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Andrea M. Patterson, Tong Wu, Hui Lin Chua, Carol H. Sampson, Alexa Fisher, Pratibha Singh, Theresa A. Guise, Hailin Feng, Jessica Muldoon, Laura Wright, P. Artur Plett, Louis M. Pelus, Christie M. Orschell
Identification of medical countermeasures (MCM) to mitigate radiation damage and/or protect first responders is a compelling unmet medical need. The prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) analog, 16,16 dimethyl-PGE2 (dmPGE2), has shown efficacy as a radioprotectant and radiomitigator that can enhance hematopoiesis and ameliorate intestinal mucosal cell damage. In this study, we optimized the time of administration of dmPGE2 for protection and mitigation against mortality from the hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) in young adult mice, evaluated its activity in pediatric and geriatric populations, and investigated potential mechanisms of action. Windows of 30-day survival efficacy for single administration of dmPGE2 were defined as within 3 h prior to and 6–30 h after total-body γ irradiation (TBI). Radioprotective and radio-mitigating efficacy was also observed in 2-year-old geriatric mice and 6-week-old pediatric mice. PGE2 receptor agonist studies suggest that signaling through EP4 is primarily responsible for the radioprotective effects. DmPGE2 administration prior to TBI attenuated the drop in red blood cells and platelets, accelerated recovery of all peripheral blood cell types, and resulted in higher hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells in survivor bone marrow. Multiplex analysis of bone marrow cytokines together with RNA sequencing of hematopoietic stem cells indicated a pro-hematopoiesis cytokine milieu induced by dmPGE2, with IL-6 and G-CSF strongly implicated in dmPGE2-mediated radioprotective activity. In summary, we have identified windows of administration for significant radio-mitigation and radioprotection by dmPGE2 in H-ARS, demonstrated survival efficacy in special populations, and gained insight into radioprotective mechanisms, information useful towards development of dmPGE2 as a MCM for first responders, military personnel, and civilians facing radiation threats.
Mary-Keara Boss, Rebecca E. Oberley-Deegan, Ines Batinic-Haberle, Geoffrey A. Talmon, Jason A. Somarelli, Shengnan Xu, Elizabeth A. Kosmacek, Brandon Griess, Shakeel Mir, Shashank Shrishrimal, Melissa Teoh-Fitzgerald, Ivan Spasojevic, Mark W. Dewhirst
Novel synthetic compounds, known as manganese porphyrins (MnPs), have been designed to shift the redox status of both normal cells and cancer cells. When MnPs are coupled with cancer therapies, such as radiation, they have been shown to sensitize tumor cells to treatment and protect normal tissues from damage through the modulation of the redox status of various tissue types. Until now, our preclinical studies have focused on local effects of MnPs and radiation; however, we recognize that successful outcomes for cancer patients involve control of tumor cells throughout the body. In this study, using murine orthotopic mammary tumor models, we investigated how MnPs and radiation influence the development of distant metastasis. We hypothesized that the combination of MnP (MnP/RT), such as MnTnBuOE-2-PyP5+ and radiation treatment (RT) would increase local tumor control via a shift in the intratumoral redox environment, leading to subsequent downregulation of HIF-1 in the primary tumor. Secondarily, we hypothesized that these primary tumor treatment effects would result in a reduction in pulmonary metastatic burden. Balb/c mice with orthotopic 4T1 mammary carcinomas were treated with saline, MnP, RT or MnP/RT. We found MnP/RT did extend local tumor growth delay and overall survival compared to controls and was associated with increased intratumoral oxidative stress. However, the primary tumor growth delay observed with MnP/RT was not associated with a reduced pulmonary metastatic burden. Future directions to investigate the effects of MnP/RT on the development of distant metastasis may include modifications to the radiation dose, the experimental timeline or using a murine mammary carcinoma cell line with a less aggressive metastatic behavior. Clinical trials are underway to investigate the clinical utility of MnTnBuOE-2-PyP5+ for patients undergoing radiotherapy for various tumor types. The promising preclinical data from this study, as well as others, provides support that MnP/RT has the potential to improve local tumor control for these patients.
As part of the recent series of articles to create a comprehensive description of the radiation risks of solid cancer incidence after ionizing radiation exposure, based on the atomic bomb survivors' Life Span Study (LSS), this work focuses on the risks of urinary tract cancer (UTC) and kidney cancer. Analyses covered a 52-year period of follow-up, through 2009, among 105,444 eligible survivors who were alive and cancer free in 1958. This represents an additional 11 years of follow-up since the last comprehensive report, with a total of 3,079,502 person-years. We observed 790 UTC and 218 kidney cancer cases. Adjusted for smoking, there was a strong linear radiation dose response for UTC. The sex-averaged excess relative risk per 1 Gy (ERR/Gy) was 1.4 (95% confidence interval, CI: 0.82 to 2.1). Both males and females showed significantly increased ERRs/Gy with female point estimates at a factor of 3.4 (95% CI: 1.4 to 8.6) greater than male estimates. UTC radiation risks were largely unmodified by age at exposure or attained age. The attributable fraction of UTC to radiation exposure was approximately 18% while that attributed to smoking was 48%. Kidney cancer showed an increased ERR due to smoking (0.56 per 50 pack-years; 95% CI –0.007 to 1.6; P = 0.054), but we did not observe any strong associations of kidney cancer with radiation exposure, although sex-specific dose responses were found to be statistically different.
