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Andrea M. Patterson, Rajendran Sellamuthu, P. Artur Plett, Carol H. Sampson, Hui Lin Chua, Alexa Fisher, Sasidhar Vemula, Hailin Feng, Barry P. Katz, Gregory Tudor, Steven J. Miller, Thomas J. MacVittie, Catherine Booth, Christie M. Orschell
Medical countermeasures (MCMs) for hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) should be evaluated in well-characterized animal models, with consideration of at-risk populations such as pediatrics. We have developed pediatric mouse models of H-ARS and delayed effects of acute radiation exposure (DEARE) for efficacy testing of MCMs against radiation. Male and female C57BL/6J mice aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 weeks old (±1 day) were characterized for baseline hematopoietic and gastrointestinal parameters, radiation response, efficacy of a known MCM, and DEARE at six and 12 months after total-body irradiation (TBI). Weanlings (age 3 weeks) were the most radiosensitive age group with an estimated LD50/30 of 712 cGy, while mice aged 4 to 8 weeks were more radioresistant with an estimated LD50/30 of 767–787 cGy. Female weanlings were more radiosensitive than males at 3 and 4 weeks old but became significantly more radioresistant after the pubertal age of 5 weeks. The most dramatic increase in body weight, RBC counts and intestinal circumference length occurred from 3 to 5 weeks of age. The established radiomitigator Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) significantly increased 30-day survival in all age groups, validating these models for MCM efficacy testing. Analyses of DEARE among pediatric survivors revealed depressed weight gain in males six months post-TBI, and increased blood urea nitrogen at 12 months post-TBI which was more severe in females. Hematopoietic DEARE at six months post-TBI appeared to be less severe in survivors from the 3- and 4-week-old groups but was equally severe in all age groups by 12 months of age. Similar to our other acute radiation mouse models, there was no appreciable effect of Neulasta used as an H-ARS MCM on the severity of DEARE. In summary, these data characterize a pediatric mouse model useful for assessing the efficacy of MCMs against ARS and DEARE in children.
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in diverse biological processes, including DNA damage repair, and are of interest as potential biomarkers of radiosensitivity. We investigated whether lncRNA radiosensitivity signatures could be derived for use in cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. Signature development involved radiosensitivity measurements for cell lines and primary tumor samples, and patient outcome after radiotherapy. A 10-lncRNA signature trained on radiosensitivity measurements in bladder cell lines showed a trend towards independent validation. In multivariable analyses, patients with tumors classified as radioresistant by the lncRNA signature had poorer local relapse-free survival (P = 0.065) in 151 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer who underwent radiotherapy. An mRNA-based radiosensitivity index signature performed similarly to the lncRNA bladder signature for local relapse-free survival (P = 0.055). Pathway analysis showed the lncRNA signature associated with molecular processes involved in radiation responses. Knockdown of one of the lncRNAs in the signature showed a modest increase in radiosensitivity in one cell line. An alternative approach involved training on primary cervical tumor radiosensitivity or local control after radiotherapy. Both approaches failed to generate a cervix lncRNA radiosensitivity signature, which was attributed to the age of samples in our cohorts. Our work highlights challenges in validating lncRNA signatures as biomarkers in archival tissue from radiotherapy cohorts, but supports continued investigation of lncRNAs for a role in radiosensitivity.
