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Exposure to ionizing radiation, mechanical trauma, toxic chemicals or infections, or combinations thereof (i.e., combined injury) can induce organic injury to brain tissues, the structural disarrangement of interactive networks of neurovascular and glial cells, as well as on arrays of the paracrine and systemic destruction. This leads to subsequent decline in cognitive capacity and decompensation of mental health. There is an ongoing need for improvement in mitigating and treating radiation- or combined injury-induced brain injury. Cranial irradiation per se can cause a multifactorial encephalopathy that occurs in a radiation dose- and time-dependent manner due to differences in radiosensitivity among the various constituents of brain parenchyma and vasculature. Of particular concern are the radiosensitivity and inflammation susceptibility of: 1. the neurogenic and oligodendrogenic niches in the subependymal and hippocampal domains; and 2. the microvascular endothelium. Thus, cranial or total-body irradiation can cause a plethora of biochemical and cellular disorders in brain tissues, including: 1. decline in neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis; 2. impairment of the blood-brain barrier; and 3. ablation of vascular capillary. These changes, along with cerebrovascular inflammation, underlie different stages of encephalopathy, from the early protracted stage to the late delayed stage. It is evident that ionizing radiation combined with other traumatic insults such as penetrating wound, burn, blast, systemic infection and chemotherapy, among others, can exacerbate the radiation sequelae (and vice versa) with increasing severity of neurogenic and microvascular patterns of radiation brain damage.
In this study, we examined whether the cancer cell-killing effects of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) are enhanced by manipulating the expression levels of l-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) of human cancer cells, which transports boronophenylalanine into cells. We transfected pCMV/LAT1-GFP plasmids into a T98G glioblastoma cell line and selected several clones. Confocal laser microscopic observation was performed to confirm the stable overexpression of LAT1 in the plasma membranes of the clones. Western blot was used to analyze the cellular accumulation of LAT1 protein in the clones. Relative intracellular uptake of boronophenylalanine (BPA) was determined by measuring the radioactivity of 14C-BPA using a radioactive iodine (RI) tracer method. Sensitivity to neutron and gamma (γ)-ray fluences generated by a research reactor facility at Kyoto University was assayed using colony formation assay. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged LAT1 was observed in the plasma membranes of the LAT1-overexpressing clones and the cellular accumulation of GFP-tagged LAT1 was largely increased in these clones. Intracellular uptake of BPA was 1.5–5.0 times greater among the clones than that in a control clone. The LAT1-overexpressing clones and transiently LAT1-lipofected T98G cells showed clearly enhanced sensitivity to neutron and γ-ray fluences compared to the control clone when they were treated with 10BPA. The sensitivity of cancer cells to the fluences was well correlated with the expression level of LAT1 in the cells and the level of BPA uptake. These results suggest that overexpression of LAT1 in cancer cells results in enhanced anticancer effects of BNCT, and BNCT combined with gene therapy is beneficial for tumors with low LAT1 expression.
R. L. Haas, B. G. J. Floot, A. N. Scholten, W. T. A. van der Graaf, W. van Houdt, Y. Schrage, M. van de Ven, J. V. M. G. Bovée, F. van Coevorden, C. Vens
Currently, all soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are irradiated by the same regimen, disregarding possible subtype-specific radiosensitivities. To gain further insight, cellular radiosensitivity was investigated in a panel of sarcoma cell lines. Fourteen sarcoma cell lines, derived from synovial sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma and liposarcoma origin, were submitted to clonogenic survival assays. Cells were irradiated with single doses from 1–8 Gy and surviving fraction (SF) was calculated from the resulting response data. Alpha/beta (α/β) ratios were inferred from radiation-response curves using the linear-quadratic (LQ)-model. Cellular radiosensitivities varied largely in this panel, indicating a considerable degree of heterogeneity. Surviving fraction after 2 Gy (SF2) ranged from 0.27 to 0.76 with evidence of a particular radiosensitive phenotype in only few cell lines. D37% on the mean data was 3.4 Gy and the median SF2 was 0.52. The median α/β was 4.9 Gy and in six cell lines the α/β was below 4 Gy. A fairly homogeneous radiation response was observed in myxoid liposarcoma cell lines with SF2 between 0.64 and 0.67. Further comparing sarcomas of different origin, synovial sarcomas, as a group, showed the lowest SF2 values (mean 0.35) and was significantly more radiosensitive than myxoid liposarcomas and leiomyosarcomas (P = 0.0084 and 0.024, respectively). This study demonstrates a broad spectrum of radiosensitivities across STS cell lines and reveals subtype-specific radiation responses. The particular cellular radiosensitivity of synovial sarcoma cells supports consideration of the different sarcoma entities in clinical studies that aim to optimize sarcoma radiotherapy.
