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Amaranthus pedersenianus N. Bayón & C. Peláez (Amaranthaceae) is a new Argentinian species of Amaranthus L. subg. Albersia (Kunth) Gren. & Godr. and is described and illustrated from the province of Salta. It is found in Andean puna and prepuna in both Salta and Jujuy provinces at altitudes between 2800 and 3775 m. Amaranthus pedersenianus is similar to A. cardenasianus Hunz., A. hunzikeri N. Bayón, A. kloosianus Hunz., A. squamulatus (Andersson) B. L. Rob., and A. urceolatus Benth. by its urceolate pistillate flowers with five sepals. The new taxon differs by its ascendant or erect habit, height of 5–20 cm, presence of leafless, short terminal inflorescences, flowers with usually four or five stamens, and dehiscent fruits.
Jacquemontia macrocalyx Buril (Convolvulaceae) is described from Morro do Chapéu, Cadeia do Espinhaço, Bahia, Brazil. The new species is related to J. heterantha (Nees & Mart.) Hallier f., but is distinguished by its fruticose habit and larger sepals. Its conservation status is assessed as Endangered (EN), according to IUCN Red List criteria.
Jacquemontia macrocalyx Buril (Convolvulaceae) é descrita como endêmica do Parque Estadual de Morro do Chapéu, Cadeia do Espinhaço, Bahia, Brasil. A nova espécie é similar a J. heterantha (Nees & Mart.) Hallier f., mas se distingue pelo hábito arbustivo e sépalas maiores. O seu status de conservação é considerado como EN ou em risco de extinção, de acordo com os critérios da IUCN.
A recent review of the Malagasy Bignoniaceae for the Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar has led to the discovery of two new species in the genus Stereospermum Cham.: S. gentryi Callm., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz and S. randrianaivoi Callm., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz. Stereospermum gentryi is unique in having leaflets spotted with red glands that give a reddish color when dry, and a long, lax, paniculate inflorescence bearing flowers with large corollas that are red-purple inside the mouth and throat. Stereospermum randrianaivoi can be distinguished by its usually 3-foliolate leaves with thick, coriaceous leaflets that are discolorous, with the adaxial surface drying pinkish green and the upper surface a dull gray-green, and shiny in vivo. Both of the new species are provided with illustrations, a discussion of their morphological affinities, and a conservation threat analysis based on the IUCN Red List Criteria.
Une révision récente de la famille des Bignoniaceae pour le Catalogue des plantes de Madagascar nous permets de découvrir deux nouvelles espèces dans le genre Stereospermum Cham.: S. gentryi Callm., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz and S. randrianaivoi Callm., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz. Stereospermum gentryi est unique possédant des folioles à limbe tacheté de glandes rouges donnant un aspect rougeâtre sur le sec et une longue et diffuse inflorescence portant des fleurs a large corolles dont l'intérieur de la gorge et de la bouche est rouge pourpre. Stereospermum randrianaivoi peut être distingué par ses feuilles généralement à 3-folioles, son limbe coriace, épais, discolore qui sèche de façon rosâtre (brillant in vivo). Les deux nouvelles espèces sont décrites avec des illustrations, une discussion sur leurs affinités morphologiques ainsi que l'évaluation préliminaire du statut de conservation suivant les critères de l'UICN.
Bauhinia tuichiensis Cayola & A. Fuentes es una especie nueva de Fabaceae coleccionada en bosque seco durante las expediciones de campo del Proyecto Inventario Florístico de la Región Madidi en Bolivia. Además de B. cookii Rose, B. tuichiensis es la segunda de 15 especies dentro de la serie Decandrae Wunderlin, K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen (tribu Cercideae Bronn, sección Amaria (S. Mutis ex Caldas) Endl.) que presenta flores amarillas. Bauhinia tuichiensis se diferencia de B. cookii, la especie morfológicamente más emparentada, por tener inflorescencias densas (vs. laxas), con raquis corto de ca. 3 mm (vs. 10–15 mm); gineceo más grande 7–10 × 1.5 mm (vs. 4–5 × ca. 0.2 mm), ovario ovoide (vs. linear) y estigma capitado (vs. linear) más ancho 1.5–2 mm (vs. ca. 0.2 mm).
