles of these species differ from one another more than the adults. In C. helenae most gastronotal setae are short and plumose, whereas in Cer. cisalpinus they are long, curved anteriorly and barbed. In the former species most of the gastronotal setae are inserted on sclerites, and glabrous sclerites are also present on the gastronotum, whereas in the latter species these setae are inserted on unsclerotized integument, except for some dorsal setae of the nymphs which are inserted on weakly formed microsclerites, and a few glabrous microsclerites are present. Moreover, the subsequent nymphs of C. helenae are smaller than those of Cer. cisalpinus, especially the tritonymph. The morphological ontogeny of C. helenae and Cer. cisalpinus is compared with that of other species of Ceratozetinae (Ceratozetidae), and based mainly on the morphology of the juveniles, a new cryptic species, Ceratozetes shaldybinae sp. nov. is proposed.
Populations of mites (Phytoseiidae, Stigmaeidae, Cunaxidae, Cheyletidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Tydeidae, Acaridae) were monitored on Diospyros kaki Thunb. and Diospyros lotus L. (Ebenaceae) in Ordu, Turkey during 2012 and 2013. Phytoseiid, tydeid and acarid populations were higher on D. kaki (both seasons). Cunaxid populations were higher on this species in 2012. Tenuipalpids (2012) and stigmaeids (2013) were significantly more abundant on D. lotus. Populations of pest mites did not reach high levels in persimmon trees not exposed to pesticides. A significant positive correlation between rainfall and tenuipalpid (both persimmon species in 2013) and cunaxid (D. lotus, 2013) populations. There was also a significant negative correlation between relative humidity and tydeid (D. kaki in 2012) and cunaxid (D. kaki in 2013) populations. Temperature showed generally a positive correlation with mite populations, however, a significant negative correlation was detected in tenuipalpid (both species in 2012, D. kaki in 2013) and cheyletid populations (D. kaki in 2012).
Odontoscirus mazandaranensissp. nov. is described and illustrated based on female, male and tritonymph from Mazandaran province, Iran. Also, Trachymolgus purpureusFisher & Dowling, 2011 is reported for the first time from Iran.
The diagnosis and the systematic position to the poorly known genus, TrematuroidesCooreman, 1960 are given with the description of the species Trematuroides malayicasp. nov.
Cannibalistic behaviour can be a limitation in mass rearing where predator-predator competition can be high. However, increasing habitat structural complexity has been shown to reduce cannibalism through a reduction in encounter rates and the provision of more refuge and oviposition sites. This study investigated the use of different rearing media and its ability to mitigate cannibalism in the predatory mite Amblydromalus limonicus (Garman & McGregor). The rearing substrates tested were buckwheat husks, gorse husks, rice husks, vermiculite, and wheat bran, which were compared against a control treatment with no substrate. These laboratory experiments were done in two different relative humidities (70% and 85%) with both water and pollen (Typha orientalis Presl) supplementation. The rearing media had a strong significant effect on populations of A. limonicus while humidity did not. Rice husk was found to hold the highest populations of the predator, whereas the control and wheat bran treatments had the lowest. The higher populations associated with the rice husk treatment were attributed to a decrease in encounter rates, the provision of additional shelter and oviposition sites, and low mould infestation. Issues with sampling bias, effects of mould in the system, and potential applications of rice husk are discussed.
The morphology of juvenile instars of the oribatid mite, Siculobata (Paraleius) leontonycha (Berlese, 1910) is described and illustrated, based on material collected from the galleries of bark beetles, Ips typographus L. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) under the bark of Picea obovata in Western Siberia, Russia. Juveniles are characterized by folded gastronotum and anogenital region, well-developed, setiform, barbed prodorsal setae, clavate bothridial setae, 11 pairs of gastronotic setae in larva and 15 pairs in nymphs, all with excentrosclerites, thick or slightly broadened in median parts, erect, barbed (except setiform p1-p3 in protonymph), epimeral formulas 3-1-2-1 in protonymph, 3-1-2-2 in deutonymph and 3-1-3-2 in tritonymph, ontogeny of genital, aggenital, adanal anal setal formulas 0-1-2-3, 0-0-1-1, 0-0-3-3, 0-0-0-2, respectively. The morphological differences of ontogenetic instars for S. (Paraleius) leontonycha to known species of Scheloribatidae are given.
