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The relation of primary production to respiration and dependence of both processes on various environmental factors were investigated in the surface waters of lakes of The Great Mazurian Lake System (GMLS) during summer seasons 2009–2011. Primary production and extracellular release was determined by 14C method, respiration (dark oxygen consumption) - by Winkler's method. Collected results allow to conclude that: (i) in all studied lakes primary production was primarily cyanobacterial, although in mesotrophic ones participation of eukaryotic phytoplankton in light CO2 fixation was more pronounced; (ii) in mesotrophic part of GMLS primary production was limited alternately by N and P availability and less dependent on N and P regeneration processes, whereas in southern, eutrophic lakes it was primarily fueled by regeneration of biogenic substances from organic compounds and strongly limited by N resources; (iii) although in photic zone of whole GMLS respiration was dominated by heterotrophic bacteria, in its mesotrophic part also participation of other plankton components in respiration processes was significant and, (iv) that in eutrophic lakes planktonic respiration was more dependent on low molecular weight products liberated enzymatically from organic substrates than on organic compounds released by primary producers. The mean production to respiration ratio, which varied from 2.11 to 2.60 in northern, and from 2.05 to 3.67 in southern lakes suggested that during period of investigations photic zones of lakes of both parts of GMLS were net autotrophic systems.
We analyzed the influence of climatic variables on the abundance of native tree species in 1,490 sampling plots systematically distributed in the Sierra Madre Occidental (state of Durango, Northwestern Mexico, 26°50′ and 22°17′N and 107°09′ and 102°30′W). We used the Weibull distribution and the finite Gaussian mixture model to study the climatic limits of 15 tree species in relation to seven variables thought to affect species abundance. We found that although they may occur in the same geographical region, some species display a wider range of ecological tolerance than others. Of the 15 species under study, only two (Quercus magnoliifolia and Q. arizonica) can be considered generalists in relation to some climatic variables, while the other 13 species behaved as specialists, implying a narrower range of distribution. The analytical techniques used enabled us to demarcate the zones in which the probability of abundance of each species is highest in relation to the climate variables considered. The findings could be used to help define climate for the 15 studied tree species of economic and ecological interest.
The paper examines the results of phenological research on common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) during a period of 21 years (1995–2015) in the submontane beech forest of central Slovakia (Inner Western Carpathians). We focused on bud-burst, leaf unfolding and leaf colouring. Temporal analysis indicated that the mean monthly air temperature increased, especially from April to August. An extraordinary increase of air temperature in March and April, mostly in the last decade, was detected. The precipitation from May to August varied considerably, but in the range of the long-term mean value. During the study period, the mean/earliest/ latest onset of the bud-burst of common beech was observed on the 110th /101st/120th day of the year (DOY), respectively. As for leaf unfolding 10% and 50% (LU 10 and LU 50), we found the mean/earliest/latest onset on the 114th/103rd/122nd DOY and on the 118th/108th/124th DOY, respectively. The mean/earliest/latest onset of leaf colouring 10% (LC 10) and 50% (LC 50) started on the 272nd/262nd/288th DOY and on 286th/276th/298th, respectively. A medium degree of negative correlation (r = -0.68, P < 0.05) was found between air temperature and spring plant development (LU 50). In contrast, for both the cumulative temperature and precipitation, we found very low correlation with autumnal leaf phenology (r ≤ 0.3, P > 0.05). The vegetation period of the examined tree species lasted for 168 days on average (min/max were 155/183 days). Trend analysis revealed an earlier onset of spring phenophases by 7 days/2 decades. Conversely, a delay of autumnal phenophases by 9 days was recorded, so the vegetation period of beech extended by more than two weeks during the study period.
Two saxaul species - black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum Minkw.) and white saxaul (Haloxylon persicum Bunge) - constitute the principal arboreal cover of the cold continental deserts of Central Asia. While the latter is a rain-fed shrub distributed on sand dunes, the former is a ground-water phreatophyte mainly found on alluvial terraces. Saxaul has played an important role as a fodder plant also used as firewood by local herders. Due to over-grazing and over-exploitation for fuel during the past fifty years, the oncedominant saxaul vegetation has considerably degraded. Important growth characteristics at the present plantations (such as height, and basal trunk and crown diameters) show a direct quantitative relationship between the plants' age up to the 25-year lifetime and the total tree biomass reduced by natural degradation. Annual productivity largely depends on the overall vegetation density that reflects specific environmental conditions at particular locations. The recommended harvest rate, balancing the calculated natural regeneration capacity, should not exceed 0.82 t/ha at the density of up to 900 shrubs/ha, 1.78 t/ha at the density of 900–1500 shrubs/ ha and 2.63 t/ha at the density of 1500–2000 shrubs/ha. The results from the field monitoring sites provide new insights on the natural reproductive potential of black saxaul shrub-forests in undisturbed versus anthropogenically affected and exploited semidesert and parkland settings of Central Asia.