During space missions, astronauts experience acute and chronic low-dose-rate radiation exposures. Given the clear gap of knowledge regarding such exposures, we assessed the effects acute and chronic exposure to a mixed field of neutrons and photons and single or fractionated simulated galactic cosmic ray exposure (GCRsim) on behavioral and cognitive performance in mice. In addition, we assessed the effects of an aspirin-containing diet in the presence and absence of chronic exposure to a mixed field of neutrons and photons. In C3H male mice, there were effects of acute radiation exposure on activity levels in the open field containing objects. In addition, there were radiation-aspirin interactions for effects of chronic radiation exposure on activity levels and measures of anxiety in the open field, and on activity levels in the open field containing objects. There were also detrimental effects of aspirin and chronic radiation exposure on the ability of mice to distinguish the familiar and novel object. Finally, there were effects of acute GCRsim on activity levels in the open field containing objects. Activity levels were lower in GCRsim than sham-irradiated mice. Thus, acute and chronic irradiation to a mixture of neutrons and photons and acute and fractionated GCRsim have differential effects on behavioral and cognitive performance of C3H mice. Within the limitations of our study design, aspirin does not appear to be a suitable countermeasure for effects of chronic exposure to space radiation on cognitive performance.
Low-dose-rate radiation exposures and their associated cancer risk are an important concern for radiation protection today. Nevertheless, there is almost no data concerning DNA damage at dose rates below 0.1 mGy/min. In this study, we investigated the formation of DNA damage repair foci under chronic low-dose-rate irradiation relative to acute high-dose-rate irradiation and assessed the magnitude of the dose-rate effect. Four human and four mouse normal fibroblast cell models from different organs were subjected to gamma irradiation at 0.096 mGy/min or 0.81 Gy/min, and dose-response curves were established for the dose range from 0.1 to 0.8 Gy. The results indicate that prolonged low-dose-rate exposures cause modestly increased levels of DNA repair foci, with a strongly supralinear dose-response relationship, where 40–70% of the radiation effect at 1 Gy was already present at the total dose of 0.1 Gy. Thus, compared to acute irradiation, low-dose-rate exposure was 6–9 times less efficient at a total dose of 0.1 Gy, and 10–20 times less efficient at 1 Gy. Comparison between cell models revealed a certain correlation between the presence of persistent, above-background foci at 48 h after irradiation and the sensitivity to low-dose-rate radiation, suggesting that repair capacity plays an important role in the cellular response to chronic irradiation. Given the findings reported here, we propose that establishing detailed dose-response curves and accounting for the repair rates of different cell models are essential steps in elucidating dose-rate effects.
The growing risk of accidental radiation exposure due to increased usage of ionizing radiation, such as in nuclear power, industries and medicine, has increased the necessity for the development of radiation countermeasures. Previously, we demonstrated the therapeutic potential of the acetylated diacylglycerol, 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-3-acetyl-rac-glycerol (PLAG), as a radiation countermeasure by mitigating radiation-associated mortality and hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) in BALB/c mice after a lethal dose (LD70/30) of gamma-ray total-body irradiation (TBI). In this study, we show that PLAG mitigates symptoms of H-ARS, as characterized by mature blood cell recovery and restoration of bone marrow cellularity, by regulating systemic inflammation. Log-rank test demonstrated that high levels of WBCs, lymphocytes and neutrophils on day 10 post-TBI resulted in significantly improved survival rate. PLAG significantly enhanced the nadir values of all major blood cell types as well as bone marrow cellularity. A single TBI at LD70/30 induced an immediate increase in the blood levels of CXCL1 (12.5 fold), CXCL2 (1.5 fold), IL-6 (86.9 fold), C-reactive protein (CRP; 1.3 fold) and G-CSF (15.7 fold) at 6 h post-TBI, but the cytokine levels returned to baseline level afterward. When the irradiated mice started to die around 15 days post-TBI, they exhibited a second surge in blood levels of CXCL1 (49.3 fold), CXCL2 (87.1 fold), IL-6 (208 fold), CRP (3.6 fold) and G-CSF (265.7 fold). However, PLAG-treated groups showed a significant decrease in these same blood levels (P < 0.001). Considering the inverse correlation between inflammatory cytokine levels and hematological nadirs, PLAG exerts its therapeutic effects on H-ARS by regulating inflammatory cytokine production. These data suggest that PLAG has high potential as a radiation countermeasure to mitigate H-ARS after accidental exposure to radiation.
