Vincent J. Kalkman, Mer Man Gurung, Hao-miao Zhang
Notulae odonatologicae 9 (9), 389-397, (3 June 2022)
KEYWORDS: dragonfly, Anisoptera, new synonymy, new combinations, India, China, Oriental Region, Lamelligomphus, Melligomphus
Based on larval and adult morphology Perissogomphus Laidlaw, 1922, is shown to be close to Ophiogomphus but is not synonymised due to conflicting molecular COI-data. Perissogomphus asahinai Zhu, Yang & Wu, 2007, is shown to be a synonym of Perissogomphus stevensi. Ophiogomphus longihamulus Karube, 2014, O. minimus Karube, 2014, O. phantoani Phu Ngo & Ty Nguyen, 2021, and O. sinicus (Chao, 1954), clearly do not belong to the genus Ophiogomphus and are placed in Melligomphus. By this analysis the number of species of Ophiogomphus is reduced to 25, of which four occur in the Palaearctic and 21 occur in the Nearctic.