Taxus baccata is a rare species throughout its entire natural range and is often categorized as nationally threatened in countries where it occurs. In Poland yew is under protection and almost all sites with yew occurrences are subject to reserve protection. The aim of the study was to answer the following questions: What is the tree diameter structure of stands in three yew reserves? What is the stand biodiversity of three yew reserves in central Poland? How does the stand species composition influence natural regeneration of yew? What shall be done in the future to protect yew in its natural habitats? The study was conducted in three yew reserves in central Poland. Based on a detailed research on 30 circular sample plots established in each reserve we found high stand diversity in all investigated areas. Shannon-Weiner index (H´) was high in general and ranged from 1.50 to 1.69, and the Shannon's index of evenness (E) ranged from 0.51 to 0.64. The diameter structure of two studied reserves was similar to natural multi-layered stand structure. The number of yew trees and their vitality was low. The species diversity of natural regeneration in all reserves was very high. However, the quantity and quality of yew regeneration in multi-layered diameter structure was significantly lower than in one-layered stand structure. To protect yew, appropriate conservation measures should be undertaken, including silvicultural treatments for in situ species conservation. We found that passive conservation is an inappropriate strategy for yew because of its weak competitiveness ability. We recommend active conservation approach, including silvicultural treatments. i.e. cutting broadleaved trees in places where the basal area is the highest, removing some trees in the upper layer of stand which compete with yews. Individual protection of yew seedlings and saplings is also necessary because of damages caused by herbivores.
Post-industrial sites, including fly ash deposits, are common landscape components in many Central European regions. Their effective restoration is thus crucial because such habitats have been recognised as critical secondary refuges for many endangered and declining species. Controversially, the overwhelming majority of restoration projects consider vegetation units as the restoration target and thus ignore various habitat resources of many endangered species. Our study details habitat-use of the grayling Hipparchia semele, a European endemic xerothermophilous specialist and one of the most rapidly declining butterflies in Central Europe, inhabiting a fly ash deposit in the Kadaň region, western Czech Republic. We estimated its population to 510 males and 346 females by the capture-mark-recapture method during its whole flight period. By detailed recording of all observed specimens' behaviour, we show that this species uses resources from distinct vegetation units, such as exposed and disturbed spots, ruderal regrowths, solitary trees and shrubs, rocks and artificial concrete structures. Because the studied population can act as a source for the whole region, the grayling's ecological needs should be considered in any restoration project. Oppositely, the originally planned restoration of dry grasslands based on plant species composition of vegetation would very probably threaten one of the last two metapopulations in the whole country. Using the grayling's case, we thus warn against the vegetation-based habitat approach in restoration ecology; the resource-based habitat approach should be prioritised, especially when considering needs of the most threatened and/or umbrella species.
Grasslands, especially those under ecological management (i.e. mowing, and grazing without fertilizers and chemicals), have significant importance for many arthropods, including ground beetles. We studied the abundance and species diversity of Carabidae of four uphill grasslands (West Sudety Mountains, Poland) under different management intensity: cattle grazing (one or four times per year), mowing, and alternatively managed (grazing/mowing). Beetles were collected using pitfall traps during three whole grazing seasons, i.e. from April to October in 2007–2009. The most frequent species of beetles, on each of the plots, were predators Poecilus cupreus, Calathus fuscipes and Nebria brevicollis. Sixtyfour ground beetle species were found altogether. Species richness ranged from 42 to 47, with the mean number of individuals per trap day-1 from 0.006 to 0.018. In the years of the study the number of ground beetles and their species diversity were higher on meadows mown once per year and alternatively managed grasslands as compared with grazed sites. Therefore, the simplified, organic way of agricultural production with reduced mowing or moving combined with grazing can be considered as appropriate in preserving the biodiversity of the grasslands in mountainous regions.