“FLASH radiotherapy” is a new method of radiation treatment by which large doses of radiation are delivered at high dose rates to tumors almost instantaneously (a few milliseconds), paradoxically sparing healthy tissue while preserving anti-tumor activity. To date, no definitive mechanism has been proposed to explain the different responses of the tumor and normal tissue to radiation. As a first step, and given that living cells and tissues consist mainly of water, we studied the effects of high dose rates on the transient yields (G values) of the radical and molecular species formed in the radiolysis of deaerated/aerated water by irradiating protons, using Monte Carlo simulations. Our simulation model consisted of two steps: 1. The random irradiation of a right circular cylindrical volume of water, embedded in nonirradiated bulk water, with single and instantaneous pulses of N 300-MeV incident protons (“linear energy transfer” or LET ∼ 0.3 keV/µm) traveling along the axis of the cylinder; and 2. The development of these N proton tracks, which were initially contained in the irradiated cylinder, throughout the solution over time. The effect of dose rate was studied by varying N, which was calibrated in terms of dose rate. For this, experimental data on the yield G(Fe3+) of the super-Fricke dosimeter as a function of dose rate up to ∼1010 Gy/s were used. Confirming previous experimental and theoretical studies, significant changes in product yields were found to occur with increasing dose rate, with lower radical and higher molecular yields, which result from an increase in the radical density in the bulk of the solution. Using the kinetics of the decay of hydrated electrons, a critical time (τc), which corresponds to the “onset” of dose-rate effects, was determined for each value of N. For the cylindrical irradiation model, τc was inversely proportional to the dose rate. Moreover, the comparison with experiments with pulsed electrons underlined the importance of the geometry of the irradiation volume for the estimation of τc. Finally, in the case of aerated water radiolysis, we calculated the yield of oxygen consumption and estimated the corresponding concentration of consumed (depleted) oxygen as a function of time and dose rate. It was shown that this concentration increases substantially with increasing dose rate in the time window ∼1 ns–10 µs, with a very pronounced maximum around 0.2 µs. For high-dose-rate irradiations (>109 Gy/s), a large part of the available oxygen (∼0.25 mM for an air-saturated solution) was found to be consumed. This result, which was obtained on a purely water radiation chemistry basis, strongly supports the hypothesis that the normal tissue-sparing effect of FLASH stems from temporary hypoxia due to oxygen depletion induced by high-dose-rate irradiation.
The interpretation of radiation dose is an important procedure for both radiological operators and persons who are exposed to background or artificial radiations. Dicentric chromosome assay (DCA) is one of the representative methods of dose estimation that discriminates the aberration in chromosomes modified by radiation. Despite the DCA-based automated radiation dose estimation methods proposed in previous studies, there are still limitations to the accuracy of dose estimation. In this study, a DCA-based automated dose estimation system using deep learning methods is proposed. The system is comprised of three stages. In the first stage, a classifier based on a deep learning technique is used for filtering the chromosome images that are not appropriate for use in distinguishing the chromosome; 99% filtering accuracy was achieved with 2,040 test images. In the second stage, the dicentric rate is evaluated by counting and identifying chromosomes based on the Feature Pyramid Network, which is one of the object detection algorithms based on deep learning architecture. The accuracies of the neural networks for counting and identifying chromosomes were estimated at over 97% and 90%, respectively. In the third stage, dose estimation is conducted using the dicentric rate and the dose-response curve. The accuracies of the system were estimated using two independent samples; absorbed doses ranging from 1– 4 Gy agreed well within a 99% confidential interval showing highest accuracy compared to those in previous studies. The goal of this study was to provide insights towards achieving complete automation of the radiation dose estimation, especially in the event of a large-scale radiation exposure incident.
Radiation-induced skin injury remains a serious concern for cancer radiotherapy, radiation accidents and occupational exposure, and the damage mainly occurs due to apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. There is currently no effective treatment for this disorder. The β-catenin signaling pathway is involved in the repair and regeneration of injured tissues. However, the role of the β-catenin signaling pathway in radiation-induced skin injury has not been reported. In this study, we demonstrated that the β-catenin signaling pathway was activated in response to radiation and that its activation by Wnt3a, a ligand-protein involved in the β-catenin signaling pathway, inhibited apoptosis and the production of ROS in irradiated human keratinocyte HaCaT cells and skin fibroblast WS1 cells. Additionally, Wnt3a promoted cell migration after irradiation. In a mouse model of full-thickness skin wounds combined with total-body irradiation, Wnt3a was shown to facilitate skin wound healing. The results from RNA-Seq revealed that 24 genes were upregulated and 154 were downregulated in Wnt3a-treated irradiated skin cells, and these dysregulated genes were mainly enriched in the tight junction pathway. Among them, Marvel D3 showed the most obvious difference. We further found that the activated β-catenin signaling pathway stimulated the phosphorylation of JNK by silencing Marvel D3. Treatment of irradiated cells with SP600125, a JNK inhibitor, augmented ROS production and impeded cell migration. Furthermore, treatment with Wnt3a or transfection with Marvel D3-specific siRNAs could reverse the above effects. Taken together, these findings illustrate that activated β-catenin signaling stimulates the activation of JNK by negatively regulating Marvel D3 to ameliorate radiation-induced skin injury.