As the use of medical radiation procedures continues to rise, it is imperative to further our understanding of the effects of this exposure. The spleen is not known as a particularly radiosensitive organ, although its tolerance to radiation is not well understood. Low-dose radiation exposure has been implicated in beneficial responses, particularly in cell death and DNA damage repair. In this study, adult male rats received 2, 20, 200 mGy or 4 Gy whole-body X-ray irradiation and the transcriptional response in the spleen was analyzed at 0.5, 4 and 24 h postirradiation. We analyzed expression of genes involved in apoptosis, cell cycle progression and DNA damage repair. As expected, 4 Gy irradiated animals demonstrated elevated expression of genes related to apoptosis at 0.5, 4 and 24 h postirradiation in the spleen. These animals also showed upregulation of DNA damage repair genes at 24 h postirradiation. Interestingly, the spleens of 20 mGy irradiated animals showed reduced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest compared to the spleens of sham-irradiated animals. These results further reveal that the cellular response in the spleen to whole-body irradiation differs between low- and high-dose irradiation.
Isabelle Thierry-Chef, Gilles Ferro, Lucian Le Cornet, Jérémie Dabin, Tore S. Istad, Andreas Jahnen, Choonsik Lee, Carlo Maccia, Françoise Malchair, Hilde M. Olerud, Richard W. Harbron, Jordi Figuerola, Johannes Hermen, Monika Moissonnier, Marie-Odile Bernier, Magda Bosch de Basea, Graham Byrnes, Elisabeth Cardis, Michael Hauptmann, Neige Journy, Ausrele Kesminiene, Johanna M. Meulepas, Roman Pokora, Steven L. Simon
Within the European Epidemiological Study to Quantify Risks for Paediatric Computerized Tomography (EPI-CT study), a cohort was assembled comprising nearly one million children, adolescents and young adults who received over 1.4 million computed tomography (CT) examinations before 22 years of age in nine European countries from the late 1970s to 2014. Here we describe the methods used for, and the results of, organ dose estimations from CT scanning for the EPI-CT cohort members. Data on CT machine settings were obtained from national surveys, questionnaire data, and the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) headers of 437,249 individual CT scans. Exposure characteristics were reconstructed for patients within specific age groups who received scans of the same body region, based on categories of machines with common technology used over the time period in each of the 276 participating hospitals. A carefully designed method for assessing uncertainty combined with the National Cancer Institute Dosimetry System for CT (NCICT, a CT organ dose calculator), was employed to estimate absorbed dose to individual organs for each CT scan received. The two-dimensional Monte Carlo sampling method, which maintains a separation of shared and unshared error, allowed us to characterize uncertainty both on individual doses as well as for the entire cohort dose distribution. Provided here are summaries of estimated doses from CT imaging per scan and per examination, as well as the overall distribution of estimated doses in the cohort. Doses are provided for five selected tissues (active bone marrow, brain, eye lens, thyroid and female breasts), by body region (i.e., head, chest, abdomen/pelvis), patient age, and time period (1977–1990, 1991–2000, 2001–2014). Relatively high doses were received by the brain from head CTs in the early 1990s, with individual mean doses (mean of 200 simulated values) of up to 66 mGy per scan. Optimization strategies implemented since the late 1990s have resulted in an overall decrease in doses over time, especially at young ages. In chest CTs, active bone marrow doses dropped from over 15 mGy prior to 1991 to approximately 5 mGy per scan after 2001. Our findings illustrate patterns of age-specific doses and their temporal changes, and provide suitable dose estimates for radiation-induced risk estimation in epidemiological studies.
