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Herbertus ramosus (Steph.) H.A.Mill. and H. sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. are described and illustrated from West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh in the eastern Himalaya, India. This constitutes the first record of H. ramosus in Indian bryoflora. It is easily distinguished from hitherto known Indian species of the genus by orange brown plants having falcate leaves with acute leaf lobes 23–40 cells wide at base, up to 8 cells uniseriate towards apex, strongly expanded basal leaf lamina on dorsal side, and strong grooved vitta. Identification key to the Indian species of the genus is provided and its distribution in the country is discussed.
Cytological studies are made in nine species of liverworts belonging to seven genera collected from different areas of Chakrata and Deoban in Uttarakhand, W. Himalaya. The chromosome numbers in four species (Calypogeia renistipula Steph., n = 9; Cephalozia gollani Steph., n = 9; Chiloscyphus campanulatus Steph., n = 9; C. coadunatus ( Sw.) Engel & Schust., n = 9) are recorded for the first time. In Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff. n = 9 is counted for the first time in India. Precocious disjunction of one bivalent in the chromosome complement is observed in Frullania retusa Mitt. Laggards are observed in Calypogeia renistipula.
Scopelophila ligulata (Spruce) Spruce is reported for the first time from Europe north of the Alps. The moss was discovered in crevices in south facing cliff walls of felsic volcanic rock on the island Varaldsøy in Hordaland County, southwest Norway, in September 2015.
The Nordic Bryological Society had its annual meeting and excursion on 21 to 24 of August 2014 in Kuusamo, Koillismaa biogeographical province (Ks) in northeast Finland close to Russian border. In total 23 participants attended the extremely rainy excursion. Despite the weather we made nice discoveries of Red Listed species typical for Kuusamo area e.g. Arnellia fennica, Campylophyllum halleri, Conocephalum salebrosum, Palustriella commutata and Philonotis calcarea. Lophozia pellucida was discovered new to Finland from Vasajängänoja. Encalypta alpina and Riccardia incurvata were collected for the first time from Ks. Total of 47 nationally Red Listed and seven regionally threatened species were recorded during the excursion.
Five species of Fissidens are reported new for El Salvador: Fissidens costivelatus Brugg.-Nann., Fissidens gardneri Mitt., Fissidens goyazensis Broth., Fissidens santa-clarensis Thér and Fissidens subulatus Mitt. Of these, Fissidens costivelatus is also new to the Neotropics. An updated list of the species of Fissidens of El Salvador is provided. The total number of species known from the country increases from 23 to 28. This amounts to about one third of the Fissidens species reported for the Neotropics. Additional collections efforts will further improve the knowledge of the Fissidens flora of El Salvador.
Cinco especies de Fissidens se reportan por primera vez para El Salvador: Fissidens costivelatus Brugg.-Nann., Fissidens gardneri Mitt., Fissidens goyazensis Broth., Fissidens santa-clarensis Thér y Fissidens subulatus Mitt. Fissidens costivelatus es también nuevo para el Neotrópico. Se ha elaborado una lista de especies de Fissidens de El Salvador, actualizada. El total de especies se incrementa de 23 a 28. Cantidad que representa casi una tercera parte de las especies de Fissidens registradas para el Neotrópico. Esfuerzos adicionales de colecta contribuirán a incrementar el conocimiento sobre la diversidad de Fissidens en El Salvador.
Fissidens angustifolius is subsumed under F. biformis and F. coorgensis under F. zollingeri. It appeared that F. biformis sensu Gangulee et Eddy is F. zollingeri.
Syntrichia amphidiacea, earlier known to occur in the American and African continents, China and Malesia, is recorded in the Indira Gandhi National Park in Anamalais in the Western Ghats. A brief description with figures and a photo plate is provided.
A correct combination in Ardeuma R.H. Zander & Hedd., A. annotinum (Mitt. ex Dixon) R.H. Zander & Brinda, is provided for the species A. insigne (Dixon) R.H. Zander & Hedd., which is not the first name available at the species level. Distinctions between the genera Ardeuma and Hymenostylium are tabulated.
For almost twenty years Xanthoria calcicola was considered extinct on bark in Sweden. Here, we report X. calcicola growing on bark at 14 localities in Skåne, southernmost Sweden. In total, ca 300 thalli were observed on bark, and the populations vary from 1 to 200 thalli. In all localities except one X. calcicola was also present and more abundant on neighboring substrates made of stone, such as churchyard walls, church walls or tombstones. Preliminary results from fungal ITS data reveal that haplotypes found on bark are always present in the surrounding wall populations. We conclude that trees are suboptimal habitats for X. calcicola and only colonized when in close vicinity of an established wall population. The most obvious threat to epiphytic X. calcicola is the cutting down of host trees.
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