Bauhinia tuichiensis Cayola & A. Fuentes is a new species of Fabaceae that was collected in dry forest during fieldwork for the Madidi Project in Bolivia. In addition to B. cookii Rose, B. tuichienis is the second species of 15 within the series Decandrae Wunderlin, K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen (tribu Cercideae Bronn, sección Amaria (S. Mutis ex Caldas) Endl.) that has yellow flowers. Bauhinia tuichiensis differs from B. cookii, a morphologically more closely related species, having dense inflorescences (vs. lax) with short rachis ca. 3 mm (vs. 10–15 mm), larger gynoecium 7–10 × 1.5 mm (vs. 4–5 × ca. 0.2 mm), ovoid ovary (vs. linear), and stigma capitate (vs. linear), wider at 1.5–2 mm (vs. ca. 0.2 mm).
As part of the taxonomic treatment of Eriotheca Schott & Endl. in Brazil (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae), a lectotype is designated for Bombax crenulatum K. Schum. [= E. gracilipes (K. Schum.) A. Robyns], and an epitype is selected for E. globosa (Aubl.) A. Robyns. The change of status is proposed for two names in Eriotheca. Eriotheca candolleana (K. Schum.) A. Robyns var. longipes A. Robyns is recognized at the species level as E. longipes (A. Robyns) M. C. Duarte & G. L. Esteves; E. macrophylla (K. Schum.) A. Robyns subsp. sclerophylla (Ducke) A. Robyns is also recognized at species rank as E. sclerophylla (Ducke) M. C. Duarte & G. L. Esteves.
Durante o estudo taxonômico de Eriotheca Schott ex Endl. no Brasil (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae), verificou-se que mudanças eram necessárias. São designados um lectótipo para Bombax crenulatum K. Schum. [= E. gracilipes (K. Schum.) A. Robyns] e um epítipo para E. globosa (Aubl.) A. Robyns. Duas mudanças de status são propostas: E. candolleana (K. Schum.) A. Robyns var. longipes A. Robyns para E. longipes (A. Robyns) M. C. Duarte & G. L. Esteves e E. macrophylla (K. Schum.) A. Robyns subsp. sclerophylla (Ducke) A. Robyns para E. sclerophylla (Ducke) M. C. Duarte & G. L. Esteves.
A new species of Pelexia Poit. ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) occurring in central São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated as P. vinosa A. W. C. Ferreira, M. I. S. Lima & Pansarin. Pelexia vinosa is recognized by its leaves that are present at flowering and its dark purple leaf blades with reddish margins. Inflorescences are sparsely pubescent and reddish. The red sepals contrast with the white hyaline petals and labellum. The species is notable for its spurlike nectary that is parallel and adnate to the ovary. The new species is morphologically similar to P. laxa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. In addition, the need to preserve native areas of the interior of São Paulo State (habitat of P. vinosa) is discussed.
Uma nova espécie de Pelexia Poit. ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae) que ocorre na região central do estado de São Paulo, é descrita e ilustrada como P. vinosa A. W. C. Ferreira, M. I. S. Lima & Pansarin. Pelexia vinosa é reconhecida pelas folhas que estão sempre presentes durante o período de floração, e pelas lâminas foliares roxo-escuras com margens avermelhadas. As inflorescências são avermelhadas e esparsamente pubescentes. As pétalas avermelhadas contrastam com as pétalas e labelo, que são brancos, e pelo nectário paralelamente disposto e adnato ao ovário. Essa nova espécie é morfologicamente semelhante à P. laxa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. A necessidade de conservação de áreas nativas no interior do estado de São Paulo (hábitat de P. vinosa), também é discutida.