The ground-active arthropod diversity response to size of shrub plantations in desertified grassland ecosystems is largely unknown. In the study ground-active arthropods were collected by pitfall trapping beneath shrub canopy of very low, low, medium and high size, with adjacent mobile sandy land as a control. It was found that arthropod dominant taxa from mobile sandy land were significantly distinctive from those from plantations of different shrub size. A considerably lower Sørensen index (i.e., 0.25–0.48) was found between the arthropod communities from mobile sandy land and the canopy of either shrub size, than between those under low and medium/high shrub size (i.e., 0.62 to 0.69). The arthropod total abundance was significantly greater under the shrub canopy of very low size in comparison to that of low and medium shrub size and mobile sandy land, with the intermediate values under shrub canopy of high shrub size. Taxon richness and diversity of arthropod communities were distinctly lower under the shrub canopy of low size in comparison to very low, medium and high shrub size. The shrub size was found to have different effects on the density and richness distribution of arthropod trophic groups (i.e., predators, phytophagous, saprophagous, and omnivorous). It was concluded that shrub plantations could facilitate ground-active arthropod diversity recovery when they were afforested in mobile sandy land. There was a contrasting effect of shrub size on ground-active arthropod diversity recovery versus arthropod abundance when grazing was excluded.
Artur Golawski, Janusz Kupryjanowicz, Piotr Szczypinski, Andrzej Dombrowski, Emilia Mroz, Marek Twardowski, Szymon Kielan, Krzysztof Antczak, Piotr Pagorski, Marek Murawski
The red-footed falcon Falco vespertinus inhabiting SE Europe is known for its irruptive migrations. Here we attempt to outline the causes (weather conditions, dietary composition etc.) of the irruptions in 2014–2016 in east-central Poland. From 2004 to 2016 a total of 2873 falcons were counted during 542 observation bouts. The speeds of E and SE winds in August and September differed significantly between irruption and non-irruption years and were 1.3 km/h faster in the irruption years. Other weather factors, such as the number of days with E and SE winds, air temperature and the global North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Scandinavia (SCAND) indexes, did not differ statistically between irruption and non-irruption years. The remains of 813 prey items were found in pellets collected in August and September, with a 93% dominance of insects; 84% of these were Coleoptera and Orthoptera. The irruptions of red-footed falcons in 2014–2016 may be also associated with increase in the number of breeding pairs in SE Europe.
This paper presents results of a study focused on using the increased predation pressure of avian raptors for biocontrol of local populations of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) in Haná (Czech Republic), a region of traditional agriculture in central Europe. Five raptor perches per hectare were installed on fields (total number of perches installed per year was 625) during two vole outbreaks in 2005/2006 and 2009/2010. The importance of the installed perches for the abundance of raptors during both outbreaks was evaluated based on the overall raptor counting along a transect. The results imply that supporting aggregations of raptors on agricultural arable land by means of installed artificial perches can increase the predation pressure on M. arvalis at the onset and during its population outbreaks. The density of raptors was low in fields without installed perches, although the local vole population was reaching its peak densities (2100 active burrows per hectare). In contrast, the density of raptors in fields with installed perches was markedly high. The results showed that the cost of biological control applied to agricultural land with an ongoing vole outbreak may sum up to approx. 50% of the rodenticide application costs (with equal efficiencies of both methods reducing the common vole abundance below the economic injury level).
The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) of North American origin was introduced to Europe (to Scandinavia) in the 1960s. Since that time due to translocation to many countries, biological features and ecological plasticity, it became widespread, invasive and displaced native species. The paper reports first multi- point colonization of P. leniusculus in the Polish rivers. The aim of the study was to determine the current distribution of the signal crayfish in the coastal Baltic tributary (the River Wieprza) after 20 years of deliberate releases in its drainage area. During sampling at 28 sites with use of the “Pirate” crayfish traps and hand collection methods in spring and summer 2014, 127 P. leniusculus individuals were found at 8 sites in the Wieprza and its two tributaries, both away from and close to known sites of their introduction in 1995 and 1996 in the Wieprza River drainage area. The species spreads via the Wieprza River towards the Baltic brackish waters. With such expansion of this species, it is expected to be found in Polish coastal waters of the Baltic Sea and in other coastal rivers in the near future. The conflict between legal aspects of the signal crayfish farming, colonization by the species of the natural aquatic ecosystems and the expectations of consumers is discussed.
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