VOL. 90 · NO. 3 | Winter 2009
Northwestern Naturalist
Gary M. Fellers, Michael S. Osbourn
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 189-193, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-08.1
KEYWORDS: Point Reyes Mountain Beaver, Aplodontia rufa phaea, fire, recovery, California
James E. Haas, John E. Hunter, Robin Hamlin, Robert J. Taylor, Bryan L. Brattin
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 194-206, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-24.1
KEYWORDS: mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa nigra, Aplodontiidae, contaminants, metals, copper, iron, Washington, California
Alana R. Oldham, Jeffrey M. Black
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 207-211, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-20.1
KEYWORDS: communication, Humboldt County, latrine use, Lontra canadensis, Northern California, river otters, scent-marking
Len Lindstrand, Marcia Humes
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 212-216, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-32.1
KEYWORDS: white-headed woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus, surveys, nesting, habitat, managed forest, Sun Pass State Forest, Klamath County, southeastern Cascades, Oregon
Alan E. Burger, Irene A. Manley, Michael P. Silvergieter, David B. Lank, Kevin M. Jordan, Thomas D. Bloxton, Martin G. Raphael
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 217-226, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-50.1
KEYWORDS: Marbled Murrelet, Brachyramphus marmoratus, nest re-use, British Columbia, conservation, habitat selection
Eric D. Forsman, James K. Swingle, Michael A. McDonald, Scott A. Graham, Nicholas R. Hatch
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 227-232, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-54.1
KEYWORDS: Red Tree Vole, Arborimus longicaudus, Columbia River Gorge, Hood River, mammals, Oregon
General Notes
Talitha F. Penland, Jeffrey M. Black
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 233-237, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-21.1
KEYWORDS: coastal, diet, latrine, Lontra canadensis, Nearctic River Otter, Northern California, scat
No abstract available
J. Mark Hipfner, Jennifer L. Greenwood
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 238-243, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-38.1
KEYWORDS: breeding biology, British Columbia, Interannual variability, Northeast Pacific, Pelagic Cormorant, Phalocrocorax pelagicus, Triangle Island
No abstract available
S. O. MacDonald, Eric Waltari, Robert A. Nofchissey, Yadéeh E. Sawyer, Gregory D. Ebel, Joseph A. Cook
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 243-247, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-43.1
KEYWORDS: small mammals, North American Deermouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, distribution, Copper River Basin, Southcentral Alaska
No abstract available
Joseph J. Bizzarro, Michael T. Vaughn
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 247-256, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN08-44.1
KEYWORDS: Raja rhina, Bathyraja, reproductive biology, sex ratio, size composition, Species composition, Clarence Strait, Dixon Entrance, Gulf of Alaska
No abstract available
Thomas J. McDonough, Link E. Olson
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 256-258, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN09-02.1
KEYWORDS: least weasel, Mustela nivalis, distribution, geographic range, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
No abstract available
Book Review
John McMillan
Northwestern Naturalist 90 (3), 259-261, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWNBR09-01.1
No abstract available
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