The workers at the Mayak nuclear facility near Ozyorsk, Russia are a primary source of information about exposure to radiation at low-dose rates, since they were subject to protracted exposures to external gamma rays and to internal exposures from plutonium inhalation. Here we re-examine lung cancer mortality rates and assess the effects of external gamma and internal plutonium exposures using recently developed Monte Carlo dosimetry systems. Using individual lagged mean annual lung doses computed from the dose realizations, we fit excess relative risk (ERR) models to the lung cancer mortality data for the Mayak Workers Cohort using risk-modeling software. We then used the corrected-information matrix (CIM) approach to widen the confidence intervals of ERR by taking into account the uncertainty in doses represented by multiple realizations from the Monte Carlo dosimetry systems. Findings of this work revealed that there were 930 lung cancer deaths during follow-up. Plutonium lung doses (but not gamma doses) were generally higher in the new dosimetry systems than those used in the previous analysis. This led to a reduction in the risk per unit dose compared to prior estimates. The estimated ERR/Gy for external gamma-ray exposure was 0.19 (95% CI: 0.07 to 0.31) for both sexes combined, while the ERR/Gy for internal exposures based on mean plutonium doses were 3.5 (95% CI: 2.3 to 4.6) and 8.9 (95% CI: 3.4 to 14) for males and females at attained age 60. Accounting for uncertainty in dose had little effect on the confidence intervals for the ERR associated with gamma-ray exposure, but had a marked impact on confidence intervals, particularly the upper bounds, for the effect of plutonium exposure [adjusted 95% CIs: 1.5 to 8.9 for males and 2.7 to 28 for females]. In conclusion, lung cancer rates increased significantly with both external gamma-ray and internal plutonium exposures. Accounting for the effects of dose uncertainty markedly increased the width of the confidence intervals for the plutonium dose response but had little impact on the external gamma dose effect estimate. Adjusting risk estimate confidence intervals using CIM provides a solution to the important problem of dose uncertainty. This work demonstrates, for the first time, that it is possible and practical to use our recently developed CIM method to make such adjustments in a large cohort study.
The success of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) mainly depends on the boron concentration in the tumor and a high tumor/normal tissue (T/N) boron ratio or a high tumor/blood (T/B) boron ratio. Therefore, the effective enhancement of boron ratios is the first priority. Our study investigated whether a low-dose of γ-radiation (LDR) could improve boron ratios and enhance the therapeutic effects of BNCT in an orthotopic human oral squamous cell carcinoma-bearing animal model. SAS/luc cells were used to establish the orthotopic tumor-bearing model. The pharmacokinetics of boronophenylalanine (BPA) administration with 400 mg/kg of body weight both alone and in combination with LDR (0.1 Gy) was evaluated, and BNCT was performed at the Tsing Hua Open-pool Reactor (THOR). The radiation doses were evaluated using a treatment planning system. Moreover, tumor growth and metastasis were monitored via bioluminescence imaging (BLI). The therapeutic effects after BNCT were evaluated using BLI, histopathological findings and the overall survival rate. LDR increased the BPA accumulation in tumors by 52.2%. T/N and T/B ratios were enhanced from 3.77 to 5.31 and from 3.47 to 4.46, respectively. Radiation dose was increased by 44.3%. Notably, tumor recurrence and cervical lymph node metastasis were observed in the BNCT group, which had a survival rate of 50%. Complete responses were found in the combined-treatment group, which had a survival rate of 100%. No toxicity was found according to the histopathological findings. Conclusively, LDR increased BPA accumulation in the tumor and the T/N and T/B ratios, resulting in BNCT efficacy improvement and the overall survival rate extension.
Radiation-induced brain injury (RBI) is a serious complication in patients who have received radiotherapy for head and neck tumors. Currently, there is a scarcity of information on early diagnostic and preventive methods of RBI. Accumulating evidence suggests that microRNAs are involved in the regulation of radiation injury, but the molecular biological mechanism of miRNAs in RBI is largely unknown. Therefore, in our study, microRNA sequencing was used to discover differential miRNAs in the hippocampus of RBI-modeled mice, which suggested that miR-741-3p was most significantly upregulated. To clarify the underlying mechanism of miR-741-3p in RBI-modeled mice, an inhibitor of miR-741-3p (antagomiR-741) was delivered into the brain via the nasal passage before irradiation. The delivery of antagomiR-741 significantly reduced miR-741-3p levels in the hippocampus of RBI-modeled mice, and the cognitive dysfunction and neuronal apoptosis induced by radiation were also alleviated at 6 weeks postirradiation. Downregulation of miR-741-3p was found to improve the protrusion and branching status of microglia after irradiation and reduced the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes. Additionally, antagomiR-741 suppressed the radiation-induced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α in the hippocampus and S100B in the serum. Furthermore, Ddr2, PKCα and St8sia1 were revealed as target genes of miR-741-3p and as potential regulatory targets for RBI. Overall, our study provides identification and functional evaluation of miRNA in RBI and lays the foundation for improving the prevention strategy for RBI based on the delivery of miRNA via the nose-brain pathway.