A new fern species, Polystichum oblanceolatum H. He & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is described and illustrated from a karst cave in Guangxi, southern China. As a member of Polystichum Roth sect. Haplopolystichum Tagawa, P. oblanceolatum is morphologically most similar to P. dielsii Christ and P. liui Ching, but is distinguishable from the latter two by its often oblanceolate lamina with acute apex, its repand or broadly dentate pinnae with non-spinulose toothed distal margins, and the less developed, more or less truncate, but not sharply acute, basal acroscopic auricles of the pinnae. The new taxon appears to be endemic to a single karst cave in Tian'e County in northern Guangxi and is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria. A key is provided to facilitate the identification of P. oblanceolatum and morphologically similar species.
A new fern species, Polystichum loratum H. He & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is described and illustrated from limestone cliffs in northern Guizhou Province, China. Polystichum loratum is most similar to P. yaanense Liang Zhang & Li Bing Zhang in having narrowly ovate to lanceolate abaxial rachis scales. The new species is distinguished by its lorate leaf lamina, the oblong to narrowly ovate microscales (broad-type) on abaxial pinna surfaces, and the exindusiate sori, while P. yaanense has lanceolate leaf lamina, subulate microscales (narrow-type) on abaxial pinnae, and indusiate sori. Polystichum loratum is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria.
Hoya daimenglongensis Shao Y. He & P. T. Li (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. This new species and H. linearis Wall. ex D. Don are similar in their linear leaves and terminal inflorescences. Hoya daimenglongensis, however, differs from H. linearis by the internal surface of the corolla, which is minutely tomentose and not papillose (vs. glabrous or papillose), and the corona lobes, which are white tinged with red (vs. pure white).
Passiflora unipetala P. Jørg., Muchhala & J. M. MacDougal (Passifloraceae) is described from two cloud forest remnants in Pichincha, Ecuador, and is assigned to the Andean endemic Passiflora L. supersect. Tacsonia (Juss.) Feuillet & J. M. MacDougal. This new species with yellowish green flowers is distinguished from all other passionflowers by having only one petal. It is pollinated by bats, which is rare in Passiflora.
A new species of Papaveraceae, Meconopsis xiangchengensis R. Li & Z. L. Dao, is described and illustrated from southwestern Sichuan, China. The new taxon is placed in Meconopsis sect. Simplicifoliae (Tayl.) C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang and is morphologically related to M. impedita Prain. Meconopsis xiangchengensis differs from the latter by the plant height (8–10 cm vs. 15–25 cm in M. impedita) with sparse prickles or nearly glabrous on both surfaces (vs. denser prickles), and by the shorter petioles (1–2.5 cm vs. 3–7.2 cm) and styles (2–3 mm vs. 3–10 mm).
A new fern species, Dryopteris jiucaipingensis P. S. Wang, Q. Luo & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteris Adans., sect. Hirtipedes Fraser-Jenk.; Dryopteridaceae), is described and illustrated from northwestern Guizhou, China. Dryopteris jiucaipingensis is most similar to D. lunanensis (Christ) C. Chr., but the former taxon has light brown rachis scales and occurs in alpine regions (at an elevation of 2580 m), while the latter has nearly black rachis scales and is found in montane and lowland areas (below 900 m).
A new pteridophyte species, Polystichum tiankengicola Li Bing Zhang, Q. Luo & P. S. Wang (Dryopteridaceae), is described and illustrated from a high-elevational karst sinkhole from Guizhou Province in China. Morphological evidence suggests that P. tiankengicola is a member of series Basigemmifera W. M. Chu & Z. R. He in section Micropolystichum Daigobo, based on the presence of bulbils on rachis and the small habit. Polystichum tiankengicola is unique in series Basigemmifera in having a bulbil at both the base and apex of the rachis. Morphologically, the new species is most similar to P. capillipes (Baker) Diels, also of series Basigemmifera, but beyond the distinctive number of bulbils on the rachis, P. tiankengicola has a truncate lamina apex and its perispores have an echinate sculpture with irregular ridges, in contrast to P. capillipes, which has only one bulbil at the base of the rachis, an acuminate lamina apex, and perispores that have a granular sculpture. Polystichum tiankengicola is found only from the highest elevational, karst sinkhole known in China (2530 m) and is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria.