An advanced-structure species in the subgenus Garnhamphysalis, Haemaphysalis quadriaculeataKolonin 1992, was recently discovered in Mengla county, Yunnan province in China. The male material showed a medium-sized tick with campanulate palpi, dental formula 5|5 and capitular, coxal and trochantal spurs, which assign it to the subgenus Garnhamphysalis. However, the presence of sparse conscutal punctations, shallow and short lateral grooves, progressively smaller trochanters and short pulvilli, distinguishes it from Haemaphysalis(G.) sinensisZhang 1981 and other valid Garnhamphysalis species from China. This finding expands the Chinese Haemaphysalis fauna to 47 species. A key to valid species in the subgenus Garnhamphysalis is presented based on specimens from China and the literature.
Integrated Pest Management programs rely heavily on maximum preservation of predatory insects and mites. Considering the fact that the pollen spectrum accepted by Typhlodromus bagdasarjani Wainstein & Arutunjan is not known, this study aimed towards a comparison of the suitability of seven different pollens including almond (Prunus amygdalis Batsch), maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.), bee pollen and castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), as well as one prey mite (Tetranychus urticae), under laboratory condition (25 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 5% RH, 16:8 (L:D) h). Furthermore nutritional value of different pollens was compared by calculating the protein, lipid and sugars content. Typhlodromus bagdasarjani was able to survive and reproduce on all pollens offered except on castor bean pollen which was toxic, causing 100% pre-adult mortality. The shortest and longest developmental time was observed when predators were supplied with almond and bee pollen, respectively. Pollens from almond, with the highest values of protein and sucrose, and the middle level of lipid content, had the highest nutritional value for T. bagdasarjani as evidenced by the highest value of the intrinsic rate of increase (r= 0.1605 day -1), finite rate of increase (λ= 1.1741 day-1) and net reproductive rate (R0=13.45 offspring/ individual); and the shortest mean developmental time. According to the results, almond pollen can be used to amplify the experimental and commercial mass rearing programs of this predator and maize plant can be recommended as banker plants in greenhouses.
Although the immature stages of oribatid mites of the family Ceratozetidae is well known compared to other families, information on the morphological ontogeny of most species is still insufficient or unknown. Comparative characteristics of immatures of species of the subfamily Trichoribatinae are given based on our own data and available literature sources. The major characteristics of immature instars of 20 species are presented. The ontogeny of only two species of Diapterobates is known, and here the morphology of ontogenetic instars of a third species, Diapterobates brevidentatusBayartogtokh, 2010 is investigated. The larva and nymphs of this species are generally similar in their habitus. Basic characteristics of immatures are the body unpigmented, light yellowish or flesh-colored with porose cuticle; gastronotic and anogenital regions folded; humeral organ present; prodorsum stockier in larva than in nymphs and adult; gastronotic shield weakly sclerotized; prodorsal, gastronotic and ventral setae setiform, except clavate bothridial seta; larva with 12 pairs, nymphs with 15 pairs of gastronotic setae. Diapterobates brevidentatus is a Central and Southern Siberian species, currently known from central Russia (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District) and northern Mongolia (Hövsgöl Province), and appears to be primarily an inhabitant of soil-litter of the mountain steppes and arboreal habitats of boreal coniferous forests.
Tetranychus urticae Koch and T. kanzawai Kishida enter facultative diapause in response to short-day photoperiods. To determine the effect of various colors of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) on diapause induction, both species were reared under different photoperiods at 18°C and 2.0 W m-2 light intensity, in which photon flux density (PFD) was 7.9–11.0 µmol m-2 s-1 depending on light quality. Under blue, green, and white LEDs, critical photoperiods were ca. 13.5:10.5 h L: D for T. urticae and ca. 12.5: 11.5 h L: D for T. kanzawai, but no diapause was induced in either species under red LEDs. Under blue, green, orange, and white OLEDs, the critical light phases were ca. 13.3–13.5 h for T. urticae and ca. 12.5 h for T. kanzawai. The inhibitory effects of the duration, quality, and intensity of scotophase-interrupting lights on diapause induction in both species were tested under an 8:16 h L: D photoperiod. In T. urticae females, diapause induction was prevented by interrupting the scotophase with 1 h of light from all colors of LEDs or OLEDs except red LEDs. However, in T. kanzawai females, diapause was fully induced with 1-h scotophase interruption of all light colors and types, even when the PFD was as high as 20 µmol m-2 s-1. Interrupting the scotophase with 3 h of 20 µmol m-2 s-1 light from blue, green, and white LEDs, and from blue, green, orange, and white OLEDs completely inhibited diapause induction in both species. When interrupting the dark phase with 3 h of light at the lowest intensity tested (0.2 µmol m-2 s-1), blue and green inhibited diapause induction in T. urticae, whereas only blue light inhibited diapause induction in T. kanzawai. Therefore, blue LED and OLED performed best to inhibit diapause of T. urticae and T. kanzawai at 3-h scotophase interruption even at low light intensity.
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