Numerous studies have shown that histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis) improve cellular acetylation while also enhancing the radiation sensitivity. In this work, however, we confirmed that low-dose trichostatin A (TSA) as a typical HDACi could reduce rather than increase the radiosensitivity of cancer cells, while the cellular acetylation was also increased with TSA-induced epigenetic modification. The surviving fraction of HeLa/HepG2 cells pretreated with 25 nM TSA for 24 h was higher at 1 Gy/2 Gy of γ-ray radiation than that of the cells with the same radiation dose but without TSA pretreatment. To understand the underlying mechanism, we investigated the effect of low-dose TSA on HO-1, SOD and CAT induction and activating Akt together with its downstream Nrf2 signaling pathway. Our results indicated that TSA activated HO-1, SOD and CAT expression by increasing the phosphorylation level of Nrf2 in an Akt-dependent manner. In addition, we also observed that the 25-nM-TSA-pretreated group showed a significant increase in the antioxidant capacity in terms of SOD and CAT activities. Therefore, our results suggest that low-dose TSA can activate the Akt/Nrf2 pathway and upregulate expression of HO-1, SOD and CAT to stimulate the cellular defense mechanism. This work demonstrates that low-dose TSA treatment may activate the adaptation mechanism against the oxidative stress induced by ionizing radiation, and application of HDACi treatment should be undertaken with caution to avoid its possible radioresistance in radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Cyclin G1 is a novel member of the cyclin family, and it is abnormally expressed in HCC. In this study we investigated the role of cyclin G1 in the radiotherapy of HCC cells. The expression of cyclin G1 was silenced by transfection of cyclin G1-siRNA into HepG2 cells and Huh7 cells, and the expression of cyclin G1 mRNA and protein was measured by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis. The proliferation was analyzed using MTT assay, and the radiosensitivity of HCC cells was detected using colony formation assay and a xenograft tumor model. The expression of apoptosis-related proteins (Bcl-2 and Bax) was detected by Western blot analysis, and caspase-3 was detected using fluorimetry. The expression of cyclin G1 mRNA and protein in HepG2/Huh7-cyclin G1-siRNA cells was found to be significantly decreased compared to that in HepG2/Huh7 cells. Silencing the expression of cyclin G1 inhibited the proliferation of HCC cells and enhanced radiosensitivity in HCC cells in vitro and in vivo. Knockdown of cyclin G1 expression significantly decreased Bcl-2 expression, and increased Bax expression and caspase-3 activity in HCC cells. Silencing of cyclin G1 expression enhances the radiosensitivity of HCC cells in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism for this may be related to the regulation of apoptosis-related proteins.