A new pteridophyte species, Woodsia guizhouensis P. S. Wang, Q. Luo & Li Bing Zhang (Woodsiaceae), is described and illustrated from higher elevational areas in Guizhou, China. It is morphologically most similar to W. andersonii (Bedd.) Christ and W. rosthorniana Diels. Woodsia guizhouensis is only 3–8 cm tall, its rhizome scales are light brown with sparsely fimbriate margins, its pinnae are short-petiolulate, and its pinna bases are cordate or sometimes rounded. The perispore sculpture of W. guizhouensis pollen is cristate, with numerous acanthoid projections and a few irregular perforations. Woodsia guizhouensis is only known from four localities in western Guizhou and is considered to be Endangered (EN), based on IUCN Red List criteria.
Field studies and examination of herbarium specimens have led to a taxonomic revision of the Casearia ulmifolia Vahl ex Vent. complex (Salicaceae). A new species circumscription is presented for C. ulmifolia, C. cotticensis Uittien is reestablished, and one new species, C. murceana R. Marquete & Mansano, is described from Pará, Brazil. Morphological descriptions, a taxonomic key, geographical distributions, diagnostic characteristics of the species, and illustrations are provided.
Lozania nunkui D. A. Neill & Asanza (Lacistemataceae), a new species from the Cordillera del Cóndor region of southeastern Ecuador and adjacent northern Peru, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from other species in the genus by the glabrous, entire, relatively thick and coriaceous, sclerophyllous leaves, and uniquely, by the five or occasionally six sepals, rather than four sepals as in all other known species. The new species is restricted to nutrient-poor, highly acidic sandstone plateaus within its range, and the thick sclerophyllous leaves appear to be an ecological adaptation to that edaphic condition.
Se describe y se ilustra Lozania nunkui D. A. Neill & Asanza (Lacistemataceae), una nueva especie de la región de la Cordillera del Cóndor en el sureste del Ecuador y la zona colindante del norte de Perú. Se distingue de las demás especies del género por las hojas glabras, enteras, relativamente gruesas, coriáceas y esclerófilas, y por los cinco u ocasionalmente seis sépalos, en vez de los cuatro sépalos que presentan todas las demás especies. Dentro de su rango geográfico, la especie nueva está restringida a las mesetas de areniscas, con suelos pobres en nutrientes y muy ácidos, y las hojas gruesas y esclerófilas parecen ser una adaptación ecológica a esa condición edáfica.
Clethra concordia D. A. Neill, H. Beltrán & Quizhpe (Clethraceae), a thin-stemmed shrub or treelet from the sandstone Machinaza plateau in the Cordillera del Cóndor region on the Peru–Ecuador border, is described and illustrated. The new species is distinct from other species of Clethra L. in its small stature and its very small, thick sclerophyllous leaves, which are evidently an ecological adaptation to the highly acidic, nutrient-poor sandstone substrate where it occurs.
Se describe y se ilustra Clethra concordia, D. A. Neill, H. Beltrán & Quizhpe (Clethraceae), un arbusto o arbolito con tallos delgados, procedente de la meseta de Machinaza, de roca arenisca, en la región de la Cordillera del Cóndor en la frontera entre Perú y Ecuador. La especie nueva se distingue de las demás especies de Clethra L. en su estatura pequeña y en las hojas muy pequeñas, gruesas y esclerófilas, las que evidentemente constituyen una adaptación al substrato de arenisca muy ácido y pobre en nutrientes, en donde se encuentra esta especie.
Gentianella undulatisepala J. S. Pringle, a new species from Bolivia, is described for the Gentianaceae. It is distinguished from other solitary-flowered species in La Paz Department by its long pedicels and the undulate margins of its calyx lobes. Gentianella arenarioides (Gilg) J. S. Pringle is restored to accepted taxonomic status, with the name neotypified, and the new nomenclatural combination is published.
Se describe por las Gencianáceas Gentianella undulatisepala J. S. Pringle, una nueva especie de Bolivia. Se diferencia de las otras especies de flores solitarias en el Departamento de La Paz por los pedicelos largos y los márgenes ondulados de los lóbulos del cáliz. Gentianella arenarioides (Gilg) J. S. Pringle se restaura al estado taxonómico aceptado, con el nombre neotypificado, y la combinación de nomenclatura nueva se publica.
