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VOL. 91 · NO. 1 | Spring 2010

Articles (7)
Harry R. Carter, Spencer G. Sealy
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 1-12, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Ancient Murrelet, Banks Island, Brachyramphus marmoratus, British Columbia, Cerorhinca monocerata, Cox Island, Langara Island, Limestone Islands, Marble Island, Marbled Murrelet, Porcher Island, Rhinoceros Auklet, Synthliboramphus antiquus
Burr J. Betts
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 13-22, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: activity budget, Corynorhinus townsendii, day-roosting, night-roosting, northeastern Oregon, Townsend's Big-eared Bat
Jane E. Austin, Carl D. Mitchell
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 23-29, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: behavior, Common Raven, Corvus corax, egg predation, Grus canadensis tabida, Idaho, sandhill crane
Jonathan E. Stead, Karen L. Pope
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 30-39, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: amphibian decline, California, Cascades Frog, Haemopis marmorata, Lassen, pathogen, predation, Rana cascadae
Clifford G. Rice, Don Gay
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 40-57, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Cascade Range, harvest, Leslie matrices, management, mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus, population dynamics, population models, Washington
Robert E. Weaver, Kenneth V. Kardong
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 58-62, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: chemoreception, Contia tenuis, Prey preference, sharp-tailed snake, slugs
Mark P. Miller, Eric D. Forsman, James K. Swingle, Stephanie A. Miller, Susan M. Haig
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 63-73, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Allen's rule, Arborimus longicaudus, Arborimus longicaudus silvicola, Bergmann's rule, Dusky Tree Vole, latitude, morphology, Oregon Red Tree Vole, subspecies
General Notes
Jessica Farrer, Alejandro Acevedo-Gutiérrez
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 74-79, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: abundance, Bellingham Bay, development, disturbance, Harbor Seal, haul-out, log pond, Phoca vitulina, seasonal variation
No abstract available
Andrew P. O'Connor, Joshua L. Wallace, Robert E. Weaver, Marc P. Hayes
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 79-81, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Great Basin Nightsnake, Hypsiglena chlorophaea deserticola, Phrynosoma douglasii, predation, prey, Pygmy Short-horned Lizard, shrub-steppe, Washington
No abstract available
Jeffrey M. Kozma
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 81-86, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Picoides albolarvatus, Pinus ponderosa, ponderosa pine, sap feeding, Washington, white-headed woodpecker
No abstract available
Michael L. Morrison, Julie Groce, Kathi L. Borgmann
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 87-91, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: bats, California, Lake Tahoe Basin, monitoring, restoration, wildlife
No abstract available
John H. Michael Jr.
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 91-94, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: fledgling productivity, nest box, Tachycineta bicolor, Tree Swallow, Washington
No abstract available
Tyrrell R. E. Dunbrack, Robert L. Dunbrack
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 94-98, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus familiaris, Corvus caurinus, dog, Glaucous-winged Gull, Larus glaucescens, Northwestern Crow, trait mediated interactions
No abstract available
Justin M. Garwood, Seth J. Ricker, Colin W. Anderson
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 99-101, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: American bullfrog, coho salmon, diet, Lithobates catesbeianus, Onchorynchus kisutch, prey, Rana catesbeiana
No abstract available
Historical Note
Eric D. Forsman, James K. Swingle
Northwestern Naturalist 91 (1), 102-105, (1 March 2010)
No abstract available
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