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VOL. 64 · NO. 4 | December 2016
Regular research paper
Yumei Pan, Saichun Tang, Chunqiang Wei, Xiangqin Li
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 443-452, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: N addition, growth, Competitive effect, B. biternata, B. tripartita, Bidens frondosa
Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki, Hossein Piri Sahragard
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 453-467, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: quantifying habitat distribution, Maximum entropy, Poshtkouh rangelands, Iran, regularization, model accuracy
Waldemar Siuda, Ryszard J. Chróst, Krystyna Kalinowska, Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin, Bartosz Kiersztyn
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 468-484, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: Great Mazurian Lake system, autochthonous urea production, urea precursors, ureolytic activity, mesocosms, lakes of temperate zone, planktonic microorganisms
Lihua Wang, Jinniu Wang, Wei Liu, Youmin Gan, Yan Wu
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 485-499, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: biomass allocation, defoliation, light regimes, allometry, nitrogen concentration, carbon concentration
Xiaojing Hu, Wenhui Zhang, Jianyun Zhou
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 500-508, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: Quercus variabilis, Tree architecture, leaf morphology, Light availability
Lingnan Zhang, Yuan Jiang, Shoudong Zhao, Manyu Dong, Han Y.H. Chen, Xinyu Kang
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 509-525, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: Pinus tabulaeformis, tree-ring analysis, climate-radial growth, relationships, different elevation, climate change
Xiao Xin Tang, Huan Le Liu, Chao Zhang, Ying Wang, XiMin Zhang, Yin Yi
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 526-533, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: pleiotropic effects, flower colour polymorphism, pollinators
Alexei V. Uvarov
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 534-546, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: Lumbricidae, zoo-microbial interactions, CO2 efflux, earthworm ecological groups, soil system
Krassimira Ilieva-Makulec, Józef Tyburski, Grzegorz Makulec
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 547-563, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: nematode taxonomic richness, nematode trophic structure, soil food web evaluation, Farming system, Agroecosystems
Marzena Stańska, Tomasz Stański, Agata Gładzka, Maciej Bartos
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 564-577, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: primeval forest, spider guilds, forest structure, microhabitat factors, epigeic spiders
Justyna Rybak
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 578-585, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: ground-dwelling spiders, Sulphur, biodiversity, habitat pollution
Joanna Mazgajska, Tomasz D. Mazgajski
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 586-593, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: return rate, common toad, urbanization, PIT-tagging
Short research contribution
Azita Farashi, Morteza Naderi, Sanaz Safavian
Polish Journal of Ecology 64 (4), 594-600, (1 December 2016)
KEYWORDS: distribution, invasive, species, invasion, MaxEnt, raccoon
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