A new species of Nectandra Rol. ex Rottb. (Lauraceae) from Cajamarca, Peru, is described and illustrated. Nectandra ovatocaudata Rohwer appears to be related to N. amazonum Nees, but differs in its leaf shape, in having a receptacle that is densely pubescent inside, and in its habitat.
The names of 14 species of fossil fungi are validated, two recognized by Kar, one by Rao, and 11 by Nandi et al. The repositories of their holotypes were not specified by the original describing authors, and this validating information is provided herein. All names and their validating descriptions/diagnoses are ascribed to their original authors. These new species names are: Diporisporites giganticus R. K. Kar, Hypoxylonites bhubanensis B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, H. elsikii B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, H. minimus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, H. neogenicus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, H. subrotundus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, H. thindii B. Nandi & A. Sinha, Kalviwadithyrites saxenae M. R. Rao, Lirasporis elongatus R. K. Kar, Spirotremesporites ellipticus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, S. longiletus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, S. miocenicus B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, S. reniformis B. Nandi & S. Banerjee, and S. tertiarus B. Nandi, S. Banerjee & A. Sinha. The genus name Kalviwadithyrites M. R. Rao is also here validated, together with the name of its single species, K. saxenae M. R. Rao. The species mentioned above belong to Xylariaceae, Microthyriaceae, and Fungi Imperfecti (Amerosporae and Dictyosporae).
A new species of Leymus Hochst. (Poaceae, Triticeae) from Inner Mongolia, China, L. pubens H. X. Xiao, is described, illustrated, and compared with its closest relatives. This species was initially identified as L. chinensis (Trin.) Tzvelev, but the upper surfaces of its leaf blades are spinulose, and the internode below the spike, upper half of the rachis, rachilla, and lemmas are sparsely puberulent. A key is provided for L. pubens and closely related species of Leymus. The identification of the new species is also supported by nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast trnL-F sequence analyses.
Agave temacapulinensis A. Vázquez & Cházaro (Agavaceae) is described and illustrated from Jalisco, Mexico. The new species belongs to Agave L. subg. Agave and is a member of the Ditepalae group, sensu Gentry. It is related to A. wocomahi Gentry in terms of its rosette size, solitary habit in most cases, the smooth texture of the leaves, the red-tipped dimorphic tepals, and the deep floral tube. Agave temacapulinensis differs from A. wocomahi in having light gray, glaucous rosettes (vs. dark green to glaucous green); short acuminate leaves (vs. long acuminate); crenate margins (vs. straight to undulate) with smaller marginal teeth (8–10 mm vs. 10–20 mm); larger panicles (5.5–6.5 m vs. 3–5 m) with more lateral branches (16 to 18 vs. 8 to 15); and smaller seeds (5–6 × 3–4 mm vs. 7 × 4.5–5 mm).
Una nueva especie, Agave temacapulinensis A. Vázquez & Cházaro (Agavaceae), es descrita e ilustrada de Jalisco, Mexico. Pertenece a Agave L. subg. Agave y corresponde al grupo Ditepalae sensu Gentry. La especie está relacionada con A. wocomahi Gentry en términos de tamaño de roseta, hábito no surculoso en la mayoría de los casos, textura suave de las hojas, tépalos dimórficos con puntas rojizas y tubo floral profundo, pero difiere de ésta ultima por poseer rosetas de color glauco-gris claro (vs. verde oscuro-verde glauco); hojas cortamente acuminadas (vs. largamente acuminadas); márgenes crenados (vs. rectos a ondulados); con dientes más pequeños (8–10 mm vs. 10–20 mm); panículas más grandes (5.5–6.5 m vs. 3–5 m) con más ramas laterales (16 a 18 vs. 8 a 15); y semillas más pequeñas (5–6 × 3–4 mm vs. 7 × 4.5–5 mm).
