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4 April 2024 How We Got Here: One Laboratory's Odyssey in the Field of Radiation-Inducible Genes
Arslon Humayun, Lorreta Yun-Tien Lin, Heng-Hong Li, Albert J. Fornace Jr
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This review focuses on early discoveries that contributed to our understanding and the scope of transcriptional responses after radiation damage. Before the development of modern approaches to assess overall global transcriptomic responses, the idea that mammalian cells could respond to DNA-damaging agents in a manner analogous to bacteria was not generally accepted. To investigate this possibility, the development of technology to identify differentially expressed low-abundance transcripts substantially facilitated our appreciation that DNA damaging agents like UV radiation and subsequently ionizing radiation did in fact produce robust transcriptional responses. Here we focus on our identification and characterization of radiation-inducible genes, and how even early studies on stress gene signaling highlighted the broad scope of transcriptional responses to radiation damage. Since then, the central role of transcriptional responses to radiation injury in maintaining genome integrity has been highlighted in many processes, including cell cycle checkpoint control, resistance to cancer by p53 and other key factors, cell senescence, and metabolism.

Arslon Humayun, Lorreta Yun-Tien Lin, Heng-Hong Li, and Albert J. Fornace Jr "How We Got Here: One Laboratory's Odyssey in the Field of Radiation-Inducible Genes," Radiation Research 201(6), 617-627, (4 April 2024).
Received: 16 October 2023; Accepted: 11 March 2024; Published: 4 April 2024
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