A. Iulian Apostoaei, Brian A. Thomas, F. Owen Hoffman, David C. Kocher, Kathleen M. Thiessen, David Borrego, Choonsik Lee, Steven L. Simon, Lydia B. Zablotska
As part of ongoing efforts to assess lifespan disease mortality and incidence in 63,715 patients from the Canadian Fluoroscopy Cohort Study (CFCS) who were treated for tuberculosis between 1930 and 1969, we developed a new FLUoroscopy X-ray ORgan-specific dosimetry system (FLUXOR) to estimate radiation doses to various organs and tissues. Approximately 45% of patients received medical procedures accompanied by fluoroscopy, including artificial pneumothorax (air in pleural cavity to collapse of lungs), pneumoperitoneum (air in peritoneal cavity), aspiration of fluid from pleural cavity and gastrointestinal series. In addition, patients received chest radiographs for purposes of diagnosis and monitoring of disease status. FLUXOR utilizes age-, sex- and body size-dependent dose coefficients for fluoroscopy and radiography exams, estimated using radiation transport simulations in up-to-date computational hybrid anthropomorphic phantoms. The phantoms include an updated heart model, and were adjusted to match the estimated mean height and body mass of tuberculosis patients in Canada during the relevant time period. Patient-specific data (machine settings, exposure duration, patient orientation) used during individual fluoroscopy or radiography exams were not recorded. Doses to patients were based on parameter values inferred from interviews with 91 physicians practicing at the time, historical literature, and estimated number of procedures from patient records. FLUXOR uses probability distributions to represent the uncertainty in the unknown true, average value of each dosimetry parameter. Uncertainties were shared across all patients within specific subgroups of the cohort, defined by age at treatment, sex, type of procedure, time period of exams and region (Nova Scotia or other provinces). Monte Carlo techniques were used to propagate uncertainties, by sampling alternative average values for each parameter. Alternative average doses per exam were estimated for patients in each subgroup, with the total average dose per individual determined by the number of exams received. This process was repeated to produce alternative cohort vectors of average organ doses per patient. This article presents estimates of doses to lungs, female breast, active bone marrow and heart wall. Means and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of average organ doses across all 63,715 patients were 320 (160, 560) mGy to lungs, 250 (120, 450) mGy to female breast, 190 (100, 340) mGy to heart wall and 92 (47, 160) mGy to active bone marrow. Approximately 60% of all patients had average doses to the four studied organs of less than 10 mGy, 10% received between 10 and 100 mGy, 25% between 100 and 1,000 mGy, and 5% above 1,000 mGy. Pneumothorax was the medical procedure that accounted for the largest contribution to cohort average doses. The major contributors to uncertainty in estimated doses per procedure for the four organs of interest are the uncertainties in exposure duration, tube voltage, tube output, and patient orientation relative to the X-ray tube, with the uncertainty in exposure duration being most often the dominant source. Uncertainty in patient orientation was important for doses to female breast, and, to a lesser degree, for doses to heart wall. The uncertainty in number of exams was an important contributor to uncertainty for ∼30% of patients. The estimated organ doses and their uncertainties will be used for analyses of incidence and mortality of cancer and non-cancer diseases. The CFCS cohort is an important addition to existing radio-epidemiological cohorts, given the moderate-to-high doses received fractionated over several years, the type of irradiation (external irradiation only), radiation type (X rays only), a balanced combination of both genders and inclusion of people of all ages.
In most studies on radiation workers, the incidence of thyroid cancer was determined to be higher than among the general population; this is generally assumed to be due to overdiagnosis through thyroid screening. However, there is a lack of evidence on the association between thyroid screening and increased thyroid cancer incidence in most occupational studies. In this study, we compared thyroid cancer screening rates between the general population and radiation workers with various occupations and examined the relationship between these rates and thyroid cancer incidence. We compared thyroid screening rates between radiation workers and the general population with age- and sex-standardized screening ratios (SSRs) using data from two national surveys conducted during 2015–2017 in Korea, and assessed the correlation between these ratios and age- and sex-standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for thyroid cancer. Screening rates were higher among radiation workers than among the general population, with an overall SSR of 1.58 (95% confidence interval: 1.54–1.62). When various types of occupations were compared, those with an increased SSR also had an increased SIR. SSRs remained high even when the screening period was restricted to the year preceding the survey (the year after the establishment of guidelines for thyroid cancer screening aimed at reducing overdiagnosis). In conclusion, the increased incidence of thyroid cancer among radiation workers compared to that among the general population can be attributed mainly to increased thyroid screening rates. Additional efforts are needed to reduce unnecessary thyroid cancer screening in occupational populations, particularly in those with better access to healthcare, in terms of clinical rationale and for assessing the true increase in thyroid cancer incidence.
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