Astronauts can develop psychological stress (PS) during space flights due to the enclosed environment, microgravity, altered light-dark cycles, and risks of equipment failure or fatal mishaps. At the same time, they are exposed to cosmic rays including high atomic number and energy (HZE) particles such as iron-56 (Fe) ions. Psychological stress or radiation exposure can cause detrimental effects in humans. An earlier published pioneering study showed that chronic restraint-induced psychological stress (CRIPS) could attenuate Trp53 functions and increase carcinogenesis induced by low-linear energy transfer (LET) γ rays in Trp53-heterozygous (Trp53+/–) mice. To elucidate possible modification effects from CRIPS on high-LET HZE particle-induced health consequences, Trp53+/– mice were received both CRIPS and accelerated Fe ion irradiation. Six-week-old Trp53+/– C57BL/6N male mice were restrained 6 h per day for 28 consecutive days. On day 8, they received total-body Fe-particle irradiation (Fe-TBI, 0.1 or 2 Gy). Metaphase chromosome spreads prepared from splenocytes at the end of the 28-day restraint regimen were painted with the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes for chromosomes 1 (green), 2 (red) and 3 (yellow). Induction of psychological stress in our experimental model was confirmed by increase in urinary corticosterone level on day 7 of restraint regimen. Regardless of Fe-TBI, CRIPS reduced splenocyte number per spleen at the end of the 28-day restraint regimen. At 2 Gy, Fe-TBI alone induced many aberrant chromosomes and no modifying effect was detected from CRIPS on induction of aberrant chromosomes. Notably, neither Fe-TBI at 0.1 Gy nor CRIPS alone induced any increase in the frequency of aberrant chromosomes, while simultaneous exposure resulted in a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal exchanges. These findings clearly showed that CRIPS could enhance the frequency of chromosomal exchanges induced by Fe-TBI at a low dose of 0.1 Gy.
Li Wang, Min Zhai, Bin Lin, Wanchang Cui, Lisa Hull, Xianghong Li, Marsha N. Anderson, Joan T. Smith, Maria Victoria Umali, Suping Jiang, Juliann G. Kiang, Mang Xiao
Radiation combined injury (RCI, radiation exposure coupled with other forms of injury, such as burn, wound, hemorrhage, blast, trauma and/or sepsis) comprises approximately 65% of injuries from a nuclear explosion, and greatly increases the risk of morbidity and mortality when compared to that of radiation injury alone. To date, no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved countermeasures are available for RCI. Currently, three leukocyte growth factors (Neupogen®, Neulasta® and Leukine®) have been approved by the FDA for mitigating the hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome. However these granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) products have failed to increase 30-day survival of mice after RCI, suggesting a more complicated biological mechanism is in play for RCI than for radiation injury. In the current study, the mitigative efficacy of combination therapy using pegylated (PEG)-G-CSF (Neulasta) and -citrulline was evaluated in an RCI mouse model. L-citrulline is a neutral alpha-amino acid shown to improve vascular endothelial function in cardiovascular diseases. Three doses of PEG-G-CSF at 1 mg/kg, subcutaneously administered on days 1, 8 and 15 postirradiation, were supplemented with oral -citrulline (1 g/kg), once daily from day 1 to day 21 postirradiation. The combination treatment significantly improved the 30-day survival of mice after RCI from 15% (vehicle-treated) to 42%, and extended the median survival time by 4 days, as compared to vehicle controls. In addition, the combination therapy significantly increased body weight and bone marrow stem and progenitor cell clonogenicity in RCI mice, and accelerated recovery from RCI-induced intestinal injury, compared to animals treated with vehicle. Treatment with -citrulline alone also accelerated skin wound healing after RCI. In conclusion, these data indicate that the PEG-G-CSF and -citrulline combination therapy is a potentially effective countermeasure for mitigating RCI, likely by enhancing survival of the hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and accelerating recovery from the RCI-induced intestinal injury and skin wounds.
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