PseudosporochnusPotonié & Bernard (1904; fossil Cladoxylopsida) has been viewed as one of the iconic vascular plants in the Middle Devonian, but the type of the generic name remains problematic. Although P. verticillatus (Krejčí) Obrhel has been previously regarded as the type of the generic name, its so-called basionym Chondrites verticillatus Krejčí was not validly published and thereby has no nomenclatural status. Thus, the specific epithet verticillatus has no priority over krejcii, which Potonié and Bernard first used (1904) for the species of Pseudosporochnus, and the combination P. verticillatus was not validly published. The name P. verticillatus that Obrhel intended to combine in 1961 is rather a new species name and should be cited as P. verticillatus Krejčí ex Obrhel. However, P. verticillatus, when published (Obrhel, 1961), was an illegitimate superfluous name for P. krejcii (Stur) Potonié & Bernard. Both names attach to a lectotype designated by Obrhel (i.e., D-364, National Museum at Prague) and were originally used under the name Sporochnus krejcii Stur. Pseudosporochnus krejcii (Stur) Potonié & Bernard should be the type of Pseudosporochnus Potonié & Bernard.
A new fern species, Polystichum yaanense Liang Zhang & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is described from Bifengxia, or the Bluish Green Peak Canyon, in Ya'an Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China. The new species is morphologically unique in having yellowish green leaves, a thin but firm leaf texture, veins visible on the adaxial leaf surface, and narrowly ovate to lanceolate rachis scales. Ecologically, the new taxon grows in acidic soils, in contrast to other species in section Haplopolystichum Tagawa. Polystichum yaanense is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red List criteria. Ten other species of Polystichum Roth occur in the type locality within the same canyon; all 11 species are distinguished from one another by a dichotomous key based on morphology.
A new fern species, Polystichum normale Ching ex P. S. Wang & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is described from Guizhou and illustrated for section Crucifilix Tagawa. Distributed in southern Chongqing, northeastern and southeastern Guizhou, and northwestern Hunan, China, the new species is morphologically similar to P. tripteron (Kunze) C. Presl and P. hancockii (Hance) Diels. Polystichum normale has toothed and oblong or almost rectangular pinnae with an acute apex. In contrast, P. tripteron has coarsely serrate and falcate-lanceolate pinnae with an acuminate apex. While P. normale has sori close to the pinna margins, indusia 0.6–0.8 mm in diameter, and a perispore with an irregularly perforate sculpture, P. hancockii has sori closer to the costa, indusia 0.3–0.4 mm in diameter, and a perispore with reticulate sculpture. It is considered Vulnerable (VU), based on IUCN Red List criteria.
Dryopteris liboensis P. S. Wang, X. Y. Wang & Li Bing Zhang, a new species of Dryopteris Adans. (Dryopteridaceae) from southern Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. Dryopteris liboensis is assigned to Dryopteris subg. Erythrovariae (H. Ito) Fraser-Jenk. on the basis of its stiff and narrow petiole and rachis scales, but the new species is noteworthy within the section because these scales are not bullate. Dryopteris liboensis has stiff, narrowly lanceolate and filiform scales on the petiole and rachis and is therefore considered a member of the D. erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze group of Dryopteris sect. Erythrosoriae H. Ito. It is unique among Chinese taxa of Dryopteris sect. Erythrovariae in having leaves 1- or 2-pinnate basally, with zero to three free lobes, and 1-pinnatifid at the blade apex.
A new lycophyte species, Selaginella longistrobilina P. S. Wang, X. Y. Wang & Li Bing Zhang (Selaginellaceae), is described and illustrated from limestone hills in central Guizhou, China. Selaginella longistrobilina is most similar to S. prostrata H. S. Kung in the shape of the microphylls and in the arrangement, shape, and size of the sporophylls. However, the new species has longer strobili to 2.5 cm, and the sporophylls are often navicular adaxially, while S. prostrata has strobili only 3–4 mm, and the sporophylls are flattened adaxially. Selaginella longistrobilina is only known from central Guizhou, while S. prostrata is more widely distributed from Hunan, Sichuan to Yunnan in China. A new combination, S. prostrata (H. S. Kung) Li Bing Zhang, based on Lycopodioides prostrata H. S. Kung, is made and lectotypified herein.
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