Special Issue: Landscape as a Resource for Mountain Development
VOL. 28 · NO. 2 | May 2008
Paul Messerli, Bernard Lehmann, Hans Hurni
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 99, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/0276-4741(2008)28[99:E]2.0.CO;2 Open Access
No abstract available
Martin Boesch, Erich Renner, Dominik Siegrist
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 100-104, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0950 Open Access
Johannes Heeb, Karin Hindenlang
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 105-109, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0974 Open Access
Jean-David Gerber, Peter Knoepfel
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 110-115, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0938 Open Access
Julia Johnsen, Thomas Bieger, Roland Scherer
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 116-121, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0973 Open Access
Ariane Walz, Christian Gloor, Peter Bebi, Andreas Fischlin, Eckart Lange, Kai Nagel, Britta Allgöwer
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 122-127, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0965 Open Access
Paul Messerli
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 128-131, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0994 Open Access
Norman Backhaus, Claude Reichler, Matthias Stremlow
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 132-139, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0939 Open Access
KEYWORDS: landscape, Alps, nature, culture, perception, stakeholders, Switzerland
Marcel Hunziker, Patricia Felber, Katrin Gehring, Matthias Buchecker, Nicole Bauer, Felix Kienast
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 140-147, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0952 Open Access
KEYWORDS: landscape preferences, landscape history, social science, survey, qualitative interviews, group differences, experts vs lay people, Alps
Markus Fischer, Katrin Rudmann-Maurer, Anne Weyand, Jürg Stöcklin
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 148-155, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0964 Open Access
KEYWORDS: agricultural policy, agro-environmental subsidies, Alps, biodiversity, cultural traditions, Switzerland
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Ariane Walz, Peter Bebi
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 156-165, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.0951 Open Access
KEYWORDS: economic valuation, ecosystem services, Landscape planning, Alpine region, GIS, Switzerland
Fabrice Renaud, Libor Jansky
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 166-167, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mp007 Open Access
No abstract available
Yann Kohler, Guido Plassmann, Aurelia Ullrich, Andreas Götz, Thomas Scheurer, Sina Hölscher, Sergio Savoia
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 168-172, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.1010 Open Access
Robert Jandl, Axel Borsdorf, Günter Siegel
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 172-173, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.1017 Open Access
No abstract available
Cliff White
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 174-175, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm032 Open Access
No abstract available
Ben Campbell
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 175-177, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm033 Open Access
No abstract available
Tim Coles
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 177-178, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm034 Open Access
No abstract available
Adam Nayyar
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 178-180, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm036 Open Access
No abstract available
Ian R. Calder
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 180, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm037 Open Access
No abstract available
Sandra Brown
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 180-181, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm028 Open Access
No abstract available
Martin F. Price
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 182-183, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm035 Open Access
No abstract available
Christoph Stadel
Mountain Research and Development 28 (2), 183-184, (1 May 2008) https://doi.org/10.1659/mrd.mm038 Open Access
No abstract available
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