Nicholas P. Clayton, Richard C. Khan-Malek, Charles A. Dangler, Donghui Zhang, Alexis Ascah, Malcolm Gains, Brent Gardner, Colleen Mockbee, Joan M. Keutzer, John McManus, Simon Authier
Exposure to acute, high-dose, whole-body ionizing radiation results in bone marrow failure (hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome with resultant infection, bleeding, anemia, and increased risk of death). Sargramostim (yeast-derived rhu GM-CSF), a yeast-derived, molecularly cloned, hematopoietic growth factor and pleiotropic cytokine supports proliferation, differentiation, maturation and survival of cells of several myeloid lineages. We evaluated the efficacy of sargramostim in non-human primates (rhesus macaques) exposed to whole-body ionizing radiation at a 50–60% lethal dose. The primary end point was day 60 survival. Non-human primates received daily subcutaneous sargramostim (7 mcg/kg/day) or control. To reflect the anticipated setting of a nuclear or radiologic event, treatment began 48 h postirradiation, and non-human primates received only moderate supportive care (no whole blood transfusions or individualized antibiotics). Sargramostim significantly increased day 60 survival to 78% (95% confidence interval, 61–90%) vs. 42% (26–59%; P = 0.0018) in controls. Neutrophil, platelet and lymphocyte recovery rates were accelerated and infection rates decreased. Improved survival when sargramostim was started 48 h postirradiation, without use of intensive supportive care, suggests sargramostim may be effective in treating humans exposed to acute, high-dose whole-body, ionizing radiation in a scenario such as a mass casualty event.
D. V. Shurtakova, B. V. Yavkin, G. V. Mamin, S. B. Orlinskii, V. P. Sirotinkin, A. Yu. Fedotov, A. Shinkarev, A. Antuzevics, I. V. Smirnov, V. I. Tovtin, E. E. Starostin, M. R. Gafurov, V. S. Komlev
Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) {Ca8H2(PO4)6×5H2O] has attracted increasing attention over the last decade as a transient intermediate to the biogenic apatite for bone engineering and in studies involving the processes of pathological calcification. In this work, OCP powders obtained by hydrolysis of dicalcium phosphate dehydrate were subjected to X- and γ-ray irradiation and studied by means of stationary and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance at 9, 36 and 94 GHz microwave frequencies. Several types of paramagnetic centers were observed in the investigated samples. Their spectroscopic parameters (components of the g and hyperfine tensors) were determined. Based on the extracted parameters, the induced centers were ascribed to H0, CO33–, CO2– and nitrogen-centered (presumably NO32–) radicals. The spectroscopic parameters of the nitrogen-centered stable radical in OCP powders were found to be markedly different from those in hydroxyapatite. According to X-ray diffraction data, γ-ray irradiation allowed the phase composition of calcium phosphates to change; all minor phases with the exception of OCP and hydroxyapatite disappeared, while the OCP crystal lattice parameters changed after irradiation. The obtained results could be used for the tracing of mineralization processes from their initiation to completion of the final product, identification of the OCP phase, and to follow the influence of radiation processes on phase composition of calcium phosphates.
Cells exposed to fast neutrons often exhibit a non-Poisson distribution of chromosome aberrations due to the high ionization density of the secondary reaction products. However, it is unknown whether lymphocytes exposed to californium-252 (252Cf) spectrum neutrons, of mean energy 2.1 MeV, demonstrate this same dispersion effect at low doses. Furthermore, there is no consensus regarding the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 252Cf neutrons. Dicentric and ring chromosome formations were assessed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes irradiated at doses of 12–135 mGy. The number of aberrations observed were tested for adherence to a Poisson distribution and the maximum low-dose relative biological effectiveness (RBEM) was also assessed. When 252Cf-irradiated lymphocytes were examined along with previously published cesium-137 (137Cs) data, RBEM values of 15.0 ± 2.2 and 25.7 ± 3.8 were found for the neutron-plus-photon and neutron-only dose components, respectively. Four of the five dose points were found to exhibit the expected, or close to the expected non-Poisson over-dispersion of aberrations. Thus, even at low doses of 252Cf fast neutrons, when sufficient lymphocyte nuclei are scored, chromosome aberration clustering can be observed.
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